예제 #1
def find_matching_pulls(gh_repo: Repository, commits: Iter[Commit]) -> Generator:
    """Find pull requests that contains commits matching the given ``commits``.

    It yields tuple :class:`PullRequest` and list of the matched
    :class:`Commit`s (subset of the given ``commits``).

    The matching algorithm is based on comparing commits by an *author*
    (triplet name, email and date) and set of the affected files (just file
    names). The match is found when a pull request contains at least one commit
    from the given ``commits`` (i.e. their author triplet is the same), and
    an union of filenames affected by all the matching commits is the same as of
    all the pull request's commits.
    LOG.debug('Fetching commits referenced in payload')
    commits_by_author = {commit_git_author(c): c for c in commits}
    find_matching_commit = commits_by_author.get
    cache = shared_cache()

    for pullreq in gh_repo.get_pulls(state='open'):
        LOG.debug("Checking pull request #%s", pullreq.number)

        merged_commits = list(keep(find_matching_commit, pullreq_commits_authors(pullreq, cache)))
        merged_files = (f.filename for c in merged_commits for f in c.files)
        pullreq_files = (f.filename for f in pullreq.get_files())

        if any(merged_commits) and set(merged_files) == set(pullreq_files):
            del cache[pullreq.id]
            yield pullreq, merged_commits

    LOG.debug("Cached items: %d, max size: %d" % (cache.currsize, cache.maxsize))
예제 #2
def find_matching_pulls(gh_repo: Repository,
                        commits: Iter[Commit]) -> Generator:
    """Find pull requests that contains commits matching the given ``commits``.

    It yields tuple :class:`PullRequest` and list of the matched
    :class:`Commit`s (subset of the given ``commits``).

    The matching algorithm is based on comparing commits by an *author*
    (triplet name, email and date) and set of the affected files (just file
    names). The match is found when a pull request contains at least one commit
    from the given ``commits`` (i.e. their author triplet is the same), and
    an union of filenames affected by all the matching commits is the same as of
    all the pull request's commits.
    LOG.debug('Fetching commits referenced in payload')
    commits_by_author = {commit_git_author(c): c for c in commits}
    find_matching_commit = commits_by_author.get
    cache = shared_cache()

    for pullreq in gh_repo.get_pulls(state='open'):
        LOG.debug("Checking pull request #%s", pullreq.number)

        merged_commits = list(
            keep(find_matching_commit, pullreq_commits_authors(pullreq,
        merged_files = (f.filename for c in merged_commits for f in c.files)
        pullreq_files = (f.filename for f in pullreq.get_files())

        if any(merged_commits) and set(merged_files) == set(pullreq_files):
            del cache[pullreq.id]
            yield pullreq, merged_commits

    LOG.debug("Cached items: %d, max size: %d" %
              (cache.currsize, cache.maxsize))
예제 #3
def add_to_path(env: Dict[str, str], name: str, item: str) -> None:
    Add ``item`` to the ``name`` path environment variable in ``env``.
    # GDB helpers import this unit, but they do not necessarily have access to
    # funcy, so use a local import.
    from funcy import keep

    env[name] = os.path.pathsep.join(keep([item, env.get(name, '')]))
예제 #4
def search(request):
    q = request.GET.get('q')
    if not q:
        return {'series': None}

    exclude_tags = keep(silent(int), request.GET.getlist('exclude_tags'))
    serie_tags, tag_series, tag_ids = series_tags_data()

    q_string, q_tags = _parse_query(q)
    q_tags, wrong_tags = split(lambda t: t.lower() in tag_ids, q_tags)
    if wrong_tags:
        message = 'Unknown tag%s %s.' % ('s' if len(wrong_tags) > 1 else '', ', '.join(wrong_tags))
        messages.warning(request, message)
    if not q_string and not q_tags:
        return {'series': None}

    qs = search_series_qs(q_string)
    if q_tags:
        q_tag_ids = keep(tag_ids.get(t.lower()) for t in q_tags)
        include_series = reduce(set.intersection, (tag_series[t] for t in q_tag_ids))
        if include_series:
            qs = qs.filter(id__in=include_series)
            message = 'No series annotated with %s.' \
                % (q_tags[0] if len(q_tags) == 1 else 'all these tags simultaneously')
            messages.warning(request, message)
            return {'series': []}
    if exclude_tags:
        exclude_series = join(tag_series[t] for t in exclude_tags)
        qs = qs.exclude(id__in=exclude_series)

    series_ids = qs.values_list('id', flat=True)
    tags = distinct(imapcat(serie_tags, series_ids), key=itemgetter('id'))
    # TODO: do not hide excluded tags

    return {
        'series': qs,
        'tags': tags,
        'serie_tags': serie_tags,
예제 #5
    def emit(self,
        Generate sources for the analysis library. Also emit a tiny program
        useful for testing purposes.

