def redmine_issues(redmine_id, stat_id, odbor_name): """ redmine: pocet otevrenych podani odboru nebo jine slozky. vytvori dva druhy metriky: prvni pro vsechna podani, druha pouze pro podani od 1.1.2019 (maji 'NEW' ve jmene metriky) redmine_id identifikace odboru v Redmine (soucast url) stat_id identifikace odboru ve statistikach, soucast ID statistiky, napr pro 'AO' to bude REDMINE_AO_OPENTICKETS_COUNT odbor_name jmeno odboru v dlouhem popisu statitstiky, napriklad 'Kancelar' """ base_url = '' % redmine_id resp = func.get_json(base_url) if resp: original_count = resp['total_count'] all_issues = [] if original_count: total_count, offset, total_sum = 0, 0, 0 while offset < original_count: resp = func.get_json(base_url + '&limit=100&offset=%s' % offset) offset += 100 all_issues.extend(resp['issues']) # ze ziskanych dat staci jen datumy all_issues = lmap( lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x[ 'start_date'][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date(), all_issues) new_issues = list( filter(lambda x: x >=, 1, 1), all_issues)) sum_all_issues_ages = sum( lmap(lambda x: ( - x).days, all_issues)) sum_new_issues_ages = sum( lmap(lambda x: ( - x).days, new_issues)) func.Stat( dbx, "REDMINE_%s_OPENTICKETS_COUNT" % stat_id, len(all_issues), 0, 'Pocet otevrenych podani slozky %s, REST dotazem do Redmine' % odbor_name) func.Stat( dbx, "REDMINE_%s_NEWOPENTICKETS_COUNT" % stat_id, len(new_issues), 0, 'Prumerne stari otevrenych podani (po 1.1.2019) slozky %s, REST dotazem do Redmine' % odbor_name) if len(all_issues): func.Stat( dbx, "REDMINE_%s_OPENTICKETS_AGE" % stat_id, round(sum_all_issues_ages / len(all_issues), 2), 0, 'Prumerne stari otevrenych podani slozky %s, REST dotazem do Redmine' % odbor_name) if len(new_issues): func.Stat( dbx, "REDMINE_%s_NEWOPENTICKETS_AGE" % stat_id, round(sum_new_issues_ages / len(new_issues), 2), 0, 'Prumerne stari otevrenych podani (po 1.1.2019) slozky %s, REST dotazem do Redmine' % odbor_name)
def _counts(url): resp = func.get_json(url) if resp and len(resp): resp = lmap( lambda x: ( - datetime.datetime.strptime( x['updatedStamp'], "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M").date()).days, resp) return (sum(resp), len(resp))
def get_oldest_timeline(rowlist_in): """ Vraci klic te casove rady, ktera ma nejstarsi datum """ oldest_date, oldest_id, lastkey = ), None, None rowlist = rowlist_in for id in rowlist: lastkey = id datelist = func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], rowlist[id]) if datelist: oldest_in_row = min(datelist) if oldest_in_row < oldest_date: oldest_date = oldest_in_row oldest_id = id return oldest_id if oldest_id else lastkey
def fill_range(self, min, max, value=None): """ dopln do souboru dat chybejici hodnoty z rozsahu min-max, vcetne. vysledek setrid podle data """ just_dates = func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], self.values) startdate = min while startdate <= max: startdate += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if not startdate in just_dates: self.values.append([startdate, value]) newvalues = [list(x) for x in self.values] newvalues.sort() self.values = newvalues
