def job_calc_days(day): logging.debug('ran job_calc_days(' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ')') sql = 'CALL proc_day_calcs("' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '")' conn = functions.db_connect() functions.db_query(conn, sql) functions.db_disconnect(conn) return [True, 'job calc_days']
def get_minutes_data_as_csv(owner, day): """ Get yesterday's minutes data for an owner's stations as CSV :param owner: string :param day: datetime :return: string (CSV data) """ logging.debug("call get_minutes_data_as_csv(" + owner + ', ' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ')') # get the data sql = """ SELECT dfw_id, DATE(stamp) AS d, TIME_FORMAT(TIME(stamp), '%H:%i') AS t, airT, appT, dp, rh, deltaT, soilT, gsr, Wmin, Wavg, Wmax, Wdir, rain, leaf, canT, canRH FROM tbl_data_minutes INNER JOIN tbl_stations ON tbl_data_minutes.aws_id = tbl_stations.aws_id WHERE owner = '""" + owner + """' AND DATE(stamp) = '""" + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + """' AND dfw_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY dfw_id, stamp;""" # write it as CSV to a string output = StringIO.StringIO() fieldnames = ['dfw_id', 'd', 't', 'airT', 'appT', 'dp', 'rh', 'deltaT', 'soilT', 'gsr', 'Wmin', 'Wavg', 'Wmax', 'Wdir', 'rain', 'leaf', 'canT', 'canRH'] csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, fieldnames=fieldnames) conn = functions.db_connect() csv_writer.writerows(functions.db_query(conn, sql)) functions.db_disconnect(conn) # add header header_row = ','.join([ 'DfW ID', 'Date', 'Time', 'Ave AirTemp (AWS) (degC)', 'Ave AppTemp (degC)', 'Ave DewPoint (degC)', 'Ave Humidity (AWS) (%)', 'Ave DeltaT (degC)', 'Ave Soil Temperature (degC)', 'Ave GSR (W/m^2)', 'Min WndSpd (m/s)', 'Ave WndSpd (m/s)', 'Max WndSpd (m/s)', 'Ave WndDir (deg)', 'Total Rain (mm)', 'Ave LeafWet (% Wet)', 'Ave AirTemp (Canopy) (degC)', 'Ave Humidity (Canopy) (%)']) # return CSV data as string return header_row + '\n' + output.getvalue()
def job_check_values(day, minutes_or_days): logging.debug('ran job_check_minutes_values(' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ',' + minutes_or_days + ')') if minutes_or_days == 'minutes': timestep = 'minutes' view = 'today' sql = functions.make_check_minutes_sql(day) else: # days timestep = 'days' view = '7days' sql = functions.make_check_days_sql(day) # get the data conn = functions.db_connect() rows = functions.db_query(conn, sql) functions.db_disconnect(conn) last_owner = '' last_owner_email = '' last_owner_html = '' admin_html = '' html_header = '<h4>Errors in ' + timestep + ' readings for ' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ':</h4>\n' table_top = '<table>\n' table_header_owner = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Variable</th><th>Message</th></tr>\n' table_header_admin = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Variable</th><th>Message</th><th>Owner</th></tr>\n' table_bottom = '</table>\n' for row in rows: print row # if we have a new owner... if row['owner'] != last_owner: # if last owner was a real owner, send email if last_owner != '': msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) # create new owner last_owner = row['owner'] last_owner_email = row['manager_email'] last_owner_html = '' last_owner_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row['station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '&view=' + view + '">' + row['aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row['var'] + '</td><td>' + row['msg'] + '</td></tr>\n' admin_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row['station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '&view=' + view + '">' + row['aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row['var'] + '</td><td>' + row['msg'] + '</td><td>' + last_owner + '</td></tr>\n' # send to the last owner msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) # send the admin email (all stations) msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_admin + admin_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send(settings.ERROR_MSG_RECEIVERS, timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) return