        :param str file_root: (optional) Path of the directory in which the
            library should be generated. The default is the current directory.

        :param bool generate_lexer: (optional) Whether to invoke Quex to
            generate the lexer source code. Will do by default. As this can
            take time, it is useful to disable it during testing.

        :param set[str] main_programs: List of names for programs to build in
            addition to the generated library. To each X program, there must be
            a X.adb source file in the $BUILD/src directory.

        :param bool annotate_fields_types: Whether to try and annotate the
            type of fields in the grammar. If this is True, this will
            actually modify the file in which ASTNode subclasses are
            defined, and annotate empty field definitions.
        dir_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)),
        template_utils.template_lookup = TemplateLookup(
            directories=keep([dir_path, self.extensions_dir] +

        self.no_property_checks = no_property_checks

        # Automatically add all source files in the "extensions/src" directory
        # to the generated library project.
        if self.extensions_dir:
            src_dir = path.join(self.extensions_dir, 'src')
            if path.isdir(src_dir):
                for filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
                    filepath = path.join(src_dir, filename)
                    if path.isfile(filepath) and not filename.startswith("."):

        self.annotate_fields_types = annotate_fields_types
        if compile_only:
        with global_context(self):
            self._emit(file_root, generate_lexer, main_programs)
예제 #6
    def save(self, **kwargs):
        # Only set specie when it's non-controversial
        taxid = ldistinct(
            keep(self.attrs.get, ['platform_taxid', 'sample_taxid']))
        if len(taxid) == 1:
            self.specie = SPECIES.get(taxid[0])
            self.specie = ''

        self.platforms = re_all(r'GPL\d+', self.attrs['platform_id'])
        self.samples_count = len(self.attrs['sample_id'].split())

        super(Series, self).save(**kwargs)
예제 #7
def run_cropdetect(filename, cmd=None, **input_args):
    """Runs the crepdetect filter for a file. Returns output as a dict.

    Runs crop detection only on a single frame. To select the frame to use, pass `ss`
    with the start position in seconds.
    stream = (ffmpeg.input(filename, t=1,
                           **input_args).video.filter('cropdetect', round=2))
    # Cropdetect outputs a line per frame
    _, stderr = stream.output('-', f='null').run(cmd=cmd, capture_stderr=True)
    return F.first(
예제 #8
 def generic_visit(self, node):
     Modified .generic_visit() from NodeTransformer allows callables in tree.
     for field, old_value in ast.iter_fields(node):
         old_value = getattr(node, field, None)
         if isinstance(old_value, list):
             old_value[:] = keep(self.visit, old_value)
         elif isinstance(old_value, ast.AST):
             new_node = self.visit(old_value)
             if new_node is None:
                 delattr(node, field)
                 setattr(node, field, new_node)
     return node
예제 #9
def mygene_fetch(platform, probes, scopes):
    """Queries mygene.info for current entrezid and sym, given an identifier."""
    if scopes == "dna":
        probes = get_dna_probes(platform, probes)
        scopes = "accession"

    def extract_queries(lines):
        lines = remove(r'^(IMAGE:\d+|--[\w>-]+)$', lines)
        queries = cat(re_iter(r'[\w+.-]+', l) for l in lines)
        queries = remove(r'_at$|^\d+-\d+$', queries)  # No such thing
        return queries
        # Clean unicode for mygene
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15321138/removing-unicode-u2026-like-characters
        return [
            q.decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            for q in queries

    _by_probe = group_values(probes.items())
    queries_by_probe = walk_values(extract_queries, _by_probe)

    # Collect all possible queries to make a single request to mygene
    queries = set(cat(queries_by_probe.values()))

    if not queries:
        return []
    mygenes = _mygene_fetch(queries, scopes, platform.specie)

    # Form results into rows
    results = []
    dups = 0
    for probe, queries in queries_by_probe.items():
        matches = ldistinct(keep(mygenes.get, queries))
        # Skip dups
        if len(matches) > 1:
            dups += 1
        elif matches:
            entrez, sym = matches[0]
                'probe': probe,
                'mygene_sym': sym,
                'mygene_entrez': entrez
    if dups:
        cprint('-> Produced %d dups' % dups, 'red')
    return results
예제 #10
    def emit(self, file_root='.', generate_lexer=True, main_programs=set(),
        Generate sources for the analysis library. Also emit a tiny program
        useful for testing purposes.

