예제 #1
def extract_decoding_contexts(vw, function):
    Extract the CPU and memory contexts of all calls to the given function.
    Under the hood, we brute-force emulate all code paths to extract the
     state of the stack, registers, and global memory at each call to
     the given address.

    :param vw: The vivisect workspace in which the function is defined.
    :type function: int
    :param function: The address of the function whose contexts we'll find.
    :rtype: Sequence[function_argument_getter.FunctionContext]
    return get_function_contexts(vw, function)
예제 #2
def extract_decoding_contexts(vw, function):
    Extract the CPU and memory contexts of all calls to the given function.
    Under the hood, we brute-force emulate all code paths to extract the
     state of the stack, registers, and global memory at each call to
     the given address.

    :param vw: The vivisect workspace in which the function is defined.
    :type function: int
    :param function: The address of the function whose contexts we'll find.
    :rtype: Sequence[function_argument_getter.FunctionContext]
    return get_function_contexts(vw, function)