def algorithm(self, matrix, start):
        vertNo = int(matrix.shape[0] / 2)
        #start = random.randint(0, vertNo * 2 - 1)
        visited = []
        next_min = find_min(matrix, visited, start)

        # for 48 verts
        for _ in range(0, vertNo - 2):
            lowest_cost_for_edges = {}
            best_vert_for_edges = {}
            to_check = list(set(range(len(matrix))) - set(visited)) # all vert not visited
            # for all edges check distances to all free verts and get min cost
            for j in range(len(visited) - 1):
                new_vert_cost = {}
                for v in to_check:  # check all not visited vert
                    new_vert_cost[v] = cost(visited[j], visited[j + 1], v, matrix) # method cost calculate distance between new vert and egdes from visited [j] &[j+1]
                min_cost_key = int(min(new_vert_cost, key=new_vert_cost.get)) #  minimum distance
                lowest_cost_for_edges[(j, j + 1)] = new_vert_cost[min_cost_key] # minimum distance for all edges
                best_vert_for_edges[(j, j + 1)] = min_cost_key # vert
            # final edge cost (last in list and first)
            new_vert_cost = {}
            for v in to_check:
                new_vert_cost[v] = cost(visited[-1], visited[0], v, matrix) # check last and first vert(one edges) from visited
            min_cost_key = int(min(new_vert_cost, key=new_vert_cost.get))
            lowest_cost_for_edges[(len(visited) - 1, 0)] = new_vert_cost[min_cost_key]
            best_vert_for_edges[(len(visited) - 1, 0)] = min_cost_key
            # get best vert to add
            best_key = min(lowest_cost_for_edges, key=lowest_cost_for_edges.get)
            # add it to solution
            visited = np.insert(np.array(visited), best_key[1], best_vert_for_edges[best_key])
        distanceSum = count_distance(matrix, visited)
        return distanceSum, visited
예제 #2
def Slide_6():
    import numpy as np
    costs = np.array(
         func.cost(375, 0),
         func.cost(0, 15625), 37000])
    label = ['Aleatória', 'Levar nenhum', 'Levar todos', 'Custo 2020']
    import seaborn as sns
    plt.title('Custos, estratégias simples e custo atual')
    sns.barplot(x=label, y=costs)
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: tr2255/PST
def Prims(filename, Initial_Vertex):
    G = Weighted_Graph(filename)
    VT = {Initial_Vertex} 
    ET = [] 
    MST = (VT, ET) 
    V = G.vertex_set()
    while MST[0] != V:
        min_edge = P.min_incident_edge(G,MST)
        new_vertex = {min_edge[0], min_edge[1]}
        MST =[new_vertex.union(MST[0]),ET]
    print('MST:',MST, '\n')
    total_cost = 0
    for e in MST[0]:
        total_cost += cost_min_edge
    print ('\n', 'Total cost of MST:', total_cost, '\n')
    print ('Minimum Spanning Tree SubGraph:')
def prims_algorithm(G, starting_vertex, show_graph=False, show_cost=False):

    #Draws graph if True
    if show_graph == True:
    T = prims_initialize(G, starting_vertex)

    #Draws subtree if True
    if show_graph == True:
        draw_subtree(G, T)

    #Adds the minimum cost edge to the graph
    while is_spanning(G, T) == False:
        e = min_prims_edge(G, T)
        T.add_edge(e[0], e[1])

        #Draws the MST
        if show_graph == True:
            draw_subtree(G, T)

    #Returns cost if True
    if show_cost == True:
        c = sum([cost(G, e) for e in E(T)])
        print(f'The cost of this spanning tree is: {c}')
    return T
예제 #5
def main():
        Prints "Canadian Cities!" to the display. And call the lifeQuality function.

    df = pd.read_csv("../data/numeo.csv")

    print("Canadian Cities!\n")

    print("Quality of Life:")
    quality_value = quality(df.City[0], df)

    print("Cost of Living:")
    cost_value = cost(df.City[0], df)

    print("Environmental Factors")
    env_value = environment(df.City[0], df)

    style_value = lifestyle(df.City[0], df)

    print("End Test!!!")
예제 #6
def heatmaps():
    X, Y = np.linspace(0, 375), np.linspace(0, 15625)

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"seaborn")
    #from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar, pcolor, show
    Z = func.cost(X, Y)
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    plot = ax.pcolor(Y, X, Z, cmap='bwr')

    plt.xlabel('Falso Positivo')
    plt.ylabel('Falso negativo')
    plt.title('Heatmap de custo, relação falso negativo x falso positivo.')
    f.colorbar(plot, ax=ax)
    plt.plot([15625, 0], [0, 312.5], color='brown')

    plt.plot([12270 / 10, 0], [0, 12270 / 500], color='black')
    plt.plot([37000 / 10, 0], [0, 37000 / 500], color='teal')
    plt.plot([20500 / 10, 0], [0, 20500 / 500], color='indigo')

    X, Y = np.linspace(0, 38000 / 500), np.linspace(0, 38000 / 10)

