예제 #1
 def test_validation_with_transformation(self):
     behaviour = pyneric.MetadataBehaviour(validate_transforms=True)
     a_value = dict()
     class CustomException(Exception):
         """Exception for validation test"""
     class M(pyneric.Metaclass):
         __metadata_behaviour__ = behaviour
         __metadata__ = dict(a=a_value)
         def validate_a(value):
             if not isinstance(value, dict):
                 raise CustomException("must be a dict")
             return list(value)
     class C(with_metaclass(M, object)):
         a = {'valid': 'dict'}
     self.assertEqual(['valid'], C.a)
     # still also raises exception when appropriate
     self.assertRaises(CustomException, type, 'C',
                       (with_metaclass(M, object),),
                       dict(a={'invalid', 'set', 'not', 'a', 'dict'}))
     self.assertRaises(CustomException, type, 'C1', (C,),
                       dict(a={'invalid', 'set', 'not', 'a', 'dict'}))
     class C1(C):
         a = {'another': 4, 'one': 1, 'transformed': 0}
     self.assertIsInstance(C1.a, list)
     self.assertEqual({'another', 'one', 'transformed'}, set(C1.a))
예제 #2
    def __new__(generator_cls, ABC):
        MetaMagicType = create_metaclass(
        MagicType = create_class(
            with_metaclass(MetaMagicType, BasicMagicType),

        MagicType.generator_cls = generator_cls
        MagicType.main_cls = ABC
        MagicType.partial_cls = None

        return MagicType
예제 #3
 def test_validation(self):
     a_value = dict()
     class CustomException(Exception):
         """Exception for validation test"""
     class M(pyneric.Metaclass):
         __metadata__ = dict(a=a_value)
         def validate_a(value):
             if not isinstance(value, dict):
                 raise CustomException("must be a dict")
     class C(with_metaclass(M, object)):
         a = {'valid': 'dict'}
     self.assertRaises(CustomException, type, 'C',
                       (with_metaclass(M, object),),
                       dict(a={'invalid', 'set', 'not', 'a', 'dict'}))
     self.assertRaises(CustomException, type, 'C1', (C,),
                       dict(a={'invalid', 'set', 'not', 'a', 'dict'}))
예제 #4
class DishMaster(with_metaclass(DeviceMeta, SKAMaster)):
    # class DishMaster(SKAMaster):
    SKA Dish Master TANGO device server

    # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.class_variable) ENABLED START #

    # __metaclass__ =  SKAMaster

    # Function to set achieved pointing attribute to the desired pointing attribute
    def point(self):
        """ Points the dish towards the desired pointing coordinates. """
        if ((self._achieved_pointing[1] != self._desired_pointing[1]) |
            (self._achieved_pointing[2] != self._desired_pointing[2])):
                self.change_azimuth_thread = threading.Thread(
                    None, self.azimuth, 'DishMaster')
                self.change_elevation_thread = threading.Thread(
                    None, self.elevation, 'DishMaster')
                self._pointing_state = 1
            except Exception as except_occured:
                print(CONST.ERR_EXE_POINT_FN, self.ReceptorNumber)
                print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)

    def azimuth(self):
        """ Calculates the azimuth angle difference. """
        self._pointing_state = 1
        azimuth_index = 1
        self._azimuth_difference = self._desired_pointing[
            1] - self._achieved_pointing[1]
        if self._azimuth_difference > 0.00:
            self.increment_position([azimuth_index, self._azimuth_difference])
        elif self._azimuth_difference < 0.00:
                [azimuth_index, abs(self._azimuth_difference)])

    def elevation(self):
        """ Calculates the elevation angle difference. """
        self._pointing_state = 1
        elevation_index = 2
        self._elevation_difference = self._desired_pointing[
            2] - self._achieved_pointing[2]
        if self._elevation_difference > 0.00:
                [elevation_index, self._elevation_difference])
        elif self._elevation_difference < 0.00:

    def increment_position(self, argin):
        Increments the current pointing coordinates gradually to match the desired pointing coordinates.
        :param argin: Difference between current and desired Azimuth/Elevation angle.
        :return: None
        input_increment = int(argin[1])
        if abs(self._azimuth_difference) > abs(self._elevation_difference):
            max_increment = abs(self._azimuth_difference)
        elif abs(self._azimuth_difference) < abs(self._elevation_difference):
            max_increment = abs(self._elevation_difference)
            max_increment = input_increment
        if input_increment == max_increment:
            input_increment = input_increment + 1
        for position in range(0, input_increment):
            self._pointing_state = 1
            if (self._achieved_pointing[1] == self._desired_pointing[1]) and (
                    self._achieved_pointing[2] == self._desired_pointing[2]):
                self._pointing_state = 0
                    argin[0]] = self._achieved_pointing[argin[0]] + 1

    def decrement_position(self, argin):
        Decrements the current pointing coordinates gradually to match the desired pointing coordinates.
        :param argin: Difference between current and desired Azimuth/Elevation angle.
        :return: None
        input_decrement = int(argin[1])
        if abs(self._azimuth_difference) > abs(self._elevation_difference):
            max_decrement = abs(self._azimuth_difference)
        elif abs(self._azimuth_difference) < abs(self._elevation_difference):
            max_decrement = abs(self._elevation_difference)
            max_decrement = input_decrement
        if input_decrement == max_decrement:
            input_decrement = input_decrement + 1
        for position in range(0, (input_decrement)):
            self._pointing_state = 1
            if (self._achieved_pointing[1] == self._desired_pointing[1]) and (
                    self._achieved_pointing[2] == self._desired_pointing[2]):
                self._pointing_state = 0
                    argin[0]] = self._achieved_pointing[argin[0]] - 1

    def check_slew(self):
        Waits until the Dish is slewing and stows it later.
        :return: None
        while True:
            if self._pointing_state != 1:
                self._admin_mode = 1  # Set adminMode to OFFLINE
                self.set_state(DevState.DISABLE)  # Set STATE to DISABLE
                self._dish_mode = 6  # Set dishMode to STOW
                self._health_state = 0  # Set healthState to OK

    # PROTECTED REGION END #    //DishMaster.class_variable

    # -----------------
    # Device Properties
    # -----------------
    ReceptorNumber = device_property(
        doc="Number of Receptor ",

    # ----------
    # Attributes
    # ----------
    dishMode = attribute(
        doc="Mode of the dish",

    pointingState = attribute(
        doc="Pointing state of the dish",

    band1SamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band1 Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    band2SamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band2 Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    band3SamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band3 Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    band4SamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band4 Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    band5aSamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band5a Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    band5bSamplerFrequency = attribute(
        doc="Band5b Sampler Frequency of the dish",

    capturing = attribute(
        doc="Data Capturing of the dish",

    ConfiguredBand = attribute(
        doc="Configured band of the dish",

    WindSpeed = attribute(
        doc="Wind speed of the dish",

    desiredPointing = attribute(
        dtype=('double', ),
        doc="Desired pointing coordinates of the dish",

    achievedPointing = attribute(
        dtype=('double', ),
        doc="Achieved pointing coordinates of the dish",

    # ---------------
    # General methods
    # ---------------
    def init_device(self):
        Initializes the properties and attributes of DishMaster.
        :return: None
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.init_device) ENABLED START #
            # Initialise Properties
            self.SkaLevel = 1  # Set SkaLevel to 1
            # Initialise Attributes
            self._health_state = 0  # Set healthState to OK
            self._admin_mode = 0  # Set adminMode to ONLINE
            self._dish_mode = 3  # Set dishMode to STANDBY-LP Mode
            self._pointing_state = 0  # Set pointingState to READY Mode
            self._band1_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 1 Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._band2_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 2 Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._band3_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 3 Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._band4_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 4 Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._band5a_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 5a Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._band5b_sampler_frequency = 0  # Set Band 5b Sampler Frequency to 0
            self._capturing = False
            self._desired_pointing = [0, 2, 4]
            self._achieved_pointing = [0, 0, 0]
            self._elevation_difference = 0
            self._azimuth_difference = 0
            self._configured_band = 1
            self._wind_speed = 5
            self.set_state(DevState.STANDBY)  # Set STATE to STANDBY
            # Initialise Point command variables
            self._current_time = 0
            self._point_execution_time = 0
            self._point_delta_t = 0
            # Initialise Scan command variables
            self._scan_execution_time = 0
            self._scan_delta_t = 0
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_INIT_PROP_ATTR_DISH, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.always_executed_hook

    def always_executed_hook(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START #
        """ Internal construct of TANGO. """
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.always_executed_hook

    def delete_device(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.delete_device) ENABLED START #
        """ Internal construct of TANGO. """
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.delete_device

    # ------------------
    # Attributes methods
    # ------------------
    def read_dishMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.dishMode_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the dishMode. """
        return self._dish_mode
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.dishMode_read

    def read_pointingState(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.pointingState_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the pointingState. """
        return self._pointing_state
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.pointingState_read

    def write_band1SamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band1SamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        """ Sets the band1 sampler frequency.
        :param value: band1SamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band1_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band1SamplerFrequency_write

    def write_band2SamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band2SamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the band2 sampler frequency.
        :param value: band2SamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band2_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band2SamplerFrequency_write

    def write_band3SamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band3SamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the band3 sampler frequency.
        :param value: band3SamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band3_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band3SamplerFrequency_write

    def write_band4SamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band4SamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets band4 sampler frequency.
        :param value: band4SamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band4_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band4SamplerFrequency_write

    def write_band5aSamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band5aSamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the band5a sampler frequency.
        :param value: band5aSamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band5a_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band5aSamplerFrequency_write

    def write_band5bSamplerFrequency(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.band5bSamplerFrequency_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the band5b sampler frequency.
        :param value: band5bSamplerFrequency
        :return: None
        self._band5b_sampler_frequency = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.band5bSamplerFrequency_write

    def read_capturing(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.capturing_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns true if the dish is capturing the data, else false. """
        return self._capturing
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.capturing_read

    def read_ConfiguredBand(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.ConfiguredBand_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the band configured for the Dish. """
        return self._configured_band
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.ConfiguredBand_read

    def read_WindSpeed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.WindSpeed_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the Wind speed. """
        return self._wind_speed
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.WindSpeed_read

    def write_WindSpeed(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.WindSpeed_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the wind speed.
        :param value: WindSpeed
        :return: None
        self._wind_speed = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.WindSpeed_write

    def read_desiredPointing(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.desiredPointing_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the desired pointing coordinates of Dish. """
        return self._desired_pointing
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.desiredPointing_read

    def write_desiredPointing(self, value):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.desiredPointing_write) ENABLED START #
        Sets the desired pointing coordinates of Dish.
        :param value: desiredPointing
        :return: None
        self._desired_pointing = value
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.desiredPointing_write

    def read_achievedPointing(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.achievedPointing_read) ENABLED START #
        """ Returns the achieved pointing coordinates of Dish. """
        return self._achieved_pointing
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.achievedPointing_read

    # --------
    # Commands
    # --------
    def SetStowMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.SetStowMode) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the Dish to transition into the STOW Dish Element Mode. Used to point the dish
        in a direction that minimises the wind loads on the structure,for survival in strong
        wind conditions. The Dish is able to observe in the stove position, for the purpose of
        transient detection.
            # Command to set Dish to STOW Mode
            self._desired_pointing = [0, 0, 0]
            self.stow_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.check_slew,
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SET_STOW_MODE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.SetStowMode

    def is_SetStowMode_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_SetStowMode_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if the SetStowMode is allowed in the current state of DishMaster. """
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.ON, DevState.ALARM]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_SetStowMode_allowed

    def SetStandbyLPMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.SetStandbyLPMode) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the Dish to transition into the STANDBY-LP (Standby-Low power) Dish Element Mode.
        Standby-LP is the default mode when the Dish is configured for low power consumption.
        It is the mode wherein Dish ends after a start up procedure.
            # Command to set Dish to STANDBY-LP Mode
            self.set_state(DevState.STANDBY)  # Set STATE to STANDBY
            self._dish_mode = 3  # set dishMode to STANDBYLP
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SET_STNBYLP_MODE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.SetStandbyLPMode

    def is_SetStandbyLPMode_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_SetMaintenanceMode_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self._pointing_state not in [1, 2, 3]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_SetMaintenanceMode_allowed

    def SetMaintenanceMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.SetMaintenanceMode) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the Dish to transition into the MAINTENANCE Dish Element Mode. This mode will also
        enable engineers and maintainers to upgrade SW and FW. Dish also enters this mode when an
        emergency stop button is pressed.
            # Command to set Dish to MAINTENANCE Mode
            self._admin_mode = 2  # Set adminMode to MAINTENANCE
            self.set_state(DevState.DISABLE)  # Set STATE to DISABLE
            self._dish_mode = 5  # set dishMode to MAINTENANCE
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SET_MAINT_MODE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.SetMaintenanceMode

    def is_SetMaintenanceMode_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_SetMaintenanceMode_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if SetMaintenanceMode is allowed in the current state of DishMaster."""
        return self.get_state() not in [
            DevState.ON, DevState.ALARM, DevState.DISABLE
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_SetMaintenanceMode_allowed

    def SetOperateMode(self):
        Triggers the Dish to transition into the OPERATE Dish Element Mode.
        :return: None
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.SetOperateMode) ENABLED START #
            # Command to set Dish to OPERATE Mode
            self._admin_mode = 0  # Set adminMode to ONLINE
            self.set_state(DevState.ON)  # Set STATE to ON
            self._dish_mode = 8  # set dishMode to OPERATE
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SET_OPERATE_MODE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.SetOperateMode

    def is_SetOperateMode_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_SetOperateMode_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if SetOperateMode is allowed in the current state of DishMaster."""
        return self.get_state() not in [
            DevState.ON, DevState.OFF, DevState.FAULT, DevState.ALARM,
            DevState.UNKNOWN, DevState.DISABLE
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_SetOperateMode_allowed

        "The timestamp indicates the time, in UTC, at which command execution"
        " should start.",
    def Scan(self, argin):
        Triggers the dish to start scanning at the set pointing coordinates and capture the data at the
        input timestamp.
        :param argin: timestamp
        :return: None
            # Command to start SCAN
            if self._pointing_state == 0:
                self._current_time = time.time()
                self._scan_execution_time = float(argin)
                self._scan_delta_t = self._scan_execution_time - self._current_time
                schedule_scan_thread = Timer(self._scan_delta_t,
                                             self.StartCapture, [argin])
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SCAN_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.Scan

    def is_Scan_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_Scan_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if the Scan is allowed in the current state of DishMaster. """
        return self.get_state() not in [
            DevState.OFF, DevState.FAULT, DevState.INIT, DevState.UNKNOWN,
            DevState.STANDBY, DevState.DISABLE
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_Scan_allowed

        "The timestamp indicates the time, in UTC, at which command execution"
        " should start.",
    def StartCapture(self, argin):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.StartCapture) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the dish to start capturing the data on the configured band.
        :param argin: timestamp
        :return: None
            if type(float(argin)) == float:
                if (self._capturing == False):
                    # Command to start Data Capturing
                    self._capturing = True  # set Capturing to True
                    self._pointing_state = 3  # set pointingState to SCAN
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_STRT_CAPTURE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.StartCapture

    def is_StartCapture_allowed(self):
        """ Checks if the StartCapture is allowed in the current state of DishMaster. """
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_StartCapture_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [
            DevState.OFF, DevState.FAULT, DevState.INIT, DevState.UNKNOWN,
            DevState.STANDBY, DevState.DISABLE
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_StartCapture_allowed

        "The timestamp indicates the time, in UTC, at which command execution should start",
    def StopCapture(self, argin):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.StopCapture) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the dish to stop capturing the data on the configured band.
        :param argin: timestamp
        :return: None
            if type(float(argin)) == float:
                if (self._capturing == True):
                    # Command to stop Data Capturing
                    self._capturing = False  # set Capturing to FALSE
                    self._pointing_state = 0  # set pointingState to READY
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_STOP_CAPTURE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.StopCapture

    def is_StopCapture_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_StopCapture_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if the StopCapture is allowed in the current state of DishMaster. """
        return self.get_state() not in [
            DevState.OFF, DevState.FAULT, DevState.INIT, DevState.UNKNOWN,
            DevState.STANDBY, DevState.DISABLE
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_StopCapture_allowed

    def SetStandbyFPMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.SetStandbyFPMode) ENABLED START #
        Triggers the Dish to transition into the STANDBY-FP (Standby-Full power) Dish Element Mode.
        :return: None
            # Command to set Dish to STANDBY-FP Mode
            self.set_state(DevState.STANDBY)  # set STATE to STANDBY
            self._dish_mode = 4  # set dishMode to STANDBY-FP
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SET_STNBYFP_MODE_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.SetStandbyFPMode

    def is_SetStandbyFPMode_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DishMaster.is_SetStandbyFPMode_allowed) ENABLED START #
        """ Checks if the SetStandbyFPMode is allowed in the current state of DishMaster. """
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.UNKNOWN, DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DishMaster.is_SetStandbyFPMode_allowed

        doc_in="Timestamp at which command should be executed.",
    def Slew(self, argin=0):
        Triggers the Dish to move (or slew) at the commanded pointing coordinates.
        :param argin: timestamp
        :return: None
            if type(float(argin)) == float:
                # Execute POINT command at given timestamp
                self._current_time = time.time()
                self._point_execution_time = self._desired_pointing[0]
                self._point_delta_t = self._point_execution_time - self._current_time
                schedule_slew_thread = Timer(self._point_delta_t, self.point)
        except Exception as except_occured:
            print(CONST.ERR_EXE_SLEW_CMD, self.ReceptorNumber)
            print(CONST.STR_ERR_MSG, except_occured)
예제 #5
class Instrument(with_metaclass(InstrumentMeta, object)):
    Base class for all instruments.
    _all_instances = {}

    def _create(cls, paramset, **other_attrs):
        """Factory method meant to be used by `instrument()`"""
        obj = object.__new__(cls)  # Avoid our version of __new__
        for name, value in other_attrs.items():
            setattr(obj, name, value)
        obj._paramset = ParamSet(cls, **paramset)

        matching_insts = [
            open_inst for open_inst in obj._instances
            if obj._paramset.matches(open_inst._paramset)
        if matching_insts:
            if _REOPEN_POLICY == 'strict':
                raise InstrumentExistsError(
                    "Device instance already exists, cannot open in strict "
            elif _REOPEN_POLICY == 'reuse':
                # TODO: Should we return something other than the first element?
                return matching_insts[0]
            elif _REOPEN_POLICY == 'new':
                pass  # Cross our fingers and try to open a new instance

        obj._initialize(**paramset.get('settings', {}))
        return obj

    def __new__(cls, inst=None, **kwds):
        # TODO: Is there a more efficient way to implement this behavior?
        kwds['module'] = driver_submodule_name(cls.__module__)
        kwds['classname'] = cls.__name__
        return instrument(inst, **kwds)

    def _initialize(self, **settings):

    def _before_init(self):
        """Called just before _initialize"""
        self._driver_name = driver_submodule_name(self.__class__.__module__)
        # TODO: consider setting the _module at the class level
        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_module'):
            self.__class__._module = import_driver(self._driver_name)

        facet_data = [facet.instance(self) for facet in self._props]
        self.facets = FacetGroup(facet_data)

    def _after_init(self):
        """Called just after _initialize"""
        cls = self.__class__

        # Only add the instrument after init, to ensure it hasn't failed to open
        Instrument._all_instances.setdefault(self._driver_name, {}).setdefault(
            cls, WeakSet()).add(self)

    def _fill_out_paramset(self):
        # TODO: Fix the _INST_ system more fundamentally and remove this hack
        if hasattr(self, '_INST_PARAMS_'):
            mod_params = self._INST_PARAMS_
                mod_params = driver_info[self._driver_name]['params']
            except KeyError:
                    'Instrument class is lacking static info, checking module directly...'
                mod = import_module(self.__module__)
                if hasattr(mod, '_INST_PARAMS'):
                    mod_params = mod._INST_PARAMS
                elif isinstance(self, VisaMixin):
                    # Visa mixins *should* just need a visa resource
                    mod_params = ['visa_address']
        for mod_param_name in mod_params:
            if mod_param_name not in self._paramset.keys():
                "Paramset has all params listed in its driver module, not filling it out"

        if hasattr(self._module, 'list_instruments'):
            log.info("Filling out paramset using `list_instruments()`")
            for paramset in self._module.list_instruments():
                log.debug("Checking against %r", paramset)
                if self._paramset.matches(paramset):
                    log.info("Found match; new params: %r", self._paramset)
                "Driver module missing `list_instruments()`, not filling out paramset"

    def get(self, facet_name, use_cache=False):
        facet = getattr(self.__class__, facet_name)
        if not isinstance(facet, Facet):
            raise ValueError("'{}' is not a Facet".format(facet_name))
        return facet.get_value(self, use_cache=use_cache)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def close(self):

    def save_instrument(self, name, force=False):
        """ Save an entry for this instrument in the config file.

