def initDialog(self): print("init taskdata dialog") # init widgets self.ui.comboUser.setModel(self._domainModel.dicts[const.DICT_USER]) self.ui.comboProject.setModel(self._domainModel.dicts[const.DICT_PROJECT]) self.ui.comboInit.setModel(self._domainModel.dicts[const.DICT_INITIATOR]) self.ui.comboPriority.setModel(self._domainModel.dicts[const.DICT_PRIORITY]) walk(lambda model: model.makeUncheckable(), self._domainModel.dicts.values()) # for k, v in self._domainModel.dicts.items(): # v.itemsCheckable = False # self.ui.tableProduct.setModel(self._productModel) # self._productModel.initModel(self._productList) # setup signals self.ui.btnOk.clicked.connect(self.onBtnOkClicked) self.ui.btnUserAdd.clicked.connect(self.onBtnUserAddClicked) self.ui.btnUserEdit.clicked.connect(self.onBtnUserEditClicked) self.ui.btnProjectAdd.clicked.connect(self.onBtnProjectAddClicked) self.ui.btnProjectEdit.clicked.connect(self.onBtnProjectEditClicked) self.ui.btnInitAdd.clicked.connect(self.onBtnInitAddClicked) self.ui.btnInitEdit.clicked.connect(self.onBtnInitEditClicked) # set widget data if self._currentItem is None: self.resetWidgets() else: self.updateWidgets()
def register_apps(app): for pkg in w_utils.find_modules('apps', True): pkg_views = '%s.views' % pkg objs = [get_module_obj(pkg_views, obj) for obj in ['bpa', 'bp']] funcy.walk(funcy.silent(app.register_blueprint), objs) app_init = get_module_obj(pkg, 'app_init') if app_init: app_init(app)
def preload(self): """只需运行一次,先将fromdate前的数据都load到preload_bar_list""" """若没有fromdate,则不用load""" coll = self.set_collection() if self.fromdate: buff_date = arrow.get(self.fromdate).replace(days=-self.buffer_days) buff_date = buff_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') self.set_iteral_buffer(coll.find({'date': {'$gt': buff_date, '$lt': self.fromdate}})) else: self.set_iteral_buffer([]) self.preload_bar_list = [i for i in self.iteral_buffer] fy.walk(lambda x: x.pop('_id'), self.preload_bar_list) self.preload_bar_list.reverse()
def __getitem__(self, item): (input_fpath, targets_fpaths), augmentation =[item] input_img = self._load_input_image(input_fpath) width, height = input_img.size input_img = self.resize(input_img) if self.input_preprocess is not None: input_img = self.input_preprocess(input_img) input_img = augmentation(input_img) input_img = self.to_tensor(input_img) input_img = self.normalize(input_img) target_imgs = None if self.with_targets: target_imgs = self.selection_method(targets_fpaths) target_imgs = funcy.walk(self.to_tensor, target_imgs) fname = os.path.basename(input_fpath).split(".")[0] if self.selection_method == self._random_selection: target_imgs = target_imgs[0] return input_img, target_imgs, fname, (width, height)
def _cache_key(self): """ Compute a cache key for this queryset """ md = md5() md.update('%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)) # Vary cache key for proxy models md.update('%s.%s' % (self.model.__module__, self.model.__name__)) # Protect from field list changes in model md.update(stamp_fields(self.model)) # Use query SQL as part of a key try: sql, params = self.query.get_compiler(self._db or DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS).as_sql() try: sql_str = sql % params except UnicodeDecodeError: sql_str = sql % walk(force_text, params) md.update(smart_str(sql_str)) except EmptyResultSet: pass # If query results differ depending on database if self._cacheprofile and not self._cacheprofile['db_agnostic']: md.update(self.db) # Thing only appeared in Django 1.9 it_class = getattr(self, '_iterable_class', None) if it_class: md.update('%s.%s' % (it_class.__module__, it_class.__name__)) # 'flat' attribute changes results formatting for values_list() in Django 1.8 and earlier if hasattr(self, 'flat'): md.update(str(self.flat)) return 'q:%s' % md.hexdigest()