        :param str file_root: (optional) Path of the directory in which the
            library should be generated. The default is the current directory.

        :param bool generate_lexer: (optional) Whether to invoke Quex to
            generate the lexer source code. Will do by default. As this can
            take time, it is useful to disable it during testing.

        :param set[str] main_programs: List of names for programs to build in
            addition to the generated library. To each X program, there must be
            a X.adb source file in the $BUILD/src directory.

        :param bool annotate_fields_types: Whether to try and annotate the
            type of fields in the grammar. If this is True, this will
            actually modify the file in which ASTNode subclasses are
            defined, and annotate empty field definitions.
        dir_path = path.join(
            path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "templates"
        template_utils.template_lookup = TemplateLookup(
            directories=keep([dir_path, self.extensions_dir]
                             + self.template_lookup_extra_dirs),

        # Automatically add all source files in the "extensions/src" directory
        # to the generated library project.
        if self.extensions_dir:
            src_dir = path.join(self.extensions_dir, 'src')
            if path.isdir(src_dir):
                for filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
                    filepath = path.join(src_dir, filename)
                    if path.isfile(filepath) and not filename.startswith("."):

        self.annotate_fields_types = annotate_fields_types
        with global_context(self):
            self._emit(file_root, generate_lexer, main_programs)
예제 #11
def object_name(submission, extension):
    name_parts = F.flatten((
        # Parts
        # Names
        ['.'.join(s.get('name', '').split()) for s in submission['singers']],
        # Location
            submission.get('location', {}).get, ('city', 'state', 'country'))))
    return '/'.join(
                # attach a uuid to the file name so that we never clobber uploads
                '_'.join(filter(None, name_parts)) + '.' + str(uuid.uuid4()) +
예제 #12
    def run(self, prev):
        fs.cp(self.test_dir('test.py'), self.working_dir('test', 'test.py'))

        # Try to build, but don't log errors in the build, and recover from
        # TestError: We want to be able to test compilation errors too.
            self.run_and_check([sys.executable, 'build_lib.py'],
        except TestError:

        environ['PYTHONPATH'] = P.pathsep.join(
            keep([environ.get('PYTHONPATH'), self.working_dir('test')])

        self.run_and_check(['python', self.working_dir('test', 'test.py')],
예제 #13
def unparse_nodes(ctx, f):
    Unparse the nodes for the current language to the given file.
    from langkit.diagnostics import check_source_language, Severity
        predicate=lpl is not None,
        message="libpythonlang not found, comments cannot be unparsed",

    types = keep(emit_node_type(t)
                 for t in ctx.astnode_types + ctx._struct_types)

    template = """
    % for t in types:
    % endfor
예제 #14
파일: core.py 프로젝트: rwdxll/pyunite
def get_included_syntax_name(syntaxes):
    ''' Sometimes the user would like to include a syntax file in a syntax
    command (:h syn-include). '''
    def get_it(syntax_cmd):
        return fn.first(re.findall('include (@\w+) ', syntax_cmd))
    return fn.first(fn.keep(imap(get_it, syntaxes)))
예제 #15
 def custom_merge(*args):
     return list(set(keep(flatten(args))))
예제 #16
    def __init__(self,
        Generate sources for the analysis library. Also emit a tiny program
        useful for testing purposes.

        :param str lib_root: Path of the directory in which the library should
            be generated.

        :param str|None extensions_dir: Directory to contain extensions for
            code generation. If None is provided, assume there is no extension.

        :param set[str] main_source_dirs: List of source directories to use in
            the project file for mains. Source directories must be relative to
            the mains project file directory (i.e. $BUILD/src-mains).

        :param set[str] main_programs: List of names for programs to build in
            addition to the generated library. To each X program, there must be
            a X.adb source file in the $BUILD/src directory.

        :param bool no_property_checks: If True, do not emit safety checks in
            the generated code for properties. Namely, this disables null
            checks on field access.

