예제 #1
    def test_instantiateExceptionNoArgs(self):

        gotException = False

            exc = FunctionTimedOut()
            msg = str(exc)
            msg2 = exc.getMsg()

        except Exception as _e:
                'Got unexpected exception in test_instantiateExceptionNoArgs with no arguments. %s  %s\n\n'
                % (str(type(_e)), str(_e)))
            gotException = True

        assert gotException is False, 'Expected to be able to create FunctionTimedOut exception without arguments.'

        gotException = False

            exc = FunctionTimedOut('test')
            msg = str(exc)
            msg2 = str(exc.getMsg())

        except Exception as _e:
                'Got unexpected exception in test_instantiateExceptionNoArgs with fixed message string. %s  %s\n\n'
                % (str(type(_e)), str(_e)))
            gotException = True

        assert gotException is False, 'Expected to be able to create a FunctionTimedOut exception with a fixed message.'
예제 #2
    def test_connection_do_ping_timeout(self, mock_g, mock_event_logger,
        """Test to make sure do_ping exceptions gets captured"""
        database = get_example_database()
        mock_g.user = security_manager.find_user("admin")
        mock_func_timeout.side_effect = FunctionTimedOut("Time out")
        db_uri = database.sqlalchemy_uri_decrypted
        json_payload = {"sqlalchemy_uri": db_uri}
        command_without_db_name = TestConnectionDatabaseCommand(json_payload)

        with pytest.raises(SupersetTimeoutException) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.status == 408
        assert (excinfo.value.error.error_type ==
def func_timeout(timeout, func, args=(), kwargs=None):
        func_timeout - Runs the given function for up to #timeout# seconds.
        Raises any exceptions #func# would raise, returns what #func# would return (unless timeout is exceeded), in which case it raises FunctionTimedOut
        @param timeout <float> - Maximum number of seconds to run #func# before terminating
        @param func <function> - The function to call
        @param args    <tuple> - Any ordered arguments to pass to the function
        @param kwargs  <dict/None> - Keyword arguments to pass to the function.
        @raises - FunctionTimedOut if #timeout# is exceeded, otherwise anything #func# could raise will be raised
        If the timeout is exceeded, FunctionTimedOut will be raised within the context of the called function every two seconds until it terminates,
        but will not block the calling thread (a new thread will be created to perform the join). If possible, you should try/except FunctionTimedOut
        to return cleanly, but in most cases it will 'just work'.
        @return - The return value that #func# gives

    if not kwargs:
        kwargs = {}
    if not args:
        args = ()

    ret = []
    exception = []
    isStopped = False

    def funcwrap(args2, kwargs2):
            ret.append( func(*args2, **kwargs2) )
        except FunctionTimedOut:
            # Don't print traceback to stderr if we time out
        except Exception as e:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            if isStopped is False:
                # Assemble the alternate traceback, excluding this function
                #  from the trace (by going to next frame)
                # Pytohn3 reads native from __traceback__,
                # python2 has a different form for "raise"
                e.__traceback__ = exc_info[2].tb_next
                exception.append( e )

    thread = StoppableThread(target=funcwrap, args=(args, kwargs))
    thread.daemon = True


    stopException = None
    if thread.is_alive():
        isStopped = True

        class FunctionTimedOutTempType(FunctionTimedOut):
            def __init__(self):
                return FunctionTimedOut.__init__(self, '', timeout, func)

        FunctionTimedOutTemp = type('FunctionTimedOut' + str( hash( "%d_%d" %(id(timeout), id(func))) ), FunctionTimedOutTempType.__bases__, dict(FunctionTimedOutTempType.__dict__))

        stopException = FunctionTimedOutTemp
        thread.join(min(.1, timeout / 50.0))
        raise FunctionTimedOut('', timeout, func)
        # We can still cleanup the thread here..
        # Still give a timeout... just... cuz..

    if exception:

    if ret:
        return ret[0]
 def __init__(self):
     return FunctionTimedOut.__init__(self, '', timeout, func)