        name : str
            The name to give the instrument, e.g. 'myCam'
        force : bool, optional
            Force overwrite of the old entry for instrument `name`. By default,
            Instrumental will raise an exception if you try to write to a name
            that's already taken. If `force` is True, the old entry will be
            commented out (with a warning given) and a new entry will be written.
        from datetime import datetime
        import os
        import os.path
        conf.load_config_file()  # Reload latest version

        if name in conf.instruments.keys():
            if not force:
                raise Exception(
                    "An entry already exists for '{}'!".format(name))
                import warnings
                    "Commenting out existing entry for '{}'".format(name))

            paramset = self._paramset
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Class '{}' does not yet support saving".format(type(self)))

        date_str = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        new_entry = '\n# Entry auto-created ' + date_str + '\n' + paramset.to_ini(
            name) + '\n'
        old_fname = os.path.join(conf.user_conf_dir, 'instrumental.conf')
        new_fname = os.path.join(conf.user_conf_dir, 'instrumental_new.conf')
        bak_fname = os.path.join(conf.user_conf_dir, 'instrumental.conf.bak')

        with open(old_fname, 'r') as old, open(new_fname, 'w') as new:
            in_section = False
            num_trailing = 0
            lines = None
            for line in old:
                if in_section:
                    if re.split(':|=', line)[0].strip() == name:
                        # Comment out existing version of this entry
                        line = '# [{} Auto-commented duplicate] '.format(
                            date_str) + line

                    if line.startswith('['):
                        # We found the start of the *next* section
                        in_section = False
                        for l in lines[:len(lines) - num_trailing]:


                        # Write original trailing space and new section header
                        for l in lines[len(lines) - num_trailing:]:
                        if not line.strip():
                            num_trailing += 1
                            num_trailing = 0

                if line.startswith('[instruments]'):
                    in_section = True
                    lines = []

            if in_section:
                # File ended before we saw a new section
                for l in lines[:len(lines) - num_trailing]:


                # Write original trailing space
                for l in lines[len(lines) - num_trailing:]:

        if os.path.exists(bak_fname):
        os.rename(old_fname, bak_fname)
        os.rename(new_fname, old_fname)

        # Reload newly modified file

    def _state_path(self):
        if not getattr(self, '_alias', None):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Instrument must have an alias to provide a default path for saving '
                'or loading its state. An alias will be set by using '
                'save_instrument() or loading an instrument by alias')
        inst_module = inspect.getmodule(self.__class__)
        filename = '{}-{}.{}.pkl'.format(self._alias, inst_module.__name__,
        if not os.path.exists(conf.save_dir):
        return os.path.join(conf.save_dir, filename)

    def _save_state(self, state_path=None):
        """Save instrument state to a pickle file"""
        state_path = state_path or self._state_path
        with open(state_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f)

    def _load_state(self, state_path=None):
        """Load instrument state from a pickle file"""
        state_path = state_path or self._state_path
        with open(state_path, 'rb') as f:
            state = pickle.load(f)

    def observe(self, name, callback):
        """Add a callback to observe changes in a facet's value

        The callback should be a callable accepting a ``ChangeEvent`` as its only argument. This
        ``ChangeEvent`` is a namedtuple with ``name``, ``old``, and ``new`` fields. ``name`` is the
        facet's name, ``old`` is the old value, and ``new`` is the new value.
        facet = getattr(self.__class__, name)
        facet_instance = facet.instance(self)
예제 #6
class ContentPlugin(with_metaclass(PluginMediaDefiningClass, object)):
    The base class for all content plugins.

    A plugin defines the rendering for a :class:`~fluent_contents.models.ContentItem`, settings and presentation in the admin interface.
    To create a new plugin, derive from this class and call :func:`plugin_pool.register <PluginPool.register>` to enable it.
    For example:

    .. code-block:: python

        from fluent_contents.extensions import plugin_pool, ContentPlugin

        class AnnouncementBlockPlugin(ContentPlugin):
            model = AnnouncementBlockItem
            render_template = "plugins/announcementblock.html"
            category = _("Simple blocks")

    As minimal configuration, specify the :attr:`model` and :attr:`render_template` fields.
    The :attr:`model` should be a subclass of the :class:`~fluent_contents.models.ContentItem` model class.

    .. note::
        When the plugin is registered in the :attr:`plugin_pool`, it will be instantiated only once.
        It is therefore not possible to store per-request state at the plugin object.
        This is similar to the behavior of the :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` classes in Django.

    To customize the admin, the :attr:`admin_form_template` and :attr:`form` can be defined.
    Some well known properties of the :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` class can also be specified on plugins;
    such as:

    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.fieldsets`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_horizontal`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_vertical`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.radio_fields`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.raw_id_fields`
    * :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.readonly_fields`
    * A ``class Media`` to provide extra CSS and JavaScript files for the admin interface.

    The rendered output of a plugin is cached by default, assuming that most content is static.
    This also avoids extra database queries to retrieve the model objects.
    In case the plugin needs to output content dynamically, include ``cache_output = False`` in the plugin definition.

    # -- Settings to override:

    #: The model to use, must derive from :class:`fluent_contents.models.ContentItem`.
    model = None

    #: The form to use in the admin interface. By default it uses a  :class:`fluent_contents.models.ContentItemForm`.
    form = ContentItemForm

    #: The template to render the admin interface with
    admin_form_template = "admin/fluent_contents/contentitem/admin_form.html"

    #: An optional template which is included in the admin interface, to initialize components (e.g. JavaScript)
    admin_init_template = None

    #: The fieldsets for the admin view.
    fieldsets = None

    #: The template to render the frontend HTML output.
    render_template = None

    #: By default, rendered output is cached, and updated on admin changes.
    cache_output = True

    #: .. versionadded:: 0.9
    #: Cache the plugin output per :django:setting:`SITE_ID`.
    cache_output_per_site = False

    #: .. versionadded:: 1.0
    #: Cache the plugin output per language.
    #: This can be useful for sites which either:
    #: * Display fallback content on pages, but still use ``{% trans %}`` inside templates.
    #: * Dynamically switch the language per request, and *share* content between multiple languages.
    #: This option does not have to be used for translated CMS pages,
    #: as each page can have it's own set of :class:`~fluent_contents.models.ContentItem` objects.
    #: It's only needed for rendering the *same* item in different languages.
    cache_output_per_language = False

    #: .. versionadded: 1.0
    #: Set a custom cache timeout value
    cache_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT

    #: .. versionadded:: 1.0
    #: Tell which languages the plugin will cache.
    #: It defaults to the language codes from the :django:setting:`LANGUAGES` setting.
    cache_supported_language_codes = [code for code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES]

    #: The category title to place the plugin into.
    #: This is only used for the "Add Plugin" menu.
    category = None

    #: .. versionadded:: 1.0
    #: By default, the plugin is rendered in the :attr:`language_code` it's written in.
    #: It can be disabled explicitly in case the content should be rendered language agnostic.
    #: For plugins that cache output per language, this will be done already.
    #: See also: :attr:`cache_output_per_language`
    render_ignore_item_language = False

    #: Alternative template for the view.
    ADMIN_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_LABELS = "admin/fluent_contents/contentitem/admin_form_without_labels.html"

    #: .. versionadded:: 0.8.5
    #:    The ``HORIZONTAL`` constant for the :attr:`radio_fields`.

    #: .. versionadded:: 0.8.5
    #:    The ``VERTICAL`` constant for the :attr:`radio_fields`.

    #: The fields to display as raw ID
    raw_id_fields = ()

    #: The fields to display in a vertical filter
    filter_vertical = ()

    #: The fields to display in a horizontal filter
    filter_horizontal = ()

    #: The fields to display as radio choice. For example::
    #:    radio_fields = {
    #:        'align': ContentPlugin.VERTICAL,
    #:    }
    #: The value can be :attr:`ContentPlugin.HORIZONTAL` or :attr:`ContentPlugin.VERTICAL`.
    radio_fields = {}

    #: Fields to automatically populate with values
    prepopulated_fields = {}

    #: Overwritten formfield attributes, e.g. the 'widget'. Allows both the class and fieldname as key.
    formfield_overrides = {}

    #: The fields to display as readonly.
    readonly_fields = ()

    def __init__(self):
        self._type_id = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{0} for {1} model>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.model.__name__)

    def verbose_name(self):
        The title for the plugin, by default it reads the ``verbose_name`` of the model.
        return self.model._meta.verbose_name

    def name(self):
        Return the classname of the plugin, this is mainly provided for templates.
        This value can also be used in :func:`PluginPool`.
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def type_name(self):
        Return the classname of the model, this is mainly provided for templates.
        return self.model.__name__

    def type_id(self):
        Shortcut to retrieving the ContentType id of the model.
        if self._type_id is None:
                self._type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model).id
            except DatabaseError as e:
                raise DatabaseError("Unable to fetch ContentType object, is a plugin being registered before the initial syncdb? (original error: {0})".format(str(e)))

        return self._type_id

    def get_model_instances(self):
        Return the model instances the plugin has created.
        return self.model.objects.all()

    def _render_contentitem(self, request, instance):
        # Internal wrapper for render(), to allow updating the method signature easily.
        # It also happens to really simplify code navigation.
        result = self.render(request=request, instance=instance)

        if isinstance(result, ContentItemOutput):
            # Return in new 1.0 format

            # Also include the statically declared FrontendMedia, inserted before any extra added files.
            # These could be included already in the ContentItemOutput object, but duplicates are removed.
            media = self.get_frontend_media(instance)
            if media is not ImmutableMedia.empty_instance:

            return result
        elif isinstance(result, (HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponsePermanentRedirect)):
            # Can't return a HTTP response from a plugin that is rendered as a string in a template.
            # However, this response can be translated into our custom exception-based redirect mechanism.
            return self.redirect(result['Location'], result.status_code)
            # Old 0.9 syntax, wrap it.
            # The 'cacheable' is implied in the rendering already, but this is just for completeness.
            media = self.get_frontend_media(instance)
            return ContentItemOutput(result, media, cacheable=self.cache_output, cache_timeout=self.cache_timeout)

    def get_output_cache_base_key(self, placeholder_name, instance):
        .. versionadded:: 1.0
           Return the default cache key, both :func:`get_output_cache_key` and :func:`get_output_cache_keys` rely on this.
           By default, this function generates the cache key using :func:`~fluent_contents.cache.get_rendering_cache_key`.
        return get_rendering_cache_key(placeholder_name, instance)

    def get_output_cache_key(self, placeholder_name, instance):
        .. versionadded:: 0.9
           Return the default cache key which is used to store a rendered item.
           By default, this function generates the cache key using :func:`get_output_cache_base_key`.
        cachekey = self.get_output_cache_base_key(placeholder_name, instance)
        if self.cache_output_per_site:
            cachekey = "{0}-s{1}".format(cachekey, settings.SITE_ID)

        # Append language code
        if self.cache_output_per_language:
            # NOTE: Not using self.language_code, but using the current language instead.
            #       That is what the {% trans %} tags are rendered as after all.
            #       The render_placeholder() code can switch the language if needed.
            user_language = get_language()
            if user_language not in self.cache_supported_language_codes:
                user_language = 'unsupported'
            cachekey = "{0}.{1}".format(cachekey, user_language)

        return cachekey

    def get_output_cache_keys(self, placeholder_name, instance):
        .. versionadded:: 0.9
           Return the possible cache keys for a rendered item.

           This method should be overwritten when implementing a function :func:`set_cached_output` method
           or when implementing a :func:`get_output_cache_key` function.
           By default, this function generates the cache key using :func:`get_output_cache_base_key`.
        base_key = self.get_output_cache_base_key(placeholder_name, instance)
        cachekeys = [

        if self.cache_output_per_site:
            site_ids = list(Site.objects.values_list('pk', flat=True))
            if settings.SITE_ID not in site_ids:

            base_key = get_rendering_cache_key(placeholder_name, instance)
            cachekeys = ["{0}-s{1}".format(base_key, site_id) for site_id in site_ids]

        if self.cache_output_per_language or self.render_ignore_item_language:
            # Append language code to all keys,
            # have to invalidate a lot more items in memcache.
            # Also added "None" suffix, since get_parent_language_code() may return that.
            # TODO: ideally for render_ignore_item_language, only invalidate all when the fallback language changed.
            total_list = []
            cache_languages = list(self.cache_supported_language_codes) + ['unsupported', 'None']

            # All variants of the Placeholder (for full page caching)
            placeholder = instance.placeholder
            total_list.extend(get_placeholder_cache_key(placeholder, lc) for lc in cache_languages)

            # All variants of the ContentItem in different languages
            for user_language in cache_languages:
                total_list.extend("{0}.{1}".format(base, user_language) for base in cachekeys)
            cachekeys = total_list

        return cachekeys

    def get_cached_output(self, placeholder_name, instance):
        .. versionadded:: 0.9
           Return the cached output for a rendered item, or ``None`` if no output is cached.

           This method can be overwritten to implement custom caching mechanisms.
           By default, this function generates the cache key using :func:`get_output_cache_key`
           and retrieves the results from the configured Django cache backend (e.g. memcached).
        cachekey = self.get_output_cache_key(placeholder_name, instance)
        return cache.get(cachekey)

    def set_cached_output(self, placeholder_name, instance, output):
        .. versionadded:: 0.9
           Store the cached output for a rendered item.

           This method can be overwritten to implement custom caching mechanisms.
           By default, this function generates the cache key using :func:`~fluent_contents.cache.get_rendering_cache_key`
           and stores the results in the configured Django cache backend (e.g. memcached).

           When custom cache keys are used, also include those in :func:`get_output_cache_keys`
           so the cache will be cleared when needed.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.0
           The received data is no longer a HTML string, but :class:`~fluent_contents.models.ContentItemOutput` object.
        cachekey = self.get_output_cache_key(placeholder_name, instance)
        if self.cache_timeout is not DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:
            cache.set(cachekey, output, self.cache_timeout)
            # Don't want to mix into the default 0/None issue.
            cache.set(cachekey, output)

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        The rendering/view function that displays a plugin model instance.

        :param instance: An instance of the ``model`` the plugin uses.
        :param request: The Django :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` class containing the request parameters.
        :param kwargs: An optional slot for any new parameters.

        To render a plugin, either override this function, or specify the :attr:`render_template` variable,
        and optionally override :func:`get_context`.
        It is recommended to wrap the output in a ``<div>`` tag,
        to prevent the item from being displayed right next to the previous plugin.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0
           The function may either return a string of HTML code,
           or return a :class:`~fluent_contents.models.ContentItemOutput` object
           which holds both the CSS/JS includes and HTML string.
           For the sake of convenience and simplicity, most examples
           only return a HTML string directly.

           When the user needs to be redirected, simply return a :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseRedirect`
           or call the :func:`redirect` method.

        To render raw HTML code, use :func:`~django.utils.safestring.mark_safe` on the returned HTML.
        render_template = self.get_render_template(request, instance, **kwargs)
        if not render_template:
            return str(_(u"{No rendering defined for class '%s'}" % self.__class__.__name__))

        context = self.get_context(request, instance, **kwargs)
        return self.render_to_string(request, render_template, context)

    def render_to_string(self, request, template, context, content_instance=None):
        Render a custom template with the :class:`~PluginContext` as context instance.
        if not content_instance:
            content_instance = PluginContext(request)
        return render_to_string(template, context, context_instance=content_instance)

    def render_error(self, error):
        A default implementation to render an exception.
        return '<div style="color: red; border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px;">' \
               '<p><strong>%s</strong></p>%s</div>' % (_('Error:'), linebreaks(escape(str(error))))

    def redirect(self, url, status=302):
        .. versionadded:: 1.0
        Request a redirect to be performed for the user.
        Usage example:

        .. code-block:: python

            def get_context(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
                context = super(IdSearchPlugin, self).get_context(request, instance, **kwargs)

                if request.method == "POST":
                    form = MyForm(request.POST)
                    if form.is_valid():
                    form = MyForm()

                context['form'] = form
                return context

        To handle redirects, :class:`fluent_contents.middleware.HttpRedirectRequestMiddleware`
        should be added to the :django:setting:`MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`.
        raise HttpRedirectRequest(url, status=status)

    def get_render_template(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        Return the template to render for the specific model `instance` or `request`,
        By default it uses the ``render_template`` attribute.
        return self.render_template

    def get_context(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        Return the context to use in the template defined by ``render_template`` (or :func:`get_render_template`).
        By default, it returns the model instance as ``instance`` field in the template.
        return {
            'instance': instance,

    def frontend_media(self):
        .. versionadded:: 1.0
        The frontend media, typically declared using a ``class FrontendMedia`` definition.
        # By adding this property, frontend_media_property() is further optimized.
        return ImmutableMedia.empty_instance

    def get_frontend_media(self, instance):
        Return the frontend media for a specific instance.
        By default, it returns ``self.frontend_media``, which derives
        from the ``class FrontendMedia`` of the plugin.
        return self.frontend_media
예제 #7
파일: rdfvalue.py 프로젝트: jiandandan/grr
class RDFValue(with_metaclass(RDFValueMetaclass, object)):
    """Baseclass for values.

  RDFValues are serialized to and from the data store.

    # This is how the attribute will be serialized to the data store. It must
    # indicate both the type emitted by SerializeToDataStore() and expected by
    # FromDatastoreValue()
    data_store_type = "bytes"

    # URL pointing to a help page about this value type.
    context_help_url = None

    _value = None
    _prev_hash = None

    # Mark as dirty each time we modify this object.
    dirty = False

    # If this value was created as part of an AFF4 attribute, the attribute is
    # assigned here.
    attribute_instance = None

    def __init__(self, initializer=None):
        """Constructor must be able to take no args.

      initializer: Optional parameter to construct from.

      InitializeError: if we can not be initialized from this parameter.
        # Default timestamp is now.

        # Allow an RDFValue to be initialized from an identical RDFValue.
        # TODO(user):pytype: type checker can't infer that the initializer
        # is not None after the check below.
        if initializer.__class__ == self.__class__:
                cast(self.__class__, initializer).SerializeToBytes())

        self._prev_hash = None

    def Copy(self):
        """Make a new copy of this RDFValue."""
        res = self.__class__()  # pytype: disable=not-instantiable
        return res

    def SetRaw(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def __copy__(self):
        return self.Copy()

    def ParseFromBytes(self, string):
        """Given a string, parse ourselves from it."""

    def ParseFromDatastore(self, value):
        """Initialize the RDF object from the datastore value."""

    def FromDatastoreValue(cls, value):
        res = cls()
        return res

    def FromSerializedBytes(cls, value):
        res = cls()
        return res

    # TODO: Remove legacy SerializeToDataStore.
    def SerializeToDataStore(self):
        """Serialize to a datastore compatible form."""
        return self.SerializeToBytes()

    def SerializeToBytes(self):
        """Serialize into a string which can be parsed using ParseFromBytes."""

    def Fields(cls):
        """Return a list of fields which can be queried from this value."""
        return []

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._value == other

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        new_hash = hash(self.SerializeToBytes())
        if self._prev_hash is not None and new_hash != self._prev_hash:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Usage of {} violates Python data model: hash() has changed! Usage "
                "of RDFStructs as members of sets or keys of dicts is discouraged. "
                "If used anyway, mutating is prohibited, because it causes the hash "
                "to change. Be aware that accessing unset fields can trigger a "
            self._prev_hash = new_hash
            return new_hash

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(self._value)

    # TODO: Remove after support for Python 2 is dropped.
    __nonzero__ = __bool__

    def __str__(self):  # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class
        """Ignores the __repr__ override below to avoid indefinite recursion."""
        return super(RDFValue, self).__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        content = str(self)

        # Note %r, which prevents nasty nonascii characters from being printed,
        # including dangerous terminal escape sequences.
        return "<%s(%r)>" % (compatibility.GetName(self.__class__), content)
예제 #8
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: lqiang2003cn/dps
class Updater(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Parameterized)):
    build_saver = True

    def __init__(self, env, scope=None, mpi_context=None, **kwargs):
        self.scope = scope
        self.env = env
        self.mpi_context = mpi_context
        self._n_experiences = 0
        self.step = 0
        self._saver = None

    def n_experiences(self):
        return self._n_experiences

    def build_graph(self):
        # with tf.name_scope(self.scope or self.__class__.__name__) as scope:
        #     self._scope = scope


        global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
        self.inc_global_step_op = tf.assign_add(global_step, 1)
        global_step_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, ())
        assign_global_step = tf.assign(global_step, global_step_input)
                                     feed_dict={global_step_input: 0})

        if self.build_saver:
            updater_variables = {
                v.name: v
                for v in self.trainable_variables(for_opt=False)
            self.saver = tf.train.Saver(updater_variables)

    def _build_graph(self):
        raise Exception("NotImplemented")

    def update(self, batch_size, step):
        update_result = self._update(batch_size)

        sess = tf.get_default_session()
        self._n_experiences += batch_size

        return update_result

    def _update(self, batch_size):
        raise Exception("NotImplemented")

    def evaluate(self, batch_size, step, mode="val"):
        assert mode in "val test".split()
        return self._evaluate(batch_size, mode)

    def _evaluate(self, batch_size, mode):
        raise Exception("NotImplemented")

    def trainable_variables(self, for_opt):
        raise Exception("AbstractMethod")

    def save(self, filename):
        path = self.saver.save(tf.get_default_session(), filename)
        return path

    def restore(self, path):
        self.saver.restore(tf.get_default_session(), path)
예제 #9
class IWebDriverSource(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    def driver(self):
        # type: () -> WebDriver
예제 #10
class OpDelegate(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    def op_arg(self, op, n):
        Returns the nth argument of an op-graph Op op as an op-graph Op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modifications made to the graph.

            op: The op-graph op we want an args for.
            n: The arg number.