def main(): # testovaci nahodna hodnota func.Stat(dbx, "RANDOM", random.randint(1, 1000), 0, 'Nahodna hodnota bez vyznamu, jako test funkcnosti statistik') # Pocet lidi *se smlouvami* placenych piraty - jako pocet radku z payroll.csv, obsahujich 2 ciselne udaje oddelene carkou lines = func.getLines( '', arg('v')) if lines: func.Stat( dbx, "PAYROLL_COUNT", len(func.grep(r'[0-9]+,[0-9]+', lines)), 0, 'Pocet lidi placenych piraty, zrejme zastarale: jako pocet radku v souboru' ) # piroplaceni: pocet a prumerne stari (od data posledni upravy) zadosti ve stavu "Schvalena hospodarem" (state=3) resp = func.get_json( '') if resp: func.Stat( dbx, "PP_APPROVED_COUNT", len(resp), 0, 'Pocet zadosti o proplaceni ve stavu Schvalena hospodarem, REST dotazem do piroplaceni' ) if len(resp): resp = lmap( lambda x: ( - datetime.datetime.strptime( x['updatedStamp'], "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M").date()).days, resp) func.Stat( dbx, "PP_APPROVED_AGE", round(sum(resp) / len(resp), 2), 0, 'Prumerne stari zadosti o proplaceni ve stavu Schvalena hospodarem, REST dotazem do piroplaceni' ) # piroplaceni: pocet a prumerne stari (od data posledni upravy) zadosti ve stavu "Ke schvaleni hospodarem" (state=2) resp = func.get_json( '') if resp: func.Stat( dbx, "PP_TOAPPROVE_COUNT", len(resp), 0, 'Pocet zadosti o proplaceni ve stavu Ke schvaleni hospodarem, REST dotazem do piroplaceni' ) if len(resp): resp = lmap( lambda x: ( - datetime.datetime.strptime( x['updatedStamp'], "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M").date()).days, resp) func.Stat( dbx, "PP_TOAPPROVE_AGE", round(sum(resp) / len(resp), 2), 0, 'Prumerne stari zadosti o proplaceni ve stavu Ke schvaleni hospodarem, REST dotazem do piroplaceni' ) # piroplaceni: prumerne stari (od data posledni upravy) zadosti ve stavu "Ke schvaleni hospodarem" nebo "Rozpracovana" def _counts(url): resp = func.get_json(url) if resp and len(resp): resp = lmap( lambda x: ( - datetime.datetime.strptime( x['updatedStamp'], "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M").date()).days, resp) return (sum(resp), len(resp)) sums = list( _counts( '' )) # rozprac x = _counts( '' ) # ke schvaleni hosp sums[0] += x[0] sums[1] += x[1] func.Stat( dbx, "PP_UNAPPROVED_AGE", round(sums[0] / sums[1], 2), 0, 'Prumerne stari zadosti o proplaceni ve stavu Ke schvaleni hospodarem nebo Rozpracovana, pocitano od data posledni upravy. REST dotazem do piroplaceni' ) # pocet priznivcu, z fora stat_from_regex('PI_REGP_COUNT', '', r'<div class=\"pagination\">\s*(.*?)\s*už', "Pocet registrovanych priznivcu") # redmine: pocty a prumerna stari otevrenych podani pro jednotlive organizacni slozky redminers = json.loads( func.getUrlContent( '' )) for acc in redminers: redmine_issues(acc['redmine_id'], acc['stat_id'], acc['department_name']) # Zustatky na vsech transparentnich FIO uctech uvedenych na wiki FO content = func.getUrlContent("") if content: fioAccounts = list( set(re.findall(r'[0-9]{6,15}[ \t]*/[ \t]*2010', content))) total = 0 for account in fioAccounts: account = account.split("/")[0].strip() total += statFioBalance(account) func.Stat( dbx, "BALANCE_FIO_TOTAL", total, 0, 'Soucet zustatku na vsech FIO transparentnich uctech, sledovanych k danemu dni' ) # Pocty clenu v jednotlivych KS a celkem ve strane (prosty soucet dilcich) total = 0 for id in PIRATI_KS: total += statNrOfMembers(id, PIRATI_KS[id]) func.Stat(dbx, "PI_MEMBERS_TOTAL", total, 0, 'Pocet clenu CPS celkem, jako soucet poctu clenu v KS') # piratske forum stat_forum() youtubers = json.loads( func.getUrlContent( '' )) # pocty odberatelu vybranych Youtube kanalu for id in youtubers: # odberatelu content = func.getUrlContent(youtubers[id][0]) m = re.findall(r'([\xa00-9]+)[ ]+odb.{1,1}ratel', content) value = int(re.sub(r'\xa0', '', m[0])) if m else 0 func.Stat( dbx, id + '_SUBSCRIBERS', value, 0, "Odberatelu youtube kanalu, scrappingem verejne Youtube stranky") # shlednuti content = func.getUrlContent(youtubers[id][1]) m = re.findall(r'<b>([\xa00-9]+)</b> zhl.