        :param bool generate_ada_api: If True, generate the public Ada API. If
            False and there is no main to generate, do not generate this Ada

        :param bool generate_gdb_hook: Whether to generate the
            ".debug_gdb_scripts" section. Good for debugging, but better to
            disable for releases.

        :param bool pretty_print: If true, pretty-print the generated sources.

        :param post_process_ada: Optional post-processing for generated Ada
            source code.
        :type post_process_ada: None|(str) -> str

        :param post_process_cpp: Optional post-processing for generated C++
            source code.
        :type post_process_cpp: None|(str) -> str

        :param post_process_python: Optional post-processing for generated
            Python source code.
        :type post_process_python: None|(str) -> str

        :param bool coverage: Instrument the generated library to compute its
            code coverage. This requires GNATcoverage.

        :param bool relative_project: See libmanage's --relative-project
        self.context = context
        self.verbosity = context.verbosity

        self.lib_root = lib_root
        self.cache = Cache(os.path.join(self.lib_root, 'obj', 'langkit_cache'))

        self.extensions_dir = extensions_dir

        # TODO: contain the add_template_dir calls to this context (i.e. avoid
        # global mutation).

        if self.extensions_dir:

        for dirpath in keep(self.context.template_lookup_extra_dirs):

        self.no_property_checks = no_property_checks
        self.generate_ada_api = generate_ada_api or bool(main_programs)
        self.generate_gdb_hook = generate_gdb_hook
        self.generate_unparser = context.generate_unparser
        self.pretty_print = pretty_print
        self.post_process_ada = post_process_ada
        self.post_process_cpp = post_process_cpp
        self.post_process_python = post_process_python
        self.coverage = coverage
        self.gnatcov = context.gnatcov
        self.relative_project = relative_project

        # Automatically add all source files in the "extensions/src" directory
        # to the generated library project.
        self.extensions_src_dir = None
        if self.extensions_dir:
            src_dir = path.join(self.extensions_dir, 'src')
            if path.isdir(src_dir):
                self.extensions_src_dir = src_dir
                for filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
                    filepath = path.join(src_dir, filename)
                    if path.isfile(filepath) and not filename.startswith('.'):

        self.main_source_dirs = main_source_dirs
        self.main_programs = main_programs

        self.lib_name_low = context.ada_api_settings.lib_name.lower()
        Lower-case name for the generated library.

        self.lib_name_up = context.ada_api_settings.lib_name.upper()
        Upper-case name for the generated library.

        # Paths for the various directories in which code is generated
        self.src_dir = path.join(self.lib_root, "src")
        self.src_mains_dir = path.join(self.lib_root, "src-mains")
        self.scripts_dir = path.join(self.lib_root, "scripts")
        self.python_dir = path.join(self.lib_root, "python")
        self.python_pkg_dir = path.join(
            self.lib_root, "python", context.python_api_settings.module_name)
        self.ocaml_dir = path.join(self.lib_root, "ocaml")

        self.lib_project = path.join(self.lib_root, f"{self.lib_name_low}.gpr")
        self.mains_project = path.join(self.lib_root, "mains.gpr")

        self.dfa_code = None
        Holder for the data structures used to generate code for the lexer
        state machine (DFA). As an optimization, it is left to None if we
        decide not to generate it (i.e. when the already generated sources are

        :type: langkit.lexer.regexp.DFACodeGenHolder

        self._project_file_emitted = False
        Whether we emitted a project file for the generated library.

        :type: bool

        self.project_languages = {'Ada'}
        List of GPR names for languages used in the generated library.

        :type: set[str]

        self.library_interfaces = set()
        Set of source file base names for all sources that must appear in the
        "Interfaces" attribute of the generated library project file.

        :type: set[str]

        self.instr_md = InstrumentationMetadata()

        # Add all additional source files to the list of library interfaces and
        # declare them as such in instrumentation metadata.
        for f in context.additional_source_files:
            self.add_library_interface(f, generated=False)

        if self.coverage:
            # Add the buffer-list unit from GNATcoverage's instrumentation to
            # the list of library interfaces. TODO: hopefully, we should not
            # have to do this anymore after S916-064 is addressed.

        self.main_project_file = os.path.join(self.lib_root,

        self.unparse_script = unparse_script
        RA22-015: If set to something else than None, then the "dsl unparse"
        pass will be run on the given script.