            The arg's op.

        return self.op_args(op)[n]

    def op_args(self, op):
        Returns all the arguments of an op-graph Op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modification made to the graph.

            op: An op-graph Op.

            The args for op.

        return op.args

    def get_device_op(self, op):
        Helper function that traverses through any reshape ops or value ops
        to return the tensor op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modification made to the graph.

            op: An op-graph Op.

            The op providing actual storage for op's value.

        while isinstance(op, SequentialOp):
            op = op.value_tensor

        if op.is_device_op:
            return op

        if isinstance(op, TensorValueOp):
            return op.tensor

        for arg in op.args:
            dev_op = self.get_device_op(arg)
            if dev_op:
                return dev_op

        return None
예제 #11
class AbstractJobStore(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    Represents the physical storage for the jobs and files in a Toil workflow.
    def __init__(self):
        Create an instance of the job store. The instance will not be fully functional until
        either :meth:`.initialize` or :meth:`.resume` is invoked. Note that the :meth:`.destroy`
        method may be invoked on the object with or without prior invocation of either of these two
        self.__config = None

    def initialize(self, config):
        Create the physical storage for this job store, allocate a workflow ID and persist the
        given Toil configuration to the store.

        :param toil.common.Config config: the Toil configuration to initialize this job store
               with. The given configuration will be updated with the newly allocated workflow ID.

        :raises JobStoreExistsException: if the physical storage for this job store already exists
        assert config.workflowID is None
        config.workflowID = str(uuid4())
        logger.debug("The workflow ID is: '%s'" % config.workflowID)
        self.__config = config

    def writeConfig(self):
        Persists the value of the :attr:`AbstractJobStore.config` attribute to the
        job store, so that it can be retrieved later by other instances of this class.
        with self.writeSharedFileStream('config.pickle',
                                        isProtected=False) as fileHandle:
            pickle.dump(self.__config, fileHandle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    def resume(self):
        Connect this instance to the physical storage it represents and load the Toil configuration
        into the :attr:`AbstractJobStore.config` attribute.

        :raises NoSuchJobStoreException: if the physical storage for this job store doesn't exist
        with self.readSharedFileStream('config.pickle') as fileHandle:
            config = safeUnpickleFromStream(fileHandle)
            assert config.workflowID is not None
            self.__config = config

    def config(self):
        The Toil configuration associated with this job store.

        :rtype: toil.common.Config
        return self.__config

    rootJobStoreIDFileName = 'rootJobStoreID'

    def setRootJob(self, rootJobStoreID):
        Set the root job of the workflow backed by this job store

        :param str rootJobStoreID: The ID of the job to set as root
        with self.writeSharedFileStream(self.rootJobStoreIDFileName) as f:

    def loadRootJob(self):
        Loads the root job in the current job store.

        :raises toil.job.JobException: If no root job is set or if the root job doesn't exist in
                this job store
        :return: The root job.
        :rtype: toil.jobGraph.JobGraph
            with self.readSharedFileStream(self.rootJobStoreIDFileName) as f:
                rootJobStoreID = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        except NoSuchFileException:
            raise JobException(
                'No job has been set as the root in this job store')
        if not self.exists(rootJobStoreID):
            raise JobException(
                "The root job '%s' doesn't exist. Either the Toil workflow "
                "is finished or has never been started" % rootJobStoreID)
        return self.load(rootJobStoreID)

    # FIXME: This is only used in tests, why do we have it?

    def createRootJob(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a new job and set it as the root job in this job store

        :rtype: toil.jobGraph.JobGraph
        rootJob = self.create(*args, **kwargs)
        return rootJob

    def getRootJobReturnValue(self):
        Parse the return value from the root job.

        Raises an exception if the root job hasn't fulfilled its promise yet.
        # Parse out the return value from the root job
        with self.readSharedFileStream('rootJobReturnValue') as fH:
            return safeUnpickleFromStream(fH)

    def _jobStoreClasses(self):
        A list of concrete AbstractJobStore implementations whose dependencies are installed.

        :rtype: list[AbstractJobStore]
        jobStoreClassNames = (
        jobStoreClasses = []
        for className in jobStoreClassNames:
            moduleName, className = className.rsplit('.', 1)
            from importlib import import_module
                module = import_module(moduleName)
            except ImportError:
                    "Unable to import '%s' as is expected if the corresponding extra was "
                    "omitted at installation time.", moduleName)
                jobStoreClass = getattr(module, className)
        return jobStoreClasses

    def _findJobStoreForUrl(self, url, export=False):
        Returns the AbstractJobStore subclass that supports the given URL.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: The given URL
        :param bool export: The URL for
        :rtype: toil.jobStore.AbstractJobStore
        for jobStoreCls in self._jobStoreClasses:
            if jobStoreCls._supportsUrl(url, export):
                return jobStoreCls
        raise RuntimeError(
            "No job store implementation supports %sporting for URL '%s'" %
            ('ex' if export else 'im', url.geturl()))

    def importFile(self, srcUrl, sharedFileName=None, hardlink=False):
        Imports the file at the given URL into job store. The ID of the newly imported file is
        returned. If the name of a shared file name is provided, the file will be imported as
        such and None is returned.

        Currently supported schemes are:

            - 's3' for objects in Amazon S3
                e.g. s3://bucket/key

            - 'file' for local files
                e.g. file:///local/file/path

            - 'http'
                e.g. http://someurl.com/path

            - 'gs'
                e.g. gs://bucket/file

        :param str srcUrl: URL that points to a file or object in the storage mechanism of a
                supported URL scheme e.g. a blob in an AWS s3 bucket.

        :param str sharedFileName: Optional name to assign to the imported file within the job store

        :return: The jobStoreFileId of the imported file or None if sharedFileName was given
        :rtype: toil.fileStores.FileID or None
        # Note that the helper method _importFile is used to read from the source and write to
        # destination (which is the current job store in this case). To implement any
        # optimizations that circumvent this, the _importFile method should be overridden by
        # subclasses of AbstractJobStore.
        srcUrl = urlparse.urlparse(srcUrl)
        otherCls = self._findJobStoreForUrl(srcUrl)
        return self._importFile(otherCls,

    def _importFile(self, otherCls, url, sharedFileName=None, hardlink=False):
        Import the file at the given URL using the given job store class to retrieve that file.
        See also :meth:`.importFile`. This method applies a generic approach to importing: it
        asks the other job store class for a stream and writes that stream as either a regular or
        a shared file.

        :param AbstractJobStore otherCls: The concrete subclass of AbstractJobStore that supports
               reading from the given URL and getting the file size from the URL.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: The location of the file to import.

        :param str sharedFileName: Optional name to assign to the imported file within the job store

        :return The jobStoreFileId of imported file or None if sharedFileName was given
        :rtype: toil.fileStores.FileID or None
        if sharedFileName is None:
            with self.writeFileStream() as (writable, jobStoreFileID):
                size = otherCls._readFromUrl(url, writable)
                return FileID(jobStoreFileID, size)
            with self.writeSharedFileStream(sharedFileName) as writable:
                otherCls._readFromUrl(url, writable)
                return None

    def exportFile(self, jobStoreFileID, dstUrl):
        Exports file to destination pointed at by the destination URL.

        Refer to :meth:`.AbstractJobStore.importFile` documentation for currently supported URL schemes.

        Note that the helper method _exportFile is used to read from the source and write to
        destination. To implement any optimizations that circumvent this, the _exportFile method
        should be overridden by subclasses of AbstractJobStore.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: The id of the file in the job store that should be exported.
        :param str dstUrl: URL that points to a file or object in the storage mechanism of a
                supported URL scheme e.g. a blob in an AWS s3 bucket.
        dstUrl = urlparse.urlparse(dstUrl)
        otherCls = self._findJobStoreForUrl(dstUrl, export=True)
        self._exportFile(otherCls, jobStoreFileID, dstUrl)

    def _exportFile(self, otherCls, jobStoreFileID, url):
        Refer to exportFile docstring for information about this method.

        :param AbstractJobStore otherCls: The concrete subclass of AbstractJobStore that supports
               exporting to the given URL. Note that the type annotation here is not completely
               accurate. This is not an instance, it's a class, but there is no way to reflect
               that in :pep:`484` type hints.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: The id of the file that will be exported.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: The parsed URL of the file to export to.
        self._defaultExportFile(otherCls, jobStoreFileID, url)

    def _defaultExportFile(self, otherCls, jobStoreFileID, url):
        Refer to exportFile docstring for information about this method.

        :param AbstractJobStore otherCls: The concrete subclass of AbstractJobStore that supports
               exporting to the given URL. Note that the type annotation here is not completely
               accurate. This is not an instance, it's a class, but there is no way to reflect
               that in :pep:`484` type hints.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: The id of the file that will be exported.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: The parsed URL of the file to export to.
        with self.readFileStream(jobStoreFileID) as readable:
            otherCls._writeToUrl(readable, url)

    def getSize(cls, url):
        Get the size in bytes of the file at the given URL, or None if it cannot be obtained.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: URL that points to a file or object in the storage
               mechanism of a supported URL scheme e.g. a blob in an AWS s3 bucket.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _readFromUrl(cls, url, writable):
        Reads the contents of the object at the specified location and writes it to the given
        writable stream.

        Refer to :func:`~AbstractJobStore.importFile` documentation for currently supported URL schemes.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: URL that points to a file or object in the storage
               mechanism of a supported URL scheme e.g. a blob in an AWS s3 bucket.

        :param writable: a writable stream

        :return int: returns the size of the file in bytes
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _writeToUrl(cls, readable, url):
        Reads the contents of the given readable stream and writes it to the object at the
        specified location.

        Refer to AbstractJobStore.importFile documentation for currently supported URL schemes.

        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: URL that points to a file or object in the storage
               mechanism of a supported URL scheme e.g. a blob in an AWS s3 bucket.

        :param readable: a readable stream
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _supportsUrl(cls, url, export=False):
        Returns True if the job store supports the URL's scheme.

        Refer to AbstractJobStore.importFile documentation for currently supported URL schemes.

        :param bool export: Determines if the url is supported for exported
        :param urlparse.ParseResult url: a parsed URL that may be supported
        :return bool: returns true if the cls supports the URL
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def destroy(self):
        The inverse of :meth:`.initialize`, this method deletes the physical storage represented
        by this instance. While not being atomic, this method *is* at least idempotent,
        as a means to counteract potential issues with eventual consistency exhibited by the
        underlying storage mechanisms. This means that if the method fails (raises an exception),
        it may (and should be) invoked again. If the underlying storage mechanism is eventually
        consistent, even a successful invocation is not an ironclad guarantee that the physical
        storage vanished completely and immediately. A successful invocation only guarantees that
        the deletion will eventually happen. It is therefore recommended to not immediately reuse
        the same job store location for a new Toil workflow.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def getEnv(self):
        Returns a dictionary of environment variables that this job store requires to be set in
        order to function properly on a worker.

        :rtype: dict[str,str]
        return {}

    # Cleanup functions

    def clean(self, jobCache=None):
        Function to cleanup the state of a job store after a restart.
        Fixes jobs that might have been partially updated. Resets the try counts and removes jobs
        that are not successors of the current root job.

        :param dict[str,toil.jobGraph.JobGraph] jobCache: if a value it must be a dict
               from job ID keys to JobGraph object values. Jobs will be loaded from the cache
               (which can be downloaded from the job store in a batch) instead of piecemeal when
               recursed into.
        if jobCache is None:
            logger.warning("Cleaning jobStore recursively. This may be slow.")

        # Functions to get and check the existence of jobs, using the jobCache
        # if present
        def getJob(jobId):
            if jobCache is not None:
                    return jobCache[jobId]
                except KeyError:
                    return self.load(jobId)
                return self.load(jobId)

        def haveJob(jobId):
            if jobCache is not None:
                if jobId in jobCache:
                    return True
                    return self.exists(jobId)
                return self.exists(jobId)

        def getJobs():
            if jobCache is not None:
                return itervalues(jobCache)
                return self.jobs()

        # Iterate from the root jobGraph and collate all jobs that are reachable from it
        # All other jobs returned by self.jobs() are orphaned and can be removed
        reachableFromRoot = set()

        def getConnectedJobs(jobGraph):
            if jobGraph.jobStoreID in reachableFromRoot:
            # Traverse jobs in stack
            for jobs in jobGraph.stack:
                for successorJobStoreID in [x.jobStoreID for x in jobs]:
                    if (successorJobStoreID not in reachableFromRoot
                            and haveJob(successorJobStoreID)):
            # Traverse service jobs
            for jobs in jobGraph.services:
                for serviceJobStoreID in [x.jobStoreID for x in jobs]:
                    if haveJob(serviceJobStoreID):
                        assert serviceJobStoreID not in reachableFromRoot

        logger.debug("Checking job graph connectivity...")
        logger.debug("%d jobs reachable from root." % len(reachableFromRoot))

        # Cleanup jobs that are not reachable from the root, and therefore orphaned
        jobsToDelete = [
            x for x in getJobs() if x.jobStoreID not in reachableFromRoot
        for jobGraph in jobsToDelete:
            # clean up any associated files before deletion
            for fileID in jobGraph.filesToDelete:
                # Delete any files that should already be deleted
                    "Deleting file '%s'. It is marked for deletion but has not yet been "
                    "removed.", fileID)
            # Delete the job

        jobGraphsReachableFromRoot = {
            id: getJob(id)
            for id in reachableFromRoot

        # Clean up any checkpoint jobs -- delete any successors it
        # may have launched, and restore the job to a pristine
        # state
        jobsDeletedByCheckpoints = set()
        for jobGraph in [
                jG for jG in jobGraphsReachableFromRoot.values()
                if jG.checkpoint is not None
            if jobGraph.jobStoreID in jobsDeletedByCheckpoints:
                # This is a checkpoint that was nested within an
                # earlier checkpoint, so it and all its successors are
                # already gone.
            logger.debug("Restarting checkpointed job %s" % jobGraph)
            deletedThisRound = jobGraph.restartCheckpoint(self)
            jobsDeletedByCheckpoints |= set(deletedThisRound)
        for jobID in jobsDeletedByCheckpoints:
            del jobGraphsReachableFromRoot[jobID]

        # Clean up jobs that are in reachable from the root
        for jobGraph in jobGraphsReachableFromRoot.values():
            # jobGraphs here are necessarily in reachable from root.

            changed = [False
                       ]  # This is a flag to indicate the jobGraph state has
            # changed

            # If the job has files to delete delete them.
            if len(jobGraph.filesToDelete) != 0:
                # Delete any files that should already be deleted
                for fileID in jobGraph.filesToDelete:
                        "Removing file in job store: %s that was "
                        "marked for deletion but not previously removed" %
                jobGraph.filesToDelete = []
                changed[0] = True

            # For a job whose command is already executed, remove jobs from the stack that are
            # already deleted. This cleans up the case that the jobGraph had successors to run,
            # but had not been updated to reflect this.
            if jobGraph.command is None:
                stackSizeFn = lambda: sum(map(len, jobGraph.stack))
                startStackSize = stackSizeFn()
                # Remove deleted jobs
                jobGraph.stack = [[y for y in x if self.exists(y.jobStoreID)]
                                  for x in jobGraph.stack]
                # Remove empty stuff from the stack
                jobGraph.stack = [x for x in jobGraph.stack if len(x) > 0]
                # Check if anything got removed
                if stackSizeFn() != startStackSize:
                    changed[0] = True

            # Cleanup any services that have already been finished.
            # Filter out deleted services and update the flags for services that exist
            # If there are services then renew
            # the start and terminate flags if they have been removed
            def subFlagFile(jobStoreID, jobStoreFileID, flag):
                if self.fileExists(jobStoreFileID):
                    return jobStoreFileID

                # Make a new flag
                newFlag = self.getEmptyFileStoreID(jobStoreID, cleanup=False)

                # Load the jobGraph for the service and initialise the link
                serviceJobGraph = getJob(jobStoreID)

                if flag == 1:
                        "Recreating a start service flag for job: %s, flag: %s",
                        jobStoreID, newFlag)
                    serviceJobGraph.startJobStoreID = newFlag
                elif flag == 2:
                        "Recreating a terminate service flag for job: %s, flag: %s",
                        jobStoreID, newFlag)
                    serviceJobGraph.terminateJobStoreID = newFlag
                        "Recreating a error service flag for job: %s, flag: %s",
                        jobStoreID, newFlag)
                    assert flag == 3
                    serviceJobGraph.errorJobStoreID = newFlag

                # Update the service job on disk

                changed[0] = True

                return newFlag

            servicesSizeFn = lambda: sum(map(len, jobGraph.services))
            startServicesSize = servicesSizeFn()

            def replaceFlagsIfNeeded(serviceJobNode):
                serviceJobNode.startJobStoreID = subFlagFile(
                    serviceJobNode.jobStoreID, serviceJobNode.startJobStoreID,
                serviceJobNode.terminateJobStoreID = subFlagFile(
                    serviceJobNode.terminateJobStoreID, 2)
                serviceJobNode.errorJobStoreID = subFlagFile(
                    serviceJobNode.jobStoreID, serviceJobNode.errorJobStoreID,

            # jobGraph.services is a list of lists containing serviceNodes
            # remove all services that no longer exist
            services = jobGraph.services
            jobGraph.services = []
            for serviceList in services:
                existingServices = [
                    service for service in serviceList
                    if self.exists(service.jobStoreID)
                if existingServices:

                    lambda serviceList: list(
                        map(replaceFlagsIfNeeded, serviceList)),

            if servicesSizeFn() != startServicesSize:
                changed[0] = True

            # Reset the retry count of the jobGraph
            if jobGraph.remainingRetryCount != self._defaultTryCount():
                jobGraph.remainingRetryCount = self._defaultTryCount()
                changed[0] = True

            # This cleans the old log file which may
            # have been left if the jobGraph is being retried after a jobGraph failure.
            if jobGraph.logJobStoreFileID != None:
                jobGraph.logJobStoreFileID = None
                changed[0] = True

            if changed[0]:  # Update, but only if a change has occurred
                logger.critical("Repairing job: %s" % jobGraph.jobStoreID)

        # Remove any crufty stats/logging files from the previous run
        logger.debug("Discarding old statistics and logs...")

        # We have to manually discard the stream to avoid getting
        # stuck on a blocking write from the job store.
        def discardStream(stream):
            """Read the stream 4K at a time until EOF, discarding all input."""
            while len(stream.read(4096)) != 0:


        logger.debug("Job store is clean")
        # TODO: reloading of the rootJob may be redundant here
        return self.loadRootJob()

    # The following methods deal with creating/loading/updating/writing/checking for the
    # existence of jobs

    def batch(self):
        All calls to create() with this context manager active will be performed in a batch
        after the context manager is released.

