예제 #1
def moment_matching_contract_joint(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, discrete,

    approx_vars = frozenset(
        k for k in reduced_vars
        if k in gaussian.inputs and gaussian.inputs[k].dtype != 'real')
    exact_vars = reduced_vars - approx_vars

    if exact_vars and approx_vars:
        return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, exact_vars, discrete,
                           gaussian).reduce(red_op, approx_vars)

    if approx_vars and not exact_vars:
        discrete += gaussian.log_normalizer
        new_discrete = discrete.reduce(
            ops.logaddexp, approx_vars.intersection(discrete.inputs))
        new_discrete = discrete.reduce(
            ops.logaddexp, approx_vars.intersection(discrete.inputs))
        num_elements = reduce(ops.mul, [
            for k in approx_vars.difference(discrete.inputs)
        ], 1)
        if num_elements != 1:
            new_discrete -= math.log(num_elements)

        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        probs = (discrete - new_discrete.clamp_finite()).exp()

        old_loc = Tensor(
                gaussian._precision_chol).squeeze(-1), int_inputs)
        new_loc = (probs * old_loc).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars)
        old_cov = Tensor(cholesky_inverse(gaussian._precision_chol),
        diff = old_loc - new_loc
        outers = Tensor(
            diff.data.unsqueeze(-1) * diff.data.unsqueeze(-2), diff.inputs)
        new_cov = ((probs * old_cov).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars) +
                   (probs * outers).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars))

        # Numerically stabilize by adding bogus precision to empty components.
        total = probs.reduce(ops.add, approx_vars)
        mask = (total.data == 0).to(
        new_cov.data += mask * torch.eye(new_cov.data.size(-1))

        new_precision = Tensor(cholesky_inverse(cholesky(new_cov.data)),
        new_info_vec = new_precision.data.matmul(
        new_inputs = new_loc.inputs.copy()
            (k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        new_gaussian = Gaussian(new_info_vec, new_precision.data, new_inputs)
        new_discrete -= new_gaussian.log_normalizer

        return new_discrete + new_gaussian

    return None
예제 #2
def test_cholesky_inverse(batch_shape, size, requires_grad):
    x = torch.randn(batch_shape + (size, size))
    x = x.transpose(-1, -2).matmul(x)
    u = x.cholesky()
    if requires_grad:
    assert_close(cholesky_inverse(u), naive_cholesky_inverse(u))
    if requires_grad:
예제 #3
def eager_integrate(log_measure, integrand, reduced_vars):
    real_vars = frozenset(k for k in reduced_vars
                          if log_measure.inputs[k].dtype == 'real')
    if real_vars:

        lhs_reals = frozenset(k for k, d in log_measure.inputs.items()
                              if d.dtype == 'real')
        rhs_reals = frozenset(k for k, d in integrand.inputs.items()
                              if d.dtype == 'real')
        if lhs_reals == real_vars and rhs_reals <= real_vars:
            inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for t in (log_measure, integrand)
                                 for k, d in t.inputs.items())
            lhs_info_vec, lhs_precision = align_gaussian(inputs, log_measure)
            rhs_info_vec, rhs_precision = align_gaussian(inputs, integrand)
            lhs = Gaussian(lhs_info_vec, lhs_precision, inputs)

            # Compute the expectation of a non-normalized quadratic form.
            # See "The Matrix Cookbook" (November 15, 2012) ss. 8.2.2 eq. 380.
            # http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/matrixcookbook.pdf
            norm = lhs.log_normalizer.data.exp()
            lhs_cov = cholesky_inverse(lhs._precision_chol)
            lhs_loc = lhs.info_vec.unsqueeze(-1).cholesky_solve(
            vmv_term = _vv(lhs_loc,
                           rhs_info_vec - 0.5 * _mv(rhs_precision, lhs_loc))
            data = norm * (vmv_term - 0.5 * _trace_mm(rhs_precision, lhs_cov))
            inputs = OrderedDict(
                (k, d) for k, d in inputs.items() if k not in reduced_vars)
            result = Tensor(data, inputs)
            return result.reduce(ops.add, reduced_vars - real_vars)

        raise NotImplementedError('TODO implement partial integration')

    return None  # defer to default implementation
예제 #4
def eager_mvn(loc, scale_tril, value):
    assert len(loc.shape) == 1
    assert len(scale_tril.shape) == 2
    assert value.output == loc.output
    if not is_affine(loc) or not is_affine(value):
        return None  # lazy

    info_vec = scale_tril.data.new_zeros(scale_tril.data.shape[:-1])
    precision = cholesky_inverse(scale_tril.data)
    scale_diag = Tensor(scale_tril.data.diagonal(dim1=-1, dim2=-2),
    log_prob = -0.5 * scale_diag.shape[0] * math.log(
        2 * math.pi) - scale_diag.log().sum()
    inputs = scale_tril.inputs.copy()
    var = gensym('value')
    inputs[var] = reals(scale_diag.shape[0])
    gaussian = log_prob + Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    return gaussian(**{var: value - loc})