def __init__(self, fpath: str, augmentations: List = None, input_preprocess: Callable = None, target_preprocess: Callable = None, with_targets: bool = True, shape: Tuple = (256, 256)): if not os.path.isfile(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find dataset file: '{}'".format(fpath)) self.with_targets = with_targets self.size = shape if augmentations: augmentations = [lambda x: x] + augmentations else: augmentations = [lambda x: x] self.resize = Resize(size=self.size) # self.normalize = Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) self.normalize = Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.to_tensor = ToTensor() self.input_preprocess = input_preprocess self.target_preprocess = target_preprocess with open(fpath, "r") as f: lines = filter(lambda l: bool(l),"\n")) if self.with_targets: data = [(input.strip(), target.strip()) for input, target in funcy.walk(lambda l: l.split(" "), lines)] else: data = [(input.strip(), None) for input in lines] = [(d, augmentation) for augmentation in augmentations for d in data]
def _cache_key(self, prefix=True): """ Compute a cache key for this queryset """ md = md5() md.update('%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)) # Vary cache key for proxy models md.update('%s.%s' % (self.model.__module__, self.model.__name__)) # Protect from field list changes in model md.update(stamp_fields(self.model)) # Use query SQL as part of a key try: sql, params = self.query.get_compiler(self.db).as_sql() try: sql_str = sql % params except UnicodeDecodeError: sql_str = sql % walk(force_text, params) md.update(smart_str(sql_str)) except EmptyResultSet: pass # If query results differ depending on database if self._cacheprofile and not self._cacheprofile['db_agnostic']: md.update(self.db) # Iterable class pack results diffrently it_class = self._iterable_class md.update('%s.%s' % (it_class.__module__, it_class.__name__)) cache_key = 'q:%s' % md.hexdigest() return self._prefix + cache_key if prefix else cache_key
def _drop_duplicates(self): """删除重复数据""" coll = self.__set_collection() c = coll.aggregate([{ "$group": { "_id": { 'date': '$date' }, "count": { '$sum': 1 }, "dups": { '$addToSet': '$_id' } } }, { '$match': { 'count': { "$gt": 1 } } }]) data = [i for i in c] duplicates = fy.walk(self.__get_dups_id, data) dups_id_list = for i in dups_id_list: coll.delete_one({'_id': i}) print("OK, duplicates droped! Done!")
def save_2mgdb(client, param, db): collection = db[param['api_param']['granularity']] for r in InstrumentsCandlesFactory(instrument=param['instrument'], params=param['api_param']): client.request(r) # data type # r.response: # {'instrument': 'EUR_USD', # 'granularity': 'S5', # 'candles': [{'complete': True, 'volume': 1, 'time': '2018-01-01T22:00:00.000000000Z', 'mid': {'o': '1.20052', 'h': '1.20052', 'l': '1.20052', 'c': '1.20052'}}] # } candles = r.response.get('candles') # candles is a list if (candles == []): print( '\t * skip to write next: find empty data (with candles == [])' ) continue else: print('\t - download progress: {}'.format(candles[0].get('time'))) # write to mongodb bar_list = fy.walk(normalize_raw_candles, candles) start_time = time.time() for bar in bar_list: collection.insert_one(bar) end_time = time.time() print('\t - it took {} second to write to mongodb '.format(end_time - start_time)) length = drop_duplicates_func(collection) print(f'\t <<collection:{collection}>> has been drop {length} duplicates!')