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"seaborn")
    #from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar, pcolor, show
    Z = func.cost(X, Y)
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    plot = ax.pcolor(Y, X, Z, cmap='bwr')

    plt.xlabel('Falso Positivo')
    plt.ylabel('Falso negativo')
    plt.title('Heatmap de custo, relação falso negativo x falso positivo.')
    f.colorbar(plot, ax=ax)
    plt.plot([12270 / 10, 0], [0, 12270 / 500], color='black')
    plt.plot([37000 / 10, 0], [0, 37000 / 500], color='teal')
    plt.plot([20500 / 10, 0], [0, 20500 / 500], color='indigo')
 def find_two_best_verts(self, matrix, visited):
     lowest_cost_for_edges = {}
     best_vert_for_edges = {}
     to_check = list(set(range(len(matrix))) - set(visited))
     for j in range(len(visited) - 1):
         new_vert_cost = {}
         for v in to_check:
             new_vert_cost[v] = cost(visited[j], visited[j + 1], v, matrix)
         min_cost_key = int(min(new_vert_cost, key=new_vert_cost.get))
         lowest_cost_for_edges[(j, j + 1)] = new_vert_cost[min_cost_key]
         best_vert_for_edges[(j, j + 1)] = min_cost_key
     new_vert_cost = {}
     for v in to_check:
         new_vert_cost[v] = cost(visited[-1], visited[0], v, matrix)
     min_cost_key = int(min(new_vert_cost, key=new_vert_cost.get))
     lowest_cost_for_edges[(len(visited) - 1,
                            0)] = new_vert_cost[min_cost_key]
     best_vert_for_edges[(len(visited) - 1, 0)] = min_cost_key
     best_key = min(lowest_cost_for_edges, key=lowest_cost_for_edges.get)
     del (lowest_cost_for_edges[best_key])
     best_key2 = min(lowest_cost_for_edges, key=lowest_cost_for_edges.get)
     return best_key, best_key2, best_vert_for_edges
예제 #8
def algorithm2(code):
    for j, c in enumerate(code):
        b = param.letters[1]
        prefix = ""
        for l in c:
            prefix += l
            if fun.cost(prefix) >= param.k: break

        suffix = c.replace(prefix, '')
        i = 0
        for s in suffix:
            if s == b: i += 1

        new = prefix + enc(i) + suffix + b
        code[j] = new
def prims_algorithm(G, starting_vertex, show_graph=False, show_cost=False):
    if show_graph == True:

    T = initialize_prims(G, starting_vertex)

    while is_spanning(G, T) == False:
        e = min_prims_edge(G, T)
        T.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
        if show_graph == True:
            draw_subtree(G, T)

    if show_cost == True:
        c = sum([cost(G, e) for e in E(T)])
        print(f'The cost of this spanning tree is {c}')
    return T
예제 #10
X_test['bias'] = 1
x_test = X_test[['bias'] + features].values
y_test = y_test.values
y_test = y_test.reshape(y_test.shape[0], 1)

print('train ', X_train.shape, y_train.shape)
print('test ', X_test.shape, y_test.shape)

w = np.random.normal(loc=1e-3, scale=1e-6, size=(1, x_train.shape[1]))
lmbd = 0.05
alpha = 0.005
epochs = 7000
print('w shape', w.shape)

print('train cost ', functions.cost(x_train, y_train, w, lmbd))
w, J, J_t =, y_train, x_test, y_test, w, alpha, lmbd,
print('train cost ', functions.cost(X_train, y_train, w, lmbd))
w = w.reshape(-1)

plt.plot(range(len(J)), J, label='Train cost')
plt.plot(range(len(J_t)), J_t, label='Test cost')

p = functions.h(x_train, w)  # get probabilities
y_hat = functions.predict(p, 0.5)
예제 #11
import functions

h = functions.hours()
d = functions.days()
cost = functions.cost(h,d)
print "Total Cost is : " + str(cost)
예제 #12
def main(argv):

    g = read_network.read_static_network(argv[1])

    cnm_output = greedy_modularity_communities(g)
    print('modularité maximale détectée par CNM: ', cost(cnm_output, g))
예제 #13
movement = pd.DataFrame(data=volatility_array)
table = pd.concat([stocks, movement], axis=1)
table.columns = ['Stock', 'Value']
table = table.sort_values(by='Value', ascending=False)
stockRef = 1  #number of stocks put into each table (topStocks and bottomStocks)
topStocks = table.iloc[
    0:stockRef]  #table of stocks with most projected upward movement
bottomStocks = table.iloc[
    -stockRef:]  #table of stocks with most projected downward movement
#record the rmse of the predictions for each of our stocks
error = pd.DataFrame(data=rmse_array)
table2 = pd.concat([stocks, error], axis=1)


#using our cost function and HoldStock function:
init_invest = 10000
tradeExec_cost = 8.9
money = np.zeros(len(trueVals))
money[0] = init_invest
holdings = np.zeros(len(trueVals))

#predicted array, true array values, initial investment value, cost of transacting trades, money array to keep track of leftover funds, holdings to keep track of stock values held
 portfolioValue_array] = cost(predictedPrice_array, trueVals, prevDay,
                              init_invest, tradeExec_cost, money, holdings)

#using our holdstock function for comparison:
[percent_change, portfolio_value] = HoldStock(trueVals, init_invest,
            f[i] = len(g)

    k_pref = k_prefix_code(graph,f)

    if not fun.check_prefix_free(k_pref):
        print("Codice non prefix-free, utilizzo dell'algoritmo 2")

    code = {}
    for i,word in enumerate(param.w):
        code[word] = k_pref[i]
    return code

#genero le frequenze delle parole di w
param.freq = param.generate_freq(param.w)

#genero il codice di costo minimo
code = main()

#calcolo il costo del codice
total = 0
for c in code:
    total += fun.cost(code[c])
    print(c, ":",code[c],"-",fun.cost(code[c]))
print("Costo totale del codice:", fun.code_cost(code, param.w,param.freq))
mean = total / len(code)
print("Costo medio delle codewords:", mean)