예제 #1
def getInitialPoints(allPoints):
    pointLen = len(allPoints)
    resAllPoints = []
    i = 0
    prePoint = allPoints[i]
    while i < pointLen:
        curList = allPoints[i].strip('\n').split(',')  # 去掉后面换行
        curTuple = (curList[0], curList[1], curList[2], curList[3])
        if i == 0:
            curTuple = curTuple + (0, 0, 0, 'none', 0)
            pre = curTuple
            i = i + 1
        if i == 1:
            # 计算 速度、距离
            distance = func.getDistance(float(pre[0]), float(pre[1]),
                                        float(curList[0]), float(curList[1]))
            timeInterval = func.getTimeInterval(pre[2], curList[2])
            v = distance / timeInterval
            curTuple = curTuple + (v, 0, distance, 'none', 0)
            pre = curTuple
            # print(curTuple)
            i = i + 1
        # 第3个点之后,计算速度、加速度、距离、point label
        distance = func.getDistance(float(pre[0]), float(pre[1]),
                                    float(curList[0]), float(curList[1]))
        timeInterval = func.getTimeInterval(pre[2], curList[2])
        v = distance / timeInterval
        a = abs(v - pre[4]) / timeInterval
        pointLabel = 'non-walk-point'
        if v < vThreshold and a < aThreshold:
            pointLabel = 'walk-point'
        if i == pointLen - 1:
            curTuple = curTuple + (v, a, distance, pointLabel, 0)
            curTuple = curTuple + (v, a, distance, pointLabel, 0)
        pre = curTuple
        # print(curTuple)
        i = i + 1
    return resAllPoints
예제 #2
    def crossOver(self):
        self.listFitness = getDistance(self.population, self.finishPos)
        totalFit = [(x / max(self.listFitness)) for x in self.listFitness]
        listFinishCount = [x.finish_at_count for x in self.population]
        #die => giam ti le chon
        #finish it nuoc di nhat tang ti le
        theChosen = []

        for i in range(self.number_population):
            if self.population[i].dead:
                totalFit[i] *= 1.15
            elif min(listFinishCount) != -1 and i == listFinishCount.index(
                totalFit[i] = 0
            elif listFinishCount[i] != -1:
                totalFit[i] *= 0.9
        #all dead => ti le chhon 10% each

        totalFit = relu(np.array(totalFit))

        if min(totalFit) >= 0.99:
            totalFit = [0] * self.number_population

        # os.system('cls')
        # t = [round(x,3) for x in totalFit]
        # print(*t, sep='\t')

        for i in range(int(self.number_population / 2 - len(theChosen))):
            while True:
                pos = np.random.randint(self.number_population)
                if totalFit[pos] <= np.random.uniform(0, 1):

        childs = []
        for i in range(int(self.number_population)):
            parentA = theChosen[np.random.randint(len(theChosen))]
            parentB = theChosen[np.random.randint(len(theChosen))]

            child = self.mating(parentA, parentB)


        #replace all current DNA
        #keep the last most fitness
        for i in range(self.number_population):
            #if i != self.listFitness.index(min(self.listFitness)):
            self.population[i].DNA = childs[i]

        for i in self.population:
            i.resetPos([self.startPos[0], self.startPos[1]])

        self.gen += 1
예제 #3
    def crossOver(self):
        self.listFitness = getDistance(self.population, self.finishPos)
        totalFit = [(x / max(self.listFitness)) for x in self.listFitness]
        listFinishCount = [x.finish_at_count for x in self.population]
        #die => giam ti le chon
        #finish it nuoc di nhat tang ti le
        for i in range(self.number_population):
            if self.population[i].dead:
                totalFit[i] *= 1.1
            elif min(listFinishCount) != -1 and i == listFinishCount.index(
                totalFit[i] *= 0.5
            elif listFinishCount[i] != -1:
                totalFit[i] *= 0.7
        #all dead => ti le chhon 10% each
        if min(totalFit) == max(totalFit):
            totalFit = [0.5] * self.number_population

        theChosen = []
        for i in range(int(self.number_population / 2)):
            while True:
                pos = np.random.randint(self.number_population)
                if totalFit[pos] <= np.random.uniform(0, 1):

        childs = []
        for i in range(int(self.number_population)):
            parentA = theChosen[np.random.randint(len(theChosen))]
            parentB = theChosen[np.random.randint(len(theChosen))]
            #child = []
            #if self.mutation_chance >= np.random.uniform(0,1):
            #child = DNA()
            child = self.mating(parentA, parentB)


