예제 #1
def eager_binomial(total_count, probs, value):
    probs = stack((1 - probs, probs))
    value = stack((total_count - value, value))
    backend_dist = import_module(
    return backend_dist.Multinomial(total_count, probs,
                                    value=value)  # noqa: F821
예제 #2
def test_beta_bernoulli_conjugate(batch_shape):
    batch_dims = ('i', 'j', 'k')[:len(batch_shape)]
    inputs = OrderedDict((k, Bint[v]) for k, v in zip(batch_dims, batch_shape))
    full_shape = batch_shape
    prior = Variable("prior", Real)
    concentration1 = Tensor(ops.exp(randn(full_shape)), inputs)
    concentration0 = Tensor(ops.exp(randn(full_shape)), inputs)
    latent = dist.Beta(concentration1, concentration0, value=prior)
    conditional = dist.Bernoulli(probs=prior)
    reduced = (latent + conditional).reduce(ops.logaddexp, set(["prior"]))
    assert isinstance(reduced, dist.DirichletMultinomial)
    concentration = stack((concentration0, concentration1), dim=-1)
    assert_close(reduced.concentration, concentration)
    assert_close(reduced.total_count, Tensor(numeric_array(1.)))

    # we need lazy expression for Beta to draw samples from it
    with interpretation(funsor.terms.lazy):
        lazy_latent = dist.Beta(concentration1, concentration0, value=prior)
    obs = Tensor(rand(batch_shape).round(), inputs)
    _assert_conjugate_density_ok(latent, conditional, obs, lazy_latent=lazy_latent)
예제 #3
def test_tensor_stack(n, shape, dim):
    tensors = [randn(shape) for _ in range(n)]
    actual = stack(tuple(Tensor(t) for t in tensors), dim=dim)
    expected = Tensor(ops.stack(dim, *tensors))
    assert_close(actual, expected)
예제 #4
def eager_beta(concentration1, concentration0, value):
    concentration = stack((concentration0, concentration1))
    value = stack((1 - value, value))
    backend_dist = import_module(
    return backend_dist.Dirichlet(concentration, value=value)  # noqa: F821
예제 #5
def eager_binomial(total_count, probs, value):
    probs = stack((1 - probs, probs))
    value = stack((total_count - value, value))
    return Multinomial(total_count, probs, value=value)
예제 #6
def eager_beta(concentration1, concentration0, value):
    concentration = stack((concentration0, concentration1))
    value = stack((1 - value, value))
    return Dirichlet(concentration, value=value)