예제 #1
	def like(self,vid,uid,sf):
		vid = str(vid)
		uid = str(uid)
		cql = '''
				MATCH (me)
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:LIKE_FROM]-(secondlatestupdate)
				DELETE r
				CREATE (me)-[:LIKE_FROM]->(latest_update:LIKE {timestamp:%i})
				WITH latest_update, collect(secondlatestupdate) AS seconds
				FOREACH (x IN seconds | CREATE (latest_update)-[:NEXT]->(x))
				WITH latest_update
				MATCH (evt:Event {id: '%s'})
				CREATE (latest_update)-[:LIKE_TO]->(evt)
				RETURN evt.id AS uuid, ID(latest_update)'''%(uid, function.timestamp(), vid)
		print cql
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		temp_id = res[0][0]
		node_id = int(res[0][1])

		cql = '''
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				MATCH (me)-[r:SUBS_FROM]-(subs)-[:SUBS_TO]-(evt:Event {id:'%s'})
				'''%(uid, temp_id)
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		if res[0][0] == 0:
			cql = '''
					WHERE me.uid=%s
					OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:SUBS_FROM]-(secondlatestupdate)
					DELETE r
					CREATE (me)-[:SUBS_FROM]->(latest_update:SUBSCRIBLE {timestamp:%i})
					WITH latest_update, collect(secondlatestupdate) AS seconds
					MATCH (evt)
					WHERE evt.id='%s'
					WITH latest_update, seconds, evt
					CREATE (latest_update)-[:SUBS_TO]->(evt)
					WITH latest_update, seconds
					FOREACH (x IN seconds | CREATE (latest_update)-[:NEXT]->(x))'''%(uid, function.timestamp(), temp_id)
			print cql
			res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		cql = '''
				MATCH (me)
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				MATCH (evt)
				WHERE evt.id='%s'
				MATCH (like)
				WHERE ID(like) = %i
				MATCH (me)-[:SUBS_FROM]-(sub)-[:SUBS_TO]-(evt)-[:SUBS_TO]-(subs)
				WITH collect(subs) as subscribers, like
				FOREACH (x IN subscribers | CREATE (like)-[:NOTIFICATION {read: 0}]->(x))
		'''%(uid, temp_id, node_id)
		print cql
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)
예제 #2
	def friend_accept(self,init_user,recv_user,sf):
		init_user = str(init_user)
		recv_user = str(recv_user)

		cql = '''
				MATCH (usr1:User {uid:%s})-[r:FRIEND_REQ]->(usr2:User {uid:%s}) 
				DELETE r 
				WITH usr1,usr2 
				CREATE (usr1)-[:FRIEND {timestamp:%i}]->(usr2)'''%(init_user, recv_user, function.timestamp())
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)
		print '#', res
예제 #3
	def create(self,text,uid,sf):
		uid = str(uid)
		cql = '''
				MATCH (me)
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:POST]-(secondlatestupdate)
				DELETE r
				CREATE (me)-[:POST]->(latest_update:Event {id:'%s', text:'%s', timestamp:%i})
				WITH latest_update, collect(secondlatestupdate) AS seconds, me
				FOREACH (x IN seconds | CREATE (latest_update)-[:NEXT]->(x))
				WITH latest_update, me
				OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:SUBS_FROM]-(secondsubs)
				DELETE r
				CREATE (me)-[:SUBS_FROM]->(latest_subs:SUBSCRIBLE {timestamp:%i})
				WITH latest_subs, latest_update, collect(secondsubs) as secs
				CREATE (latest_subs)-[:SUBS_TO]->(latest_update)
				WITH secs, latest_subs
				FOREACH (x IN secs | CREATE (latest_subs)-[:NEXT]->(x))
				'''%(uid, uuid.uuid4(), text, function.timestamp(), function.timestamp())
		print cql
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)
		print '#', res
예제 #4
	def friend_request(self,init_user,recv_user,sf):
		init_user = str(init_user)
		recv_user = str(recv_user)

		cql = '''
				MATCH (usr1:User {uid:%s})-[r:FRIEND_REQ]-(usr2:User {uid:%s})
				RETURN count(r)'''%(init_user, recv_user)
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)
		if int(res[0][0]) > 0:
			ret = {'ret': 1, 'err': 'already requested'}
			print ret

			cql = '''
					MATCH (usr1:User {uid:%s}), (usr2:User {uid:%s})
					CREATE (usr1)-[:FRIEND_REQ {timestamp: %i}]->(usr2)'''%(init_user, recv_user, function.timestamp())
			res = db.cypher.execute(cql)
			print '#', res
예제 #5
	def reply(self,vid,text,uid,sf):
		uid = str(uid)
		cql = '''
				MATCH (me)
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:REPLY]-(secondlatestupdate)
				DELETE r
				CREATE (me)-[:REPLY]->(latest_update:Event {id:'%s', text:'%s', timestamp:%i})
				WITH latest_update, collect(secondlatestupdate) AS seconds
				FOREACH (x IN seconds | CREATE (latest_update)-[:NEXT]->(x))
				WITH latest_update
				MATCH (evt:Event {id: '%s'})
				CREATE (latest_update)-[:REPLY_TO]->(evt)
				RETURN latest_update.id as uuid, ID(latest_update)'''%(uid, uuid.uuid4(), text, function.timestamp(), vid)
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		temp_id = res[0][0]
		node_id = int(res[0][1])

		cql = '''
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				MATCH (evt:Event {id:'%s'})-[:REPLY_TO*0..]-(evts)-[:REPLY_TO]->(root_evt)
				WITH root_evt, me
				ORDER BY root_evt.timestamp
				LIMIT 1
				MATCH (me)-[r:SUBS_FROM]-(subs)-[:SUBS_TO]-(root_evt)
				'''%(uid, temp_id)
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		if res[0][0] == 0:
			cql = '''
					WHERE me.uid=%s
					MATCH (evt:Event {id:'%s'})-[:REPLY_TO*0..]-(evts)-[:REPLY_TO]->(root_evt)
					WITH root_evt, me
					ORDER BY root_evt.timestamp
					LIMIT 1
					OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[r:SUBS_FROM]-(secondlatestupdate)
					DELETE r
					CREATE (me)-[:SUBS_FROM]->(latest_update:SUBSCRIBLE {timestamp:%i})
					WITH latest_update, root_evt, collect(secondlatestupdate) AS seconds
					CREATE (latest_update)-[:SUBS_TO]->(root_evt)
					WITH latest_update, seconds
					FOREACH (x IN seconds | CREATE (latest_update)-[:NEXT]->(x))'''%(uid, temp_id, function.timestamp())
			res = db.cypher.execute(cql)

		cql = '''
				MATCH (me)
				WHERE me.uid=%s
				MATCH (evt:Event {id:'%s'})-[:REPLY_TO*0..]-(evts)-[:REPLY_TO]->(root_evt)
				WITH root_evt, me
				ORDER BY root_evt.timestamp
				LIMIT 1
				MATCH (reply)
				WHERE ID(reply) = %i
				MATCH (me)-[:SUBS_FROM]->(sub1)-[:NEXT*0..]->(sub2)-[:SUBS_TO]-(root_evt)-[:SUBS_TO]-(subs)
				WITH collect(subs) as subscribers, reply
				FOREACH (x IN subscribers | CREATE (reply)-[:NOTIFICATION {read: 0}]->(x))
		'''%(uid, temp_id, node_id)
		print cql
		res = db.cypher.execute(cql)