        :rtype: None

    def create(self, jobNode):
        Creates a job graph from the given job node & writes it to the job store.

        :rtype: toil.jobGraph.JobGraph
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def exists(self, jobStoreID):
        Indicates whether the job with the specified jobStoreID exists in the job store

        :rtype: bool
        raise NotImplementedError()

    # One year should be sufficient to finish any pipeline ;-)
    publicUrlExpiration = timedelta(days=365)

    def getPublicUrl(self, fileName):
        Returns a publicly accessible URL to the given file in the job store. The returned URL may
        expire as early as 1h after its been returned. Throw an exception if the file does not

        :param str fileName: the jobStoreFileID of the file to generate a URL for

        :raise NoSuchFileException: if the specified file does not exist in this job store

        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def getSharedPublicUrl(self, sharedFileName):
        Differs from :meth:`getPublicUrl` in that this method is for generating URLs for shared
        files written by :meth:`writeSharedFileStream`.

        Returns a publicly accessible URL to the given file in the job store. The returned URL
        starts with 'http:',  'https:' or 'file:'. The returned URL may expire as early as 1h
        after its been returned. Throw an exception if the file does not exist.

        :param str sharedFileName: The name of the shared file to generate a publically accessible url for.

        :raise NoSuchFileException: raised if the specified file does not exist in the store

        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load(self, jobStoreID):
        Loads the job referenced by the given ID and returns it.

        :param str jobStoreID: the ID of the job to load

        :raise NoSuchJobException: if there is no job with the given ID

        :rtype: toil.jobGraph.JobGraph
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def update(self, job):
        Persists the job in this store atomically.

        :param toil.jobGraph.JobGraph job: the job to write to this job store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def delete(self, jobStoreID):
        Removes from store atomically, can not then subsequently call load(), write(), update(),
        etc. with the job.

        This operation is idempotent, i.e. deleting a job twice or deleting a non-existent job
        will succeed silently.

        :param str jobStoreID: the ID of the job to delete from this job store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def jobs(self):
        Best effort attempt to return iterator on all jobs in the store. The iterator may not
        return all jobs and may also contain orphaned jobs that have already finished successfully
        and should not be rerun. To guarantee you get any and all jobs that can be run instead
        construct a more expensive ToilState object

        :return: Returns iterator on jobs in the store. The iterator may or may not contain all jobs and may contain
                 invalid jobs
        :rtype: Iterator[toil.jobGraph.JobGraph]
        raise NotImplementedError()

    # The following provide an way of creating/reading/writing/updating files
    # associated with a given job.

    def writeFile(self, localFilePath, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False):
        Takes a file (as a path) and places it in this job store. Returns an ID that can be used
        to retrieve the file at a later time.  The file is written in a atomic manner.  It will
        not appear in the jobStore until the write has successfully completed.

        :param str localFilePath: the path to the local file that will be uploaded to the job store.

        :param str jobStoreID: the id of a job, or None. If specified, the may be associated
               with that job in a job-store-specific way. This may influence the returned ID.

        :param bool cleanup: Whether to attempt to delete the file when the job
               whose jobStoreID was given as jobStoreID is deleted with
               jobStore.delete(job). If jobStoreID was not given, does nothing.

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method

        :raise NoSuchJobException: if the job specified via jobStoreID does not exist

        FIXME: some implementations may not raise this

        :return: an ID referencing the newly created file and can be used to read the
                 file in the future.
        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def writeFileStream(self, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False):
        Similar to writeFile, but returns a context manager yielding a tuple of
        1) a file handle which can be written to and 2) the ID of the resulting
        file in the job store. The yielded file handle does not need to and
        should not be closed explicitly.  The file is written in a atomic manner.
        It will not appear in the jobStore until the write has successfully

        :param str jobStoreID: the id of a job, or None. If specified, the may be associated
               with that job in a job-store-specific way. This may influence the returned ID.

        :param bool cleanup: Whether to attempt to delete the file when the job
               whose jobStoreID was given as jobStoreID is deleted with
               jobStore.delete(job). If jobStoreID was not given, does nothing.

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method

        :raise NoSuchJobException: if the job specified via jobStoreID does not exist

        FIXME: some implementations may not raise this

        :return: an ID that references the newly created file and can be used to read the
                 file in the future.
        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def getEmptyFileStoreID(self, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False):
        Creates an empty file in the job store and returns its ID.
        Call to fileExists(getEmptyFileStoreID(jobStoreID)) will return True.

        :param str jobStoreID: the id of a job, or None. If specified, the may be associated
               with that job in a job-store-specific way. This may influence the returned ID.

        :param bool cleanup: Whether to attempt to delete the file when the job
               whose jobStoreID was given as jobStoreID is deleted with
               jobStore.delete(job). If jobStoreID was not given, does nothing.

        :return: a jobStoreFileID that references the newly created file and can be used to reference the
                 file in the future.
        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def readFile(self, jobStoreFileID, localFilePath, symlink=False):
        Copies or hard links the file referenced by jobStoreFileID to the given
        local file path. The version will be consistent with the last copy of
        the file written/updated. If the file in the job store is later
        modified via updateFile or updateFileStream, it is
        implementation-defined whether those writes will be visible at
        localFilePath.  The file is copied in an atomic manner.  It will not
        appear in the local file system until the copy has completed.

        The file at the given local path may not be modified after this method returns!

        :param str jobStoreFileID: ID of the file to be copied

        :param str localFilePath: the local path indicating where to place the contents of the
               given file in the job store

        :param bool symlink: whether the reader can tolerate a symlink. If set to true, the job
               store may create a symlink instead of a full copy of the file or a hard link.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def readFileStream(self, jobStoreFileID):
        Similar to readFile, but returns a context manager yielding a file handle which can be
        read from. The yielded file handle does not need to and should not be closed explicitly.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: ID of the file to get a readable file handle for
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def deleteFile(self, jobStoreFileID):
        Deletes the file with the given ID from this job store. This operation is idempotent, i.e.
        deleting a file twice or deleting a non-existent file will succeed silently.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: ID of the file to delete
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fileExists(self, jobStoreFileID):
        Determine whether a file exists in this job store.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: an ID referencing the file to be checked

        :rtype: bool
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def getFileSize(self, jobStoreFileID):
        Get the size of the given file in bytes, or 0 if it does not exist when queried.

        Note that job stores which encrypt files might return overestimates of
        file sizes, since the encrypted file may have been padded to the
        nearest block, augmented with an initialization vector, etc.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: an ID referencing the file to be checked

        :rtype: int
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def updateFile(self, jobStoreFileID, localFilePath):
        Replaces the existing version of a file in the job store. Throws an exception if the file
        does not exist.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: the ID of the file in the job store to be updated

        :param str localFilePath: the local path to a file that will overwrite the current version
          in the job store

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method
        :raise NoSuchFileException: if the specified file does not exist
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def updateFileStream(self, jobStoreFileID):
        Replaces the existing version of a file in the job store. Similar to writeFile, but
        returns a context manager yielding a file handle which can be written to. The
        yielded file handle does not need to and should not be closed explicitly.

        :param str jobStoreFileID: the ID of the file in the job store to be updated

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method

        :raise NoSuchFileException: if the specified file does not exist
        raise NotImplementedError()

    # The following methods deal with shared files, i.e. files not associated
    # with specific jobs.

    sharedFileNameRegex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$')

    # FIXME: Rename to updateSharedFileStream

    def writeSharedFileStream(self, sharedFileName, isProtected=None):
        Returns a context manager yielding a writable file handle to the global file referenced
        by the given name.  File will be created in an atomic manner.

        :param str sharedFileName: A file name matching AbstractJobStore.fileNameRegex, unique within
               this job store

        :param bool isProtected: True if the file must be encrypted, None if it may be encrypted or
               False if it must be stored in the clear.

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def readSharedFileStream(self, sharedFileName):
        Returns a context manager yielding a readable file handle to the global file referenced
        by the given name.

        :param str sharedFileName: A file name matching AbstractJobStore.fileNameRegex, unique within
               this job store
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def writeStatsAndLogging(self, statsAndLoggingString):
        Adds the given statistics/logging string to the store of statistics info.

        :param str statsAndLoggingString: the string to be written to the stats file

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def readStatsAndLogging(self, callback, readAll=False):
        Reads stats/logging strings accumulated by the writeStatsAndLogging() method. For each
        stats/logging string this method calls the given callback function with an open,
        readable file handle from which the stats string can be read. Returns the number of
        stats/logging strings processed. Each stats/logging string is only processed once unless
        the readAll parameter is set, in which case the given callback will be invoked for all
        existing stats/logging strings, including the ones from a previous invocation of this

        :param Callable callback: a function to be applied to each of the stats file handles found

        :param bool readAll: a boolean indicating whether to read the already processed stats files
               in addition to the unread stats files

        :raise ConcurrentFileModificationException: if the file was modified concurrently during
               an invocation of this method

        :return: the number of stats files processed
        :rtype: int
        raise NotImplementedError()

    ## Helper methods for subclasses

    def _defaultTryCount(self):
        return int(self.config.retryCount + 1)

    def _validateSharedFileName(cls, sharedFileName):
        return bool(cls.sharedFileNameRegex.match(sharedFileName))

    def _requireValidSharedFileName(cls, sharedFileName):
        if not cls._validateSharedFileName(sharedFileName):
            raise ValueError("Not a valid shared file name: '%s'." %
예제 #12
class DynamicRenderer(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Renderer)):
    A DynamicRenderer is a Renderer that creates each image as requested.  It
    has a defined maximum size on construction.
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        :param height: The max height of the rendered image.
        :param width: The max width of the rendered image.
        super(DynamicRenderer, self).__init__()
        self._height = height
        self._width = width
        self._plain_image = []
        self._colour_map = []

    def _clear(self):
        Clear the current image.
        self._plain_image = [" " * self._width for _ in range(self._height)]
        self._colour_map = [[(None, 0, 0) for _ in range(self._width)]
                            for _ in range(self._height)]

    def _write(self,
        Write some text to the specified location in the current image.

        :param text: The text to be added.
        :param x: The X coordinate in the image.
        :param y: The Y coordinate in the image.
        :param colour: The colour of the text to add.
        :param attr: The attribute of the image.
        :param bg: The background colour of the text to add.
        # Limit checks to ensure that we don't try to draw off the end of the arrays
        if y >= self._height or x >= self._width:

        # Limit text to draw to visible line
        if len(text) + x > self._width:
            text = text[:self._width - x]

        # Now draw it!
        self._plain_image[y] = text.join(
            [self._plain_image[y][:x], self._plain_image[y][x + len(text):]])
        for i, _ in enumerate(text):
            self._colour_map[y][x + i] = (colour, attr, bg)

    def _render_now(self):
        Common method to render the latest image.

        :returns: A tuple of the plain image and the colour map as per

    def images(self):
        # We can't return all, so just return the latest rendered image.
        return [self._render_now()[0]]

    def rendered_text(self):
        return self._render_now()

    def max_height(self):
        return self._height

    def max_width(self):
        return self._width
예제 #13
class BaseMetadata(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    Abstract Metadata class, this has to be subclassed.

    if you need to add a standard XML property add it to _standard_properties
    @property and @propname.setter will be generated automatically
    Standard properties are the ones that we try to read from an xml file
    when instantiating a new metadata object.
    Reading from json metadata files is easier because we have an ordered

    The class will try to read all she can without throwing errors because
    the more we can read from malformed input the better.

    .. versionadded:: 3.2

    # paths in xml files for standard properties these are the ones we try
    # to read from an xml file
    _standard_properties = {
        'organisation': ('gmd:contact/'
        'email': ('gmd:contact/'
        'date': ('gmd:dateStamp/'
        'abstract': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'title': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'license': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'url': ('gmd:distributionInfo/'
        'report': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'layer_purpose': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'layer_mode': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'layer_geometry': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'keyword_version': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'scale': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'source': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'datatype': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
        'multipart_polygon': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'
                              'gco:Boolean' % multipart_polygon_key),
        'resolution': ('gmd:identificationInfo/'

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Dynamically generate getter for each _standard_properties.
        if name in self._standard_properties:
            value = self.get_value(name)
            value = super(BaseMetadata, self).__getattr__(name)
        return value

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        Dynamically generate setter for each _standard_properties.
        if name in self._standard_properties:
            path = self._standard_properties[name]
            self.set(name, value, path)
            super(BaseMetadata, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.dict == other.dict

    def __init__(self, layer_uri, xml_uri=None, json_uri=None):

        :param layer_uri: uri of the layer for which the metadata ae
        :type layer_uri: str
        :param xml_uri: uri of an xml file to use
        :type xml_uri: str
        :param json_uri: uri of a json file to use
        :type json_uri: str
        # private members
        self._layer_uri = layer_uri
        # TODO (MB): maybe use MetadataDbIO.are_metadata_file_based instead
        self._layer_is_file_based = os.path.isfile(layer_uri)

        instantiate_metadata_db = False

        path = os.path.splitext(layer_uri)[0]

        if xml_uri is None:
            if self.layer_is_file_based:
                self._xml_uri = '%s.xml' % path
                # xml should be stored in cacheDB
                self._xml_uri = None
                instantiate_metadata_db = True
            self._xml_uri = xml_uri

        if json_uri is None:
            if self.layer_is_file_based:
                self._json_uri = '%s.json' % path
                # json should be stored in cacheDB
                self._json_uri = None
                instantiate_metadata_db = True

            self._json_uri = json_uri

        if instantiate_metadata_db:
            self.db_io = MetadataDbIO()

        self.reading_ancillary_files = False
        self._properties = {}

        # initialise the properties
        for name, path in list(self._standard_properties.items()):
            self.set(name, None, path)

        self._last_update = datetime.now()

        except IOError:

    def dict(self):
        dictionary representation of the metadata.

        :return: dictionary representation of the metadata
        :rtype: dict
        metadata = {}
        properties = {}
        for name, prop in list(self.properties.items()):
            properties[name] = prop.dict
        metadata['properties'] = properties
        return metadata

    def xml(self):
        xml representation of the metadata.

        :return: xml representation of the metadata
        :rtype: ElementTree.Element
        tree = ElementTree.parse(METADATA_XML_TEMPLATE)
        root = tree.getroot()

        for name, prop in list(self.properties.items()):
            path = prop.xml_path
            elem = root.find(path, XML_NS)
            if elem is None:
                # create elem
                elem = insert_xml_element(root, path)
            elem.text = self.get_xml_value(name)

        return root

    def json(self):
        json representation of the metadata.

        :return: json representation of the metadata
        :rtype: str
        json_dumps = json.dumps(self.dict,
                                separators=(',', ': '),
        if not json_dumps.endswith('\n'):
            json_dumps += '\n'
        return json_dumps

    def read_json(self):
        read metadata from json and set all the found properties.

        when overriding remember to wrap your calls in reading_ancillary_files

        :return: the read metadata
        :rtype: dict
        with reading_ancillary_files(self):
            if self.json_uri is None:
                metadata = self._read_json_db()
                metadata = self._read_json_file()
            if 'properties' in metadata:
                for name, prop in list(metadata['properties'].items()):
                        self.set(prop['name'], prop['value'], prop['xml_path'])
                    except KeyError:
                        # we just skip if we don't have something, we want
                        # to have as much as possible read from the JSON
        return metadata

    def _read_json_file(self):
        read metadata from a json file.

        :return: the parsed json dict
        :rtype: dict
        with open(self.json_uri) as metadata_file:
                metadata = json.load(metadata_file)
                return metadata
            except ValueError:
                message = tr('the file %s does not appear to be valid JSON')
                message = message % self.json_uri
                raise MetadataReadError(message)

    def _read_json_db(self):
        read metadata from a json string stored in a DB.

        :return: the parsed json dict
        :rtype: dict
            metadata_str = self.db_io.read_metadata_from_uri(
                self.layer_uri, 'json')
        except HashNotFoundError:
            return {}
            metadata = json.loads(metadata_str)
            return metadata
        except ValueError:
            message = tr('the file DB entry for %s does not appear to be '
                         'valid JSON')
            message %= self.layer_uri
            raise MetadataReadError(message)

    def read_xml(self):
        read metadata from xml and set all the found properties.

        :return: the root element of the xml
        :rtype: ElementTree.Element
        if self.xml_uri is None:
            root = self._read_xml_db()
            root = self._read_xml_file()
        if root is not None:
            for name, path in list(self._standard_properties.items()):
                value = read_property_from_xml(root, path)
                if value is not None:
                    # this calls the default setters
                    setattr(self, name, value)

        return root

    def _read_xml_file(self):
        read metadata from an xml file.

        :return: the root element of the xml
        :rtype: ElementTree.Element
        # this raises a IOError if the file doesn't exist
        root = ElementTree.parse(self.xml_uri)
        return root

    def _read_xml_db(self):
        read metadata from an xml string stored in a DB.

        :return: the root element of the xml
        :rtype: ElementTree.Element
            metadata_str = self.db_io.read_metadata_from_uri(
                self.layer_uri, 'xml')
            root = ElementTree.fromstring(metadata_str)
            return root
        except HashNotFoundError:
            return None

    # there is no setter because the layer should not change overtime
    def layer_uri(self):
        the layer URI.

        :return: the layer URI
        :rtype: str
        return self._layer_uri

    # there is no setter because the json should not change overtime
    def json_uri(self):
        the json file URI if it is None than the json is coming from a DB.

        :return: the json URI
        :rtype: str, None
        return self._json_uri

    # there is no setter because the xml should not change overtime
    def xml_uri(self):
        the xml file URI if it is None than the xml is coming from a DB.

        :return: the xml URI
        :rtype: str, None
        return self._xml_uri

    def last_update(self):
        time of the last update of the metadata in memory.

        :return: time of the last update
        :rtype: datetime
        return self._last_update

    def last_update(self, time):
        set time of the last update of the metadata in memory.

        :param time: the update time
        :type time: datetime
        self._last_update = time

    def set_last_update_to_now(self):
        set time of the last update of the metadata in memory to now.
        self._last_update = datetime.now()

    def get_value(self, name):
        get the typed value of a property.

        The type is the original python type used when the value was set

        :param name: the name of the property
        :type name: str
        :return: the value of the property
        return self.get_property(name).value

    def get_xml_value(self, name):
        get the xml value of a property.

        :param name: the name of the property
        :type name: str
        :return: the value of the property
        :rtype: str

        return self.get_property(name).xml_value

    def get_property(self, name):
        get a property.

        :param name: the name of the property
        :type name: str
        :return: the property
        :rtype: BaseProperty
        return self.properties[name]

    def properties(self):
        get all properties.

        :return: the properties
        :rtype: dict
        return self._properties

    def update(self, name, value):
        update a property value.

        The accepted type depends on the property type

        :param name: the name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param value: the new value
        self.get_property(name).value = value

    def set(self, name, value, xml_path):
        Create a new metadata property.

        The accepted type depends on the property type which is determined
        by the xml_path

        :param name: the name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param value: the value of the property
        :type value:
        :param xml_path: the xml path where the property should be stored.
        This is split on / and the last element is used to determine the
        property type
        :type xml_path: str

        xml_type = xml_path.split('/')[-1]
        # check if the desired type is supported
            property_class = TYPE_CONVERSIONS[xml_type]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError('The xml type %s is not supported yet' % xml_type)

            metadata_property = property_class(name, value, xml_path)
            self._properties[name] = metadata_property
        except TypeError:
            if self.reading_ancillary_files:
                # we are parsing files so we want to accept as much as
                # possible without raising exceptions

    def save(self, save_json=True, save_xml=True):
        Saves the metadata json and/or xml to a file or DB.

        :param save_json: flag to save json
        :type save_json: bool
        :param save_xml: flag to save xml
        :type save_xml: bool
        if self.layer_is_file_based:
            if save_json:
            if save_xml:
            self.write_to_db(save_json, save_xml)

    def write_to_file(self, destination_path):
        Writes the metadata json or xml to a file.

        :param destination_path: the file path the file format is inferred
        from the destination_path extension.
        :type destination_path: str
        :return: the written metadata
        :rtype: str
        file_format = os.path.splitext(destination_path)[1][1:]
        metadata = self.get_writable_metadata(file_format)

        with open(destination_path, 'w') as f:

        return metadata

    def write_to_db(self, save_json=True, save_xml=True):
        Stores the metadata json and/or xml in a DB.

        The returned tuple can contain None.

