def doTurn(self): if self.playerGoing == 1: self.root1 = func.Toplevel(self.mainRoot) self.player1.reRoot(self.root1) self.player1.startTurn(, self.player2.score) self.player2.board = self.player1.board self.playerGoing = 2 func.popup(self.mainRoot, "Pass Device", "Pass Device to %s\n\n" %, 500, 500) else: if == "CPU": self.playerGoing = 1 self.player2._run() self.player2.turnrotation = 0 self.player1.board = self.player2.board else: self.root2 = func.Toplevel(self.mainRoot) self.player2.reRoot(self.root2) self.player2.startTurn(, self.player1.score) self.player1.board = self.player2.board self.playerGoing = 1 func.popup(self.mainRoot, "Pass Device", "Pass Device to %s\n\n" %, 500, 500) if self.gameAlreadyInFile is False: writeGameToFile(self, gameNum=self.gameNum, gameAlreadyInFile=False) self.gameAlreadyInFile = True else: writeGameToFile(self, gameNum=self.gameNum, gameAlreadyInFile=True)
def __init__(self, name1, name2, mode1, mode2): self.mainRoot = func.Tk() self.root = func.Toplevel(self.mainRoot) self.root2 = func.Toplevel(self.mainRoot) self.mainRoot.withdraw() self.name1 = name1 self.name2 = name2 self.mode1 = mode1[0] self.mode2 = mode2[0] self.gameNum = len(open("savedGame.txt").read().split("New Game")) print(self.gameNum) self.gameAlreadyInFile = False
def __init__(self, root, text, x, y, frame): self.board = Board() self.scoreList = ['TWS', 'DWS', 'TLS', 'DLS'] self.scores = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2, "f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3, "l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1, "r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4, "x": 8, "z": 10, "?" : 0} self. root = root self.rackFrame = frame self.x = x self.y = y self.origX = x self.origY = y self.text = text self.origText = text if text == "?": #Blank tile self.blankChosen = 0 self.blankWindow = func.Toplevel(self.root) self.blankWindow.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (self.root.winfo_screenwidth(), self.root.winfo_screenheight(), 0, 0)) self.blankWindow.resizable(0, 0) self.blankWindow.withdraw() self.blankWindow.title("Choose Blank") self.getFrame(31) #Same size as spaces on board self.hoveringOver = "%s,%s" % ("NA", "NA") #Not hovering over anything = "NA", you see this a lot self.getPositions() #So it knows where the board spaces are so it can go to them in snapToGrid()
def exchange(self): self.root.update_idletasks() self.exchangeWindow = func.Toplevel(self.root, height=self.screenHeight/2, \ width = self.screenWidth/2-200) self.exchangeWindow.wm_title("Exchange") label = func.Label( self.exchangeWindow, text="Drag the letters you wish to exchange to the rack.", relief=func.RAISED), y=30, height=50, width=320) self.exchangeLetters = [] for letterCount in range(len(self.rack)): self.exchangeLetters.append( tiles.MovingExchangeLetter(self.exchangeWindow, self.rack[letterCount], letterCount * 30 + 150, 300, self.exchangeWindow)) for i in self.exchangeLetters: i.els = self.exchangeLetters i.weed_els() self.exchangeLetters[-1].getExchangeRack() button = func.Button(self.exchangeWindow, text="Back", command=self.exchangeWindow.destroy), y=175) exchangeButton = func.Button(self.exchangeWindow, text="Enter", command=self.getNewTiles), y=175)
def __init__(self, root, file="savedGame.txt"): self.root = func.Toplevel(root) self.root.withdraw() self.gameWindow = func.Toplevel(self.root, height=root.winfo_screenheight(), width=root.winfo_screenwidth()) self.gameWindow.resizable(0, 0) self.gameWindow.wm_title("Saved Games") gameTexts = open(file).read() gameTexts = gameTexts.split("New Game\n") newGameTexts = [] for i in gameTexts: newGameTexts.append(i.strip()) #print(gameTexts) self.gameTexts = newGameTexts gameLabels = [] gameButtons = [] deleteButtons = [] column = 0 for gameText in gameTexts: if gameText: fullText = self.setGameVars(gameText) if fullText != "nogame": text = """%s's score: %s %s's score: %s Mode 1: %s Mode 2: %s""" % (fullText[0], fullText[1], fullText[2], fullText[3], fullText[4], fullText[5]) gameLabel = func.Label( self.gameWindow, text=text, height=4, width=20, relief=func.RAISED) #Definetly changeable gameLabels.append(gameLabel) gameLabels[-1].place(x=0, y=column * 100) gameButton = func.Button(self.gameWindow, text="Play!", height=1, width=5, \ command=lambda game=gameText: gameButtons.append(gameButton) gameButtons[-1].place(x=350, y=(gameTexts.index(gameText) * 100)) column += 1
