예제 #1
class TestFunctionGenerator(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.generator = FunctionGenerator()

    def getFunctionLength(self, function):
        return len(signature(function).parameters)

    def test_getFunction_returns_function_taking_two_arguments(self):
        test_func = self.generator.getFunction
        self.assertTrue(callable(test_func(1, 1)))
        self.assertEqual(self.getFunctionLength(test_func), 2)

    def test_getFunction_returns_1_argument_function_given_1(self):
        test_func = self.generator.getFunction(1, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.getFunctionLength(test_func), 1)

    def test_getFunction_returns_2_argument_function_given_2(self):
        test_func = self.generator.getFunction(2, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.getFunctionLength(test_func), 2)

    def test_getFunction_raises_ValuEerror_if_not_supplied_with_1_or_2(self):
        test_func = self.generator.getFunction
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test_func(0, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test_func(3, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test_func("anything", 0)

    def test_getFunction_returns_different_functions_for_some_func_num(self):
        test_func = self.generator.getFunction
        self.assertNotEqual(test_func(1, 0)(0), test_func(1, 1)(0))
        self.assertNotEqual(test_func(2, 0)(0, 1), test_func(2, 1)(0, 1))
예제 #2
def get_MH_Eval(k):
    if k not in MH_eval_functions:
            print('trying fast')
            from function_generator import FunctionGenerator
            from scipy.special import k0
            fast_k0 = FunctionGenerator(k0,
            _fast_k0 = fast_k0.get_base_function(check=False)

            def func(sx, sy, tx, ty):
                dx = tx - sx
                dy = ty - sy
                d = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                return _fast_k0(k * d)

            print('fast success')

            def func(sx, sy, tx, ty):
                dx = tx - sx
                dy = ty - sy
                d = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                return _numba_k0(k * d)

        MH_eval_functions[k] = func
    return MH_eval_functions[k]
 def __init__(self, c, funcgen_tol, funcgen_order):
     # c:  boundary coordinates, complex
     self.c = c
     self.cx = self.c.real.copy()
     self.cy = self.c.imag.copy()
     # get some useful boundary-related information
     self.n = self.c.size
     self.dt = 2 * np.pi / self.n
     self.ts = np.arange(self.n) * self.dt
     self.ik = np.fft.fftfreq(self.n, 1.0 / self.n)
     # get derivatives of this
     self.cp = fourier_derivative_1d(f=self.c, d=1, ik=self.ik)
     self.cpp = fourier_derivative_1d(f=self.c, d=2, ik=self.ik)
     # get direct fourier evaluator for this
     self.dirf_c = periodic_interp1d(self.c)
     self.dirf_cp = periodic_interp1d(self.cp)
     self.dirf_cpp = periodic_interp1d(self.cpp)
     # build function generator representations of these functions
     self.funcgen_c = FunctionGenerator(self.dirf_c,
                                        2 * np.pi,
     self.funcgen_cp = FunctionGenerator(self.dirf_cp,
                                         2 * np.pi,
     self.funcgen_cpp = FunctionGenerator(self.dirf_cpp,
                                          2 * np.pi,
예제 #4
파일: irrsop.py 프로젝트: johnyf/marduk
 def __init__(self, var_wires, dd_mgr, code_generator=None, marduk_vars=None, num_class_vectors=1024, strat_dc=None):
     'var_wires' is supposed to be a dictionary which maps the string representation of a BDD object
     to the corresponding signal in the code generator, for all inputs (and their negations) on which the function(s) to be
     handled by this IrrsopGenerator depend.
     FunctionGenerator.__init__(self, var_wires, dd_mgr, code_generator, marduk_vars, num_class_vectors, strat_dc)
     self._irrsop_recur = 0
예제 #5
Difference Palindromes vs Susie

from function_generator import FunctionGenerator
from function_indexed_grammar import FunctionIndexedGrammar
import time
from regex_tree import RegexTree
from node import Node