        :param save_json: flag to save json
        :type save_json: bool
        :param save_xml: flag to save xml
        :type save_xml: bool
        :return: the stored metadata
        :rtype: (str, str)
        metadata_json = None
        metadata_xml = None
        if save_json:
            metadata_json = self.get_writable_metadata('json')
        if save_xml:
            metadata_xml = self.get_writable_metadata('xml')
        self.db_io.write_metadata_for_uri(self.layer_uri, metadata_json,
        return metadata_json, metadata_xml

    def get_writable_metadata(self, file_format):
        Convert the metadata to a writable form.

        :param file_format: the needed format can be json or xml
        :type file_format: str
        :return: the dupled metadata
        :rtype: str
        if file_format == 'json':
            metadata = self.json
        elif file_format == 'xml':
            metadata = self.xml
            raise TypeError(
                'The requested file type (%s) is not yet supported' %
        return metadata

    def read_from_ancillary_file(self, custom_xml=None):
        try to read xml and json from existing files or db.

        This is used when instantiating a new metadata object. We explicitly
        check if a custom XML was passed so we give it priority on the JSON.
        If no custom XML is passed, JSON has priority

        :param custom_xml: the path to a custom xml file
        :type custom_xml: str

        if custom_xml and os.path.isfile(self.xml_uri):
            if not self.read_json():

    def layer_is_file_based(self):
        flag if the layer is file based.

        :return: flag if the layer is file based
        :rtype: bool
        return self._layer_is_file_based

    def update_from_dict(self, keywords):
        """Set properties of metadata using key and value from keywords

        :param keywords: A dictionary of keywords (key, value).
        :type keywords: dict

        for key, value in list(keywords.items()):
            setattr(self, key, value)
예제 #14
class Object(with_metaclass(ObjectMetaclass, ParseResource)):
    parse_table = None
    ENDPOINT_ROOT = '/'.join([API_ROOT, 'classes'])

    def factory(cls, class_name):
        class DerivedClass(cls):
        DerivedClass.__name__ = str(class_name)
        return DerivedClass

    def set_endpoint_root(cls):
        root = '/'.join([API_ROOT, 'classes', cls.parse_table or cls.__name__])
        if cls.ENDPOINT_ROOT != root:
            cls.ENDPOINT_ROOT = root
        return cls.ENDPOINT_ROOT

    def _absolute_url(self):
        if not self.objectId: return None
        return '/'.join([self.__class__.ENDPOINT_ROOT, self.objectId])

    def as_pointer(self):
        return Pointer(**{
                'className': self.__class__.__name__,
                'objectId': self.objectId

    def serialize(self):
        vals = {'pk':getattr(self,'objectId',None),
                '__type':self.parse_table or self.__class__.__name__,
        for key, val in list(self.__dict__.items()):
            if key.startswith('_'):
            if isinstance(val,ParseResource):
                oid = getattr(self,key+'_id',None)
                vals[key] = {'pk':oid,'__type':val.parse_table or val.cls.__name__,'objectId':oid}
            elif isinstance(val,Object) or hasattr(val,'serialize'):
                vals[key] = val.serialize()
                vals[key] = val
        return vals

    def increment(self, key, amount=1,_using=None,_as_user=None,_throttle=None):
        Increment one value in the object. Note that this happens immediately:
        it does not wait for save() to be called
        payload = {
            key: {
                '__op': 'Increment',
                'amount': amount
        self.__class__.PUT(self._absolute_url, _app_id=_using,_user=_as_user,_throttle=_throttle,**payload)
        self.__dict__[key] += amount

    def removeRelation(self, key, objs,_using=None,_as_user=None,_throttle=None):
        self.manageRelation('RemoveRelation', key, objs,_using=_using,_as_user=_as_user,_throttle=_throttle)

    def addRelation(self, key, objs,_using=None,_as_user=None,_throttle=None):
        self.manageRelation('AddRelation', key, objs,_using=_using,_as_user=_as_user,_throttle=_throttle)

    def manageRelation(self, action, key, objs,_using=None,_as_user=None,_throttle=None):
        if not (isinstance(objs,list) or isinstance(objs,tuple)):
            objs = [objs]
        objects = [{
                    "__type": "Pointer",
                    "className": obj.parse_table or obj.__class__.__name__,
                    "objectId": obj.objectId
                    } for obj in objs]

        payload = {
            key: {
                 "__op": action,
                 "objects": objects
        self.__class__.PUT(self._absolute_url, _app_id=_using,_user=_as_user,_throttle=_throttle,**payload)
        self.__dict__[key] = ''
예제 #15
class ValidatorBase(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):

  def __call__(self, value):
    """Should validate value, returning a boolean result."""
예제 #16
class PostVisitor(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    CUT_VISIT = object()

    def visit_post(self, post):
예제 #17
class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
    """Store biological sequence data conforming to the IUPAC character set.

    This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated.


        If sequence characters are not in the IUPAC character set [1]_.

    See Also

    .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid
       sequences: recommendations 1984.
       Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030.
       A Cornish-Bowden

    # ASCII is built such that the difference between uppercase and lowercase
    # is the 6th bit.
    _ascii_invert_case_bit_offset = 32
    _number_of_extended_ascii_codes = 256
    _ascii_lowercase_boundary = 90
    __validation_mask = None
    __degenerate_codes = None
    __nondegenerate_codes = None
    __gap_codes = None

    def _validation_mask(cls):
        # TODO These masks could be defined (as literals) on each concrete
        # object. For now, memoize!
        if cls.__validation_mask is None:
            cls.__validation_mask = np.invert(
                    np.fromstring(''.join(cls.alphabet), dtype=np.uint8),
        return cls.__validation_mask

    def _degenerate_codes(cls):
        if cls.__degenerate_codes is None:
            degens = cls.degenerate_chars
            cls.__degenerate_codes = np.asarray([ord(d) for d in degens])
        return cls.__degenerate_codes

    def _nondegenerate_codes(cls):
        if cls.__nondegenerate_codes is None:
            nondegens = cls.nondegenerate_chars
            cls.__nondegenerate_codes = np.asarray([ord(d) for d in nondegens])
        return cls.__nondegenerate_codes

    def _gap_codes(cls):
        if cls.__gap_codes is None:
            gaps = cls.gap_chars
            cls.__gap_codes = np.asarray([ord(g) for g in gaps])
        return cls.__gap_codes

    def alphabet(cls):
        """Return valid IUPAC characters.

        This includes gap, non-degenerate, and degenerate characters.

            Valid IUPAC characters.

        return cls.degenerate_chars | cls.nondegenerate_chars | cls.gap_chars

    def gap_chars(cls):
        """Return characters defined as gaps.

            Characters defined as gaps.

        return set('-.')

    def degenerate_chars(cls):
        """Return degenerate IUPAC characters.

            Degenerate IUPAC characters.

        return set(cls.degenerate_map)

    def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
        """Return non-degenerate IUPAC characters.

            Non-degenerate IUPAC characters.

        return set()  # pragma: no cover

    def degenerate_map(cls):
        """Return mapping of degenerate to non-degenerate characters.

        dict (set)
            Mapping of each degenerate IUPAC character to the set of
            non-degenerate IUPAC characters it represents.

        return set()  # pragma: no cover

    def _motifs(self):
        return _motifs

    def __init__(self,
        super(IUPACSequence, self).__init__(sequence, metadata,

        if lowercase is False:
        elif lowercase is True or isinstance(lowercase, string_types):
            lowercase_mask = self._bytes > self._ascii_lowercase_boundary

            # If it isn't True, it must be a string_type
            if not (lowercase is True):
                self.positional_metadata[lowercase] = lowercase_mask
            raise TypeError("lowercase keyword argument expected a bool or "
                            "string, but got %s" % type(lowercase))

        if validate:

    def _convert_to_uppercase(self, lowercase):
        if np.any(lowercase):
            with self._byte_ownership():
                self._bytes[lowercase] ^= self._ascii_invert_case_bit_offset

    def _validate(self):
        # This is the fastest way that we have found to identify the
        # presence or absence of certain characters (numbers).
        # It works by multiplying a mask where the numbers which are
        # permitted have a zero at their index, and all others have a one.
        # The result is a vector which will propogate counts of invalid
        # numbers and remove counts of valid numbers, so that we need only
        # see if the array is empty to determine validity.
        invalid_characters = np.bincount(
            self._bytes, minlength=self._number_of_extended_ascii_codes
        ) * self._validation_mask
        if np.any(invalid_characters):
            bad = list(
                np.where(invalid_characters > 0)[0].astype(
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid character%s in sequence: %r. Valid IUPAC characters: "
                "%r" % ('s' if len(bad) > 1 else '',
                         for b in bad] if len(bad) > 1 else bad[0],

    def lowercase(self, lowercase):
        """Return a case-sensitive string representation of the sequence.

        lowercase: str or boolean vector
            If lowercase is a boolean vector, it is used to set sequence
            characters to lowercase in the output string. True values in the
            boolean vector correspond to lowercase characters. If lowercase
            is a str, it is treated like a key into the positional metadata,
            pointing to a column which must be a boolean vector.
            That boolean vector is then used as described previously.

            String representation of sequence with specified characters set to

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACGT')
        >>> s.lowercase([True, True, False, False])
        >>> s = DNA('ACGT',
        ...         positional_metadata={'exons': [True, False, False, True]})
        >>> s.lowercase('exons')

        Constructor automatically populates a column in positional metadata
        when the ``lowercase`` keyword argument is provided with a column name:

        >>> s = DNA('ACgt', lowercase='introns')
        >>> s.lowercase('introns')
        >>> s = DNA('ACGT', lowercase='introns')
        >>> s.lowercase('introns')

        index = self._munge_to_index_array(lowercase)
        outbytes = self._bytes.copy()
        outbytes[index] ^= self._ascii_invert_case_bit_offset
        return str(outbytes.tostring().decode('ascii'))

    def gaps(self):
        """Find positions containing gaps in the biological sequence.

        1D np.ndarray (bool)
            Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a gap character is present
            at that position in the biological sequence.

        See Also

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('AC-G-')
        >>> s.gaps()
        array([False, False,  True, False,  True], dtype=bool)

        return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._gap_codes)

    def has_gaps(self):
        """Determine if the sequence contains one or more gap characters.

            Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of gap
            characters in the biological sequence.

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACACGACGTT')
        >>> s.has_gaps()
        >>> t = DNA('A.CAC--GACGTT')
        >>> t.has_gaps()

        # TODO use count, there aren't that many gap chars
        # TODO: cache results
        return bool(self.gaps().any())

    def degenerates(self):
        """Find positions containing degenerate characters in the sequence.

        1D np.ndarray (bool)
            Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a degenerate character is
            present at that position in the biological sequence.

        See Also

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACWGN')
        >>> s.degenerates()
        array([False, False,  True, False,  True], dtype=bool)

        return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._degenerate_codes)

    def has_degenerates(self):
        """Determine if sequence contains one or more degenerate characters.

            Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of degenerate
            characters in the biological sequence.

        See Also

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACAC-GACGTT')
        >>> s.has_degenerates()
        >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT')
        >>> t.has_degenerates()

        # TODO use bincount!
        # TODO: cache results
        return bool(self.degenerates().any())

    def nondegenerates(self):
        """Find positions containing non-degenerate characters in the sequence.

        1D np.ndarray (bool)
            Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a non-degenerate character
            is present at that position in the biological sequence.

        See Also

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACWGN')
        >>> s.nondegenerates()
        array([ True,  True, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)

        return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._nondegenerate_codes)

    def has_nondegenerates(self):
        """Determine if sequence contains one or more non-degenerate characters

            Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of
            non-degenerate characters in the biological sequence.

        See Also

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('NWNNNNNN')
        >>> s.has_nondegenerates()
        >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT')
        >>> t.has_nondegenerates()

        # TODO: cache results
        return bool(self.nondegenerates().any())

    def degap(self):
        """Return a new sequence with gap characters removed.

            A new sequence with all gap characters removed.

        See Also

        The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the
        biological sequence. If positional metadata is present, it will be
        filtered in the same manner as the sequence characters and included in
        the resulting degapped sequence.

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('GGTC-C--ATT-C.',
        ...         positional_metadata={'quality':range(14)})
        >>> s.degap()
        Positional metadata:
            'quality': <dtype: int64>
            length: 9
            has gaps: False
            has degenerates: False
            has non-degenerates: True
            GC-content: 55.56%
        0 GGTCCATTC

        return self[np.invert(self.gaps())]

    def expand_degenerates(self):
        """Yield all possible non-degenerate versions of the sequence.

            Non-degenerate version of the sequence.

        See Also

        There is no guaranteed ordering to the non-degenerate sequences that
        are yielded.

        Each non-degenerate sequence will have the same type, metadata,
        and positional metadata as the biological sequence.

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> seq = DNA('TRG')
        >>> seq_generator = seq.expand_degenerates()
        >>> for s in sorted(seq_generator, key=str):
        ...     s
        ...     print('')
            length: 3
            has gaps: False
            has degenerates: False
            has non-degenerates: True
            GC-content: 33.33%
        0 TAG
            length: 3
            has gaps: False
            has degenerates: False
            has non-degenerates: True
            GC-content: 66.67%
        0 TGG

        degen_chars = self.degenerate_map
        nonexpansion_chars = self.nondegenerate_chars.union(self.gap_chars)

        expansions = []
        for char in self:
            char = str(char)
            if char in nonexpansion_chars:

        result = product(*expansions)
        return (self._to(sequence=''.join(nondegen_seq))
                for nondegen_seq in result)

    def to_regex(self):
        """Return a regular expression object that accounts for degenerate chars.

            Pre-compiled regular expression object (as from ``re.compile``)
            that matches all non-degenerate versions of this sequence, and
            nothing else.

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> seq = DNA('TRG')
        >>> regex = seq.to_regex()
        >>> regex.pattern
        >>> regex.match('TAG').string
        >>> regex.match('TCG') is None
        regex_string = []
        for base in str(self):
            if base in self.degenerate_chars:
        return re.compile(''.join(regex_string))

    def find_motifs(self, motif_type, min_length=1, ignore=None):
        """Search the biological sequence for motifs.

        Options for `motif_type`:

        motif_type : str
            Type of motif to find.
        min_length : int, optional
            Only motifs at least as long as `min_length` will be returned.
        ignore : 1D array_like (bool), optional
            Boolean vector indicating positions to ignore when matching.

            Location of the motif in the biological sequence.

            If an unknown `motif_type` is specified.

        >>> from skbio import DNA
        >>> s = DNA('ACGGGGAGGCGGAG')
        >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', min_length=2):
        ...     motif_slice
        ...     str(s[motif_slice])
        slice(2, 9, None)
        slice(10, 14, None)

        Gap characters can disrupt motifs:

        >>> s = DNA('GG-GG')
        >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run'):
        ...     motif_slice
        slice(0, 2, None)
        slice(3, 5, None)

        Gaps can be ignored by passing the gap boolean vector to `ignore`:

        >>> s = DNA('GG-GG')
        >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', ignore=s.gaps()):
        ...     motif_slice
        slice(0, 5, None)

        if motif_type not in self._motifs:
            raise ValueError("Not a known motif (%r) for this sequence (%s)." %
                             (motif_type, self.__class__.__name__))

        return self._motifs[motif_type](self, min_length, ignore)

    def _constructor(self, **kwargs):
        return self.__class__(validate=False, lowercase=False, **kwargs)

    def _repr_stats(self):
        """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr."""
        stats = super(IUPACSequence, self)._repr_stats()
        stats.append(('has gaps', '%r' % self.has_gaps()))
        stats.append(('has degenerates', '%r' % self.has_degenerates()))
        stats.append(('has non-degenerates', '%r' % self.has_nondegenerates()))
        return stats
예제 #18
class FileSystem(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, BeamPlugin)):
    """A class that defines the functions that can be performed on a filesystem.

  All methods are abstract and they are for file system providers to
  implement. Clients should use the FileSystems class to interact with
  the correct file system based on the provided file pattern scheme.
    CHUNK_SIZE = 1  # Chuck size in the batch operations

    def __init__(self, pipeline_options):
      pipeline_options: Instance of ``PipelineOptions`` or dict of options and
        values (like ``RuntimeValueProvider.runtime_options``).

    def _get_compression_type(path, compression_type):
        if compression_type == CompressionTypes.AUTO:
            compression_type = CompressionTypes.detect_compression_type(path)
        elif not CompressionTypes.is_valid_compression_type(compression_type):
            raise TypeError(
                'compression_type must be CompressionType object but '
                'was %s' % type(compression_type))
        return compression_type

    def scheme(cls):
        """URI scheme for the FileSystem
        raise NotImplementedError

    def join(self, basepath, *paths):
        """Join two or more pathname components for the filesystem

      basepath: string path of the first component of the path
      paths: path components to be added

    Returns: full path after combining all the passed components
        raise NotImplementedError

    def split(self, path):
        """Splits the given path into two parts.

    Splits the path into a pair (head, tail) such that tail contains the last
    component of the path and head contains everything up to that.

    For file-systems other than the local file-system, head should include the

      path: path as a string
      a pair of path components as strings.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def mkdirs(self, path):
        """Recursively create directories for the provided path.

      path: string path of the directory structure that should be created

      IOError if leaf directory already exists.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def has_dirs(self):
        """Whether this FileSystem supports directories."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _list(self, dir_or_prefix):
        """List files in a location.

    Listing is non-recursive (for filesystems that support directories).

      dir_or_prefix: (string) A directory or location prefix (for filesystems
        that don't have directories).

      Generator of ``FileMetadata`` objects.

      ``BeamIOError`` if listing fails, but not if no files were found.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _split_scheme(url_or_path):
        match = re.match(r'(^[a-z]+)://(.*)', url_or_path)
        if match is not None:
            return match.groups()
        return None, url_or_path

    def _combine_scheme(scheme, path):
        if scheme is None:
            return path
        return '{}://{}'.format(scheme, path)

    def _url_dirname(self, url_or_path):
        """Like posixpath.dirname, but preserves scheme:// prefix.

      url_or_path: A string in the form of scheme://some/path OR /some/path.
        scheme, path = self._split_scheme(url_or_path)
        return self._combine_scheme(scheme, posixpath.dirname(path))

    def match_files(self, file_metas, pattern):
        """Filter :class:`FileMetadata` objects by *pattern*

      file_metas (list of :class:`FileMetadata`):
        Files to consider when matching
      pattern (str): File pattern

    See Also:

      Generator of matching :class:`FileMetadata`
        re_pattern = re.compile(self.translate_pattern(pattern))
        match = re_pattern.match
        for file_metadata in file_metas:
            if match(file_metadata.path):
                yield file_metadata

    def translate_pattern(pattern):
    Translate a *pattern* to a regular expression.
    There is no way to quote meta-characters.

    Pattern syntax:
      The pattern syntax is based on the fnmatch_ syntax, with the following

      -   ``*`` Is equivalent to ``[^/\\]*`` rather than ``.*``.
      -   ``**`` Is equivalent to ``.*``.

    See also:
      :meth:`match` uses this method

    This method is based on `Python 2.7's fnmatch.translate`_.
    The code in this method is licensed under

    .. _`fnmatch`: https://docs.python.org/2/library/fnmatch.html

    .. _`Python 2.7's fnmatch.translate`: https://github.com/python/cpython\
        i, n = 0, len(pattern)
        res = ''
        while i < n:
            c = pattern[i]
            i = i + 1
            if c == '*':
                # One char lookahead for "**"
                if i < n and pattern[i] == "*":
                    res = res + '.*'
                    i = i + 1
                    res = res + r'[^/\\]*'
            elif c == '?':
                res = res + '.'
            elif c == '[':
                j = i
                if j < n and pattern[j] == '!':
                    j = j + 1
                if j < n and pattern[j] == ']':
                    j = j + 1
                while j < n and pattern[j] != ']':
                    j = j + 1
                if j >= n:
                    res = res + r'\['
                    stuff = pattern[i:j].replace('\\', '\\\\')
                    i = j + 1
                    if stuff[0] == '!':
                        stuff = '^' + stuff[1:]
                    elif stuff[0] == '^':
                        stuff = '\\' + stuff
                    res = '%s[%s]' % (res, stuff)
                res = res + re.escape(c)

        logger.debug('translate_pattern: %r -> %r', pattern, res)
        return res + r'\Z(?ms)'

    def match(self, patterns, limits=None):
        """Find all matching paths to the patterns provided.

    See Also:

    Patterns ending with '/' or '\\' will be appended with '*'.

      patterns: list of string for the file path pattern to match against
      limits: list of maximum number of responses that need to be fetched

    Returns: list of ``MatchResult`` objects.