        #replace all current DNA
        #keep the last most fitness
        for i in range(self.number_population):
            #if i != self.listFitness.index(min(self.listFitness)):
            self.population[i].DNA = childs[i]

        for i in self.population:
            i.resetPos([self.startPos[0], self.startPos[1]])

        self.gen += 1
예제 #4
def addDistVelocity(DBPath, i):
    if time interval between cur and pre record is greater than 20min,
    then we consider the begin of another trajectory, the first record's
    distance and velocity of trajectory is -1 default.
    we can say value "-1" can understand as the begin of single trajectory
    conn = DBUtil.get_conn(DBPath)
    # find all points
    fetchAllPointSql = 'select * from GPS_points_' + str(i)
    allPointRecords = DBUtil.fetchAll(conn, fetchAllPointSql)
    if allPointRecords is None:
        print('fetch point set Fail!')
    records: type list-> [(1, 3, 39.9752333333333, 116.330066666667,
    '2008/04/29 17:15:24', -1, -1, -1, 'non', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'none')......]
    the index of time is 4
    lat: 2 lon: 3
    distance: 7
    velocity: 5
    pre = allPointRecords[0]
    # print(preRecord)
    parameters = []
    for index in range(len(allPointRecords)):
        cur = allPointRecords[index]
        if index == 0:
            parameters.append((-1, -1, cur[0]))
        timeInterval = func.getTimeInterval(pre[4], cur[4])
        # if pre time equals cur time, we set timeInterval 1 second
        if timeInterval == 0:
            timeInterval = 1
        if timeInterval >= TimeThreshold:
            parameters.append((-1, -1, cur[0]))
            pre = cur
        # print("points id: " + str(cur[0]))
        dist = func.getDistance(pre[2], pre[3], cur[2], cur[3])
        lineTuple = (dist, dist / timeInterval, cur[0])
        pre = cur
    updateSql = 'update GPS_points_' + \
        str(i) + ' set distance = ?, velocity = ? where id = ?'
    DBUtil.update(conn, updateSql, parameters)
    print("update distance and velocity successfully!")
예제 #5
def getBSR(segment, busInfoPath):
    Args: segment: such as,
            [(id,latitude,longitude,day_time,velocity,accelerometer,distance,true_label, tp)]
              0,    1,       2,        3,       4,        5,          6,        7,       8
          busInfoPath: bus information file
           BSR value of segment

