예제 #1
 def add_meals(self, update, context):
     # keyboard assignment
     self.keyboard = "add_meals"
     # set status to True and the others to False
     self.adding_meals = True
     # message is created according to the list
     to_write = functions.list_to_text(
         sorted(self.list.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].category))
     # message is send
     self.send_message(update, context, to_write)
예제 #2
 def see_list(self, update, context):
     # keyboard assignment
     self.keyboard = None
     # this makes adding_meals True
     # and adding_ingridients and removing_ingridients False
     self.adding_meals = True
     # then, this makes adding_ingridients False
     self.adding_meals = False
     # message is created according to the list
     to_write = functions.list_to_text(
         sorted(self.list.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].category))
     # message is send
     self.send_message(update, context, to_write)
예제 #3
 def text_message(self, update, context):
     this function handles text messages without commands. Depending on the
     last command used it might add ingridients from a meal to the list,
     a particular ingridient, remove an ingridient from the list or do
     # check mode
     if self.adding_meals:
         # text from the message is retrieved
         typed_meal = update.message.text
         # we get the instance from  the meal list. It might be None
         meal = self.meal_list.get(typed_meal)
             # might produce an AttributeError if ingridients is None
             # every ingridient in the meal is checked
             for ingridient in meal.ingridients:
                 # if it's already in self.list the quantity increases
                 if ingridient.name in self.list.keys():
                     self.list[ingridient.name][1] += 1
                     # the instance is added to the list
                     self.list[ingridient.name] = [ingridient, 1]
             # the list is transformed to text
             to_write = functions.list_to_text(
                 sorted(self.list.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].category))
         except AttributeError:
             to_write = MESSAGES["meal_error"]
         # message is send
         self.send_message(update, context, to_write)
     # check mode
     elif self.adding_ingridients:
         # text from the message is retrieved
         typed_ingridient = update.message.text
         # we get the instance from  the ingridients list. It might be None
         ingridient = self.ingridients.get(typed_ingridient)
             # might produce an AttributeError if ingridients is None
             # if it's already in self.list the quantity increases
             if ingridient.name in self.list.keys():
                 self.list[ingridient.name][1] += 1
                 # the instance is added to the list
                 self.list[ingridient.name] = [ingridient, 1]
             # the list is transformed to text
             to_write = functions.list_to_text(
                 sorted(self.list.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].category))
         except AttributeError:
             to_write = MESSAGES["add_ingridient_error"]
         # message is send
         self.send_message(update, context, to_write)
     # check mode
     elif self.removing_ingridients:
         # text from the message is retrieved
         typed_ingridient = update.message.text
             # might produce a KeyError if typed_meal is not in self.list
             # decreases amounot of the ingridient
             self.list[typed_ingridient][1] -= 1
             # remove igridient from list when the quantity is 0
             if self.list[typed_ingridient][1] == 0:
                 del self.list[typed_ingridient]
             # the list is transformed to text
             to_write = functions.list_to_text(
                 sorted(self.list.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].category))
         except KeyError:
             to_write = MESSAGES["remove_ingridient_error"]
         # message is send
         self.keyboard = "remove_ingridients"
         self.send_message(update, context, to_write)