      ``BeamIOError`` if any of the pattern match operations fail
        if limits is None:
            limits = [None] * len(patterns)
            err_msg = "Patterns and limits should be equal in length"
            assert len(patterns) == len(limits), err_msg

        def _match(pattern, limit):
            """Find all matching paths to the pattern provided."""
            if pattern.endswith('/') or pattern.endswith('\\'):
                pattern += '*'
            # Get the part of the pattern before the first globbing character.
            # For example scheme://path/foo* will become scheme://path/foo for
            # filesystems like GCS, or converted to scheme://path for filesystems with
            # directories.
            prefix_or_dir = re.match('^[^[*?]*', pattern).group(0)

            file_metadatas = []
            if prefix_or_dir == pattern:
                # Short-circuit calling self.list() if there's no glob pattern to match.
                if self.exists(pattern):
                    file_metadatas = [
                        FileMetadata(pattern, self.size(pattern))
                if self.has_dirs():
                    prefix_dirname = self._url_dirname(prefix_or_dir)
                    if not prefix_dirname == prefix_or_dir:
                        logger.debug("Changed prefix_or_dir %r -> %r",
                                     prefix_or_dir, prefix_dirname)
                        prefix_or_dir = prefix_dirname

                logger.debug("Listing files in %r", prefix_or_dir)
                file_metadatas = self._list(prefix_or_dir)

            metadata_list = []
            for file_metadata in self.match_files(file_metadatas, pattern):
                if limit is not None and len(metadata_list) >= limit:

            return MatchResult(pattern, metadata_list)

        exceptions = {}
        result = []
        for pattern, limit in zip(patterns, limits):
                result.append(_match(pattern, limit))
            except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                exceptions[pattern] = e

        if exceptions:
            raise BeamIOError("Match operation failed", exceptions)
        return result

    def create(self,
        """Returns a write channel for the given file path.

      path: string path of the file object to be written to the system
      mime_type: MIME type to specify the type of content in the file object
      compression_type: Type of compression to be used for this object

    Returns: file handle with a close function for the user to use
        raise NotImplementedError

    def open(self,
        """Returns a read channel for the given file path.

      path: string path of the file object to be read
      mime_type: MIME type to specify the type of content in the file object
      compression_type: Type of compression to be used for this object

    Returns: file handle with a close function for the user to use
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy(self, source_file_names, destination_file_names):
        """Recursively copy the file tree from the source to the destination

      source_file_names: list of source file objects that needs to be copied
      destination_file_names: list of destination of the new object

      ``BeamIOError`` if any of the copy operations fail
        raise NotImplementedError

    def rename(self, source_file_names, destination_file_names):
        """Rename the files at the source list to the destination list.
    Source and destination lists should be of the same size.

      source_file_names: List of file paths that need to be moved
      destination_file_names: List of destination_file_names for the files

      ``BeamIOError`` if any of the rename operations fail
        raise NotImplementedError

    def exists(self, path):
        """Check if the provided path exists on the FileSystem.

      path: string path that needs to be checked.

    Returns: boolean flag indicating if path exists
        raise NotImplementedError

    def size(self, path):
        """Get size in bytes of a file on the FileSystem.

      path: string filepath of file.

    Returns: int size of file according to the FileSystem.

      ``BeamIOError`` if path doesn't exist.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def last_updated(self, path):
        """Get UNIX Epoch time in seconds on the FileSystem.

      path: string path of file.

    Returns: float UNIX Epoch time

      ``BeamIOError`` if path doesn't exist.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def checksum(self, path):
        """Fetch checksum metadata of a file on the

    This operation returns checksum metadata as stored in the underlying
    FileSystem. It should not need to read file data to obtain this value.
    Checksum type and format are FileSystem dependent and are not compatible
    between FileSystems.
    FileSystem implementations may return file size if a checksum isn't

      path: string path of a file.

    Returns: string containing checksum

      ``BeamIOError`` if path isn't a file or doesn't exist.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def delete(self, paths):
        """Deletes files or directories at the provided paths.
    Directories will be deleted recursively.

      paths: list of paths that give the file objects to be deleted

      ``BeamIOError`` if any of the delete operations fail
        raise NotImplementedError
예제 #19
class StatsCollectorTest(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, absltest.TestCase)):
    """Stats collection tests.

  Each test method has uniquely-named metrics to accommodate implementations
  that do not support re-definition of metrics.

  For Events, the exact boundaries of Distribution bins are not tested. For
  these histogram metrics, it is acceptable that different implementations have
  slightly different behavior, e.g. one uses lower or equal while another uses
  strictly lower for bounds of bins. This allows integration with third-party
  metric libraries.
    def setUp(self):
        super(StatsCollectorTest, self).setUp()

        self._mock_time = 100.0
        time_patcher = mock.patch.object(time, "time", lambda: self._mock_time)

    def _CreateStatsCollector(self, metadata_list):
        """Creates a new stats collector with the given metadata."""

    def _Sleep(self, n):
        """Simulates sleeping for a given number of seconds."""
        self._mock_time += n

    def testSimpleCounter(self):
        counter_name = "testSimpleCounter_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector(

        self.assertEqual(0, collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name))

        for _ in range(5):
        self.assertEqual(5, collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name))

        collector.IncrementCounter(counter_name, 2)
        self.assertEqual(7, collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name))

    def testDecrementingCounterRaises(self):
        counter_name = "testDecrementingCounterRaises_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector(

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            collector.IncrementCounter(counter_name, -1)

    def testCounterWithFields(self):
        counter_name = "testCounterWithFields_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                              fields=[("dimension", str)])

        # Test that default values for any fields values are 0."
        self.assertEqual(0, collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name,
        self.assertEqual(0, collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name,

        for _ in range(5):


        # Check that previously set values with other fields are not affected.

    def testSimpleGauge(self):
        int_gauge_name = "testSimpleGauge_int_gauge"
        float_gauge_name = "testSimpleGauge_float_gauge"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
            stats_utils.CreateGaugeMetadata(int_gauge_name, int),
            stats_utils.CreateGaugeMetadata(float_gauge_name, float)

        self.assertEqual(0, collector.GetMetricValue(int_gauge_name))
        self.assertEqual(0.0, collector.GetMetricValue(float_gauge_name))
        collector.SetGaugeValue(int_gauge_name, 42)
        collector.SetGaugeValue(float_gauge_name, 42.3)

        self.assertEqual(42, collector.GetMetricValue(int_gauge_name))

        # At least default Python type checking is enforced in gauges:
        # we can't assign string to int
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            collector.SetGaugeValue(int_gauge_name, "some")

    def testGaugeWithFields(self):
        int_gauge_name = "testGaugeWithFields_int_gauge"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)])




    def testGaugeWithCallback(self):
        int_gauge_name = "testGaugeWithCallback_int_gauge"
        float_gauge_name = "testGaugeWithCallback_float_gauge"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
            stats_utils.CreateGaugeMetadata(int_gauge_name, int),
            stats_utils.CreateGaugeMetadata(float_gauge_name, float)

        self.assertEqual(0, collector.GetMetricValue(int_gauge_name))
        self.assertEqual(0.0, collector.GetMetricValue(float_gauge_name))

        collector.SetGaugeCallback(int_gauge_name, lambda: 42)
        collector.SetGaugeCallback(float_gauge_name, lambda: 42.3)

        self.assertEqual(42, collector.GetMetricValue(int_gauge_name))

    def testSimpleEventMetric(self):
        event_metric_name = "testSimpleEventMetric_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            bins=[0.0, 0.1, 0.2]),

        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(0, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 0}, data.bins_heights)

        collector.RecordEvent(event_metric_name, 0.15)
        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.15, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(1, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 0}, data.bins_heights)

        collector.RecordEvent(event_metric_name, 0.5)
        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.65, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(2, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 1}, data.bins_heights)

        collector.RecordEvent(event_metric_name, -0.1)
        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.55, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(3, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 1, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 1}, data.bins_heights)

    def testEventMetricWithFields(self):
        event_metric_name = "testEventMetricWithFields_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            bins=[0.0, 0.1, 0.2],
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)])

        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(0, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 0}, data.bins_heights)


        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.15, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(1, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 0}, data.bins_heights)

        data = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.25, data.sum)
        self.assertEqual(1, data.count)
        self.assertEqual([-_INF, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2], list(data.bins))
        self.assertEqual({-_INF: 0, 0.0: 0, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 1}, data.bins_heights)

    def testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage1(self):
        counter_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage1_counter"
        int_gauge_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage1_int_gauge"
        event_metric_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage1_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
            stats_utils.CreateGaugeMetadata(int_gauge_name, int),

        # Check for counters
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name, fields=["a"])

        # Check for gauges
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            collector.GetMetricValue(int_gauge_name, fields=["a"])

        # Check for event metrics
                          fields=["a", "b"])

    def testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage2(self):
        counter_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage2_counter"
        int_gauge_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage2_int_gauge"
        event_metric_name = "testRaisesOnImproperFieldsUsage2_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                              fields=[("dimension", str)]),
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)]),
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)])

        # Check for counters
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, collector.GetMetricValue, counter_name)
                          fields=["a", "b"])

        # Check for gauges
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, collector.GetMetricValue, int_gauge_name)
                          fields=["a", "b"])

        # Check for event metrics
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, collector.GetMetricValue,
                          fields=["a", "b"])

    def testGetAllMetricsMetadataWorksCorrectlyOnSimpleMetrics(self):
        counter_name = "testGAMM_SimpleMetrics_counter"
        int_gauge_name = "testGAMM_SimpleMetrics_int_gauge"
        event_metric_name = "testGAMM_SimpleMetrics_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)]),

        metrics = collector.GetAllMetricsMetadata()

        self.assertEqual(metrics[int_gauge_name].fields_defs, [


    def testGetMetricFieldsWorksCorrectly(self):
        counter_name = "testGetMetricFieldsWorksCorrectly_counter"
        int_gauge_name = "testGetMetricFieldsWorksCorrectly_int_gauge"
        event_metric_name = "testGetMetricFieldsWorksCorrectly_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                              fields=[("dimension1", str),
                                                      ("dimension2", str)]),
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)]),
                                            fields=[("dimension", str)]),

        collector.IncrementCounter(counter_name, fields=["b", "b"])
        collector.IncrementCounter(counter_name, fields=["a", "c"])

        collector.SetGaugeValue(int_gauge_name, 20, fields=["a"])
        collector.SetGaugeValue(int_gauge_name, 30, fields=["b"])

        collector.RecordEvent(event_metric_name, 0.1, fields=["a"])
        collector.RecordEvent(event_metric_name, 0.1, fields=["b"])

        fields = sorted(collector.GetMetricFields(counter_name),
                        key=lambda t: t[0])
        self.assertEqual([("a", "c"), ("b", "b")], fields)

        fields = sorted(collector.GetMetricFields(int_gauge_name),
                        key=lambda t: t[0])
        self.assertEqual([("a", ), ("b", )], fields)

        fields = sorted(collector.GetMetricFields(event_metric_name),
                        key=lambda t: t[0])
        self.assertEqual([("a", ), ("b", )], fields)

    def testCountingDecorator(self):
        """Test _Function call counting."""
        counter_name = "testCountingDecorator_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector(

        def CountedFunc():

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            for _ in range(10):

        self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 10)

    def testSuccessesCountingDecorator(self):
        counter_name = "testCountingDecorator_successes_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector(

        def CountedFunc(should_raise):
            if should_raise:
                raise RuntimeError("foo")

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            for i in range(10):
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

        # Failing calls shouldn't increment the counter.
        self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 5)

    def testErrorsCountingDecorator(self):
        counter_name = "testCountingDecorator_errors_counter"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector(

        def CountedFunc(should_raise):
            if should_raise:
                raise RuntimeError("foo")

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            for i in range(10):
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

        # Non-failing calls shouldn't increment the counter.
        self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 5)

    def testMaps(self):
        """Test binned timings."""
        event_metric_name = "testMaps_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            bins=[0, 0.1, 0.2])

        def TimedFunc(n):

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
            self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 0, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 0})

            for _ in range(3):

            m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
            self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 3, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 0})

            m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
            self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 3, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 0})

    def testCombiningDecorators(self):
        """Test combining decorators."""
        counter_name = "testCombiningDecorators_counter"
        event_metric_name = "testCombiningDecorators_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            bins=[0.0, 0.1, 0.2])

        def OverdecoratedFunc(n):

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):

        # Check if all vars get updated
        m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 1, 0.1: 0, 0.2: 0})

        self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 1)

    def testExceptionHandling(self):
        """Test decorators when exceptions are thrown."""
        counter_name = "testExceptionHandling_counter"
        event_metric_name = "testExceptionHandling_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
                                            bins=[0, 0.1, 0.2])

        def RaiseFunc(n):
            raise Exception()

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            self.assertRaises(Exception, RaiseFunc, 0.11)

        # Check if all vars get updated
        m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
        self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 0, 0.1: 1, 0.2: 0})

        self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 1)

    def testMultipleFuncs(self):
        """Tests if multiple decorators produce aggregate stats."""
        counter_name = "testMultipleFuncs_counter"
        event_metric_name = "testMultipleFuncs_event_metric"

        collector = self._CreateStatsCollector([
            stats_utils.CreateEventMetadata(event_metric_name, bins=[0, 1, 2])

        def Func1(n):

        def Func2(n):

        def Func3(n):

        def Func4(n):

        with FakeStatsContext(collector):
            self.assertEqual(collector.GetMetricValue(counter_name), 2)

            m = collector.GetMetricValue(event_metric_name)
            self.assertEqual(m.bins_heights, {-_INF: 0, 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0})
예제 #20
 class TestClass(with_metaclass(MetaClass, bytes)):
예제 #21
class Expression(with_metaclass(Meta)):
    """Expression class"""
    def __init__(self, ds, expression):
        self.ds = ds
        if isinstance(expression, Expression):
            expression = expression.expression
        self.expression = expression

    def dt(self):
        return DateTime(self)

    def str(self):
        """Gives access to string operations"""
        return StringOperations(self)

    def str_pandas(self):
        """Gives access to string operations (using Pandas Series)"""
        return StringOperationsPandas(self)

    def values(self):
        return self.evaluate()

    def dtype(self):
        return self.ds.dtype(self.expression)

    def derivative(self, var, simplify=True):
        var = _ensure_string_from_expression(var)
        return self.__class__(
            self, expresso.derivative(self.expression, var, simplify=simplify))

    def expand(self, stop=[]):
        """Expand the expression such that no virtual columns occurs, only normal columns.


        >>> df = vaex.example()
        >>> r = np.sqrt(df.data.x**2 + df.data.y**2)
        >>> r.expand().expression
        'sqrt(((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)))'

        stop = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(stop)

        def translate(id):
            if id in self.ds.virtual_columns and id not in stop:
                return self.ds.virtual_columns[id]

        expr = expresso.translate(self.expression, translate)
        return Expression(self.ds, expr)

    def variables(self):
        """Return a set of variables this expression depends on.


        >>> df = vaex.example()
        >>> r = np.sqrt(df.data.x**2 + df.data.y**2)
        >>> r.variables()
        {'x', 'y'}
        variables = set()

        def record(varname):
            # do this recursively for virtual columns
            if varname in self.ds.virtual_columns and varname not in variables:
                expresso.translate(self.ds.virtual_columns[varname], record)
            # we don't want to record ourself
            if varname != self.expression:

        expresso.translate(self.expression, record)
        return variables

    def _graph(self):
        """"Return a graph containing the dependencies of this expression
        Structure is:
            [<string expression>, <function name if callable>, <function object if callable>, [subgraph/dependencies, ....]]
        expression = self.expression

        def walk(node):
            if isinstance(node, six.string_types):
                if node in self.ds.virtual_columns:
                    ex = Expression(self.ds, self.ds.virtual_columns[node])
                    return [node, None, None, [ex._graph()]]
                    return node
                fname, node_repr, deps = node
                if len(node_repr) > 30:  # clip too long expressions
                    node_repr = node_repr[:26] + ' ....'
                deps = [walk(dep) for dep in deps]
                obj = self.ds.functions.get(fname)
                # we don't want the wrapper, we want the underlying object
                if isinstance(obj, Function):
                    obj = obj.f
                if isinstance(obj, FunctionSerializablePickle):
                    obj = obj.f
                return [node_repr, fname, obj, deps]

        return walk(expresso._graph(expression))

    def _graphviz(self, dot=None):
        """Return a graphviz.Digraph object with a graph of the expression"""
        from graphviz import Graph, Digraph
        node = self._graph()
        dot = dot or Digraph(comment=self.expression)

        def walk(node):
            if isinstance(node, six.string_types):
                dot.node(node, node)
                return node, node
                node_repr, fname, fobj, deps = node
                node_id = node_repr
                dot.node(node_id, node_repr)
                for dep in deps:
                    dep_id, dep = walk(dep)
                    dot.edge(node_id, dep_id)
                return node_id, node

        return dot

    def __str__(self):
        return self.expression

    # def __array__(self, dtype=None):
    #     '''For casting to a numpy array

    #     Example:
    #         >>> np.array(ds.x**2)

    #     '''
    #     return self.ds.evaluate(self)

    def tolist(self):
        '''Short for expr.evaluate().tolist()'''
        return self.evaluate().tolist()

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._repr_plain_()

    def _repr_plain_(self):
        from .formatting import _format_value

        def format(values):
            for i in range(len(values)):
                value = values[i]
                yield _format_value(value)

        colalign = ("right", ) * 2
            N = len(self.ds)
            if N <= PRINT_MAX_COUNT:
                values = format(self.evaluate(0, N))
                values = tabulate.tabulate([[i, k]
                                            for i, k in enumerate(values)],
                values_head = format(self.evaluate(0, PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2))
                values_tail = format(self.evaluate(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2,
                values_head = list(zip(range(PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2), values_head)) +\
                              list(zip(range(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2, N), values_tail))
                values = tabulate.tabulate([k for k in values_head],
                values = values.split('\n')
                width = max(map(len, values))
                separator = '\n' + '...'.center(width, ' ') + '\n'
                values = "\n".join(
                    values[:PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2]) + separator + "\n".join(
                        values[PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2:]) + '\n'
        except Exception as e:
            values = 'Error evaluating: %r' % e
        expression = self.expression
        if len(expression) > 60:
            expression = expression[:57] + '...'
        info = 'Expression = ' + expression + '\n'
        str_type = str
        dtype = self.dtype
        dtype = (str(dtype) if dtype != str_type else 'str')
        if self.expression in self.ds.columns:
            state = "column"
        elif self.expression in self.ds.get_column_names(hidden=True):
            state = "virtual column"
            state = "expression"
        line = 'Length: {:,} dtype: {} ({})\n'.format(len(self.ds), dtype,
        info += line
        info += '-' * (len(line) - 1) + '\n'
        info += values
        return info

    def count(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.count(expression, ...), see `Dataset.count`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.count(**kwargs)

    def sum(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.sum(expression, ...), see `Dataset.sum`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.sum(**kwargs)

    def mean(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.mean(expression, ...), see `Dataset.mean`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.mean(**kwargs)

    def std(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.std(expression, ...), see `Dataset.std`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.std(**kwargs)

    def var(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.std(expression, ...), see `Dataset.var`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.var(**kwargs)

    def minmax(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.minmax(expression, ...), see `Dataset.minmax`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.minmax(**kwargs)

    def min(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.min(expression, ...), see `Dataset.min`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.min(**kwargs)

    def max(self,
        '''Shortcut for ds.max(expression, ...), see `Dataset.max`'''
        kwargs = dict(locals())
        del kwargs['self']
        kwargs['expression'] = self.expression
        return self.ds.max(**kwargs)

    def nop(self):
        """Evaluates expression, and drop the result, usefull for benchmarking, since vaex is usually lazy"""
        return self.ds.nop(self.expression)

    def transient(self):
        """If this expression is not transient (e.g. on disk) optimizations can be made"""
        return self.expand().expression not in self.ds.columns

    def masked(self):
        """Alias to df.is_masked(expression)"""
        return self.ds.is_masked(self.expression)

    def value_counts(self,
        """Computes counts of unique values.