def get_minutes_data_as_csv(owner, day): """ Get yesterday's minutes data for an owner's stations as CSV :param owner: string :param day: datetime :return: string (CSV data) """ logging.debug("call get_minutes_data_as_csv(" + owner + ', ' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ')') # get the data sql = """ SELECT dfw_id, DATE(stamp) AS d, TIME_FORMAT(TIME(stamp), '%H:%i') AS t, airT, appT, dp, rh, deltaT, soilT, gsr, Wmin, Wavg, Wmax, Wdir, rain, leaf, canT, canRH FROM tbl_data_minutes INNER JOIN tbl_stations ON tbl_data_minutes.aws_id = tbl_stations.aws_id WHERE owner = '""" + owner + """' AND DATE(stamp) = '""" + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + """' AND dfw_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY dfw_id, stamp;""" # write it as CSV to a string output = StringIO.StringIO() fieldnames = [ 'dfw_id', 'd', 't', 'airT', 'appT', 'dp', 'rh', 'deltaT', 'soilT', 'gsr', 'Wmin', 'Wavg', 'Wmax', 'Wdir', 'rain', 'leaf', 'canT', 'canRH' ] csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, fieldnames=fieldnames) conn = functions.db_connect() csv_writer.writerows(functions.db_query(conn, sql)) functions.db_disconnect(conn) # add header header_row = ','.join([ 'DfW ID', 'Date', 'Time', 'Ave AirTemp (AWS) (degC)', 'Ave AppTemp (degC)', 'Ave DewPoint (degC)', 'Ave Humidity (AWS) (%)', 'Ave DeltaT (degC)', 'Ave Soil Temperature (degC)', 'Ave GSR (W/m^2)', 'Min WndSpd (m/s)', 'Ave WndSpd (m/s)', 'Max WndSpd (m/s)', 'Ave WndDir (deg)', 'Total Rain (mm)', 'Ave LeafWet (% Wet)', 'Ave AirTemp (Canopy) (degC)', 'Ave Humidity (Canopy) (%)' ]) # return CSV data as string return header_row + '\n' + output.getvalue()
def job_check_latest_readings(): logging.debug('ran job_check_latest_readings()') sql = ''' SELECT m.aws_id,, m.owner, m.manager_email, m.station_base_url FROM ( SELECT a.aws_id AS aws_id,, a.owner, a.manager_email, a.station_base_url, b.aws_id AS other FROM ( SELECT aws_id, NAME, OWNER, manager_email, station_base_url FROM tbl_stations INNER JOIN tbl_owners ON tbl_stations.owner = tbl_owners.owner_id WHERE STATUS = 'on' ORDER BY aws_id) AS a LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT aws_id FROM tbl_data_minutes WHERE DATE(stamp) = CURDATE()) AS b ON a.aws_id = b.aws_id HAVING b.aws_id IS NULL) AS m ORDER BY OWNER, aws_id; ''' # get the data conn = functions.db_connect() rows = functions.db_query(conn, sql) functions.db_disconnect(conn) last_owner = '' last_owner_email = '' last_owner_html = '' admin_html = '' html_header = '<h4>Stations that are on but have failed to report today:</h4>\n' table_top = '<table>\n' table_header_owner = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Name</th></tr>\n' table_header_admin = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Name</th><th>Owner</th></tr>\n' table_bottom = '</table>\n' for row in rows: print row # if we have a new owner... if row['owner'] != last_owner: # if last owner was a real owner, send email if last_owner != '': msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) # create new owner last_owner = row['owner'] last_owner_email = row['manager_email'] last_owner_html = '' last_owner_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row['station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '">' + row['aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row['name'] + '</td></tr>\n' admin_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row['station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '">' + row['aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row['name'] + '</td><td>' + last_owner + '</td></tr>\n' # send to the last owner msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) # send the admin email (all stations) msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_admin + admin_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send(settings.ERROR_MSG_RECEIVERS, 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) return