{1,1}dnut', content) value = int(re.sub(r'\xa0', '', m[0])) if m else 0 func.Stat( dbx, id + '_VIEWS', value, 0, "Pocet shlednuti youtube kanalu, scrappingem verejne Youtube stranky" ) # pocty followeru a tweetu ve vybranych twitter kanalech, konfiguraci nacti z druheho gitu twitter_accounts = func.filter_config( func.getLines( '' ))[:200] for id in twitter_accounts: content = func.getUrlContent("" % id) if content: m = re.findall(r'data-count=([0-9]*)', content) if m: func.Stat( dbx, "TWITTER_%s_FOLLOWERS" % id.upper(), int(m[2]), 0, "Followers uzivatele, scrappingem verejneho profilu na Twitteru (treti nalezene cislo)" ) # hack, predpoklada toto cislo jako treti nalezene func.Stat( dbx, "TWITTER_%s_TWEETS" % id.upper(), int(m[0]), 0, "Tweets uzivatele, scrappingem verejneho profilu na Twitteru (prvni nalezene cislo)" ) # hack dtto if len(m) > 3: func.Stat( dbx, "TWITTER_%s_LIKES" % id.upper(), int(m[3]), 0, "Likes uzivatele, scrappingem verejneho profilu na Twitteru (ctvrte nalezene cislo)" ) # hack dtto else: print(id, "skipped: no likes found") else: print(id, "skipped: this account does not exist?")
def stat_max_date(stat): ''' obdobne vrat nejvetsi datum ''' return max(func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], stat)) if stat else None
def stat_min_date(stat): ''' vrat nejmensi datum v datove rade statistiky stat = [ (datum, hodnota), (datum, hodnota) ...] ''' return min(func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], stat)) if stat else None
def make_pages(dbx, dirname): """ Nageneruj stranky a obrazky do adresare dirname """ def add_stat_to_group(groups, groupname, statid): try: groups[groupname].append(statid) except KeyError: groups[groupname] = [statid] def stat_min_date(stat): ''' vrat nejmensi datum v datove rade statistiky stat = [ (datum, hodnota), (datum, hodnota) ...] ''' return min(func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], stat)) if stat else None def stat_max_date(stat): ''' obdobne vrat nejvetsi datum ''' return max(func.lmap(lambda x: x[0], stat)) if stat else None # priprava adresare try: shutil.rmtree(dirname) except: pass try: func.makedir(dirname) except: pass try: func.makedir(dirname + "/img") except: pass s = func.clsMyStat(dbx, '') stats = s.getAllStats() i, statnames, statnames_index, groups = 0, {}, {}, {} # vytvor seznam vsech generovanych grafu: mixed_graphs = {} # pridej automaticky vytvareny seznam nejvice tweetujicich uzivatelu best_twitters = {} for stat in stats: if'TWITTER_(.+?)_TWEETS', stat): mystat = Stat(stat, get_stat_for_graph(dbx, stat)) best_twitters[stat] = mystat.max() sorted_twitters = sorted(best_twitters.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[-7:] stat_id = 'BEST_TWITTERS' mixed_graphs[stat_id] = [x[0] for x in sorted_twitters] add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Porovnání', stat_id) # 1) nacti ty z konfigurace, preved na hashtabulku for line in func.getconfig('config/graphs'): lineparts = func.lmap(str.strip, line.split(' ')) mixed_graphs[lineparts[0]] = lineparts[1:] statnames[lineparts[0]] = lineparts[0] add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Porovnání', lineparts[0]) # 2) pridej automaticky vytvarene twitter kombinovane grafy # TWEETS, FOLLOWERS a LIKES for stat in stats: found ='TWITTER_(.+?)_TWEETS', stat) if found: statid = "TWITTER_%s" % mixed_graphs[statid] = [ stat, "TWITTER_%s_FOLLOWERS" %, "TWITTER_%s_LIKES" % ] statnames[statid] = "Twitter %s" % # default jmeno statnames_index[statid] = "%s" % 1) # default jmeno na titulni stranku add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Twitteři', statid) # 3) pridej vsechny ostatni statistiky, vynechej TWITTERY # vytvor ponekud nesystemove defaultni nazvy for stat in stats: if not'TWITTER_(.