          * If the expression/column is not categorical, it will be converted on the fly
          * dropna is False by default, it is True by default in pandas

        :param dropna: when True, it will not report the missing values
        :param ascending: when False (default) it will report the most frequent occuring item first
        :returns: Pandas series containing the counts
        from pandas import Series
        dtype = self.dtype

        transient = self.transient or self.ds.filtered or self.ds.is_masked(
        if self.dtype == str_type and not transient:
            # string is a special case, only ColumnString are not transient
            ar = self.ds.columns[self.expression]
            if not isinstance(ar, ColumnString):
                transient = True

        counter_type = counter_type_from_dtype(self.dtype, transient)
        counters = [None] * self.ds.executor.thread_pool.nthreads

        def map(thread_index, i1, i2, ar):
            if counters[thread_index] is None:
                counters[thread_index] = counter_type()
            if dtype == str_type:
                previous_ar = ar
                ar = _to_string_sequence(ar)
                if not transient:
                    assert ar is previous_ar.string_sequence
            if np.ma.isMaskedArray(ar):
                mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(ar)
                counters[thread_index].update(ar, mask)
            return 0

        def reduce(a, b):
            return a + b

                           reduce, [self.expression],
        counters = [k for k in counters if k is not None]
        counter0 = counters[0]
        for other in counters[1:]:
        value_counts = counter0.extract()
        index = np.array(list(value_counts.keys()))
        counts = np.array(list(value_counts.values()))

        order = np.argsort(counts)
        if not ascending:
            order = order[::-1]
        counts = counts[order]
        index = index[order]
        if not dropna or not dropnull:
            index = index.tolist()
            counts = counts.tolist()
            if not dropna and counter0.nan_count:
                index = [np.nan] + index
                counts = [counter0.nan_count] + counts
            if not dropnull and counter0.null_count:
                index = ['null'] + index
                counts = [counter0.null_count] + counts

        return Series(counts, index=index)

    def unique(self):
        return self.ds.unique(self.expression)

    def evaluate(self, i1=None, i2=None, out=None, selection=None):
        return self.ds.evaluate(self, i1, i2, out=out, selection=selection)

    # TODO: it is not so elegant we need to have a custom version of this
    # it now also misses the docstring, reconsider how the the meta class auto
    # adds this method
    def fillna(self, value, fill_nan=True, fill_masked=True):
        return self.ds.func.fillna(self,

    def clip(self, lower=None, upper=None):
        return self.ds.func.clip(self, lower, upper)

    def jit_numba(self, verbose=False):
        import imp
        import hashlib
        names = []
        funcs = set(expression_namespace.keys())
        # if it's a virtual column, we probably want to optimize that
        # TODO: fully extract the virtual columns, i.e. depending ones?
        expression = self.expression
        if expression in self.ds.virtual_columns:
            expression = self.ds.virtual_columns[self.expression]
        all_vars = self.ds.get_column_names(
            virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=True) + list(
        vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, all_vars, funcs, names)
        arguments = list(set(names))
        argument_dtypes = [self.ds.dtype(argument) for argument in arguments]
        # argument_dtypes = [getattr(np, dtype_name) for dtype_name in dtype_names]

        # TODO: for now only float64 output supported
        f = FunctionSerializableNumba(expression,
        function = self.ds.add_function('_jit', f, unique=True)
        return function(*arguments)

    def jit_pythran(self, verbose=False):
        import logging
        logger = logging.getLogger('pythran')
        log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
            if not verbose:
            import pythran
            import imp
            import hashlib
            # self._import_all(module)
            names = []
            funcs = set(expression_namespace.keys())
            expression = self.expression
            if expression in self.ds.virtual_columns:
                expression = self.ds.virtual_columns[self.expression]
            all_vars = self.ds.get_column_names(
                virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=True) + list(
            vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, all_vars, funcs,
            names = list(set(names))
            types = ", ".join(
                str(self.ds.dtype(name)) + "[]" for name in names)
            argstring = ", ".join(names)
            code = '''
from numpy import *
#pythran export f({2})
def f({0}):
    return {1}'''.format(argstring, expression, types)
            if verbose:
                print("generated code")
            m = hashlib.md5()
            module_name = "pythranized_" + m.hexdigest()
            # print(m.hexdigest())
            module_path = pythran.compile_pythrancode(
                extra_compile_args=["-DBOOST_SIMD", "-march=native"] +
                [] if verbose else ["-w"])

            module = imp.load_dynamic(module_name, module_path)
            function_name = "f_" + m.hexdigest()
            expression_namespace[function_name] = module.f

            return Expression(self.ds,
                              "{0}({1})".format(function_name, argstring))

    def _rename(self, old, new):
        def translate(id):
            if id == old:
                return new

        expr = expresso.translate(self.expression, translate)
        return Expression(self.ds, expr)

    def astype(self, dtype):
        return self.ds.func.astype(self, str(dtype))

    def apply(self, f):
        return self.ds.apply(f, [self.expression])

    def map(self, mapper, nan_mapping=None, null_mapping=None):
        """Map values of an expression or in memory column accoring to an input
        dictionary or a custom callable function.


        >>> import vaex
        >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(color=['red', 'red', 'blue', 'red', 'green'])
        >>> mapper = {'red': 1, 'blue': 2, 'green': 3}
        >>> df['color_mapped'] = df.color.map(mapper)
        >>> df
        #  color      color_mapped
        0  red                   1
        1  red                   1
        2  blue                  2
        3  red                   1
        4  green                 3
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> df = vaex.from_arrays(type=[0, 1, 2, 2, 2, np.nan])
        >>> df['role'] = df['type'].map({0: 'admin', 1: 'maintainer', 2: 'user', np.nan: 'unknown'})
        >>> df
        #    type  role
        0       0  admin
        1       1  maintainer
        2       2  user
        3       2  user
        4       2  user
        5     nan  unknown        

        :param mapper: dict like object used to map the values from keys to values
        :param nan_mapping: value to be used when a nan is present (and not in the mapper)
        :param null_mapping: value to use used when there is a missing value
        :return: A vaex expression
        :rtype: vaex.expression.Expression
        assert isinstance(
            collectionsAbc.Mapping), "mapper should be a dict like object"

        df = self.ds
        mapper_keys = np.array(list(mapper.keys()))

        # we map the keys to a ordinal values [0, N-1] using the set
        key_set = df._set(self.expression)
        found_keys = key_set.keys()
        mapper_has_nan = any([key != key for key in mapper_keys])

        # we want all possible values to be converted
        # so mapper's key should be a superset of the keys found
        if not set(mapper_keys).issuperset(found_keys):
            missing = set(found_keys).difference(mapper_keys)
            missing0 = list(missing)[0]
            if missing0 == missing0:  # safe nan check
                raise ValueError('Missing values in mapper: %s' % missing)

        # and these are the corresponding choices
        choices = [mapper[key] for key in found_keys]
        if key_set.has_nan:
            if mapper_has_nan:
                choices = [mapper[np.nan]] + choices
                choices = [nan_mapping] + choices
        if key_set.has_null:
            choices = [null_mapping] + choices
        choices = np.array(choices)

        key_set_name = df.add_variable('map_key_set', key_set, unique=True)
        choices_name = df.add_variable('map_choices', choices, unique=True)
        expr = '_choose(_ordinal_values({}, {}), {})'.format(
            self, key_set_name, choices_name)
        return Expression(df, expr)
예제 #22
class OpAccessor(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    Provides access to some op properties when they may have been modified during passes.

    This is currently used so that the same pass can be used with op-graph and exec-graph if
    the pass uses the OpAccessor methods to access the components of the Op.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.replacement_list = []
        self.replacements = dict()

    def op_arg(self, op, n):
        Returns the nth argument of an op-graph Op op as an op-graph Op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modifications made to the graph.

            op: The op-graph op we want an args for.
            n: The arg number.

            The arg's op.


    def op_args(self, op):
        Returns all the arguments of an op-graph Op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modification made to the graph.

            op: An op-graph Op.

            The args for op.


    def get_device_op(self, op):
        Helper function that traverses through any reshape ops or value ops
        to return the tensor op.

        Overridden by the exec graph to reflect modification made to the graph.

            op: An op-graph Op.

            The op providing actual storage for op's value.


    def run_pass(self, process_op, **kwargs):
        Runs a pass to completion, calling process_op on each relevant op.


    def begin_batch(self):
        Called before beginning processing on a pass.
        self.replacement_list = []

    def replace_op(self, op, replacement):
        Queue op-graph Op op to be replaced by replacement at the end of the batch.

            op: The op-graph Op being replaced.
            replacement: The replacement op-graph Op fro old_op.

        self.replacement_list.append((op, replacement))

    def perform_replace_op(self, op, replacement):
        Actually perform the op replacement

            op: An Op to be replaced.
            replacement: An Op to replace op with.


    def end_batch(self):
        Called after a pass has been processed.

            True if the graph was changed.
        for op, replacement in self.replacement_list:
            self.perform_replace_op(op, replacement)
            self.replacements[op] = replacement
        return len(self.replacement_list) > 0

    def get_replacement(self, op):
        return self.replacements.get(op, None)
예제 #23
import collections
import functools

import ftrack_api.entity.base
import ftrack_api.exception
import ftrack_api.event.base
import ftrack_api.symbol
import ftrack_api.inspection
from ftrack_api.logging import LazyLogMessage as L

from future.utils import with_metaclass

MixinBaseClass = with_metaclass(

class Location(ftrack_api.entity.base.Entity):
    '''Represent storage for components.'''

    def __init__(self, session, data=None, reconstructing=False):
        '''Initialise entity.

        *session* is an instance of :class:`ftrack_api.session.Session` that
        this entity instance is bound to.

        *data* is a mapping of key, value pairs to apply as initial attribute
예제 #24
class _BulkObject(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):
    """ The abstract base class for all bulk objects that can be read and written in a file that conforms to the Bing Ad Bulk File Schema.

    For more information about the Bulk File Schema, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=511639.

    def read_from_row_values(self, row_values):
        """ Read object data from a single row.


        * SingleLineBulkEntity: reads entity fields.
        * BulkError: reads error fields.
        * BulkEntityIdentifier: reads identifier fields (Id, status etc.).

        :param row_values:
        :type row_values: _RowValues

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def write_to_row_values(self, row_values, exclude_readonly_data):
        """ Writes object data to a single row.


        * SingleLineBulkEntity: writes entity fields.
        * BulkEntityIdentifier: writes identifier fields (Id, status etc.)

        :param row_values:
        :type row_values: _RowValues

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def read_related_data_from_stream(self, stream_reader):
        """ Reads object data from consecutive rows.


        * SingleLineBulkEntity: reads entity errors.
        * MultilineBulkEntity: reads child entities.

        :param stream_reader:
        :type stream_reader: _BulkStreamReader


    def write_to_stream(self, row_writer, exclude_readonly_data):
        """ Writes object data to consecutive rows.


        * SingleLineBulkEntity: writes entity.
        * MultilineBulkEntity: writes child entities.
        * BulkEntityIdentifier: writes identifier information (Id, status etc.)

        :param row_writer:
        :type row_writer: :class:`._BulkObjectWriter`

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def can_enclose_in_multiline_entity(self):
        """ Returns true if the entity is part of multiline entity, false otherwise.


        * BulkSiteLinkAdExtension: returns true
        * BulkCampaignTarget: returns true
        * BulkAdGroup: returns false
        * BulkKeyword: returns false

        :rtype: bool
        return False

    def enclose_in_multiline_entity(self):
        """ Creates a multiline entity containing this entity


        * BulkSiteLink: returns BulkSiteLinkAdExtension containing this BulkSiteLink
        * BulkCampaignAgeTargetBid: return BulkCampaignTarget containing this BulkCampaignAgeTargetBid

        :return: the wrapping multi-line entity
        :rtype: :class:`._MultiRecordBulkEntity`
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def convert_to_values(self, row_values, mappings):
        for mapping in mappings:
                mapping.convert_to_csv(self, row_values)
            except Exception as ex:
                raise self._create_entity_write_error(mapping, ex)

    def _create_entity_write_error(self, mapping, ex):
        entity_type = str(type(self))
        if isinstance(mapping, _SimpleBulkMapping):
            message = "Couldn't write column {0} of {1} entity: {2}".format(mapping.header, entity_type, ex)
            message = "Couldn't write {0} entity: {1}".format(entity_type, ex)
        message += " See InnerException for error details."
        return EntityWriteException(message=message, inner_exception=ex)
예제 #25
class GaussianProcessInterface(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, GaussianProcessDataInterface)):

    r"""Interface for a GaussianProcess: mean, variance, gradients thereof, and data I/O.

    .. Note:: comments in this class are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in cpp_wrappers.gaussian_process
      and duplicated in
      :class:`moe.optimal_learning.python.cpp_wrappers.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess` and

    Object that encapsulates Gaussian Process Priors (GPPs).  A GPP is defined by a set of
    (sample point, function value, noise variance) triples along with a covariance function that relates the points.
    Each point has dimension dim.  These are the training data; for example, each sample point might specify an experimental
    cohort and the corresponding function value is the objective measured for that experiment.  There is one noise variance
    value per function value; this is the measurement error and is treated as N(0, noise_variance) Gaussian noise.

    GPPs estimate a real process \ms f(x) = GP(m(x), k(x,x'))\me (see file docs).  This class deals with building an estimator
    to the actual process using measurements taken from the actual process--the (sample point, function val, noise) triple.
    Then predictions about unknown points can be made by sampling from the GPP--in particular, finding the (predicted)
    mean and variance.  These functions (and their gradients) are provided in ComputeMeanOfPoints, ComputeVarianceOfPoints,

    Further mathematical details are given in the implementation comments, but we are essentially computing:

    | ComputeMeanOfPoints    : ``K(Xs, X) * [K(X,X) + \sigma_n^2 I]^{-1} * y = Ks^T * K^{-1} * y``
    | ComputeVarianceOfPoints: ``K(Xs, Xs) - K(Xs,X) * [K(X,X) + \sigma_n^2 I]^{-1} * K(X,Xs) = Kss - Ks^T * K^{-1} * Ks``

    This (estimated) mean and variance characterize the predicted distributions of the actual \ms m(x), k(x,x')\me
    functions that underly our GP.

    The "independent variables" for this object are ``points_to_sample``. These points are both the "p" and the "q" in q,p-EI;
    i.e., they are the parameters of both ongoing experiments and new predictions. Recall that in q,p-EI, the q points are
    called ``points_to_sample`` and the p points are called ``points_being_sampled.`` Here, we need to make predictions about
    both point sets with the GP, so we simply call the union of point sets ``points_to_sample.``

    In GP computations, there is really no distinction between the "q" and "p" points from EI, ``points_to_sample`` and
    ``points_being_sampled``, respectively. However, in EI optimization, we only need gradients of GP quantities wrt
    ``points_to_sample``, so users should call members functions with ``num_derivatives = num_to_sample`` in that context.


    def _clamp_num_derivatives(num_points, num_derivatives):
        """Clamp num_derivatives so that the result is 0 <= result <= num_points; negative num_derivatives yields num_points.

        :param num_points: number of total points
        :type num_points: int > 0
        :param num_derivatives: number of points to differentiate against
        :type num_derivatives: int

        if num_derivatives < 0 or num_derivatives > num_points:
            return num_points
            return num_derivatives

    def dim(self):
        """Return the number of spatial dimensions."""

    def num_sampled(self):
        """Return the number of sampled points."""

    def compute_mean_of_points(self, points_to_sample):
        r"""Compute the mean of this GP at each of point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``).

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :return: mean: where mean[i] is the mean at points_to_sample[i]
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample)


    def compute_grad_mean_of_points(self, points_to_sample, num_derivatives):
        r"""Compute the gradient of the mean of this GP at each of point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``) wrt ``Xs``.

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        Note that ``grad_mu`` is nominally sized: ``grad_mu[num_to_sample][num_to_sample][dim]``. This is
        the the d-th component of the derivative evaluated at the i-th input wrt the j-th input.
        However, for ``0 <= i,j < num_to_sample``, ``i != j``, ``grad_mu[j][i][d] = 0``.
        (See references or implementation for further details.)
        Thus, ``grad_mu`` is stored in a reduced form which only tracks the nonzero entries.

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :param num_derivatives: return derivatives wrt points_to_sample[0:num_derivatives]; large or negative values are clamped
        :type num_derivatives: int
        :return: grad_mu: gradient of the mean of the GP. ``grad_mu[i][d]`` is actually the gradient
          of ``\mu_i`` wrt ``x_{i,d}``, the d-th dim of the i-th entry of ``points_to_sample``.
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_derivatives, dim)


    def compute_variance_of_points(self, points_to_sample):
        r"""Compute the variance (matrix) of this GP at each point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``).

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        The variance matrix is symmetric although we currently return the full representation.

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :return: var_star: variance matrix of this GP
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, num_to_sample)


    def compute_cholesky_variance_of_points(self, points_to_sample):
        r"""Compute the cholesky factorization of the variance (matrix) of this GP at each point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``).

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :return: cholesky factorization of the variance matrix of this GP, lower triangular
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, num_to_sample), lower triangle filled in


    def compute_grad_variance_of_points(self, points_to_sample, num_derivatives):
        r"""Compute the gradient of the variance (matrix) of this GP at each point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``) wrt ``Xs``.

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        This function is similar to compute_grad_cholesky_variance_of_points() (below), except this does not include
        gradient terms from the cholesky factorization. Description will not be duplicated here.

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :param num_derivatives: return derivatives wrt points_to_sample[0:num_derivatives]; large or negative values are clamped
        :type num_derivatives: int
        :return: grad_var: gradient of the variance matrix of this GP
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_derivatives, num_to_sample, num_to_sample, dim)


    def compute_grad_cholesky_variance_of_points(self, points_to_sample, num_derivatives):
        r"""Compute the gradient of the cholesky factorization of the variance (matrix) of this GP at each point of ``Xs`` (``points_to_sample``) wrt ``Xs``.

        ``points_to_sample`` may not contain duplicate points. Violating this results in singular covariance matrices.

        This function accounts for the effect on the gradient resulting from
        cholesky-factoring the variance matrix.  See Smith 1995 for algorithm details.

        Note that ``grad_chol`` is nominally sized:
        Let this be indexed ``grad_chol[k][j][i][d]``, which is read the derivative of ``var[j][i]``
        with respect to ``x_{k,d}`` (x = ``points_to_sample``)

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param points_to_sample: num_to_sample points (in dim dimensions) being sampled from the GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (num_to_sample, dim)
        :param var_of_grad: index of ``points_to_sample`` to be differentiated against
        :type var_of_grad: integer in {0, .. ``num_to_sample``-1}
        :return: grad_chol: gradient of the cholesky factorization of the variance matrix of this GP.
          ``grad_chol[k][j][i][d]`` is actually the gradients of ``var_{j,i}`` with
          respect to ``x_{k,d}``, the d-th dimension of the k-th entry of ``points_to_sample``
        :rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_derivatives, num_to_sample, num_to_sample, dim)


    def add_sampled_points(self, sampled_points):
        r"""Add a sampled points (point, value, noise) to the GP's prior data.

        Also forces recomputation of all derived quantities for GP to remain consistent.

        :param sampled_points: SamplePoint objects to load into the GP (containing point, function value, and noise variance)
        :type sampled_points: single :class:`moe.optimal_learning.python.SamplePoint` or list of SamplePoint objects


    def sample_point_from_gp(self, point_to_sample, noise_variance=0.0):
        r"""Sample a function value from a Gaussian Process prior, provided a point at which to sample.

        Uses the formula ``function_value = gpp_mean + sqrt(gpp_variance) * w1 + sqrt(noise_variance) * w2``, where ``w1, w2``
        are draws from N(0,1).

        Implementers are responsible for providing a N(0,1) source.

        .. NOTE::
             Set noise_variance to 0 if you want "accurate" draws from the GP.
             BUT if the drawn (point, value) pair is meant to be added back into the GP (e.g., for testing), then this point
             MUST be drawn with noise_variance equal to the noise associated with "point" as a member of "points_sampled"

        .. Note:: Comments are copied from GaussianProcess in gpp_math.hpp and duplicated in

        :param point_to_sample: point (in dim dimensions) at which to sample from this GP
        :type points_to_sample: array of float64 with shape (dim)
        :param noise_variance: amount of noise to associate with the sample
        :type noise_variance: float64 >= 0.0
        :return: sample_value: function value drawn from this GP
        :rtype: float64

예제 #26
class ModelMixin(with_metaclass(ModelMixinBase, object)):
예제 #27
class CmdSet(with_metaclass(_CmdSetMeta, object)):
    This class describes a unique cmdset that understands priorities.
    CmdSets can be merged and made to perform various set operations
    on each other.  CmdSets have priorities that affect which of their
    ingoing commands gets used.