# number relations
n_relations = 10
size_max = 3
n_functions = 30
generator = FunctionGenerator(n_relations)

functions = []

for j in range(5, 70, 5):
    n_functions = j
# for j in range(2, 20, 2):
#     n_relations = j
    generator = FunctionGenerator(n_relations)
    for i in range(0, 200):
        # 1 function, size_max is 10
        functions = []
        temp = generator.generate(n_functions, size_max)
        functions += temp
        query = generator.get_random_query(functions)
    return [rgb_tuple[0], rgb_tuple[1], rgb_tuple[2], 1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ''' Cool looking seed values
    2, 52, 94, 124396, 123456789, 123454321'''
    from function_generator import FunctionGenerator as FG
    unary_ops = {
        "sin": lambda x: np.sin(x),
        "cos": lambda x: np.cos(x),
        "tan": lambda x: np.tan(x),
        "sinh": lambda x: np.sinh(x),
        "cosh": lambda x: np.cosh(x),
        "tanh": lambda x: np.tanh(x),
        "repr": lambda x: 1 / x,
    f_gen = FG(unary_op=unary_ops)
    f1 = f_gen.generate_function(rand_seed=5)

    def f(z):
        ans = f1(z)
        if np.isfinite(ans):
            return ans
            return 0

    d = Domain(-3, 3, -3, 3)
    f_p = FunctionPlot(f, domain_colouring, d, 512, 512, grid=False)
예제 #7
print('    Standard error model means normalization by max(1, value)')
print('    Relative error model means normalization by value')

for func, disp, error_model in zip(true_funcs, true_func_disp, error_models):
    print('\n    Function is: ', disp)

    # test scipy function
    st = time.time()
    ft = func(xtest)
    true_func_time = time.time() - st

    # test approximation function without checks
    st = time.time()
    approx_func = FG(func,
    build_time = time.time() - st
    fa = approx_func(xtest, check_bounds=False)
    out = np.empty(n, dtype=fa.dtype)
    st = time.time()
    fa = approx_func(xtest, check_bounds=False, out=out)
    approx_func_time1 = time.time() - st

    # test approximation function with checks
    fa = approx_func(xtest, check_bounds=True)
    st = time.time()
    fa1 = approx_func(xtest, check_bounds=True)
    approx_func_time2 = time.time() - st
예제 #8
If N <= 50000, will do a direct sum and compare to this
Otherwise, will try to call FMMLIB2D through pyfmmlib2d
To compare to
If this fails, no comparison for correctness!

On my macbook pro N=50,000 takes the direct method ~7s, the FMM <1s
(with N_equiv=64, N_cutoff=500)
And gives error <5e-14

cpu_num = int(os.cpu_count() / 2)

helmholtz_k = 5.0

# fast version of Greens Function
k0 = FunctionGenerator(scipy.special.k0, a=1e-20, b=1000, tol=1e-8, n=8)
k1 = FunctionGenerator(scipy.special.k1, a=1e-20, b=1000, tol=1e-8, n=8)
# extract compilable
_k0 = k0.get_base_function()
_k1 = k1.get_base_function()

# Kernel
def Eval(sx, sy, tx, ty):
    dx = tx - sx
    dy = ty - sy
    d = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    scale = 1.0 / (2 * np.pi)
    return _k0(helmholtz_k * d) * scale
예제 #9
def create_continuous_view(plpy, cv_name: str, query: str) -> None:
    # wrap plpy object
    db = DatabaseAccess(plpy)

    # register continuous view, will fail if another view with the same name exists

    # extract common table expressions and the actual query (ordering of the ctes does not change)
    parsed_query = sqlparse.parse(query)
    query_string, ctes = parse_cte(parsed_query)

    upper_pipelines = []

    # new schema for the view (add to search path allows to use same table names)

    for cte_name, cte in ctes.items():
        pipeline_name = f'cv_{cv_name}.{cte_name}'

        if cte.pipeline_type == PipelineType.STREAM:
            stream_name = cte.get_stream()

            # construct the insert function for the stream
            function_name = construct_insert_function_name(stream_name)

            # create an auxiliary table for aggregates
            db.create_stream_pipeline(pipeline_name, cte.query.normalized)

            # store stream query for later use
            db.stream_pipelines_insert(cv_name, stream_name, pipeline_name,
                                       function_name, cte.query.normalized)

            # if we group by attributes create an index on the primary keys
            if len(cte.primary_keys()) > 0:
                                pipeline_name, cte.primary_keys())

            # construct the insert function for the stream
            declarations, body = FunctionGenerator(
            ).generate_stream_insert_function(f'cv_{cv_name}', stream_name,
                                              pipeline_name, cte)

