def weap_condition_post(entry, body, cells): weapon_id = entry.weapon_id condition_type = entry.condition_type condition = entry.condition condition_null = entry.condition_null condition1 = entry.condition1 condition2 = entry.condition2 damage_value = entry.damage_value damage = entry.damage condition = get_name(Condition, condition) condition_null = get_name(Condition, condition_null) condition1 = get_name(Condition, condition1) condition2 = get_name(Condition, condition2) damage_value = integer_convert(damage_value) updown_select = [{'type': 1, 'name': 'Up'}, {'type': -1, 'name': 'Down'}] damage = selects(damage, updown_select) vcells = vcell('active', 40, [condition, 'Active']) vcells = vcell('change', 60, [condition1, 'to', condition2], vcells) vcells = vcell('damage', 40, [damage_value, 'Condition', damage], vcells) vcells = vcell('null', 40, [condition_null, 'Nullified'], vcells) cells = vcell_add('Condition Effect', condition_type, vcells, cells) body = send(cells, body) cells.clear() return (body)
def equip_belt_post(entry, body, cells): equip_id = entry.equip_id feature = entry.feature weapon = entry.weapon equipment = cost = entry.cost belt_item_type = entry.belt_item_type feature = get_name(Feature, feature) weapon = get_name(Weapon, weapon) equipment = get_name(Equipment, equipment) cost = str(cost) vcells = vcell('equip', 30, [equipment]) vcells = vcell('weapon', 30, [weapon], vcells) vcells = vcell('feature', 30, [feature], vcells) cells = vcell_add('Item', belt_item_type, vcells, cells) cells = cell('Cost', 10, [cost], cells) body = send(cells, body) cells.clear() print('\n\n') print(cost) print('\n') return (body)
def equip_opposed_post(entry, body, cells): equip_id = entry.equip_id effect = entry.effect feature = entry.feature dc = entry.dc skill_type = entry.skill_type skill = entry.skill check = entry.check when = entry.when condition1 = entry.condition1 condition2 = entry.condition2 effect = name(EquipEffect, effect) feature = name(Feature, feature) skill_type = get_name(Skill, skill_type) skill = get_name(SkillBonus, skill) check = get_name(Check, check) condition1 = get_name(Condition, condition1) condition2 = get_name(Condition, condition2) dc = integer_convert(dc) when_select = [{ 'type': '', 'name': 'When' }, { 'type': 'before', 'name': 'Before Use' }, { 'type': 'after', 'name': 'After Use' }] when = selects(when, when_select) cells = cell('Effect', 15, [effect]) cells = cell('Feature', 15, [feature], cells) cells = cell('DC', 6, [dc], cells) cells = cell('Skill', 16, [skill_type], cells) cells = cell('Enhanced Skill', 20, [skill], cells) cells = cell('Check', 14, [check], cells) cells = cell('Required Condition', 18, [condition1], cells) cells = cell('Result Condition', 18, [condition2], cells) cells = cell('When', 11, [when], cells) body = send(cells, body) cells.clear() return (body)
def primary_exist(check_type, check_table, opposed_table, column, id, power=False): error_msgs = errors['error_msgs'] error = False check_convert = db_integer(Check, check_type) check_title = get_name(Check, check_convert) if check_type == 'x': attribute = getattr(check_table, column) the_filter = attribute == id if power == False: check = db.session.query(check_table).filter( the_filter, check_table.primary == True).first() else: check = db.session.query(check_table).filter( the_filter, check_table.primary == True, check_table.extra_id == None).first() if check is None: error = True message = 'You set this base powers check to Variable Check but you never set a primary check for the base power with the Variable Check Form. Either create a primary check for the base power with the variable check form or make a different selection on the base powers Check Type field.' error_msgs.append(message) if check_type == '2' or check_type == '7': attribute = getattr(check_table, column) the_filter = attribute == id if power == False: check = db.session.query(opposed_table).filter( the_filter, opposed_table.primary == True).first() else: check = db.session.query(opposed_table).filter( the_filter, opposed_table.primary == True, opposed_table.extra_id == None).first() if check is None: error = True message = 'You set this base powers check to ' + check_title + ' Check but you never set a primary check for the base power with the Opponent Check Form. Either create a primary check for the base power with the Opponent check form or make a different selection on the base powers Check Type field.' error_msgs.append(message) errors['error_msgs'] = error_msgs if error: errors['error'] = error return (errors)