        :type: langkit.compile_context.UnparseScript|None

        # Determine whether we have user external properties. If so,
        # automatically WITH $.Implementation.Extensions from the body of
        # $.Analysis and $.Implementation.
        if any(prop.user_external
               for prop in context.all_properties(include_inherited=True)):
            for unit in ('Analysis', 'Implementation', 'Implementation.C'):
예제 #17
 def add_path(name, p):
     env[name] = path.pathsep.join(keep([p, env.get(name, '')]))
예제 #18
 def add_path(name, p):
     env[name] = path.pathsep.join(keep([p, env.get(name, '')]))
예제 #19
def emit_expr(expr, **ctx):
    from langkit.expressions import (
        Literal, Let, FieldAccess, AbstractVariable, SelfVariable,
        EntityVariable, LogicTrue, LogicFalse, unsugar, Map, All, Any,
        GetSymbol, Match, Eq, BinaryBooleanOperator, Then, OrderingTest,
        Quantifier, If, IsNull, Cast, DynamicVariable, IsA, Not, SymbolLiteral,
        No, Cond, New, CollectionSingleton, Concat, EnumLiteral, EnvGet,
        ArrayLiteral, Arithmetic, PropertyError, CharacterLiteral, Predicate,
        StructUpdate, BigIntLiteral, RefCategories, Bind, Try, Block, Contains,

    def is_a(*names):
        return any(expr.__class__.__name__ == n for n in names)

    then_underscore_var = ctx.get('then_underscore_var')
    overload_coll_name = ctx.get('overload_coll_name')
    walker = ctx.get('walker')

    def emit_lambda(expr, vars):
        vars_str = ", ".join(var_name(var) for var in vars)
        return "({}) => {}".format(vars_str, ee(expr))
        del vars_str

    def emit_method_call(receiver, name, args=[],
                         force_parens=True, as_multiline=False):
        return "{}.{}{}".format(
            receiver, name,
            emit_paren(", ".join(args), as_multiline)
            if force_parens or args else ""

    def emit_let(expr):
        if len(expr.vars) == 0:
            with walker.returned_expr():
                return walker.emit_comments() + ee(expr.expr)

        vars_defs = ""
        for i, (var, abs_expr) in enumerate(zip(expr.vars, expr.var_exprs)):
            with walker.var_assignment(i):
                vars_defs += "{}val {} = {};$hl".format(
                    walker.emit_comments(), var_name(var), ee(abs_expr)
            vars_defs += walker.emit_comments()

        with walker.returned_expr():
            return "{{$i$hl{}$hl{}{}$hl$d}}".format(
                vars_defs, walker.emit_comments(), ee(expr.expr)

    def ee(expr, **extra_ctx):
        full_ctx = dict(ctx, **extra_ctx)
        return emit_expr(expr, **full_ctx)

    def ee_pexpr(expr, **extra_ctx):
        # We don't want to carry an arg_expr data left in the context from a
        # previous call, it needs to be specified in each call to ee_pexpr.
        ctx.pop('arg_expr', None)

        full_ctx = dict(ctx, **extra_ctx)
        return emit_paren_expr(expr, **full_ctx)

    expr = unsugar(expr)

    if isinstance(expr, Literal):
        return str(expr.literal).lower()
    elif isinstance(expr, SymbolLiteral):
        return json.dumps(expr.name)
    elif isinstance(expr, PropertyError):
        return "raise PropertyError({})".format(
            repr(expr.message) if expr.message else ""
    elif isinstance(expr, IsA):
        return "{} is {}".format(
            "{}".format(" | ".join(type_name(t) for t in expr.astnodes))
    elif isinstance(expr, LogicTrue):
        return "%true"
    elif isinstance(expr, LogicFalse):
        return "%false"
    elif is_a("bind"):

        bind = "bind {} = {};$hl".format(
            ee(expr.expr_0), ee(expr.expr_1)

        return "{{$i$hl{}$hl{}$hl$d}}".format(
            bind, ee(expr.expr_2)
    elif isinstance(expr, Let):
        if isinstance(expr, Block):
            return emit_let(expr)
            with walker.call('Let'):
                with walker.arg(0):
                    return walker.emit_comments() + emit_let(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, Map):
        op_name = expr.kind
        args = []
        vars = [expr.element_var]
        if expr.requires_index:
        if op_name in ["map", "mapcat"]:
            args.append(emit_lambda(expr.expr, vars))
        elif op_name == "filter":
            args.append(emit_lambda(expr.filter_expr, vars))
        elif op_name == "filter_map":
            args.append(emit_lambda(expr.expr, vars))
            args.append(emit_lambda(expr.filter_expr, vars))
            op_name = "filtermap"
        elif op_name == "take_while":
            args.append(emit_lambda(expr.take_while_expr, vars))

