def test_three_args(): scope = Scope() # module ThreeArgTest = add 1 2 3 where { add x y z = x + y + z } module = Module( id=Identifier("ThreeArgTest"), expr=FunctionApplication(func=FunctionApplication( func=FunctionApplication(func=Identifier("add"), expr=Double(1)), expr=Double(2)), expr=Double(3)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration( scope, id=Identifier("add"), params=[Identifier("x"), Identifier("y"), Identifier("z")], expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=BinaryOperator( expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("+"), expr2=Identifier("y")), op=Operator("+"), expr2=Identifier("z"))) ]) check(module, 6.0, scope)
def test_char_function(): scope = Scope() # module CharFuncTest = c where { c = 'c' } module = Module( id=Identifier("CharFuncTest"), expr=Identifier("c"), decls=[FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("c"), expr=Char("c"))]) check(module, "c")
def test_zero_args(): scope = Scope() # module ZeroArgTest = x where { x = 3 } module = Module( id=Identifier("ZeroArgTest"), expr=Identifier("x"), decls=[FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("x"), expr=Int(3))]) check(module, 3, scope)
def check(module, expected_output, scope=None): """Checks the given Module AST against the expected output (converted to a string).""" if not scope: scope = Scope() module.emit(scope) try: assert run( == str(expected_output).lower()'rm -f *.j *.class', shell=True) except: if DELETE_ON_FAIL:'rm -f *.j *.class', shell=True) raise
def test_data_constructor(): scope = Scope() # module DataConstructorTest = Foo where { data Bar = Foo; } module = Module(id=Identifier("DataConstructorTest"), expr=Constr(id=Identifier("Foo")), decls=[ DataTypeDeclaration( scope, id=Identifier("Bar"), constrs=[Constr(id=Identifier("Foo"))]) ]) check(module, "Foo", scope)
def test_list_function(): scope = Scope() # module ListFunctionTest = testlist [3, 4] where { testlist x = x } module = Module(id=Identifier("ListFunctionTest"), expr=FunctionApplication( func=Identifier("testlist"), expr=Lists(exprs=[Int(3), Int(4)])), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("testlist"), params=[Identifier("x")], expr=Identifier("x")) ]) check(module, [3, 4], scope)
def test_one_arg(): scope = Scope() # module OneArgTest = f 2 where { f x = x * 3 } module = Module( id=Identifier("OneArgTest"), expr=FunctionApplication(func=Identifier("f"), expr=Int(2)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("f"), params=[Identifier("x")], expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("*"), expr2=Int(3))) ]) check(module, 6, scope)
def test_int_operators(): scope = Scope() # module IntOperatorsTest = x + 1 where { x = 3 * 2 } module = Module(id=Identifier("IntOperatorsTest"), expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("+"), expr2=Int(1)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("x"), expr=BinaryOperator( expr1=Int(3), op=Operator("*"), expr2=Int(2))) ]) check(module, 7, scope)
def test_data_inequality(): scope = Scope() # module DataEqualityTest = X == Y where { data T = X | Y; } module = Module(id=Identifier("DataInequalityTest"), expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Constr(id=Identifier("X")), op=Operator("=="), expr2=Constr(id=Identifier("Y"))), decls=[ DataTypeDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("T"), constrs=[ Constr(id=Identifier("X")), Constr(id=Identifier("Y")) ]) ]) check(module, False, scope)
def test_double_operators(): scope = Scope() # module DoubleOperatorsTest = x + 3.5 where { x = 3.0 * 7.0 } module = Module(id=Identifier("DoubleOperatorsTest"), expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("+"), expr2=Double(3.5)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("x"), expr=BinaryOperator( expr1=Double(3.0), op=Operator("*"), expr2=Double(7.0))) ]) check(module, 24.5, scope)
def test_partial_application(): scope = Scope() # module PartialApplicationTest = add 3 where { add x y = x + y } module = Module(id=Identifier("PartialApplicationTest"), expr=FunctionApplication(func=Identifier("add"), expr=Int(3)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration( scope, id=Identifier("add"), params=[Identifier("x"), Identifier("y")], expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("+"), expr2=Identifier("y"))) ]) check(module, 'addFunction with bound parameters: (3)', scope)
def test_two_args(): scope = Scope() # module TwoArgTest = mul 2.0 5.0 where { mul x y = x * y } module = Module(id=Identifier("TwoArgTest"), expr=FunctionApplication(func=FunctionApplication( func=Identifier("mul"), expr=Double(2)), expr=Double(5)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration( scope, id=Identifier("mul"), params=[Identifier("x"), Identifier("y")], expr=BinaryOperator(expr1=Identifier("x"), op=Operator("*"), expr2=Identifier("y"))) ]) check(module, 10.0, scope)
def test_function_type_spec(): scope = Scope() # module FunctionTypeSpecTest = getint 3 where { getint x = x; getint :: Int } module = Module(id=Identifier("FunctionTypeSpecTest"), expr=FunctionApplication(func=Identifier("getint"), expr=Int(3)), decls=[ FunctionDeclaration(scope, id=Identifier("getint"), params=[Identifier("x")], expr=Identifier("x")), TypeDeclaration( scope, id=Identifier("getint"), type=FunctionType( param_type=NamedType(id=Identifier("Int")), return_type=NamedType(id=Identifier("Int")))) ]) check(module, 3, scope)
def emit(self, scope=Scope()): super().emit(scope) abstract_fn_decl = """ .class public abstract AbstractFunction .super java/lang/Object .field protected param_number I .field protected remaining_params I = 1 .method public <init>()V aload_0 invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V return .end method .method public abstract apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; .end method """ with open('AbstractFunction.j', 'w') as abstract_fn_file: abstract_fn_file.write(abstract_fn_decl)