def _cache_key(self, prefix=True): """ Compute a cache key for this queryset """ md = md5() md.update('%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)) # Vary cache key for proxy models md.update('%s.%s' % (self.model.__module__, self.model.__name__)) # Protect from field list changes in model md.update(stamp_fields(self.model)) # Use query SQL as part of a key try: sql, params = self.query.get_compiler(self.db).as_sql() try: sql_str = sql % params except UnicodeDecodeError: sql_str = sql % walk(force_text, params) md.update(smart_str(sql_str)) except EmptyResultSet: pass # If query results differ depending on database if self._cacheprofile and not self._cacheprofile['db_agnostic']: md.update(self.db) # Thing only appeared in Django 1.9 it_class = getattr(self, '_iterable_class', None) if it_class: md.update('%s.%s' % (it_class.__module__, it_class.__name__)) # 'flat' attribute changes results formatting for values_list() in Django 1.8 and earlier if hasattr(self, 'flat'): md.update(str(self.flat)) cache_key = 'q:%s' % md.hexdigest() return self._prefix + cache_key if prefix else cache_key
def cookiecutter(*args, **kwargs) -> str: """Call cookiecutter.main.cookiecutter after stringifying paths Return: project directory path """ args = fy.walk(_stringify_path, args) kwargs = fy.walk_values(_stringify_path, kwargs) return _cookiecutter(*args, **kwargs)
def load_prefix_lists(): all_words = load_all_words() prefix_lists = {} for i in range(1, 8): # only need prefixes up to 7, right? # ignore words that are the length of the prefix or less long_enough_words = d: len(d) > i, all_words) # grab the first i letters prefix_lists[i] = set(f.walk(lambda d: d[0:i], long_enough_words)) # this line is probably extraneous at this point, right? # prefix_lists[i]= d: len(d)==i, prefix_lists[i]) return prefix_lists
def saveOnus_f(ip): mark, rslt = Zte.get_onus(ip)[:-1] if mark == 'success' and rslt: _ff = lambda x: walk(partial(merge, (ip, x[0])), x[1]) rslt1 = lmapcat(_ff, rslt) with open(result_file, 'a') as frslt: for record in rslt1: ip, port, onuid, loid = record frslt.write("{ip},{port},{onuid},{loid}\n" .format(ip=ip, port=port, onuid=onuid, loid=loid)) with open(log_file, 'a') as flog: flog.write("{ip}:{mark}\n".format(ip=ip, mark=mark))
def rolling(self, start, end): if start != 0: delta = end - start if end != float('inf') else end return self.rolling(0, delta) << start def apply_window(time_val): t, _ = time_val values = self[start + t:end + t].values() # Note: {} forces application of tuple. values = fn.merge_with(tuple, {}, *values) return (t, values) return self.evolve(data=fn.walk(apply_window,, end=self.end - end if end < self.end else self.end)
def saveOnus_f(ip): mark, rslt = Zte.get_onus(ip)[:-1] if mark == 'success' and rslt: _ff = lambda x: walk(partial(merge, (ip, x[0])), x[1]) rslt1 = lmapcat(_ff, rslt) with open(result_file, 'a') as frslt: for record in rslt1: ip, port, onuid, loid = record frslt.write("{ip},{port},{onuid},{loid}\n".format(ip=ip, port=port, onuid=onuid, loid=loid)) with open(log_file, 'a') as flog: flog.write("{ip}:{mark}\n".format(ip=ip, mark=mark))
def _combine_and_insert(self, data): data = data['candles'] candle_list = fy.walk(self._normalize, data) lenth = len(candle_list) coll = self._set_collection() i = 0 for bar in candle_list: i += 1 coll.insert_one(bar) if self.print_log: date = bar['date']
def correct_text_msg(from_text, to_text, insert_between=''): differences = unified_diff(from_text.split(), to_text.split()) differences = drop(3, differences) differences = group_differences(differences) res = [] for diff in differences: type_, text = diff[0], diff[1:] if type_ is '-': res += [walk(strike, text)] res += insert_between elif type_ is '+': res += [embolden(text)] else: res += [text] return ' '.join(res)
def deepxrtype(obj): """ Recursive variant of `xrtype()`. >>> deepxrtype(1) (<class 'int'>,) >>> deepxrtype('x') (<class 'str'>,) >>> deepxrtype((1, 'x')) (<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>) >>> deepxrtype((1, 'x', ('y', 'z'))) (<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>)) """ return fy.walk(xrtype, box(obj))
