def get(self, singleSnapshot=False): """ *geneate the pyephem positions* **Key Arguments:** - ``singleSnapshot`` -- just extract positions for a single pyephem snapshot (used for unit testing) **Return:** - ``None`` """'starting the ``get`` method') global xephemOE global tileSide global magLimit # GRAB PARAMETERS FROM SETTINGS FILE tileSide = float(self.settings["pyephem"]["atlas exposure match side"]) magLimit = float(self.settings["pyephem"]["magnitude limit"]) snapshotsRequired = 1 while snapshotsRequired > 0: nextMjds, exposures, snapshotsRequired = self._get_exposures_requiring_pyephem_positions( concurrentSnapshots=int(self.settings["pyephem"] ["batch size"])) print "There are currently %(snapshotsRequired)s more pyephem snapshots required " % locals( ) if snapshotsRequired == 0: return if len(xephemOE) == 0: xephemOE = self._get_xephem_orbital_elements() # DEFINE AN INPUT ARRAY magLimit = self.settings["pyephem"]["magnitude limit"] pyephemDB = fmultiprocess(log=self.log, function=_generate_pyephem_snapshot, timeout=300, inputArray=nextMjds, magLimit=magLimit) matchedObjects = [] for p, e, m in zip(pyephemDB, exposures, nextMjds): matchedObjects.append( self._match_pyephem_snapshot_to_atlas_exposures(p, e, m)) self._add_matched_objects_to_database(matchedObjects) self._update_database_flag(exposures) if singleSnapshot: snapshotsRequired = 0'completed the ``get`` method') return None
def test_multiprocess_function_exception(self): from fundamentals import fmultiprocess try: this = fmultiprocess(log=log, settings=settings, fakeKey="break the code") this.get() assert False except Exception as e: assert True print(str(e))
def test_multiprocess_function_exception(self): from fundamentals import fmultiprocess try: this = fmultiprocess( log=log, settings=settings, fakeKey="break the code" ) this.get() assert False except Exception, e: assert True print str(e)
def get(self): """ *match the orbfit predicted positions of known asteroids against the positions recored in the local cache of dophot files* **Return:** - None **Usage:** See class docstring """'starting the ``get`` method') cachePath = self.settings["atlas archive path"] global exposureIds exposureIds, remaining = self._select_exposures_requiring_dophot_extraction( batch=int(self.settings["dophot"]["batch size"])) if remaining == 0: print "%(remaining)s locally cached dophot files remain needing to be parsed for orbfit predicted known asteroid positions" % locals( ) return None # SELECT 100 EXPOSURES REQUIRING DOPHOT EXTRACTION while remaining > 0: exposureIds, remaining = self._select_exposures_requiring_dophot_extraction( batch=int(self.settings["dophot"]["batch size"])) print "%(remaining)s locally cached dophot files remain needing to be parsed for orbfit predicted known asteroid positions" % locals( ) if remaining == 0: continue dophotMatches = fmultiprocess(log=self.log, function=_extract_phot_from_exposure, inputArray=range(len(exposureIds)), poolSize=5, timeout=300, cachePath=cachePath, settings=self.settings) self._add_dophot_matches_to_database(dophotMatches=dophotMatches, exposureIds=exposureIds) dophotMatches = None self._add_value_to_dophot_table()'completed the ``get`` method') return None
def test_multiprocess_function(self): from fundamentals import fmultiprocess # DEFINE AN INPUT ARRAY inputArray = range(1000) t1 = time.time() result = fmultiprocess(log=log, function=f, inputArray=inputArray, anotherKeyword="cheese") took = time.time() - t1 print "Multiprocessing took: %(took)s" % locals() t2 = time.time() result = [] for i in inputArray: result.append(f(i)) took = time.time() - t2 print "Serial processing took: %(took)s" % locals()
def test_multiprocess_function(self): from fundamentals import fmultiprocess # DEFINE AN INPUT ARRAY inputArray = list(range(1000)) t1 = time.time() result = fmultiprocess(log=log, function=f, inputArray=inputArray, anotherKeyword="cheese") took = time.time() - t1 print("Multiprocessing took: %(took)s" % locals()) t2 = time.time() result = [] for i in inputArray: result.append(f(i)) took = time.time() - t2 print("Serial processing took: %(took)s" % locals())