def job_check_values(day, minutes_or_days): logging.debug('ran job_check_minutes_values(' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ',' + minutes_or_days + ')') if minutes_or_days == 'minutes': timestep = 'minutes' view = 'today' sql = functions.make_check_minutes_sql(day) else: # days timestep = 'days' view = '7days' sql = functions.make_check_days_sql(day) # get the data conn = functions.db_connect() rows = functions.db_query(conn, sql) functions.db_disconnect(conn) last_owner = '' last_owner_email = '' last_owner_html = '' admin_html = '' html_header = '<h4>Errors in ' + timestep + ' readings for ' + day.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + ':</h4>\n' table_top = '<table>\n' table_header_owner = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Variable</th><th>Message</th></tr>\n' table_header_admin = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Variable</th><th>Message</th><th>Owner</th></tr>\n' table_bottom = '</table>\n' for row in rows: print row # if we have a new owner... if row['owner'] != last_owner: # if last owner was a real owner, send email if last_owner != '': msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) # create new owner last_owner = row['owner'] last_owner_email = row['manager_email'] last_owner_html = '' last_owner_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row[ 'station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '&view=' + view + '">' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row[ 'var'] + '</td><td>' + row['msg'] + '</td></tr>\n' admin_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row[ 'station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '&view=' + view + '">' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row[ 'var'] + '</td><td>' + row[ 'msg'] + '</td><td>' + last_owner + '</td></tr>\n' # send to the last owner msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) # send the admin email (all stations) msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_admin + admin_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send(settings.ERROR_MSG_RECEIVERS, timestep + ' data errors', 'message is in html', msg) return
def job_check_latest_readings(): logging.debug('ran job_check_latest_readings()') sql = ''' SELECT m.aws_id,, m.owner, m.manager_email, m.station_base_url FROM ( SELECT a.aws_id AS aws_id,, a.owner, a.manager_email, a.station_base_url, b.aws_id AS other FROM ( SELECT aws_id, NAME, OWNER, manager_email, station_base_url FROM tbl_stations INNER JOIN tbl_owners ON tbl_stations.owner = tbl_owners.owner_id WHERE STATUS = 'on' ORDER BY aws_id) AS a LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT aws_id FROM tbl_data_minutes WHERE DATE(stamp) = CURDATE()) AS b ON a.aws_id = b.aws_id HAVING b.aws_id IS NULL) AS m ORDER BY OWNER, aws_id; ''' # get the data conn = functions.db_connect() rows = functions.db_query(conn, sql) functions.db_disconnect(conn) last_owner = '' last_owner_email = '' last_owner_html = '' admin_html = '' html_header = '<h4>Stations that are on but have failed to report today:</h4>\n' table_top = '<table>\n' table_header_owner = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Name</th></tr>\n' table_header_admin = '\t<tr><th>aws_id</th><th>Name</th><th>Owner</th></tr>\n' table_bottom = '</table>\n' for row in rows: print row # if we have a new owner... if row['owner'] != last_owner: # if last owner was a real owner, send email if last_owner != '': msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) # create new owner last_owner = row['owner'] last_owner_email = row['manager_email'] last_owner_html = '' last_owner_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row[ 'station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '">' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row['name'] + '</td></tr>\n' admin_html += '\t<tr><td><a href="' + row[ 'station_base_url'] + '?aws_id=' + row['aws_id'] + '">' + row[ 'aws_id'] + '</a></td><td>' + row[ 'name'] + '</td><td>' + last_owner + '</td></tr>\n' # send to the last owner msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_owner + last_owner_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send([last_owner_email], 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) # send the admin email (all stations) msg = html_header + table_top + table_header_admin + admin_html + table_bottom functions.gmail_send(settings.ERROR_MSG_RECEIVERS, 'stations failing to report today', 'message is in html', msg) return