            # create insert function
            db.create_insert_function(function_name, stream_name, declarations,

        elif cte.pipeline_type == PipelineType.STATIC:
            # evaluate static pipelines and save them
            db.create_static_pipeline(pipeline_name, cte.query.normalized)
            # create index on static pipeline
            if len(cte.keys_for_index()) > 0:
                                pipeline_name, cte.keys_for_index())

        elif cte.pipeline_type == PipelineType.UPPER:
            # merge all upper pipelines

    # create query from all upper pipelines
    db.create_upper_pipeline(f'cv.{cv_name}', upper_pipelines, query_string)
from function_generator import FunctionGenerator
from function_generator.error_models import relative_error_model
from scipy.special import k0, k1
import numpy as np
import numba
import time
Generate function generator based versions of k0(x), k1(x).
These are good to 1e-14, in relative error out to x=200. Past x=200, they return 0.
The absolute value for these values is < 2e-88.

fk0 = FunctionGenerator(k0,
fk1 = FunctionGenerator(k1,

_fk0 = fk0.get_base_function()
_fk1 = fk1.get_base_function()

    "tanh": lambda x: np.tanh(x),
    "repr": lambda x: 1 / complex(x),
    "exp": lambda x: np.exp(x),
    "log": lambda x: np.log(x),
binary_ops = {
    "add": lambda x, y: complex(x) + complex(y),
    "sub": lambda x, y: complex(x) - complex(y),
    "mul": lambda x, y: complex(x) * complex(y),
    "div": lambda x, y: complex(x) / complex(y),

while True:
    done = False
        f_gen = FG(unary_op=unary_ops, binary_op=binary_ops)
        f1 = f_gen.generate_function()

        def f(z):
            ans = f1(z)
            if np.isfinite(ans):
                return ans
                return 0

        d = d_c.Domain(-3, 3, -3, 3)
        f_p = d_c.FunctionPlot(f,
    * the maximum size of the functions
    * the file where to write the functions
    * the file where to write the query

if len(sys.argv) != 6:
        "Correct usage : python3 function_generator_main.py n_relations " +
        "n_functions max_size_functions function_file query_file")

# Read arguments
n_relations = int(sys.argv[1])
n_functions = int(sys.argv[2])
max_size_functions = int(sys.argv[3])

generator = FunctionGenerator(n_relations)

lasts = []

f = open(sys.argv[4], "w")

# Generate the functions, in prolog format
for f_rel in generator.generate(n_functions, max_size_functions):


# Generate the query
with open(sys.argv[5], "w") as f:
    f.write(random.choice(lasts) + "\n")
예제 #13
Tests the time it takes to get the emptyness

import time
from function_generator import FunctionGenerator
from function_indexed_grammar import FunctionIndexedGrammar
import cProfile

def get_millis():
    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

current_time = get_millis()
total = 0
n_loop = 10

for _ in range(n_loop):
    generator = FunctionGenerator(5)
    functions = generator.generate(25, 10)
    query = generator.get_random_query(functions)
    # print(functions)
    # print(query)
    grammar = FunctionIndexedGrammar(functions, query)
    # cProfile.run("grammar.is_empty()")
    print(get_millis() - current_time)
    total += get_millis() - current_time
    current_time = get_millis()

print("Mean :" + str(total / n_loop))
예제 #14
 def _interpolate(self, f):
     fi = sp.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self._x, f, k=5)
     return FunctionGenerator(fi, -1, 1, 1e-14)
예제 #15
If N <= 50000, will do a direct sum and compare to this
Otherwise, will try to call FMMLIB2D through pyfmmlib2d
To compare to
If this fails, no comparison for correctness!

On my macbook pro N=50,000 takes the direct method ~7s, the FMM <1s
(with N_equiv=64, N_cutoff=500)
And gives error <5e-14

cpu_num = int(os.cpu_count()/2)

helmholtz_k = 5.0

# fast version of Greens Function
k0 = FunctionGenerator(scipy.special.k0, a=1e-20, b=1000, tol=1e-12, n=12)
# extract compilable
_k0 = k0.get_base_function()

# Modified Helmholtz Kernel
def Modified_Helmholtz_Eval(sx, sy, tx, ty):
    dx = tx-sx
    dy = ty-sy
    d = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    scale = 1.0/(2*np.pi)
    return _k0(helmholtz_k*d)*scale

