def tsdf_voxel_volume(fx, fy, cx, cy): print("Estimating voxel volume bounds....") cam_intrinsics = cam.camera_intrinsics(fx, fy, cx, cy) vol_bnds = np.zeros((3, 2)) depth_image = np.load( "/home/aditya/PycharmProjects/OpenCV-python/Project_2/TDCV-Project-2/trial1.npz" )['depth'] camera_pose = np.identity(4) view_frust_pts = fusion.get_view_frustum(depth_image, cam_intrinsics, camera_pose) vol_bnds[:, 0] = np.minimum(vol_bnds[:, 0], np.amin(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) vol_bnds[:, 1] = np.maximum(vol_bnds[:, 1], np.amax(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) print("Initializing voxel volume...") tsdf_vol = fusion.TSDFVolume(vol_bnds, voxel_size=0.01) tsdf_vol.integrate(depth_image, depth_image, cam_intrinsics, camera_pose, obs_weight=1.0) print("Saving mesh to mesh.ply...") verts, faces, norms, colors = tsdf_vol.get_mesh() fusion.meshwrite("mesh.ply", verts, faces, norms, colors) """
#print "Cam poses shape",cam_poses.shape vol_bnds = np.zeros((3, 2)) file = open('data_table/associate.txt') lines ="\n") print "Number of lines in associate", len(lines) for i in range(len(lines) - 1): # Read depth image and camera pose depth_file = base_dir + '/' + lines[i].split(" ")[2] depth_im = cv2.imread(depth_file, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH) depth_im = depth_im.astype(np.float) depth_im /= 5000. # depth is saved in 16-bit PNG in millimeters cam_pose = cam_poses[4 * i:4 * (i + 1), :] view_frust_pts = fusion.get_view_frustum(depth_im, cam_intr, cam_pose) vol_bnds[:, 0] = np.minimum(vol_bnds[:, 0], np.amin(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) vol_bnds[:, 1] = np.maximum(vol_bnds[:, 1], np.amax(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) break print "Volume Bounds:", vol_bnds file.close() # ======================================================================================================== # # Integrate # ======================================================================================================== # # Initialize voxel volume print("Initializing voxel volume...") tsdf_vol = fusion.TSDFVolume(vol_bnds, voxel_size=0.005)
def main(args): if args.example == 'cpp': print("Using PyTorch CPP.") from cpp.integrate import integrate elif args.example == 'jit': print("Using PyTorch JIT.") from jit.integrate import integrate elif args.example == 'py': print("Using vanilla PyTorch.") from python.integrate import integrate else: pass # ======================================================================================================== # # (Optional) This is an example of how to compute the 3D bounds # in world coordinates of the convex hull of all camera view # frustums in the dataset # ======================================================================================================== # print("Estimating voxel volume bounds...") n_imgs = 15 cam_intr = np.loadtxt("data/camera-intrinsics.txt", delimiter=' ') vol_bnds = np.zeros((3, 2)) for i in range(n_imgs): # Read depth image and camera pose depth_im = cv2.imread("data/frame-%06d.depth.png" % (i), -1).astype(float) depth_im /= 1000. # depth is saved in 16-bit PNG in millimeters depth_im[ depth_im == 65.535] = 0 # set invalid depth to 0 (specific to 7-scenes dataset) cam_pose = np.loadtxt("data/frame-%06d.pose.txt" % (i)) # 4x4 rigid transformation matrix # Compute camera view frustum and extend convex hull view_frust_pts = fusion.get_view_frustum(depth_im, cam_intr, cam_pose) vol_bnds[:, 0] = np.minimum(vol_bnds[:, 0], np.amin(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) vol_bnds[:, 1] = np.maximum(vol_bnds[:, 1], np.amax(view_frust_pts, axis=1)) # ======================================================================================================== # # Initialize voxel volume print("Initializing voxel volume...") tsdf_vol = fusion.TSDFVolume(vol_bnds, 0.02, integrate) # ======================================================================================================== # # Integrate # ======================================================================================================== # # Loop through RGB-D images and fuse them together t0_elapse = time.time() times = [] for i in range(n_imgs): print("Fusing frame %d/%d" % (i + 1, n_imgs)) # Read RGB-D image and camera pose color_image = cv2.cvtColor( cv2.imread("data/frame-%06d.color.jpg" % (i)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) depth_im = cv2.imread("data/frame-%06d.depth.png" % (i), -1).astype(float) depth_im /= 1000. depth_im[depth_im == 65.535] = 0 cam_pose = np.loadtxt("data/frame-%06d.pose.txt" % (i)) # Integrate observation into voxel volume (assume color aligned with depth) tic = time.time() tsdf_vol.integrate(color_image, depth_im, cam_intr, cam_pose, obs_weight=1.) toc = time.time() times.append(toc - tic) fps = n_imgs / (time.time() - t0_elapse) print("Average FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps)) times = [t * TIME_SCALES[args.scale] for t in times] print("Average integration time: {:.3f} {}".format(np.mean(times), args.scale)) # Extract pointcloud point_cloud = tsdf_vol.extract_point_cloud() fusion.pcwrite("pc.ply", point_cloud) # Get mesh from voxel volume and save to disk (can be viewed with Meshlab) print("Saving to mesh.ply...") verts, faces, norms, colors = tsdf_vol.extract_triangle_mesh() fusion.meshwrite("mesh.ply", verts, faces, norms, colors)