def _drop_duplicates(self): """删除重复数据""" coll = self._set_collection() c = coll.aggregate([{"$group": {"_id": {'id': '$id'}, #记住去了解一下此处是如何去重的 "count": {'$sum': 1}, #$addToSet也是追加内容且会过滤数据 "dups": {'$addToSet': '$_id'}}}, #$push代表追加内容但是不会过滤数据 {'$match': {'count': {"$gt": 1}}} ] ) data = [i for i in c] duplicates = fy.walk(self.__get_dups_id, data) dups_id_list = for i in dups_id_list: coll.delete_one({'_id': i})
def __init__(self, fpath: str, augmentations: List = None, input_preprocess: Callable = None, target_preprocess: Callable = None, with_targets: bool = True, select="random", shape: Tuple = (256, 256)): if not os.path.isfile(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find dataset file: '{}'".format(fpath)) self.with_targets = with_targets self.size = shape if augmentations: augmentations = [lambda x: x] + augmentations else: augmentations = [lambda x: x] self.resize = Resize(size=self.size) # self.normalize = Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) self.normalize = Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.to_tensor = ToTensor() self.input_preprocess = input_preprocess self.target_preprocess = target_preprocess with open(fpath, "r") as f: lines = filter(lambda l: bool(l),"\n")) if self.with_targets: data = [] for line in lines: fpaths = line.split(" ") input_ = fpaths[0].strip() targets = funcy.walk(lambda f: f.strip(), fpaths[1:]) data.append((input_, targets)) else: data = [(input.strip(), None) for input in lines] if select == "all": self.selection_method = self._select_all else: self.selection_method = self._random_selection = [(d, augmentation) for augmentation in augmentations for d in data]
def __init__(self, fpath, augmentation=None, with_targets=True): if not os.path.isfile(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find dataset file: '{}'".format(fpath)) if not augmentation: augmentation = [] n_augmentation = math.factorial( len(augmentation)) if len(augmentation) > 0 else 0 augmentation_combinations = list( itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=n_augmentation)) self.with_targets = with_targets self.size = (180, 135) self.input_resize = Scale(self.size, Image.BILINEAR) self.target_resize = Scale(self.size, Image.NEAREST) self.input_transform = Compose([ ToTensor(), Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) self.target_transform = Compose([ ToLabel(), ReLabel(255, 1), ]) self.augmentation = augmentation with open(fpath, "r") as f: lines = filter(lambda l: bool(l),"\n")) if self.with_targets: data = [(input.strip(), target.strip()) for input, target in funcy.walk( lambda l: l.split(" "), lines)] else: data = [(input.strip(), None) for input in lines] = [(d, transform_list) for transform_list in augmentation_combinations for d in data]
def __init__(self, fpath, augmentation=None, input_preprocess=None, target_preprocess=None, with_targets=True): self.with_targets = with_targets if not augmentation: augmentation = [] if not input_preprocess: input_preprocess = [] if not target_preprocess: target_preprocess = input_preprocess assert os.path.exists(fpath), "File path doesn't exists" with open(fpath, "r") as f: lines = filter(lambda l: bool(l),"\n")) if self.with_targets: data = [(input.strip(), target.strip()) for input, target in funcy.walk( lambda l: l.split(" "), lines)] else: data = [(input.strip(), None) for input in lines] n_augmentation = math.factorial(len(augmentation)) augmentation_combinations = list( itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=n_augmentation)) self.augmentation = augmentation self.input_preprocess = input_preprocess self.target_preprocess = target_preprocess = [(d, transform_list) for transform_list in augmentation_combinations for d in data]
def transform(ast): """Transform AST into grouped (by node type) dictionary of metadata dicts. """ return walk(process, categorize(ast))
def get_options(default, path): return funcy.join([default] + funcy.walk(loadexp, path))