N_source = 1000*20
N_target = 1000*2000
test = 'circle' # clustered or circle or uniform
예제 #16
 def __init__(self,
     Backend class for re-usable 'ewald' sum grid evaluation
         for reusability, the grid must have the same h
         and the ewald sum must use the same spread width
     gf: numba callable greens function, gf(r)
     fs: Fourier symbol for operator, fs(kx, ky)
     ifs: Inverse Fourier symbol for operator, ifs(kx, ky)
     h: grid spacing
     spread_width: width to do spreading on
         for Laplace, 15 gives ~7 digits
                      20 gives ~10 digits
             can't seem to do much better than that, right now
     kernel_kwargs: dict of arguments to be passed to gf, fs, ifs, tsgf functions
     funcgen_tol: tolerance for function generator representation of
         functions used in interior spread funciton.  can't seem to beat
         ~10 digits overall now, so no real reason to do more than that
     inline_core: whether to inline the function generator functions into
         the compiled ewald functions
         (inlining may speed things up but slows compilation time,
         sometimes dramatically)
     self.kernel_kwargs = {} if kernel_kwargs is None else kernel_kwargs
     self.gf = lambda r: gf(r, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: fs(kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.inverse_fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: ifs(
         kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
     self.h = h
     self.spread_width = spread_width
     self.funcgen_tol = funcgen_tol
     self.inline_core = inline_core
     # construct mollifier
     self.mollifier = SlepianMollifier(2 * self.spread_width)
     self.ssw = self.spread_width * self.h
     # screened greens function
     _excisor_gf = lambda d: excisor(d, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier
                                     ) * self.gf(d)
         self.ex_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(_excisor_gf,
         self.excisor_gf = self.ex_funcgen.get_base_function(check=False)
         raise Exception(
             'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for mollifier')
     # construct differential operator applied to residual of screened greens function
     _sn = 4 * self.spread_width
     _sgv = np.linspace(0, 4 * self.ssw, _sn, endpoint=False)
     _sgx, _sgy = np.meshgrid(_sgv, _sgv, indexing='ij')
     _skv = np.fft.fftfreq(_sn, self.h / (2 * np.pi))
     _skx, _sky = np.meshgrid(_skv, _skv, indexing='ij')
     _slap = self.fourier_symbol(_skx, _sky)
     pt = np.array([[2 * self.ssw], [2 * self.ssw]])
     targ = np.row_stack([_sgx.ravel(), _sgy.ravel()])
     u = gf_apply(self.gf, pt[0], pt[1], targ[0], targ[1], np.array([
     ])).reshape(_sn, _sn)
     u[_sn // 2, _sn // 2] = 0.0
     dist = np.hypot(_sgx - 2 * self.ssw, _sgy - 2 * self.ssw)
     dec1 = excisor(dist, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier)
     dec2 = excisor(dist, self.ssw, 2 * self.ssw, self.mollifier)
     uf = u * (1 - dec1) * dec2
     self.do_ufd = ifft2(fft2(uf) * _slap).real
     # get an interpolater for this
     _ax = np.linspace(np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi, 1000)
     _ay = np.repeat(np.pi, _ax.size)
     _ar = np.linspace(0, self.ssw, _ax.size)
     _fh = fft2(self.do_ufd) / (_sn * _sn)
     out = finufft.nufft2d2(_ax, _ay, _fh, isign=1, eps=1e-15, modeord=1)
     self._do_ufd_interpolater = sp.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
         _ar, out.real, k=5, bbox=[0, self.ssw], ext=1)
         self.do_ufd_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(
         self.do_ufd_interpolater = self.do_ufd_funcgen.get_base_function(
         raise Exception(
             'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for laplacian of greens function times mollifier'
예제 #17
class ScalarGridBackend(object):