def equip_modifiers_post(entry, body, cells): equip_id = entry.equip_id feature = entry.feature effect = entry.effect bonus = entry.bonus bonus_type = entry.bonus_type penalty = entry.penalty penalty_type = entry.penalty_type trigger = entry.trigger bonus_effect = entry.bonus_effect penalty_effect = entry.penalty_effect environment = entry.environment environment_other = entry.environment_other sense = entry.sense mod_range = entry.mod_range subsense = entry.subsense cover = entry.cover conceal = entry.conceal maneuver = entry.maneuver weapon_melee = entry.weapon_melee weapon_ranged = entry.weapon_ranged tools = condition = entry.condition power = entry.power consequence = entry.consequence creature = entry.creature creature_other = entry.creature_other emotion = entry.emotion emotion_other = entry.emotion_other conflict = entry.conflict profession = entry.profession profession_other = entry.profession_other bonus_trait_type = entry.bonus_trait_type bonus_trait = entry.bonus_trait bonus_trait = variable_trait(bonus_trait, bonus_trait_type) bonus_check = entry.bonus_check bonus_check_range = entry.bonus_check_range bonus_conflict = entry.bonus_conflict penalty_trait_type = entry.penalty_trait_type penalty_trait = entry.penalty_trait penalty_trait = variable_trait(penalty_trait, penalty_trait_type) penalty_check = entry.penalty_check penalty_check_range = entry.penalty_check_range penalty_conflict = entry.penalty_conflict bonus_active_defense = entry.bonus_active_defense bonus_conflict_defend = entry.bonus_conflict_defend penalty_active_defense = entry.penalty_active_defense penalty_conflict_defend = entry.penalty_conflict_defend multiple = entry.multiple multiple_count = entry.multiple_count lasts = entry.lasts skill = entry.skill light = entry.light bonus_trait = trait_select(bonus_trait, bonus_trait_type) penalty_trait = trait_select(penalty_trait, penalty_trait_type) bonus = integer_convert(bonus) penalty = integer_convert(penalty) multiple_count = integer_convert(multiple_count) lasts = integer_convert(lasts) modifier_type = [{ 'type': '', 'name': 'Type' }, { 'type': 'up', 'name': 'Up to' }, { 'type': 'value', 'name': 'Exact' }, { 'type': 'rank', 'name': 'Per Rank' }, { 'type': '-1', 'name': 'Rank - 1' }] bonus_type = selects(bonus_type, modifier_type) penalty_type = selects(penalty_type, modifier_type) multiple_select = [{ 'type': '', 'name': 'If Multiple' }, { 'type': 'together', 'name': 'All Work Together' }, { 'type': 'round', 'name': 'Choose for Round' }, { 'type': 'turn', 'name': 'Choose for Turn' }, { 'type': 'pick', 'name': 'Pick 1' }, { 'type': 'rank', 'name': '1 Per Rank' }] multiple = selects(multiple, multiple_select) environment = get_name(Environment, environment) sense = get_name(Sense, sense) mod_range = get_name(Ranged, mod_range) subsense = get_name(SubSense, subsense) cover = get_name(Cover, cover) conceal = get_name(Conceal, conceal) maneuver = get_name(Maneuver, maneuver) weapon_melee = get_name(WeaponType, weapon_melee) weapon_ranged = get_name(WeaponType, weapon_ranged) condition = get_name(Condition, condition) power = get_name(Power, power) consequence = get_name(Consequence, consequence) creature = get_name(Creature, creature) emotion = get_name(Emotion, emotion) conflict = get_name(ConflictAction, conflict) profession = get_name(Job, profession) bonus_conflict = get_name(ConflictAction, bonus_conflict) penalty_conflict = get_name(ConflictAction, penalty_conflict) skill = get_name(Skill, skill) light = get_name(Light, light) bonus_check = get_name(Check, bonus_check) bonus_check_range = get_name(Ranged, bonus_check_range) penalty_check = get_name(Check, penalty_check) penalty_check_range = get_name(Ranged, penalty_check_range) effect = name(EquipEffect, effect) feature = name(Feature, feature) bonus_active_defense = variable_value('trait', bonus_effect, bonus_active_defense) bonus_conflict_defend = variable_value('conflict', bonus_effect, bonus_conflict_defend) penalty_active_defense = variable_value('trait', penalty_effect, penalty_active_defense) penalty_conflict_defend = variable_value('conflict', penalty_effect, penalty_conflict_defend) modifier_trigger = [{ 'type': '', 'name': 'Trigger' }, { 'type': 'environment', 'name': 'Environment' }, { 'type': 'cover', 'name': 'Cover' }, { 'type': 'conceal', 'name': 'Concealment' }, { 'type': 'sense', 'name': 'Sense' }, { 'type': 'subsense', 'name': 'Subsense' }, { 'type': 'condition', 'name': 'Condition' }, { 'type': 'profession', 'name': 'Characters Profession' }, { 'type': 'creature', 'name': 'Creature' }, { 'type': 'power', 'name': 'Power' }, { 'type': 'emotion', 'name': 'Emotion' }, { 'type': 'consequence', 'name': 'Consequence' }, { 'type': 'range', 'name': 'Range' }, { 'type': 'critical', 'name': 'Critical Attempt' }, { 'type': 'conflict', 'name': 'Conflict Action' }, { 'type': 'maneuver', 'name': 'Maneuver' }, { 'type': 'tools', 'name': 'Tool Requirement' }, { 'type': 'ranged', 'name': 'Ranged Weapon' }, { 'type': 'melee', 'name': 'Melee Weapon' }] cells = cell('Feature', 11, [feature]) cells = cell('Effect', 11, [effect], cells) cells = cell('Bonus', 8, [bonus], cells) cells = cell('Type', 8, [bonus_type], cells) vcells = vcell('effect', 15, ['Effect Modifier']) vcells = vcell('attack', 12, ['Attack Bonus'], vcells) vcells = vcell('damage', 13, ['Damage Bonus'], vcells) vcells = vcell('defense', 16, ['Active Defenses'], vcells) vcells = vcell('trait', 18, [bonus_trait], vcells) word = string(', Range:', [bonus_check_range]) vcells = vcell('check', 29, [bonus_check, word, bonus_check_range], vcells) vcells = vcell('conflict', 16, [bonus_conflict], vcells) cells = vcell_add('Bonus Effect', bonus_effect, vcells, cells) cells = check_cell('Active', 8, bonus_active_defense, cells) cells = check_cell('Only Active', 11, bonus_conflict_defend, cells) cells = cell('Penalty', 8, [penalty], cells) cells = cell('Type', 8, [penalty_type], cells) vcells = vcell('effect', 15, ['Effect Modifier']) vcells = vcell('attack', 12, ['Attack Bonus'], vcells) vcells = vcell('damage', 13, ['Damage Bonus'], vcells) vcells = vcell('defense', 16, ['Active Defenses'], vcells) vcells = vcell('trait', 18, [penalty_trait], vcells) word = string(', Range:', [penalty_check_range]) vcells = vcell('check', 29, [penalty_check, word, penalty_check_range], vcells) vcells = vcell('conflict', 16, [penalty_conflict], vcells) cells = vcell_add('Affects', penalty_effect, vcells, cells) cells = check_cell('Active', 8, penalty_active_defense, cells) cells = check_cell('Only Active', 11, penalty_conflict_defend, cells) vcells = vcell('environment', 20, [environment]) vcells = vcell('cover', 20, [cover], vcells) vcells = vcell('conceal', 20, [conceal], vcells) vcells = vcell('sense', 20, [sense], vcells) vcells = vcell('subsense', 20, [subsense], vcells) vcells = vcell('condition', 20, [condition], vcells) vcells = vcell('profession', 20, [profession], vcells) vcells = vcell('creature', 20, [creature], vcells) vcells = vcell('power', 20, [power], vcells) vcells = vcell('emotion', 20, [emotion], vcells) vcells = vcell('consequence', 20, [consequence], vcells) vcells = vcell('range', 20, [mod_range], vcells) vcells = vcell('critical', 20, ['Critical Attempt'], vcells) vcells = vcell('conflict', 20, [conflict], vcells) vcells = vcell('maneuver', 20, [maneuver], vcells) vcells = vcell('tools', 20, [tools], vcells) vcells = vcell('ranged', 20, [weapon_ranged], vcells) vcells = vcell('melee', 20, [weapon_melee], vcells) vcells = vcell('skill', 20, [skill], vcells) vcells = vcell('light', 20, [light], vcells) cells = vcell_add('Trigger', trigger, vcells, cells) body = send(cells, body) cells.clear() return (body)