def _match_pyephem_snapshot_to_atlas_exposures(self, pyephemDB, exposures, mjd): """*match pyephem snapshot to atlas exposures* **Key Arguments:** - ``pyephemDB`` -- the pyephem solar-system snapshot database - ``exposures`` -- the atlas exposures to match against the snapshot - ``mjd`` -- the MJD of the pyephem snapshot **Return:** - ``matchedObjects`` -- these objects matched in the neighbourhood of the ATLAS exposures (list of dictionaries) """ 'starting the ``_match_pyephem_snapshot_to_atlas_exposures`` method' ) global DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR global RAD_TO_DEG_FACTOR global moversDict e = len(exposures) print "Matching %(e)s ATLAS exposures against the pyephem snapshot for MJD = %(mjd)s" % locals( ) # MAKE SURE HEALPIX SMALL ENOUGH TO MATCH FOOTPRINTS CORRECTLY global nside # GRAB PARAMETERS FROM SETTINGS FILE tileSide = float(self.settings["pyephem"]["atlas exposure match side"]) magLimit = float(self.settings["pyephem"]["magnitude limit"]) # EXPLODE OUT THE PYEPHEM DATABASE ra = pyephemDB["ra_deg"] dec = pyephemDB["dec_deg"] healpix = pyephemDB["healpix"] objects = pyephemDB["object_name"] mpc_numbers = pyephemDB["mpc_number"] mag = pyephemDB["mag"] # INDEX PYEPHEM MOVERS IN DICTIONARY BY HEALPIX ID moversDict = defaultdict(list) for ind, (p, r, d, o, m, g) in enumerate( zip(healpix, ra, dec, objects, mpc_numbers, mag)): moversDict[p].append({ "object_name": o, "ra_deg": r, "dec_deg": d, "mpc_number": m, "mag": g }) # MATCH THE PYEPHEM MOVERS AGAINST THE ATLAS EXPOSURES matchedObjects = [] results = fmultiprocess( log=self.log, function=_match_single_exposure_against_pyephem_db, timeout=120, inputArray=exposures) for r in results: matchedObjects += r 'completed the ``_match_pyephem_snapshot_to_atlas_exposures`` method' ) return matchedObjects
def plot(self): """*generate a batch of lightcurves using multiprocessing given their transientBucketIds* **Return** - ``filepath`` -- path to the last generated plot file **Usage** ```python from marshallEngine.lightcurves import marshall_lightcurves lc = marshall_lightcurves( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, settings=settings, transientBucketIds=[28421489, 28121353, 4637952, 27409808] ) lc.plot() ``` """ self.log.debug('starting the ``plot`` method') # DEFINE AN INPUT ARRAY total = len(self.transientBucketIds) thisDict = {"database settings": self.settings["database settings"]} if total: print("updating lightcurves for %(total)s transients" % locals()) print() # USE IF ISSUES IN _plot_one FUNCTION # for transientBucketId in self.transientBucketIds: # _plot_one( # transientBucketId=transientBucketId, # log=self.log, # settings=self.settings # ) results = fmultiprocess(log=self.log, function=_plot_one, inputArray=self.transientBucketIds, poolSize=False, timeout=3600, settings=self.settings) sqlQuery = "" updatedTransientBucketIds = [] for t, r in zip(self.transientBucketIds, results): if not r[0]: # LIGHTCURVE NOT GENERATED continue updatedTransientBucketIds.append(t) filepath = r[0] currentMagnitude = r[1] gradient = r[2] sqlQuery += """update transientBucketSummaries set currentMagnitudeEstimate = %(currentMagnitude)s, currentMagnitudeEstimateUpdated = NOW(), recentSlopeOfLightcurve = %(gradient)s where transientBucketId = %(t)s; """ % locals() ids = [] ids[:] = [str(i) for i in updatedTransientBucketIds] updatedTransientBucketIds = (",").join(ids) sqlQuery += "update pesstoObjects set master_pessto_lightcurve = 1 where transientBucketId in (%(updatedTransientBucketIds)s);" % locals( ) if len(updatedTransientBucketIds): writequery( log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn, ) else: filepath = False self.log.debug('completed the ``plot`` method') return filepath