    def __init__(self,
        Backend class for re-usable 'ewald' sum grid evaluation
            for reusability, the grid must have the same h
            and the ewald sum must use the same spread width
        gf: numba callable greens function, gf(r)
        fs: Fourier symbol for operator, fs(kx, ky)
        ifs: Inverse Fourier symbol for operator, ifs(kx, ky)
        h: grid spacing
        spread_width: width to do spreading on
            for Laplace, 15 gives ~7 digits
                         20 gives ~10 digits
                can't seem to do much better than that, right now
        kernel_kwargs: dict of arguments to be passed to gf, fs, ifs, tsgf functions
        funcgen_tol: tolerance for function generator representation of
            functions used in interior spread funciton.  can't seem to beat
            ~10 digits overall now, so no real reason to do more than that
        inline_core: whether to inline the function generator functions into
            the compiled ewald functions
            (inlining may speed things up but slows compilation time,
            sometimes dramatically)
        self.kernel_kwargs = {} if kernel_kwargs is None else kernel_kwargs
        self.gf = lambda r: gf(r, **self.kernel_kwargs)
        self.fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: fs(kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
        self.inverse_fourier_symbol = lambda kx, ky: ifs(
            kx, ky, **self.kernel_kwargs)
        self.h = h
        self.spread_width = spread_width
        self.funcgen_tol = funcgen_tol
        self.inline_core = inline_core
        # construct mollifier
        self.mollifier = SlepianMollifier(2 * self.spread_width)
        self.ssw = self.spread_width * self.h
        # screened greens function
        _excisor_gf = lambda d: excisor(d, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier
                                        ) * self.gf(d)
            self.ex_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(_excisor_gf,
            self.excisor_gf = self.ex_funcgen.get_base_function(check=False)
            raise Exception(
                'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for mollifier')
        # construct differential operator applied to residual of screened greens function
        _sn = 4 * self.spread_width
        _sgv = np.linspace(0, 4 * self.ssw, _sn, endpoint=False)
        _sgx, _sgy = np.meshgrid(_sgv, _sgv, indexing='ij')
        _skv = np.fft.fftfreq(_sn, self.h / (2 * np.pi))
        _skx, _sky = np.meshgrid(_skv, _skv, indexing='ij')
        _slap = self.fourier_symbol(_skx, _sky)
        pt = np.array([[2 * self.ssw], [2 * self.ssw]])
        targ = np.row_stack([_sgx.ravel(), _sgy.ravel()])
        u = gf_apply(self.gf, pt[0], pt[1], targ[0], targ[1], np.array([
        ])).reshape(_sn, _sn)
        u[_sn // 2, _sn // 2] = 0.0
        dist = np.hypot(_sgx - 2 * self.ssw, _sgy - 2 * self.ssw)
        dec1 = excisor(dist, 0.0, self.ssw, self.mollifier)
        dec2 = excisor(dist, self.ssw, 2 * self.ssw, self.mollifier)
        uf = u * (1 - dec1) * dec2
        self.do_ufd = ifft2(fft2(uf) * _slap).real
        # get an interpolater for this
        _ax = np.linspace(np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi, 1000)
        _ay = np.repeat(np.pi, _ax.size)
        _ar = np.linspace(0, self.ssw, _ax.size)
        _fh = fft2(self.do_ufd) / (_sn * _sn)
        out = finufft.nufft2d2(_ax, _ay, _fh, isign=1, eps=1e-15, modeord=1)
        self._do_ufd_interpolater = sp.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
            _ar, out.real, k=5, bbox=[0, self.ssw], ext=1)
            self.do_ufd_funcgen = FunctionGenerator(
            self.do_ufd_interpolater = self.do_ufd_funcgen.get_base_function(
            raise Exception(
                'Failed constructing FunctionGenerator function for laplacian of greens function times mollifier'

