예제 #1
# Creating a new socket by which we can speak to the other client
clientSocket = factory.socket(factory.AF_INET, factory.SOCK_STREAM)
clientSocket.bind((HOST, clientId))

print('Listening for the client that wants to chat')
# Accept the connection
conn, addr = clientSocket.accept()
print('Accepted connection from peer')

# Getting Hello
peerId = functions.stringToJSON(functions.read_from_socket(conn).decode('utf-8'))['peer']
pubKey = functions.stringToIntList(functions.createCommunication(socket, peerId))

# Sending ACK
functions.send_msg(conn, json.dumps({"ACK" : 1}))

# Defining the phrase which will be used by the Solitaire encryption
print('Select a phrase for encryption:')
phrase = input()

# Sending and reading phrase with which we will use the Solitaire encryptions
formatedPhrase = functions.intListToString(knap.encrypt(phrase, pubKey))
functions.send_msg(conn, formatedPhrase)

# Assembling the secret phrase
phrase = knap.decrypt(functions.stringToIntList(functions.read_from_socket(conn))).decode('utf-8') + phrase
print('Assembled the encrypting phrase with my peer')

# Creating the Solitaire encryption tool
예제 #2
import socket
import time
import functions

HOST = ''
PORT = functions.PORT

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
print('Connected to {}:{}'.format(HOST, PORT))
starttime = time.time()
while True:
    msg = 'Hi.'
    functions.send_msg(s, msg)
    time.sleep(5.0 - ((time.time() - starttime) % 5.0))
예제 #3
    # Getting the users publicKey
    pubKey = functions.createCommunication(socket, c2Id)

pubKey = functions.stringToIntList(pubKey)

# Creating a new socket by which we can speak to the other client
clientSocket = factory.socket(factory.AF_INET, factory.SOCK_STREAM)
server_address = (HOST, c2Id)

# Connecting to the other client
print('Connected to the peer we want to speak with')

# Sending hello
print('Sending hello to the other client')
functions.send_msg(clientSocket, json.dumps({"peer": clientId}))

# Waiting for hello
ack = functions.read_from_socket(clientSocket).decode('utf-8')
print('Select a phrase for encryption:')
phrase = input()

# Sending the phrase that which we will use in Solitaire encryptions
formatedPhrase = functions.intListToString(knap.encrypt(phrase, pubKey))
functions.send_msg(clientSocket, formatedPhrase)

# Assembling the phrase
phrase += knap.decrypt(