예제 #1
def stage(pip=False, migrate=False, syncdb=False, branch=None, role='dev'):
    Updates the remote site files to your local branch head, collects static
    files, migrates, and installs pip requirements if necessary.
    update_function = get_update_function()
    branch = branch or get_git_branch()

    project_name = fb_env.role(role, 'project_name')
    project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path')
    virtualenv_path = fb_env.role(role, 'virtualenv_path')
    restart_cmd = fb_env.role(role, 'restart_cmd')

    with cd(project_path):
        previous_head = update_function(branch)
        puts('Previous remote HEAD: {0}'.format(previous_head))

        update_pip = pip or files_changed(previous_head, 'requirements.txt')
        migrate = migrate or files_changed(previous_head, '*/migrations/* {project_name}/settings.py requirements.txt'.format(project_name=project_name))
        syncdb = syncdb or files_changed(previous_head, '*/settings.py')

        with virtualenv(virtualenv_path):
            if update_pip:
                run('pip install -r ./requirements.txt')

            if syncdb:
                run('python manage.py syncdb')

            if migrate:
                run('python manage.py backupdb')
                run('python manage.py migrate')

            run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')

def stage(branch=None, role='dev'):
    Updates the remote site files to your local branch head.
    update_function = get_update_function()
    branch = branch or get_git_branch()

    project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path')

    with cd(project_path):
        previous_head = update_function(branch)
        puts('Previous remote HEAD: {0}'.format(previous_head))