    def initialize_periodic(self):
        Define periodic local evaluator function
        _ex_gf = self.excisor_gf
        _do_ufd = self.do_ufd_interpolater
        h = self.h
        sw = self.spread_width

        @numba.njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True)
        def ewald_local_periodic(source, charge, xv, yv):
            xmin = xv[0]
            ymin = yv[0]
            shape = (charge.size, 2 * sw + 2, 2 * sw + 2)
            fwork1 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.float64)
            fwork2 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.float64)
            iwork1 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.int64)
            iwork2 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.int64)
            bwork1 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=numba.boolean)
            sh = (xv.size, yv.size)
            op = np.zeros(sh, dtype=numba.float64)
            u = np.zeros_like(op)
            N = source.shape[1]
            nx = xv.size
            ny = yv.size
            md = sw * h
            for i in numba.prange(N):
                sx = source[0, i]
                sy = source[1, i]
                ch = charge[i]
                indx = int((sx - xmin) // h)
                indy = int((sy - ymin) // h)
                lxi = indx - sw - 1
                lyi = indy - sw - 1
                hxi = indx + sw + 1
                hyi = indy + sw + 1
                for ixind, ix in enumerate(range(lxi, hxi)):
                    ixm = ix % nx
                    xvh = xmin + ix * h
                    for iyind, iy in enumerate(range(lyi, hyi)):
                        iym = iy % ny
                        yvh = ymin + iy * h
                        d = np.hypot(xvh - sx, yvh - sy)
                        if d <= md:
                            fwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = _ex_gf(d) * ch
                            fwork2[i, ixind, iyind] = _do_ufd(d) * ch
                            iwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = ixm
                            iwork2[i, ixind, iyind] = iym
                            bwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = True
            for i in range(N):
                for ixind in range(2 * sw + 2):
                    for iyind in range(2 * sw + 2):
                        if bwork1[i, ixind, iyind]:
                            ixm = iwork1[i, ixind, iyind]
                            iym = iwork2[i, ixind, iyind]
                            u[ixm, iym] += fwork1[i, ixind, iyind]
                            op[ixm, iym] += fwork2[i, ixind, iyind]
            return op, u

        self.ewald_local_periodic = ewald_local_periodic

    def initialize_freespace(self):
        Define periodic local evaluator function
        _ex_gf = self.excisor_gf
        _do_ufd = self.do_ufd_interpolater
        h = self.h
        sw = self.spread_width

        def ewald_local_freespace(source, charge, xv, yv, op, u, op_na):
            xmin = xv[0]
            ymin = yv[0]
            shape = (charge.size, 2 * sw + 2, 2 * sw + 2)
            fwork1 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.float64)
            fwork2 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.float64)
            iwork1 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.int64)
            iwork2 = np.empty(shape, dtype=numba.int64)
            bwork1 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=numba.boolean)
            N = source.shape[1]
            nx = xv.size
            ny = yv.size
            md = sw * h
            for i in numba.prange(N):
                sx = source[0, i]
                sy = source[1, i]
                ch = charge[i]
                indx = int((sx - xmin) // h)
                indy = int((sy - ymin) // h)
                lxi = indx - sw - 1
                lyi = indy - sw - 1
                hxi = indx + sw + 1
                hyi = indy + sw + 1
                for ixind, ix in enumerate(range(lxi, hxi)):
                    xvh = xmin + ix * h
                    for iyind, iy in enumerate(range(lyi, hyi)):
                        yvh = ymin + iy * h
                        d = np.hypot(xvh - sx, yvh - sy)
                        if d <= md:
                            fwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = _ex_gf(d) * ch
                            fwork2[i, ixind, iyind] = _do_ufd(d) * ch
                            iwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = ix + op_na
                            iwork2[i, ixind, iyind] = iy + op_na
                            bwork1[i, ixind, iyind] = True
            for i in range(N):
                for ixind in range(2 * sw + 2):
                    for iyind in range(2 * sw + 2):
                        if bwork1[i, ixind, iyind]:
                            ix = iwork1[i, ixind, iyind]
                            iy = iwork2[i, ixind, iyind]
                            u[ix, iy] += fwork1[i, ixind, iyind]
                            op[ix, iy] += fwork2[i, ixind, iyind]

        self.ewald_local_freespace = ewald_local_freespace

    def check_periodic(self, xv, yv):
        self.check_either(xv, yv)

    def check_freespace(self, xv, yv):
        self.check_either(xv, yv)
        if xv.size != yv.size:
            raise Exception('Square grid required for freespace evaluator')

    def check_either(self, xv, yv):
        xh = xv[1] - xv[0]
        if np.abs(xh - self.h) > 1e-15:
            raise Exception('h of input xv vector not same as backend')
        yh = yv[1] - yv[0]
        if np.abs(yh - self.h) > 1e-15:
            raise Exception('h of input yv vector not same as backend')
예제 #18
def experiment(seed, initial_num, max_iter, acq_name):

    # 定義域は[0, 1] でgrid_num分割して候補点を生成
    grid_num = 200
    X = np.c_[np.linspace(0, 1, grid_num)]
    y = np.c_[forrester(X)]