        if overload_coll_name:
            op_name = overload_coll_name
            del ctx['overload_coll_name']

        coll = ee(expr.collection)

        return emit_method_call(coll, op_name, args)

    elif isinstance(expr, Quantifier):
        return emit_method_call(
            [emit_lambda(expr.expr, [expr.element_var])]

    elif isinstance(expr, Contains):
        return emit_method_call(ee(expr.collection), "contains", [ee(expr.item)])

    elif isinstance(expr, If):
        with walker.call('If'):
            with walker.arg(0):
                coms = walker.emit_comments()
                cond_strn = ee_pexpr(expr.cond)

            res = "{}if {} then {} else {}".format(
                ee_pexpr(expr._then, arg_expr=1),
                ee_pexpr(expr.else_then, arg_expr=2)
            return res

    elif isinstance(expr, Cond):
        with walker.call('Cond'):
            branches = expr.branches
            res = ""

            for i, b in enumerate(branches):
                # condition
                with walker.arg(i * 2):
                    coms = walker.emit_comments()
                    cond_strn = ee_pexpr(b[0])
                expr_strn = ee_pexpr(b[1], arg_expr=i * 2 + 1)

                res += "{}{} {} then {}$hl".format(
                    "if" if i == 0 else "elif",

            with walker.arg(len(branches) * 2):
                coms = walker.emit_comments()
                else_strn = ee_pexpr(expr.else_expr)

            res += "{}else {}".format(coms, else_strn)

            return res

    elif isinstance(expr, IsNull):
        return "{}.is_null".format(ee(expr.expr))

    elif isinstance(expr, Cast):
        return "{}.as[{}]{}".format(
            "!" if expr.do_raise else "",

    elif isinstance(expr, All):
        return ee(expr.equation_array, overload_coll_name="logic_all")
    elif isinstance(expr, Any):
        return ee(expr.equation_array, overload_coll_name="logic_any")

    elif isinstance(expr, Match):
        with walker.method_call("match"):
            res = ""
            with walker.self_arg():
                coms = walker.emit_comments()
                matched_expr_strn = ee(expr.matched_expr)

            res += "{}match {} {{$i".format(coms, matched_expr_strn)

            for i, (typ, var, e) in enumerate(expr.matchers):
                with walker.arg(i):
                    coms = walker.emit_comments()
                    if coms and i > 0:
                        coms = "$hl" + coms

                    res += "$hl{}case {}{} => {}".format(
                        (" " + sf(": ${type_name(typ)}")) if typ else "",

            res += "$d$hl}"

        return res

    elif isinstance(expr, Eq):
        return "{} = {}".format(ee(expr.lhs), ee(expr.rhs))

    elif isinstance(expr, BinaryBooleanOperator):
        with walker.boolean_binop(expr.kind):
            def emit_bool_op_rec(expr, depth):
                if depth == 2:
                    lhs = emit_paren_expr(expr.lhs, arg_expr=0, **ctx)
                    lhs = emit_bool_op_rec(expr.lhs, depth - 1)

                return "{} {} {}".format(
                    emit_paren_expr(expr.rhs, arg_expr=depth - 1, **ctx)

            return emit_bool_op_rec(expr, walker.arg_count())

    elif isinstance(expr, Not):
        return "not {}".format(emit_paren_expr(expr.expr, **ctx))

    elif isinstance(expr, Then):
        if expr.var_expr.source_name is None:
            assert expr.underscore_then
            # Match is like a function call in the Python DSL, but is a regular
            # expression in the new syntax, so we don't want to use the ?
            # syntax on it.
            if not isinstance(expr.then_expr, Match):
                return "{}?{}".format(
                    ee(expr.then_expr, then_underscore_var=expr.var_expr)

        return emit_method_call(
                "({}) => {}".format(var_name(expr.var_expr), ee(expr.then_expr)),
                if expr.default_val else None

    elif isinstance(expr, OrderingTest):
        return "{} {} {}".format(

    elif isinstance(expr, GetSymbol):
        return "{}.symbol".format(ee(expr.node_expr))