+)', stat): mixed_graphs[stat] = [stat] found ='BALANCE_(.+)', stat) if found: statnames[stat] = "Zůstatek %s" % add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Finance', stat) continue found ='PI_MEMBERS_(.+)', stat) if found: statnames[stat] = "Počet členů %s" % add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Členové', stat) continue found ='YOUTUBE_(.+)', stat) if found: statnames[stat] = "Youtube %s" % add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Youtube', stat) continue found ='PP_(.+)', stat) if found: add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Finanční tým', stat) continue found ='REDMINE_(.+)', stat) if found: add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Odbory a složky strany na Redmine', stat) continue add_stat_to_group(groups, 'Ostatní', stat) # donacti jmena statistik z konfigurace for line in func.getconfig('config/statnames'): try: (a, b) = line.split('\t', 2) statnames[a] = b except ValueError: pass # titulni stranka & assets mybody = "" for groupname in groups: paragraph = [] for statid in groups[groupname]: if statid in statnames_index.keys(): statname = statnames_index[statid] elif statid in statnames.keys(): statname = statnames[statid] else: statname = statid paragraph.append(html.a("" % statid, statname)) paragraph.sort() mybody += html.h2(groupname) + html.p(",\n".join(paragraph)) page = func.replace_all( func.readfile('templates/index.htm'), { '%body%': mybody, '%stat_date%': '{0:%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}'.format( }) func.writefile(page, "%s/index.htm" % dirname) shutil.copytree('templates/assets', "%s/assets" % dirname) # Vytvor vsechny kombinovane grafy, vynech statistiky s nejvyse jednou hodnotou for statid in mixed_graphs: if arg('s') and statid != arg('s'): continue i += 1 # graf involved_stats, involved_deltas = {}, {} statInstances = [] for invstat in mixed_graphs[statid]: tmpstat = get_stat_for_graph(dbx, invstat) involved_stats[invstat] = tmpstat statInstances.append(Stat(invstat, involved_stats[invstat])) # spocitej delta statistiku deltastat, lastvalue = [], None for entry in tmpstat: deltastat.append([ entry[0], 0 if lastvalue is None else entry[1] - lastvalue ]) lastvalue = entry[1] involved_deltas[invstat] = deltastat singlestat = (len(involved_stats.values()) == 1) if max(func.lmap(len, involved_stats.values( ))) > 0: # involved_stats musi obsahovat aspon 1 radu o >=1 hodnotach print("[%s/%s]: Creating %s \r" % (i, len(mixed_graphs), statid), end='\r') # zakladni a delta graf make_graph(involved_stats, "%s/img/%s.png" % (dirname, statid), delta=False) make_graph(involved_deltas, "%s/img/" % (dirname, statid), delta=True) # metody ziskani dat method_list = "" for stat in involved_stats: try: desc = involved_stats[stat][-1:][0][2] except IndexError: desc = "Neznámá metoda" method_list += "%s: %s<br>" % (stat, desc) # html stranka statname = statnames[statid] if statid in statnames.keys( ) else statid min_date = min( func.lmap(stat_min_date, filter(lambda x: x, involved_stats.values()))) # rozsah dat max_date = max( func.lmap(stat_max_date, filter(lambda x: x, involved_stats.values()))) bottom_links = html.h2("Metody získání dat") + \ html.p("Vypsána je vždy poslední použitá metoda, úplný seznam je v CSV souboru." +*2 + method_list) + \ ((html.a("%s.csv" % statid, "Zdrojová data ve formátu CSV") + if singlestat else "") + \ html.a("index.htm", "Všechny metriky") try: min_value = str(min(map(lambda x: x.min(), statInstances))) except TypeError: min_value = '-' try: max_value = str(max(map(lambda x: x.max(), statInstances))) except TypeError: max_value = '-' common_replaces = { '%stat_name%': statname, '%stat_desc%': '', '%stat_id%': statid, '%stat_date%': '{0:%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}'.format(, '%bottomlinks%': bottom_links, '%daterange%': '%s - %s' % (min_date, max_date), '%max%': max_value, '%min%': min_value } page = func.replace_all( func.readfile('templates/stat.htm'), merge_dicts( common_replaces, { '%stat_image%': "img/%s.png" % statid, '%stat_type%': "Absolutní hodnoty" })) func.writefile(page, "%s/%s.htm" % (dirname, statid)) page = func.replace_all( func.readfile('templates/stat.htm'), merge_dicts( common_replaces, { '%stat_image%': "img/" % statid, '%stat_type%': "Denní přírůstky (delta)" })) func.writefile(page, "%s/" % (dirname, statid)) # vytvor CSV soubor se zdrojovymi daty if singlestat: csv_rows = [ "%s;%s;%s;%s;" % (statid, "{:%d.%m.%Y}".format(x[0]), x[1], x[2]) for x in list(involved_stats.values())[0] ] func.writefile( "stat_id;date;value;method;\n" + "\n".join(csv_rows), "%s/%s.csv" % (dirname, statid))
def make_graph(rowlist, filename, delta): """ Vytvori carovy graf. Ulozi jej do souboru, neni-li jmeno souboru definovano, zobrazi jej rowlist list s datovymi radami delta zda je vytvaren graf typu delta hodnoty """ rowlist_count = len(rowlist) minimal_value = min( func.lmap(lambda x: x[1], sum(list(rowlist.values()), []))) # datove rady mohou obsahovat chybejici hodnoty, diky nimz # graf vypada zmatene. Je treba data normalizovat: # preved data na objekty Stat, zjisti rozsah dat, normalizuj # zabudovanou funkci a preved zpet na rowlist stats = [] for row in rowlist: stats.append(Stat(row, rowlist[row])) oldest_date = min(filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda x: x.oldest(), stats))) newest_date = max(filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda x: x.newest(), stats))) rowlist = {} for s in stats: s.fill_range(oldest_date, newest_date) rowlist[] = s.values # create graph figure(num=None, figsize=(16, 10), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w') ax = plt.axes() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(6)) # pocet ticku na X ose i = 0 while len(rowlist.keys()): # zakladni rada X, Y, oldest = [], [], get_oldest_timeline(rowlist) actual_line = rowlist[oldest] for row in actual_line: X.append('{0:%d.%m.%Y}'.format(row[0])) Y.append(row[1]) plt.plot(X, Y, '%s-' % LINE_COLORS[i], linewidth=4.0, label=oldest) # moving average jen pro trendy (u delty nema moc vyznam) avg_length = 9 # delka klouzaveho prumeru, tedy kolik dni zpet se vytvari if not delta: X, Y = [], [] for j in range(avg_length, len(actual_line)): row = actual_line[j] rows_for_avg = func.lmap(lambda x: x[1], actual_line[j - avg_length:j]) moving_avg = None if None in rows_for_avg else sum( rows_for_avg) / float(len(rows_for_avg)) X.append('{0:%d.%m.%Y}'.format(row[0])) Y.append(moving_avg) plt.plot(X, Y, '%s:' % LINE_COLORS[i], linewidth=2.0, label=oldest) rowlist = {i: rowlist[i] for i in rowlist if i != oldest} i += 1 ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # odstran horni a pravy ramecek grafu ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) if minimal_value > 0: # osa Y zacina od nuly u kladnych grafu plt.ylim(bottom=0) plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) # velikost fontu na osach if rowlist_count > 1: ax.legend() if filename: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close() # pri vetsim poctu grafu nutne (memory leak)
def __matmul__(self, f): return Table(lmap(f, self.vs), ixs=self.ixs)