# but what? # some sort of dictionary of word beginnings # ['apple','ant','cat','corn','car'] # what are we trying to do? know if any words start with a string. # that way if we don't check for 3 letter words that start with xqu, then 4 letter words, etc. # { 'a': {'p':{'p':{'l':{'e':'$'}}} 'n':{'t':'$'}} ...} something like that? def test_perf(num=100): n = num l7 = load_word_set_by_length(7, as_set=False) s7 = load_word_set_by_length(7) def check_list(): return "wishful" in l7 def check_set(): return "wishful" in s7 l_time = float(timeit.timeit(check_list, number=n)) s_time = float(timeit.timeit(check_set, number=n)) ratio = l_time/s_time print "list takes %f times more than the set, using %d repetitions" % (ratio, n) print "list: %f " % l_time print "set: %f" % s_time if __name__ == "__main__": # test_perf(num=100) print f.walk(len, load_prefix_lists().values())
def template_name(self, obj): try: return walk(reversed, settings.KONOHA_TEMPLATES)[obj.template] except KeyError: return obj.template
def run_epoch(phase, epoch, model, dataloader, optimizer, criterion, scheduler, writer): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") progress_bar = tqdm(dataloader, desc="Epoch {} - {}".format(epoch, phase)) training = phase == "train" if training: model.train() else: model.eval() losses = [] jaccards = [] jaccards_threshold = [] dices = [] for i, (inputs, targets, fname, (_, _)) in enumerate(progress_bar): inputs = Variable(inputs, requires_grad=True).to(device) if isinstance(targets, list): targets = funcy.walk(lambda target: Variable(target, requires_grad=True).to(device), targets) else: targets = Variable(targets, requires_grad=True).to(device) optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.set_grad_enabled(training): outputs = model(inputs) if isinstance(targets, list): loss = min(funcy.walk(lambda target: criterion(outputs, target), targets)) jaccard = max(funcy.walk(lambda target: evaluate_jaccard(outputs, target), targets)) else: loss = criterion(outputs, targets) jaccard = evaluate_jaccard(outputs, targets) jaccard_threshold = jaccard.item() if jaccard.item() > 0.65 else 0.0 dice = evaluate_dice(jaccard.item()) if training: loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.batch_step() losses.append(loss.item()) jaccards.append(jaccard.item()) jaccards_threshold.append(jaccard_threshold) dices.append(dice) progress_bar.set_postfix(OrderedDict({"{} loss".format(phase): np.mean(losses), "{} jaccard".format(phase): np.mean(jaccards), "{} jaccard_threshold".format(phase): np.mean(jaccards_threshold), "{} dice".format(phase): np.mean(dices)})) mean_loss = np.mean(losses) mean_jacc = np.mean(jaccards) mean_jacc_threshold = np.mean(jaccards_threshold) mean_dice = np.mean(dices) loss_tag = "{}.loss".format(phase) jacc_tag = "{}.jaccard".format(phase) jacc_threshold_tag = "{}.jaccard_threshold".format(phase) dice_tag = "{}.dice".format(phase) writer.add_scalar(loss_tag, mean_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalar(jacc_tag, mean_jacc, epoch) writer.add_scalar(jacc_threshold_tag, mean_jacc_threshold, epoch) writer.add_scalar(dice_tag, mean_dice, epoch) info = {"loss": mean_loss, "jaccard": mean_jacc, "jaccard_threshold": mean_jacc_threshold, "dice": mean_dice} return info
def walk(f,*seq): return F.walk(f,*seq) if seq \ else lambda *xs: F.walk(f,*xs)
def done(self, code): walk(lambda model: model.makeCheckable(), self._domainModel.dicts.values()) super(DlgTaskData, self).done(code)
def transform(transform_fn, pil_image, mult=1, **kwargs): img = np.array(pil_image) img = mult * transform_fn(img, **kwargs).astype(np.uint8) img = Image.fromarray(img) return img.point(lambda p: p > 255 // 2 and 255) ######################################################################################################################## # # Get the file IDs for each dataset # ######################################################################################################################## full_isic_archive_ids = funcy.walk(lambda fname: fname.split(".")[0], os.listdir(ISIC_ARCHIVE_INPUTS_PATH)) isic_archive_ids = list( sorted( set( funcy.walk( lambda fname: re.match( r"(ISIC_[0-9]+)_segmentation_[0-9]+.png", fname).group(1), filter(lambda fname: fname.endswith(".png"), os.listdir(ISIC_ARCHIVE_TARGETS_PATH)))))) isic_2017_ids = list( sorted( set( funcy.walk( lambda fname: re.match(r"(ISIC_[0-9]+)_segmentation.png", fname
def _post_clean(self): if any(walk(self.errors.__contains__, self.post_clean_free_fields)): return super()._post_clean()