    elif is_a("as_entity", "as_bare_entity", "children", "env_parent",
              "rebindings_parent", "parents", "parent", "root", "env_node",
              "rebindings_new_env", "rebindings_old_env"):
        # Field like expressions
        exprs = expr.sub_expressions
        return emit_method_call(ee(exprs[0]), type(expr).__name__,
                                map(ee, exprs[1:]), False)

    elif is_a("append_rebinding", "concat_rebindings", "env_node", "get_value",
              "solve", "is_referenced_from", "env_group", "length", "can_reach",
              "as_int", "unique", "env_orphan", "is_visible_from", "as_array",
        # Method like expressions
        exprs = expr.sub_expressions
        return emit_method_call(ee(exprs[0]), type(expr).__name__,
                                map(ee, exprs[1:]))

    elif isinstance(expr, EnumLiteral):
        return expr.value.dsl_name

    elif isinstance(expr, Try):
        return "try $sl$i{}$sl$d {}".format(
            "or {}".format(ee_pexpr(expr.else_expr)) if expr.else_expr is not None else ""

    elif isinstance(expr, Arithmetic):
        return "{} {} {}".format(ee_pexpr(expr.l), expr.op, ee_pexpr(expr.r))

    elif isinstance(expr, EnvGet):
        args = [ee(expr.symbol)]
        if expr.sequential_from:
        if expr.categories:
        return emit_method_call(
            "get_first" if expr.only_first else "get",

    elif is_a("at"):
        # Recognize find
        if (isinstance(expr.expr_0, Map) and expr.expr_0.kind == 'filter' and
                ee(expr.expr_1) == "0"):
            return ee(expr.expr_0, overload_coll_name="find")

        return "{}?({})".format(ee(expr.expr_0), ee(expr.expr_1))
    elif is_a("at_or_raise"):
        return "{}({})".format(ee(expr.expr_0), ee(expr.expr_1))
    elif isinstance(expr, FieldAccess):
        args = []
        has_any_commented_arg = False
        is_property = isinstance(expr.constructed_expr.node_data, PropertyDef)
        if expr.arguments:
            with walker.method_call(expr.field):
                field_coms = walker.emit_comments()
                receiver_str = ee(expr.receiver)

                for i in range(walker.arg_count()):
                    kw = walker.arg_keyword(i)
                    with walker.arg(i):
                        arg_coms = walker.emit_comments()
                        if kw is None:
                            args.append(arg_coms + ee(expr.arguments.args[i]))
                            args.append(arg_coms + "{}={}".format(
                                kw, ee(expr.arguments.kwargs[kw])
                        has_any_commented_arg |= arg_coms != ""
            field_coms = ""
            receiver_str = ee(expr.receiver)

        return field_coms + emit_method_call(

    elif isinstance(expr, Concat):
        return "{} & {}".format(ee_pexpr(expr.array_1), ee_pexpr(expr.array_2))

    elif isinstance(expr, EntityVariable):
        return "self"
    elif isinstance(expr, SelfVariable):
        return "node"
    elif isinstance(expr, DynamicVariable):
        return expr.argument_name.lower
    elif isinstance(expr, AbstractVariable):
        if then_underscore_var:
            if id(then_underscore_var) == id(expr):
                return ""
        return var_name(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, No):
        return "null".format(type_name(expr.expr_type))
        # TODO: Emit valid null values for other types, eg. [] for arrays.
    elif isinstance(expr, CollectionSingleton):
        if then_underscore_var:
            return emit_method_call(ee(expr.expr), "singleton")
            return "[{}]".format(ee(expr.expr))
    elif isinstance(expr, New):
        return "{}{}".format(
            emit_paren(", ".join(
                "{}={}".format(unparsed_name(k), ee(v))
                for k, v in expr.field_values.items()
    elif isinstance(expr, StructUpdate):
        return '{}.update({})'.format(
            ', '.join('{}={}'.format(name, ee(field_expr))
                      for name, field_expr in sorted(expr.assocs.items()))
    elif isinstance(expr, ArrayLiteral):
        if not len(expr.elements):
            return '[]'
        elif isinstance(expr.elements[0], CharacterLiteral):
            return repr(u"".join(e.literal for e in expr.elements))[1:]
        return "[{}]".format(", ".join(ee(el) for el in expr.elements))
    elif isinstance(expr, CharacterLiteral):
        # Get rid of the 'u' unicode prefix
        return repr(expr.literal)[1:]
    elif isinstance(expr, BigIntLiteral):
        return 'BigInt({})'.format(str(expr.expr)
                                   if isinstance(expr.expr, (int, long)) else
    elif isinstance(expr, RefCategories):
        return 'RefCats({})'.format(', '.join(
            '{}={}'.format(name, ee(value))
            for name, value in
            list(sorted(expr.cat_map.items())) + [("others", expr.default)]
    elif isinstance(expr, Predicate):
        return "%predicate({})".format(", ".join(keep([
        ] + [ee(e) for e in expr.exprs[1:]])))
    elif is_a("domain"):
        return "%domain({}, {})".format(ee(expr.expr_0), ee(expr.expr_1))
    elif isinstance(expr, Bind):
        return "%eq({})".format(", ".join(keep([
            ee(expr.from_expr), ee(expr.to_expr),
            "eq_prop={}".format(fqn(expr.eq_prop)) if expr.eq_prop else ""
            "conv_prop={}".format(fqn(expr.conv_prop)) if expr.conv_prop else ""
        # raise NotImplementedError(type(expr))
        return repr(expr)
예제 #20
    def __init__(self,
        Generate sources for the analysis library. Also emit a tiny program
        useful for testing purposes.