    # open bus information file
    busInfoFile = open(busInfoPath)
        allLines = busInfoFile.readlines()

    # get BSR value
    segLen = len(segment)
    num = 0
    lowNum = 0
    index = 0
    while index < segLen:
        cur = segment[index]
        min = 999999
        # if cur[5] < lowVth and cur[6] < lowAth:
        if cur[4] < lowVth:
            # get near 0 point
            lowNum += 1
            for line in allLines:
                line = line.strip('\n')
                lineList = line.split(',')
                busLat = lineList[0]
                busLon = lineList[1]
                tempDist = func.getDistance(cur[1], cur[2], float(busLat),
                if tempDist < min:
                    min = tempDist
            if min < busDistTh:
                num += 1
        index += 1
    if lowNum == 0:
        return 0
        return num / lowNum
예제 #6
def addTrueCP(DBPath, i):
       if the distance between an normal GPS points and actual
       transition points is within 150 m, we regard the GPS point
       is transition point.
    conn = DBUtil.get_conn(DBPath)
    # find all points
    fetchAllPointSql = 'select id,lat,lon,accelerometer,mode,time_stamp ' + \
                       'from GPS_points_' + str(i)
    allPointRecords = DBUtil.fetchAll(conn, fetchAllPointSql)
    if allPointRecords is None:
        print('fetch point set Fail!')
    records: type list-> [(1, 39.9752333333333, 116.330066666667, 'none').....]
    id: 0
    lat: 1
    lon: 2
    accelerometer: 3
    mode: 4
    time_stamp: 5
    parameters = []
    recordLen = len(allPointRecords)
    pre = allPointRecords[0]
    index = 1
    while index < recordLen:
        cur = allPointRecords[index]
        if cur[3] == -1:
            pre = cur
            index += 1
        tempTime = func.getTimeInterval(pre[5], cur[5])
        if cur[4] != pre[4] and tempTime < TimeThreshold:
            parameters.append((cur[0], ))
            #  forward
            forStart = index - 1
            while forStart >= 0:
                forward = allPointRecords[forStart]
                tempDist = func.getDistance(cur[1], cur[2], forward[1],
                if tempDist > transiPointDist:
                parameters.append((forward[0], ))
                forStart -= 1
            #  afterward
            aftStart = index + 1
            while aftStart < recordLen:
                aftward = allPointRecords[aftStart]
                tempDist = func.getDistance(cur[1], cur[2], aftward[1],
                if tempDist > transiPointDist:
                parameters.append((aftward[0], ))
                aftStart += 1
        # update into database
        if len(parameters) != 0:
            updateSql = "update GPS_points_" + str(i) + \
                " set is_true_tp = 1 where id = ?"
            DBUtil.update(conn, updateSql, parameters)
        pre = cur
        index += 1
예제 #7
def addStayPoint(DBPath, i):
    caculate stay point value in table GPS_points_i,
    value: 1 denotes the point is stay point
    value: 0 denotes the normal stap point
     step 1: find stay point according to rule:
                Distance(p1, p2)<D and TimeDiff(p1, p2)>T
     step 2: use direction change to drop extra stay points
     step 3: noise filtering
    conn = DBUtil.get_conn(DBPath)
    # find all points
    fetchAllPointSql = 'select * from GPS_points_' + str(i)
    allPointRecords = DBUtil.fetchAll(conn, fetchAllPointSql)
    if allPointRecords is None:
        print('fetch point set Fail!')
    records: type list-> [(1, 3, 39.9752333333333, 116.330066666667,
    '2008/04/29 17:15:24', -1, -1, -1, 'non', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'none')......]
    id: 0
    time: 4
    lat: 2
    lon: 3
    distance: 7
    velocity: 5
    parameters = []
    stayPointSet = []
    recordLen = len(allPointRecords)
    index = 0
    while index < recordLen:
        cur = allPointRecords[index]
        j = index + 1
        token = 0
        while j < recordLen:
            aft = allPointRecords[j]
            # if another trajectory bagins
            if aft[7] == -1:
                index = j
                token = 1
            dist = func.getDistance(cur[2], cur[3], aft[2], aft[3])
            if dist > StayPoinDistThd:
                curTimeDiff = func.getTimeInterval(cur[4], aft[4])
                if curTimeDiff > StayPoinTiThd:
                    #  index ~ j points are added to stayPointSet
                    sIndex = index
                    while sIndex < j:
                        temp = allPointRecords[sIndex]
                        stayPointSet.append((temp[0], temp[2], temp[3]))
                        sIndex += 1
                    #  output the stay points set
                    # print(stayPointSet)
                        check stay points set 1,
                        abandon the case of traffic congestion
                    # isTraCong = func.isTrafficCongestion(stayPointSet,
                    #                                      changeAngle,
                    #                                      changeRate)
                    # if isTraCong == 1:
                    #     stayPointSet.clear()
                    #     break
                        check stay points set 2 (noise filtering),
                        get content:
                        [(39, 39.8146666666667, 119.476816666667, 0),......],
                    resPointList = func.noiseFilter(stayPointSet, 3)
                        insert stay points into table GPS_points_i
                        field: is_stay_point
                    for item in resPointList:
                        parameters.append((item[3], item[0]))
                    # print("resPointList's size:" + str(len(resPointList)))
                    # print(resPointList)
                        "resPointList's size: " + str(len(resPointList)))
                    func.writeFile('stay_point_set_result.txt', "\n\n")
                    updateSql = "update GPS_points_" + str(i) + \
                        " set is_stay_point = 1, is_deleted = ? where id = ?"
                    # DBUtil.update(conn, updateSql, parameters)
                    #  clear the stay points set
                    index = j
                    token = 1
            j += 1  # end while
        if token != 1:
            index += 1
예제 #8
    # Check detected object
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes[0]):
        if (scores[0][i] > 0.5):

