# Your functions exercise are not currently in a file with a 
# name that can be easily imported. Copy your functions exercise 
# file and name the copy functions_exercises.py.

# Import each function in a different way:

# import the module and refer to the function with 
# the . syntax
# use from to import the function directly
# use from and give the function a different name

import function_exercises as f

from function_exercises import calculate_tip

from function_exercises import apply_discount as disc
print (disc(3456,.07))

# How many different ways can you combine the letters from "abc" with the 
# numbers 1, 2, and 3?

from itertools import permutations

print(list(permutations(["a","b","c", 1,2,3])))
print(len(list(permutations(["a","b","c", 1,2,3]))))
예제 #2
##### Import Exercises #####

# 1. Import and test 3 of the functions from your functions exercise file. 
# Import each function in a different way:
    # a. Run an interactive python session and import the module. 
    #   Call the is_vowel function using the . syntax.
    # b. Create a file named import_exericses.py. 
    #   Within this file, use from to import the calculate_tip function directly. 
    #   Call this function with values you choose and print the result.
from function_exercises import calculate_tip 
print(' ~~ Exercise 1 ~~ ')
print(calculate_tip(.15, 100))

    # c. Create a jupyter notebook named import_exercises.ipynb. 
    #   Use from to import the get_letter_grade function and give it an alias. 
    #   Test this function in your notebook.

# Make sure your code that tests the function imports is run from the same directory that your functions exercise file is in.

# Read about and use the itertools module from the python standard library to help you solve the following problems:
import itertools as it
    # How many different ways can you combine the letters from "abc" with the numbers 1, 2, and 3?
print(' ~~ Exercise 2 ~~ ')
countlist = (list(it.product('abc123')))
print(f'there are {len(countlist)} ways to combine abc and 123')

    # How many different combinations are there of 2 letters from "abcd"?
abcdlist = list(it.combinations('abcd', 2))
예제 #3
from function_exercises import calculate_tip
print (" bill total = 100  tip .20. the amount of tip :", calculate_tip(.20,100))
예제 #4
# -- Your functions exercise are not currently in a file with a name that can be easily imported. Copy your functions exercise file and name the copy functions_exercises.py.
# -- Import each function in a different way:
# -- import the module and refer to the function with the . syntax

# In[1]:

import function_exercises

# In[2]:

function_exercises.calculate_tip(0.2, 50)

# -- use from to import the function directly

# In[3]:

from function_exercises import apply_discount

# In[4]:

apply_discount(4697, 0.3)
예제 #5
import function_exercises
import itertools
import json

#1 b
x = function_exercises.calculate_tip(.15, 100)

#1c in jupyter notebook

x = len(list(itertools.product('abc', '123')))
print('{} number of combinations'.format(x))

y = len(list(itertools.combinations('abcd', 2)))
print('{} number of combinations'.format(y))

z = len(list(itertools.permutations('abcd', 2)))
print('{} number of combinations'.format(z))

dataset = json.load(

#total number of users
w = len(dataset)
print(f'{w} users total')

#total number of active users
예제 #6
# 1. Import and test 3 of the functions from your functions exercise file.
# Import each function in a different way:

# 1a. Run an interactive python session and import the module. Call the is_vowel
# function using the . syntax.

import function_exercises as fn


# 1b. Create a file named import_exericses.py. Within this file, use from to import the
# calculate_tip function directly. Call this function with values you choose and print the result.

from function_exercises import calculate_tip
print(calculate_tip(0.20, 100))

# 1c. Create a jupyter notebook named import_exercises.ipynb. Use from to import the get_letter_grade
# function and give it an alias. Test this function in your notebook.

from function_exercises import get_letter_grade as grd

# 2. Read about and use the itertools module from the python standard library to help you solve the following problems:

# How many different ways can you combine the letters from "abc" with the numbers 1, 2, and 3?

# import itertools
# print(itertools.product('abc', '123'))

# or