    # 乱数シード値の固定(重要: 実験が再現できるようにするため)

    # 訓練データの作成
    index_list = range(grid_num)
    train_index = random.sample(index_list, initial_num)
    X_train = X[train_index]
    y_train = y[train_index]

    # カーネルの設定
    :param lentgh_scale: RBFカーネルのバンド幅
    :param variance: 分散パラメータ
    :param noise_var: 観測誤差
    noise_var = 1.0e-4

    # プロットや結果保存のためのディレクトリをつくる (実験結果をいつでも復元できるようにいろんなログはとっておいて損はない)
    result_dir_path = "./"+acq_name+"/seed_"+str(seed)+"/"
    _ = subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", result_dir_path])

    # ベイズ最適化
    for iter in range(max_iter):
        if iter % 5 == 0:  # 5イテレーションごとにハイパラ更新
            # ハイパラ最適化
            hyper_grid = 100
            length_scale, variance = opt(X_train, y_train, hyper_grid)
            kernel = RBFkernel(length_scale, variance, noise_var)
        pred_mean, pred_var = kernel.predict(kernel, X, X_train, y_train)
        # 結果のプロット
        #predict_plot(X, y, X_train, y_train, pred_mean, pred_var, result_dir_path + acq_name + "_iter" + str(iter) + ".pdf")
        if acq_name == 'ucb':
            alpha = ucb(X_train, pred_mean, pred_var)
        if acq_name == 'mes':
            F = FunctionGenerator(seed, length_scale, variance, noise_var, X)
            func_num = 5
            f = F.gen(X_train, y_train, func_num=func_num)
            # RFMからサンプリングされた関数のプロット
            # rfm_fn_plot(X, y, f, pred_mean, pred_var, "rfm_plot_" + str(iter) + ".pdf")
            y_star = f.max()
        next_index = np.argmax(alpha)

        save_data_pass = result_dir_path+"iter_"+str(iter)+"/"
        _ = subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", save_data_pass])
        save_data_lists = [X, y, pred_mean, pred_var, alpha]
        data_name_lists = ["X", "y", "pred_mean", "pred_var", "alpha"]
        for i in range(len(data_name_lists)):
            with open(save_data_pass+data_name_lists[i]+".pickle",'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(save_data_lists[i], f)

        # 訓練データの更新
        X_next = X[next_index]
        y_next = y[next_index]
        X_train = np.vstack((X_train, X_next))
        y_train = np.vstack((y_train, y_next))
예제 #19
 def setUp(self):
     self.generator = FunctionGenerator()
 def getFunctions(self, num_func):
     generator = FunctionGenerator()
     func_list = []
     for _ in range(num_func):
         func_list.append(generator.getFunction(1, randint(0, 20)))
     return func_list
예제 #21
def zeta(x):
    Returns I1(x)/I0(x), using standarad funcitons for small |x|
    And asymptotic expansions (see doc for __Iv) for |x|
    return __Iv(x, 1)/__Iv(x, 0) if np.abs(x) > 20 \
        else sp.special.iv(1, x)/sp.special.iv(0, x)

# construct vectorized version of zeta
zetas = np.vectorize(zeta)
# construct an approximation of zeta(x)/x using FunctionGenerator, good on [-1,1]
# note the strange bounds: this just avoids the removable singularity at 0
_zeta_over_x = FunctionGenerator(lambda x: zetas(x) / x,

# construct a function for zeta(x)/x, good on [-Inf, Inf]
def zeta_over_x(x):
    if np.abs(x) > 1:
        return zeta(x) / x
        return _zeta_over_x(x)

# returns the Bingham Function, Eq ...
def bingham_function(x):
    return 0.5 * (1.0 + zeta(x))
예제 #22
cpu_num = int(os.cpu_count() / 2)
numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS = cpu_num
import mkl

# Greens Function
def GF(x):
    Y = yn(1, x)
    S3 = struve(-3, x)
    S2 = struve(-2, x)
    return (x * (Y - S3) - 4 * S2) / x**2

# fast version of Greens Function
gf = FunctionGenerator(GF, a=1e-30, b=1000, tol=1e-12)
# extract compilable
_gf = gf.get_base_function()

# Kernel
def Kernel(sx, sy, tx, ty):
    dx = tx - sx
    dy = ty - sy
    d = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    return _gf(d)

N_source = 1000 * 10
N_target = 1000 * 10