            # Get x, y, z coord of ball
            yMin = int((box[0] * height))
            xMin = int((box[1] * width))
            yMax = int((box[2] * height))
            xMax = int((box[3] * width))

            xCoor = int(np.mean([xMin, xMax]))
            yCoor = int(np.mean([yMin, yMax]))

            # Find distance from camera in inches
            distance = func.getDistance(focalLength, 29.5, (xMax - xMin) * resize)

            # draw object detection
            if (classes[0][i] == 1):  # basketball
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (xMin, yMin), (xMax, yMax), (36, 255, 12), 2)
                cv2.putText(frame, 'basketball', (xMin, yMin - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (36, 255, 12), 2)

            # if ball has finished shooting
            if(shooting == True):
                if(last <= hoopYMax and yCoor > hoopYMax):

                    # Record makes and misses
                    if(make == True):
                        made += 1
                    total += 1
예제 #9
    def draw(self):
        colorLast = (232, 150, 217)

        distance = getDistance(self.pop.population, self.pop.finishPos)
        count_Dead = 0
        count_Finish = 0
        pos_min_fit = [10000, 10000]
        for i in range(self.pop.number_population):
            if self.pop.population[i].finish:
                count_Finish += 1
            if self.pop.population[i].dead:
                count_Dead += 1
            if not self.pop.population[i].dead and not self.pop.population[
                    i].finish and distance[i] < pos_min_fit[1]:
                pos_min_fit[0] = i
                pos_min_fit[1] = distance[i]

        #setting text
        genTxt = self.font.render('Gen: %s' % self.pop.gen, 1, (255, 255, 255))
        second = self.font.render('%s/%s' % (self.pop.count, DNA_length), 1,
                                  (255, 255, 255))

        mutationTxt = self.font.render(
            'Mutation: %s%%' % (self.pop.mutation_chance * 100), 1,
            (255, 255, 255))
        popTxt = self.font.render(
            'Number population: %s' % (self.pop.number_population), 1,
            (255, 255, 255))
        currentFitness = self.font.render(
            'Current specie fitness: %s - %s' %
            (pos_min_fit[0], round(pos_min_fit[1], 2)), 1, pg.Color('green'))
        countFinish = self.font.render('Finish: %s' % count_Finish, 1,
                                       (197, 232, 52))
        countDead = self.font.render('Dead: %s' % count_Dead, 1, (43, 50, 52))

        #draw start pos
            self.screen, pg.Color('blue'),
            (self.pop.startPos[0] - 5, self.pop.startPos[1] - 5, 10, 10))

        #draw species
        for pos in range(self.pop.number_population):
            if pos_min_fit[0] == pos:
                self.pop.population[pos].draw(self.screen, 'green')

        #draw wall

        self.screen.blit(genTxt, (10, 10))
        self.screen.blit(second, (100, 10))

        self.screen.blit(currentFitness, (10, 30))
        self.screen.blit(countFinish, (10, 50))
        self.screen.blit(countDead, (10, 70))

        self.screen.blit(mutationTxt, (10, screen_width - 40))
        self.screen.blit(popTxt, (10, screen_width - 20))