예제 #1
파일: ai.py 프로젝트: krschmidt/Python-Go
def playIntoAtari(state, x, y):
    Returns True if the play at x, y will create atari
    state[x][y] = 'w'
    if functions.hasLiberties(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y, False) == 1:
        return True
    return False
예제 #2
파일: ai.py 프로젝트: krschmidt/Python-Go
def play(state):
    This function receives a board state, and returns a play as a tuple (x,y)
    global size, mode
    size = len(state[0])

    #look for a capture first. This is, of course, a very bad idea.
    #we actually want to test life and only capture if we must
    x, y = huntForCaptures(copy.deepcopy(state))
    if functions.inBounds(state, x, y):
        print "White will capture"
        return (x, y)

    #check to see if any of our pieces are about to die:
    #also a bad plan. we need to see if we can create life
    #and if yes then rescue
    for x in xrange(size):
        for y in xrange(size):
            if state[x][y] == 'w' \
                    and functions.hasLiberties(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y, False) == 1:
                if functions.inBounds(state, x - 1, y) and state[x - 1][y] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x - 1, y)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x - 1, y):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White tries to save"
                        return (x - 1, y)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x + 1, y) and state[x + 1][y] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x + 1, y)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x + 1, y):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White tries to save"
                        return (x + 1, y)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x, y - 1) and state[x][y - 1] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y - 1)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y - 1):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White tries to save"
                        return (x, y - 1)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x, y + 1) and state[x][y + 1] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y + 1)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y + 1):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White tries to save"
                        return (x, y + 1)

    #check to see if any of black's groups only have 2 liberties. If so, play to set up atari
    for x in xrange(size):
        for y in xrange(size):
            if state[x][y] == 'b' \
                    and functions.hasLiberties(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y, True) == 2:
                if functions.inBounds(state, x - 1, y) and state[x - 1][y] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x - 1, y)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x - 1, y):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White sets up atari"
                        return (x - 1, y)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x + 1, y) and state[x + 1][y] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x + 1, y)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x + 1, y):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White sets up atari"
                        return (x + 1, y)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x, y - 1) and state[x][y - 1] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y - 1)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y - 1):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White sets up atari"
                        return (x, y - 1)
                if functions.inBounds(state, x, y + 1) and state[x][y + 1] == 'e':
                    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y + 1)
                    if valid and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y + 1):
                        if mode == 'v':
                            print "White sets up atari"
                        return (x, y + 1)

    #find spot least influenced by anyone that is also at least two from the edge?
    cx = -1
    cy = -1
    c = 5000
    infMap = functions.getInfluenceMap(copy.deepcopy(state))

    for x in xrange(2, size - 2):
        for y in xrange(2, size - 2):
            valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y)
            if valid and abs(infMap[x][y] - 128) < c \
                    and not inAnEye(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y) \
                    and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y):
                cx = x
                cy = y
                c = abs(infMap[x][y] - 128)
    if cx != -1 and cy != -1:
        if mode == 'v':
            print "White attemps to influence the most neutral area"
        return (cx, cy)

    #see which play maximizes the amount of influence we have on the board
    #three temp variables to keep track of what is best
    #This whole section seems to be bad news, since we seem keep playing on top of ourselves
    bx = -1
    by = -1
    best = 0
    infMap = functions.getInfluenceMap(copy.deepcopy(state))
    curInf = sum(map(sum, zip(*infMap))) / (size * size)
    for x in xrange(size):
        for y in xrange(size):
            if state[x][y] == 'w':
            elif state[x][y] == 'e':
                valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y)
                if valid:
                    if not inAnEye(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y) and not playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y):
                        backup = copy.deepcopy(state)
                        backup[x][y] = 'w'
                        infMap = functions.getInfluenceMap(backup)
                        #find average influence
                        avgInf = sum(map(sum, zip(*infMap))) / (size * size)
                        if avgInf > best:
                            best = avgInf
                            bx = x
                            by = y
    #calculate an existing influence level first? only play if we improve by a ranodm maount?
    if bx != -1 and by != -1:
        if mode == 'v':
            print "white tries to maximize influence"
        return (bx, by)

    #play randomly
    x = random.randint(0, size - 1)
    y = random.randint(0, size - 1)
    valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y)
    counter = 0
    #TODO fix this counter crap. Maintain a list of locations? Remove every play?
    while (not valid or inAnEye(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y) \
            or playIntoAtari(copy.deepcopy(state), x, y)) \
            and counter < size * size * 3:
        x = random.randint(0, size - 1)
        y = random.randint(0, size - 1)
        valid, message = functions.validPlay(copy.deepcopy(state), False, x, y)
        counter += 1
    if counter >= size * size * 3:
        # return two -1's to pass. This should be improved.
        # we don't want to only pass when there's nowhere for us to play
        if mode == 'v':
            print "white passes"
        return (-1, -1)
    if mode == 'v':
        print "white plays randomly"
    return (x, y)