def generate_atlas_lightcurves(dbConn, log, settings): """generate all atlas FP lightcurves (clipped and stacked) **Key Arguments** - ``dbConn`` -- mysql database connection - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- settings for the marshall. ```python from marshallEngine.feeders.atlas.lightcurve import generate_atlas_lightcurves generate_atlas_lightcurves( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, settings=settings ) ``` """ log.debug('starting the ``generate_atlas_lightcurves`` function') # SELECT SOURCES THAT NEED THEIR ATLAS FP LIGHTCURVES CREATED/UPDATED sqlQuery = u""" SELECT t.transientBucketId FROM transientBucket t ,pesstoObjects p WHERE p.transientBucketId=t.transientBucketId and t.survey = 'ATLAS FP' and t.limitingMag = 0 and ((p.atlas_fp_lightcurve < t.dateCreated and p.atlas_fp_lightcurve != 0) or p.atlas_fp_lightcurve is null) GROUP BY t.transientBucketId; """ rows = readquery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) transientIds = [r["transientBucketId"] for r in rows] total = len(transientIds) if total > 1000: print( "ATLAS lightcurves need generated for %(total)s sources - generating next 1000" % locals()) transientIds = transientIds[:1000] total = len(transientIds) else: print("Generating ATLAS lightcurves for %(total)s sources" % locals()) # SETUP THE INITIAL FIGURE FOR THE PLOT (ONLY ONCE) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=18) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=18) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) # FORMAT THE AXES ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=False, frameon=True) ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20) ax.set_yticks([2.2]) # RHS AXIS TICKS plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%2.1f") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax.xaxis.grid(False) # ADD SECOND Y-AXIS ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax2.set_ylabel('Flux ($\mu$Jy)', rotation=-90., labelpad=27) ax2.grid(False) # ADD SECOND X-AXIS ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.grid(True) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left') # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions(log=log) if len(transientIds) < 3: plotPaths = [] for transientBucketId in transientIds: plotPaths.append( plot_single_result(log=log, transientBucketId=transientBucketId, fig=fig, converter=converter, ax=ax, settings=settings)) else:"""starting multiprocessing""") plotPaths = fmultiprocess(log=log, function=plot_single_result, inputArray=transientIds, poolSize=False, timeout=7200, fig=fig, converter=converter, ax=ax, settings=settings)"""finished multiprocessing""") # REMOVE MISSING PLOTStrn transientIdGood = [t for p, t in zip(plotPaths, transientIds) if p] transientIdBad = [t for p, t in zip(plotPaths, transientIds) if p is None] # UPDATE THE atlas_fp_lightcurve DATE FOR TRANSIENTS WE HAVE JUST # GENERATED PLOTS FOR if len(transientIdGood): transientIdGood = (",").join([str(t) for t in transientIdGood]) sqlQuery = f"""update pesstoObjects set atlas_fp_lightcurve = NOW() where transientBucketID in ({transientIdGood})""" writequery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) # UPDATE THE atlas_fp_lightcurve DATE FOR TRANSIENTS WE HAVE JUST # GENERATED PLOTS FOR if len(transientIdBad): transientIdBad = (",").join([str(t) for t in transientIdBad]) sqlQuery = f"""update pesstoObjects set atlas_fp_lightcurve = 0 where transientBucketID in ({transientIdBad})""" writequery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) log.debug('completed the ``generate_atlas_lightcurves`` function') return None
def orbfit_ephemeris(log, objectId, mjd, settings, obscode=500, verbose=False, astorbPath=False): """Given a known solar-system object ID (human-readable name or MPC number but *NOT* an MPC packed format) or list of names and one or more specific epochs, return the calculated ephemerides **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``objectId`` -- human-readable name, MPC number or solar-system object name, or list of names - ``mjd`` -- a single MJD, or a list MJDs to generate an ephemeris for - ``settings`` -- the settings dictionary for rockfinder - ``obscode`` -- the observatory code for the ephemeris generation. Default **500** (geocentric) - ``verbose`` -- return extra information with each ephemeris - ``astorbPath`` -- override the default path to astorb.dat orbital elements file **Return:** - ``resultList`` -- a list of ordered dictionaries containing the returned ephemerides **Usage:** To generate a an ephemeris for a single epoch run,using ATLAS Haleakala as your observatory: .. code-block:: python from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris( log=log, objectId=1, obscode="T05" mjd=57916., ) or to generate an ephemeris for multiple epochs: .. code-block:: python from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris( log=log, objectId="ceres", mjd=[57916.1,57917.234,57956.34523] verbose=True ) Note by passing `verbose=True` the essential ephemeris data is supplimented with some extra data It's also possible to pass in an array of object IDs: .. code-block:: python from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris( log=log, objectId=[1,5,03547,"Shikoku"], mjd=[57916.1,57917.234,57956.34523] ) And finally you override the default path to astorb.dat orbital elements file by passing in a custom path (useful for passing in a trimmed orbital elements database): .. code-block:: python from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris( log=log, objectId=[1,5,03547,"Shikoku"], mjd=[57916.1,57917.234,57956.34523], astorbPath="/path/to/astorb.dat" ) """ log.debug('starting the ``orbfit_ephemeris`` function') global cmdList # MAKE SURE MJDs ARE IN A LIST if not isinstance(mjd, list): mjdList = [str(mjd)] else: mjdList = mjd if not isinstance(objectId, list): objectList = [objectId] else: objectList = objectId ephem = settings["path to ephem binary"] home = expanduser("~") results = [] tmpCmdList = [] for o in objectList: for m in mjdList: if not isinstance(o, int) and "'" in o: cmd = """%(ephem)s %(obscode)s %(m)s "%(o)s" """ % locals() else: cmd = """%(ephem)s %(obscode)s %(m)s '%(o)s'""" % locals() if astorbPath: cmd += " '%(astorbPath)s'" % locals() tmpCmdList.append((cmd, o)) def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] # BATCH INTO 10s cmdList = [c for c in chunks(tmpCmdList, 10)] # DEFINE AN INPUT ARRAY results = fmultiprocess(log=log, function=_generate_one_ephemeris, inputArray=range(len(cmdList))) if verbose == True: order = [ "object_name", "mjd", "ra_deg", "dec_deg", "apparent_mag", "observer_distance", "heliocentric_distance", "phase_angle", "obscode", "sun_obs_target_angle", "galactic_latitude", "ra_arcsec_per_hour", "dec_arcsec_per_hour" ] else: order = [ "object_name", "mjd", "ra_deg", "dec_deg", "apparent_mag", "observer_distance", "heliocentric_distance", "phase_angle" ] # ORDER THE RESULTS resultList = [] for r2 in results: if not r2: continue for r in r2: if not r: continue orderDict = collections.OrderedDict({}) for i in order: orderDict[i] = r[i] resultList.append(orderDict) log.debug('completed the ``orbfit_ephemeris`` function') return resultList
def get(self, days): """ *download a cache of ATLAS nights data* **Key Arguments:** - ``days`` -- the number of days data to cache locally **Return:** - None **Usage:** See class docstring """'starting the ``get`` method') self._remove_processed_data() archivePath = self.settings["atlas archive path"] self._update_day_tracker_table() mjds = self._determine_mjds_to_download(days=days) if len(mjds) == 0: return dbConn = self.atlasMoversDBConn # DOWNLOAD THE DATA IN PARALLEL results = fmultiprocess(log=self.log, function=_download_one_night_of_atlas_data, timeout=3600, inputArray=mjds, archivePath=archivePath) global dbSettings dbSettings = self.settings["database settings"]["atlasMovers"] for d in results: if d and len(d[0]): insert_list_of_dictionaries_into_database_tables( dbConn=dbConn, log=self.log, dictList=d[0], dbTableName="atlas_exposures", dateModified=True, batchSize=10000, replace=True, dbSettings=dbSettings) # UPDATE BOOKKEEPING mjds = [] mjds[:] = [r[1] for r in results if (r and r[1] is not None)] mjds = (',').join(mjds) if len(mjds): sqlQuery = """update atlas_exposures set local_data = 1 where floor(mjd) in (%(mjds)s); update day_tracker set processed = 1 where mjd in (%(mjds)s);""" % locals( ) writequery( log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.atlasMoversDBConn, ) bk = bookkeeper(log=self.log, settings=self.settings, fullUpdate=False) bk.clean_all()'completed the ``get`` method') return None