def make_dict(self): self.dict_window = func.Toplevel(self.root, height=500, width=500) self.dict_window.title("Dictionary") l = func.Label(self.dict_window, height=2, width=50, text="Type a word below to check if it's actually a word.") # = func.StringVar() #"Word") self.e = func.Entry(self.dict_window)#, self.e.delete(0, func.END) self.e.insert(0, "word") #, width=50) be = func.Button(self.dict_window, text="Enter", command=self.checkDictWord) bb = func.Button(self.dict_window, text="Back", command=self.dict_window.destroy) self.dwlgen = 0 for i in [l, self.e, bb, be]: i.pack()
def instructions(): """Needs to be updated""" text = """Instructions for Scrabble: You get a rack of 7 tiles to start the game. You must play words with these 7 tiles so that each word formed vertically and horizontally is a word. \tNote: Whenever you play a word, make sure that it touches at least \tone other letter on the board (not diagonally.) \tThe first move must touch the star in the middle of the board. To play a tile, click and drag the tile to the board. \tNote: When you play a tile, make sure that it snaps into a space. \tIf it doesn't, then it didn't place and you have to do it again. "?" tiles are blank tiles. They can be played as any letter. If you can't find any words to make, you can exchange. Exchanging You get a certain amount of points based on the letters you played. Special Score Tiles: \tTWS (triple word score): Multiplies your score for that turn by 3. \tDWS (double word score): Multiplies your score for that turn by 2. \tTLS (triple letter score): Multiplies your score for that letter by 3. \tDLS (double letter score): Multiplies your score for that letter by 2. Once you play a word, you draw tiles until you have seven again. The game ends when there are no tiles left in the bag. Modes: Normal: wrong word -> continue Hardcore: wrong word -> lose turn Normal: play until no tiles in bag Short: play to 75 points""" instructionsWindow = func.Toplevel(root, height=root.winfo_screenheight(), width=root.winfo_screenwidth()) instructionsWindow.title("Instructions") instructionsLabel = func.Label(instructionsWindow, text=text, justify=LEFT), y=10, height=750, width=500) closeButton = func.Button(instructionsLabel, text="Close", command=instructionsWindow.destroy), y=600)
def doTurn(self): if self.playerGoing == 1: self.root1 = func.Toplevel(self.mainRoot) self.player1.reRoot(self.root1) self.player1.startTurn(, self.player2.score) self.player2.board = cpu.Board(self.player1.board) self.playerGoing = 2 #func.popup(self.mainRoot, "Pass Device", "Pass Device to %s\n\n" %, 500, 500) else: self.playerGoing = 1 self.player2._run() self.player2.turnrotation = 0 self.player1.board = self.player2.board.board ## if self.gameAlreadyInFile is False: ## writeGameToFile(self, gameNum = self.gameNum, gameAlreadyInFile = False) ## self.gameAlreadyInFile = True ## else: ## writeGameToFile(self, gameNum = self.gameNum, gameAlreadyInFile = True) print(len(func.distribution))
def play(): global enterWindow, name1Var, name2Var, mode1Var, mode2Var, playing playing = 1 enterWindow = func.Toplevel(func.root, height = func.root.winfo_screenheight(),\ width = func.root.winfo_screenwidth()) enterWindow.wm_title("Enter Names and Modes") label1 = func.Label(enterWindow, text="Enter name 1:"), y=50, height=20, width=95) name1Var = func.StringVar() name1Var.set("Joe") name1 = func.Entry(enterWindow, textvariable=name1Var), y=50, height=20, width=100) label2 = func.Label(enterWindow, text="Enter name 2:"), y=175, height=20, width=95) name2Var = func.StringVar() name2Var.set("CPU") name2 = func.Entry(enterWindow, textvariable=name2Var), y=175, height=20, width=100) cpuRemindLabel = func.Label(enterWindow, text="""Note: If name 2 is CPU, the computer will play for that player."""), y=215, height=30, width=250) mode1Label = func.Label(enterWindow, text="Enter mode 1 (normal or hardcore):"), y=295, height=20, width=210) mode1Var = func.StringVar() mode1Var.set("normal") mode1 = func.Entry(enterWindow, textvariable=mode1Var), y=295, height=20, width=100) mode1Questions = func.Button(enterWindow, text="?", command=mode1questions), y=280, height=50, width=50) mode1Switch = func.Button(enterWindow, text="Switch", command=mode1VarSwitch), y=280, height=50, width=75) mode2Label = func.Label(enterWindow, text="Enter mode 2 (normal or short):"), y=465, height=20, width=200) mode2Var = func.StringVar() mode2Var.set("normal") mode2 = func.Entry(enterWindow, textvariable=mode2Var), y=465, height=20, width=100) mode2Questions = func.Button(enterWindow, text="?", command=mode2questions), y=450, height=50, width=50) mode2Switch = func.Button(enterWindow, text="Switch", command=mode2VarSwitch), y=450, height=50, width=75) enterButton = func.Button(enterWindow, text="Enter data", command=checkData), y=500)