        :param str lib_root: Path of the directory in which the library should
            be generated.

        :param str|None extensions_dir: Directory to contain extensions for
            code generation. If None is provided, assume there is no extension.

        :param set[str] main_source_dirs: List of source directories to use in
            the project file for mains. Source directories must be relative to
            the mains project file directory (i.e. $BUILD/src).

        :param set[str] main_programs: List of names for programs to build in
            addition to the generated library. To each X program, there must be
            a X.adb source file in the $BUILD/src directory.

        :param bool no_property_checks: If True, do not emit safety checks in
            the generated code for properties. Namely, this disables null
            checks on field access.

        :param bool generate_astdoc: Whether to generate the HTML documentation
            for AST nodes, their fields and their properties.

        :param bool generate_gdb_hook: Whether to generate the
            ".debug_gdb_scripts" section. Good for debugging, but better to
            disable for releases.

        :param bool pretty_print: If true, pretty-print the generated sources.

        :param post_process_ada: Optional post-processing for generated Ada
            source code.
        :type post_process_ada: None|(str) -> str

        :param post_process_cpp: Optional post-processing for generated C++
            source code.
        :type post_process_cpp: None|(str) -> str

        :param post_process_python: Optional post-processing for generated
            Python source code.
        :type post_process_python: None|(str) -> str
        self.context = context
        self.verbosity = context.verbosity

        self.lib_root = lib_root
        self.cache = Cache(os.path.join(self.lib_root, 'obj', 'langkit_cache'))

        self.extensions_dir = extensions_dir

        # TODO: contain the add_template_dir calls to this context (i.e. avoid
        # global mutation).

        if self.extensions_dir:

        for dirpath in keep(self.context.template_lookup_extra_dirs):

        self.no_property_checks = no_property_checks
        self.generate_astdoc = generate_astdoc
        self.generate_gdb_hook = generate_gdb_hook
        self.pretty_print = pretty_print
        self.post_process_ada = post_process_ada
        self.post_process_cpp = post_process_cpp
        self.post_process_python = post_process_python

        # Automatically add all source files in the "extensions/src" directory
        # to the generated library project.
        self.extensions_src_dir = None
        if self.extensions_dir:
            src_dir = path.join(self.extensions_dir, 'src')
            if path.isdir(src_dir):
                self.extensions_src_dir = src_dir
                for filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
                    filepath = path.join(src_dir, filename)
                    if path.isfile(filepath) and not filename.startswith('.'):

        self.main_source_dirs = main_source_dirs
        self.main_programs = main_programs

        self.lib_name_low = context.ada_api_settings.lib_name.lower()
        Lower-case name for the generated library.

        # Paths for the various directories in which code is generated
        self.include_path = path.join(self.lib_root, 'include')
        self.src_path = path.join(self.lib_root, 'include', self.lib_name_low)
        self.lib_path = path.join(self.lib_root, 'lib')
        self.share_path = path.join(self.lib_root, 'share', self.lib_name_low)
        self.python_path = path.join(self.lib_root, 'python')

        self.dfa_code = None
예제 #21
 def add_path(name, p):
     if isinstance(name, unicode):
         name = name.encode('ascii')
     if isinstance(p, unicode):
         p = p.encode('ascii')
     env[name] = path.pathsep.join(keep([p, env.get(name, b'')]))