    In the examples, cmdset A always have higher priority than cmdset B.

    key - the name of the cmdset. This can be used on its own for game

    mergetype (partly from Set theory):

        Union -    The two command sets are merged so that as many
                    commands as possible of each cmdset ends up in the
                    merged cmdset. Same-name commands are merged by
                    priority.  This is the most common default.
                    Ex: A1,A3 + B1,B2,B4,B5 = A1,B2,A3,B4,B5
        Intersect - Only commands found in *both* cmdsets
                    (i.e. which have same names) end up in the merged
                    cmdset, with the higher-priority cmdset replacing the
                    lower one.  Ex: A1,A3 + B1,B2,B4,B5 = A1
        Replace -   The commands of this cmdset completely replaces
                    the lower-priority cmdset's commands, regardless
                    of if same-name commands exist.
                    Ex: A1,A3 + B1,B2,B4,B5 = A1,A3
        Remove -    This removes the relevant commands from the
                    lower-priority cmdset completely.  They are not
                    replaced with anything, so this in effects uses the
                    high-priority cmdset as a filter to affect the
                    low-priority cmdset.
                    Ex: A1,A3 + B1,B2,B4,B5 = B2,B4,B5

                 Note: Commands longer than 2 characters and starting
                       with double underscrores, like '__noinput_command'
                       are considered 'system commands' and are
                       excempt from all merge operations - they are
                       ALWAYS included across mergers and only affected
                       if same-named system commands replace them.

    priority- All cmdsets are always merged in pairs of two so that
              the higher set's mergetype is applied to the
              lower-priority cmdset. Default commands have priority 0,
              high-priority ones like Exits and Channels have 10 and 9.
              Priorities can be negative as well to give default
              commands preference.

    duplicates - determines what happens when two sets of equal
                 priority merge. Default has the first of them in the
                 merger (i.e. A above) automatically taking
                 precedence. But if allow_duplicates is true, the
                 result will be a merger with more than one of each
                 name match.  This will usually lead to the player
                 receiving a multiple-match error higher up the road,
                 but can be good for things like cmdsets on non-player
                 objects in a room, to allow the system to warn that
                 more than one 'ball' in the room has the same 'kick'
                 command defined on it, so it may offer a chance to
                 select which ball to kick ...  Allowing duplicates
                 only makes sense for Union and Intersect, the setting
                 is ignored for the other mergetypes.

    key_mergetype (dict) - allows the cmdset to define a unique
             mergetype for particular cmdsets.  Format is
             {CmdSetkeystring:mergetype}. Priorities still apply.
             Example: {'Myevilcmdset','Replace'} which would make
             sure for this set to always use 'Replace' on
             Myevilcmdset no matter what overall mergetype this set

    no_objs  - don't include any commands from nearby objects
                  when searching for suitable commands
    no_exits  - ignore the names of exits when matching against
    no_channels   - ignore the name of channels when matching against
                        commands (WARNING- this is dangerous since the
                        player can then not even ask staff for help if
                        something goes wrong)


    key = "Unnamed CmdSet"
    mergetype = "Union"
    priority = 0

    # These flags, if set to None, will allow "pass-through" of lower-prio settings
    # of True/False. If set to True/False, will override lower-prio settings.
    no_exits = None
    no_objs = None
    no_channels = None
    # same as above, but if left at None in the final merged set, the
    # cmdhandler will auto-assume True for Objects and stay False for all
    # other entities.
    duplicates = None

    permanent = False
    key_mergetypes = {}
    errmessage = ""
    # pre-store properties to duplicate straight off
    to_duplicate = ("key", "cmdsetobj", "no_exits", "no_objs", "no_channels",
                    "permanent", "mergetype", "priority", "duplicates",

    def __init__(self, cmdsetobj=None, key=None):
        Creates a new CmdSet instance.

            cmdsetobj (Session, Player, Object, optional): This is the database object
                to which this particular instance of cmdset is related. It
                is often a character but may also be a regular object, Player
                or Session.
            key (str, optional): The idenfier for this cmdset. This
                helps if wanting to selectively remov cmdsets.


        if key:
            self.key = key
        self.commands = []
        self.system_commands = []
        self.actual_mergetype = self.mergetype
        self.cmdsetobj = cmdsetobj
        # this is set only on merged sets, in cmdhandler.py, in order to
        # track, list and debug mergers correctly.
        self.merged_from = []

        # initialize system
        self._contains_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()  #{}

    # Priority-sensitive merge operations for cmdsets

    def _union(self, cmdset_a, cmdset_b):
        Merge two sets using union merger

            cmdset_a (Cmdset): Cmdset given higher priority in the case of a tie.
            cmdset_b (Cmdset): Cmdset given lower priority in the case of a tie.

            cmdset_c (Cmdset): The result of A U B operation.

            Union, C = A U B,  means that C gets all elements from both A and B.

        cmdset_c = cmdset_a._duplicate()
        # we make copies, not refs by use of [:]
        cmdset_c.commands = cmdset_a.commands[:]
        if cmdset_a.duplicates and cmdset_a.priority == cmdset_b.priority:
                [cmd for cmd in cmdset_b if not cmd in cmdset_a])
        return cmdset_c

    def _intersect(self, cmdset_a, cmdset_b):
        Merge two sets using intersection merger

            cmdset_a (Cmdset): Cmdset given higher priority in the case of a tie.
            cmdset_b (Cmdset): Cmdset given lower priority in the case of a tie.

            cmdset_c (Cmdset): The result of A (intersect) B operation.

            Intersection, C = A (intersect) B, means that C only gets the
                parts of A and B that are the same (that is, the commands
                of each set having the same name. Only the one of these
                having the higher prio ends up in C).

        cmdset_c = cmdset_a._duplicate()
        if cmdset_a.duplicates and cmdset_a.priority == cmdset_b.priority:
            for cmd in [cmd for cmd in cmdset_a if cmd in cmdset_b]:
            cmdset_c.commands = [cmd for cmd in cmdset_a if cmd in cmdset_b]
        return cmdset_c

    def _replace(self, cmdset_a, cmdset_b):
        Replace the contents of one set with another

            cmdset_a (Cmdset): Cmdset replacing
            cmdset_b (Cmdset): Cmdset to replace

            cmdset_c (Cmdset): This is indentical to cmdset_a.

            C = A, where B is ignored.

        cmdset_c = cmdset_a._duplicate()
        cmdset_c.commands = cmdset_a.commands[:]
        return cmdset_c

    def _remove(self, cmdset_a, cmdset_b):
        Filter a set by another.

            cmdset_a (Cmdset): Cmdset acting as a removal filter.
            cmdset_b (Cmdset): Cmdset to filter

            cmdset_c (Cmdset): B, with all matching commands from A removed.

            C = B - A, where A is used to remove the commands of B.


        cmdset_c = cmdset_a._duplicate()
        cmdset_c.commands = [cmd for cmd in cmdset_b if not cmd in cmdset_a]
        return cmdset_c

    def _instantiate(self, cmd):
        checks so that object is an instantiated command and not, say
        a cmdclass. If it is, instantiate it.  Other types, like
        strings, are passed through.

            cmd (any): Entity to analyze.

            result (any): An instantiated Command or the input unmodified.

            return cmd()
        except TypeError:
            return cmd

    def _duplicate(self):
        Returns a new cmdset with the same settings as this one (no
        actual commands are copied over)

            cmdset (Cmdset): A copy of the current cmdset.
        cmdset = CmdSet()
        for key, val in ((key, getattr(self, key))
                         for key in self.to_duplicate):
            if val != getattr(cmdset, key):
                # only copy if different from default; avoid turning
                # class-vars into instance vars
                setattr(cmdset, key, val)
        cmdset.key_mergetypes = self.key_mergetypes.copy()
        return cmdset

    def __str__(self):
        Show all commands in cmdset when printing it.

            commands (str): Representation of commands in Cmdset.

        return ", ".join(
            [str(cmd) for cmd in sorted(self.commands, key=lambda o: o.key)])

    def __iter__(self):
        Allows for things like 'for cmd in cmdset':

            iterable (iter): Commands in Cmdset.

        return iter(self.commands)

    def __contains__(self, othercmd):
        Returns True if this cmdset contains the given command (as
        defined by command name and aliases). This allows for things
        like 'if cmd in cmdset'

        ret = self._contains_cache.get(othercmd)
        if ret is None:
            ret = othercmd in self.commands
            self._contains_cache[othercmd] = ret
        return ret

    def __add__(self, cmdset_a):
        Merge this cmdset (B) with another cmdset (A) using the + operator,

        C = B + A

        Here, we (by convention) say that 'A is merged onto B to form
        C'.  The actual merge operation used in the 'addition' depends
        on which priorities A and B have. The one of the two with the
        highest priority will apply and give its properties to C. In
        the case of a tie, A  takes priority and replaces the
        same-named commands in B unless A has the 'duplicate' variable
        set (which means both sets' commands are kept).

        # It's okay to merge with None
        if not cmdset_a:
            return self

        sys_commands_a = cmdset_a.get_system_cmds()
        sys_commands_b = self.get_system_cmds()

        if self.priority <= cmdset_a.priority:
            # A higher or equal priority to B

            # preserve system __commands
            sys_commands = sys_commands_a + [
                cmd for cmd in sys_commands_b if cmd not in sys_commands_a

            mergetype = cmdset_a.key_mergetypes.get(self.key,
            if mergetype == "Intersect":
                cmdset_c = self._intersect(cmdset_a, self)
            elif mergetype == "Replace":
                cmdset_c = self._replace(cmdset_a, self)
            elif mergetype == "Remove":
                cmdset_c = self._remove(cmdset_a, self)
            else:  # Union
                cmdset_c = self._union(cmdset_a, self)

            # pass through options whenever they are set, unless the merging or higher-prio
            # set changes the setting (i.e. has a non-None value). We don't pass through
            # the duplicates setting; that is per-merge
            cmdset_c.no_channels = self.no_channels if cmdset_a.no_channels is None else cmdset_a.no_channels
            cmdset_c.no_exits = self.no_exits if cmdset_a.no_exits is None else cmdset_a.no_exits
            cmdset_c.no_objs = self.no_objs if cmdset_a.no_objs is None else cmdset_a.no_objs

            # B higher priority than A

            # preserver system __commands
            sys_commands = sys_commands_b + [
                cmd for cmd in sys_commands_a if cmd not in sys_commands_b

            mergetype = self.key_mergetypes.get(cmdset_a.key, self.mergetype)
            if mergetype == "Intersect":
                cmdset_c = self._intersect(self, cmdset_a)
            elif mergetype == "Replace":
                cmdset_c = self._replace(self, cmdset_a)
            elif mergetype == "Remove":
                cmdset_c = self._remove(self, cmdset_a)
            else:  # Union
                cmdset_c = self._union(self, cmdset_a)

            # pass through options whenever they are set, unless the higher-prio
            # set changes the setting (i.e. has a non-None value). We don't pass through
            # the duplicates setting; that is per-merge
            cmdset_c.no_channels = cmdset_a.no_channels if self.no_channels is None else self.no_channels
            cmdset_c.no_exits = cmdset_a.no_exits if self.no_exits is None else self.no_exits
            cmdset_c.no_objs = cmdset_a.no_objs if self.no_objs is None else self.no_objs

        # we store actual_mergetype since key_mergetypes
        # might be different from the main mergetype.
        # This is used for diagnosis.
        cmdset_c.actual_mergetype = mergetype

        #print "__add__ for %s (prio %i)  called with %s (prio %i)." % (self.key, self.priority, cmdset_a.key, cmdset_a.priority)

        # return the system commands to the cmdset
        return cmdset_c

    def add(self, cmd):
        Add a new command or commands to this CmdSetcommand, a list of
        commands or a cmdset to this cmdset. Note that this is *not*
        a merge operation (that is handled by the + operator).

            cmd (Command, list, Cmdset): This allows for adding one or
                more commands to this Cmdset in one go. If another Cmdset
                is given, all its commands will be added.

            If cmd already exists in set, it will replace the old one
            (no priority checking etc happens here). This is very useful
            when overloading default commands).

            If cmd is another cmdset class or -instance, the commands of
            that command set is added to this one, as if they were part of
            the original cmdset definition. No merging or priority checks
            are made, rather later added commands will simply replace
            existing ones to make a unique set.


        if inherits_from(cmd, "evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet"):
            # cmd is a command set so merge all commands in that set
            # to this one. We raise a visible error if we created
            # an infinite loop (adding cmdset to itself somehow)
                cmd = self._instantiate(cmd)
            except RuntimeError:
                string = "Adding cmdset %(cmd)s to %(class)s lead to an "
                string += "infinite loop. When adding a cmdset to another, "
                string += "make sure they are not themself cyclically added to "
                string += "the new cmdset somewhere in the chain."
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _(string) % {
                        "cmd": cmd,
                        "class": self.__class__
            cmds = cmd.commands
        elif is_iter(cmd):
            cmds = [self._instantiate(c) for c in cmd]
            cmds = [self._instantiate(cmd)]
        commands = self.commands
        system_commands = self.system_commands
        for cmd in cmds:
            # add all commands
            if not hasattr(cmd, 'obj'):
                cmd.obj = self.cmdsetobj
                ic = commands.index(cmd)
                commands[ic] = cmd  # replace
            except ValueError:
            # extra run to make sure to avoid doublets
            self.commands = list(set(commands))
            # add system_command to separate list as well,
            # for quick look-up
            if cmd.key.startswith("__"):
                    ic = system_commands.index(cmd)
                    system_commands[ic] = cmd  # replace
                except ValueError:

    def remove(self, cmd):
        Remove a command instance from the cmdset.

            cmd (Command or str): Either the Command object to remove
                or the key of such a command.

        cmd = self._instantiate(cmd)
        if cmd.key.startswith("__"):
                ic = self.system_commands.index(cmd)
                del self.system_commands[ic]
            except ValueError:
                # ignore error
            self.commands = [
                oldcmd for oldcmd in self.commands if oldcmd != cmd

    def get(self, cmd):
        Get a command from the cmdset. This is mostly useful to
        check if the command is part of this cmdset or not.

            cmd (Command or str): Either the Command object or its key.

            cmd (Command): The first matching Command in the set.

        cmd = self._instantiate(cmd)
        for thiscmd in self.commands:
            if thiscmd == cmd:
                return thiscmd
        return None

    def count(self):
        Number of commands in set.

            N (int): Number of commands in this Cmdset.

        return len(self.commands)

    def get_system_cmds(self):
        Get system commands in cmdset

            sys_cmds (list): The system commands in the set.

            As far as the Cmdset is concerned, system commands are any
            commands with a key starting with double underscore __.
            These are excempt from merge operations.

        return self.system_commands

    def make_unique(self, caller):
        Remove duplicate command-keys (unsafe)

            caller (object): Commands on this object will
                get preference in the duplicate removal.

            This is an unsafe command meant to clean out a cmdset of
            doublet commands after it has been created. It is useful
            for commands inheriting cmdsets from the cmdhandler where
            obj-based cmdsets always are added double. Doublets will
            be weeded out with preference to commands defined on
            caller, otherwise just by first-come-first-served.

        unique = {}
        for cmd in self.commands:
            if cmd.key in unique:
                ocmd = unique[cmd.key]
                if (hasattr(cmd, 'obj') and cmd.obj == caller) and not \
                        (hasattr(ocmd, 'obj') and ocmd.obj == caller):
                    unique[cmd.key] = cmd
                unique[cmd.key] = cmd
        self.commands = listvalues(unique)

    def get_all_cmd_keys_and_aliases(self, caller=None):
        Collects keys/aliases from commands

            caller (Object, optional): If set, this is used to check access permissions
                on each command. Only commands that pass are returned.

            names (list): A list of all command keys and aliases in this cmdset. If `caller`
                was given, this list will only contain commands to which `caller` passed
                the `call` locktype check.

        names = []
        if caller:
                names.extend(cmd._keyaliases) for cmd in self.commands
                if cmd.access(caller)
            [names.extend(cmd._keyaliases) for cmd in self.commands]
        return names

    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting
        class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of
예제 #28
class DBAPITestCase(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    def connect(self):
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def test_fetchone(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM one_row')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rownumber, 0)
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchone(), (1, ))
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rownumber, 1)

    def test_fetchall(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM one_row')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(1, )])
        cursor.execute('SELECT a FROM many_rows ORDER BY a')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(i, ) for i in range(10000)])

    def test_null_param(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM one_row', (None, ))
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(None, )])

    def test_iterator(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM one_row')
        self.assertEqual(list(cursor), [(1, )])
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, cursor.__next__)

    def test_description_initial(self, cursor):

    def test_description_failed(self, cursor):
        except exc.DatabaseError:

    def test_bad_query(self, cursor):
        def run():
                'SELECT does_not_exist FROM this_really_does_not_exist')

        self.assertRaises(exc.DatabaseError, run)

    def test_concurrent_execution(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM one_row')
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM one_row')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(1, )])

    def test_executemany(self, cursor):
        for length in 1, 2:
            cursor.executemany('SELECT %(x)d FROM one_row', [{
                'x': i
            } for i in range(1, length + 1)])
            self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(length, )])

    def test_executemany_none(self, cursor):
        cursor.executemany('should_never_get_used', [])
        self.assertRaises(exc.ProgrammingError, cursor.fetchone)

    def test_fetchone_no_data(self, cursor):
        self.assertRaises(exc.ProgrammingError, cursor.fetchone)

    def test_fetchmany(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM many_rows LIMIT 15')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchmany(0), [])
        self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchmany(10)), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchmany(10)), 5)

    def test_arraysize(self, cursor):
        cursor.arraysize = 5
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM many_rows LIMIT 20')
        self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchmany()), 5)

    def test_polling_loop(self, cursor):
        """Try to trigger the polling logic in fetchone()"""
        cursor._poll_interval = 0
        cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM many_rows')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchone(), (10000, ))

    def test_no_params(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute("SELECT '%(x)s' FROM one_row")
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [('%(x)s', )])

    def test_escape(self):
        """Verify that funny characters can be escaped as strings and SELECTed back"""
        bad_str = '''`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\;:'",./<>?\n\r\t '''

    def run_escape_case(self, cursor, bad_str):
        cursor.execute('SELECT %d, %s FROM one_row', (1, bad_str))
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(
        cursor.execute('SELECT %(a)d, %(b)s FROM one_row', {
            'a': 1,
            'b': bad_str
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(1, bad_str)])

    def test_invalid_params(self, cursor):
                          lambda: cursor.execute('', 'hi'))
                          lambda: cursor.execute('', [object]))

    def test_open_close(self):
        with contextlib.closing(self.connect()):
        with contextlib.closing(self.connect()) as connection:
            with contextlib.closing(connection.cursor()):

    def test_unicode(self, cursor):
        unicode_str = "王兢"
        cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM one_row', (unicode_str, ))
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(unicode_str, )])

    def test_null(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT null FROM many_rows')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(None, )] * 10000)
        cursor.execute('SELECT IF(a % 11 = 0, null, a) FROM many_rows')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall(), [(None if a % 11 == 0 else a, )
                                             for a in range(10000)])

    def test_sql_where_in(self, cursor):
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM many_rows where a in %s', ([1, 2, 3], ))
        self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 3)
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM many_rows where b in %s limit 10',
                       (['blah'], ))
        self.assertEqual(len(cursor.fetchall()), 10)
예제 #29
class KnowledgeRepository(with_metaclass(SubclassRegisteringABCMeta, object)):
    _registry_keys = None

    class PostStatus(Enum):
        Do not store these values in a datastore, as they may change
        from release to release. These keys should only be used to compare with
        the output of a KnowledgeRepository.
        DRAFT = 0  # Post is still being written and not yet submitted
        SUBMITTED = 1  # Post is submitted and waiting for review
        UNPUBLISHED = 2  # Post is approved to publish, but not published
        PUBLISHED = 3  # Post is published and visible on /feed

    def for_uri(cls, uri, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(uri, dict):
            return cls.for_uris(uri)
        scheme = urlparse(uri).scheme
        return cls._get_subclass_for(scheme)(uri, *args, **kwargs)

    def for_uris(cls, uri):
        # Import this within this method so as not to cause import resolution problems
        from .repositories.meta import MetaKnowledgeRepository
        if isinstance(uri, str):
            uris = {'': uri}
            uris = uri

        krs = {name: cls.for_uri(uri) for name, uri in list(uris.items())}
        return MetaKnowledgeRepository(krs)

    def create_for_uri(cls, uri, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(uri, dict):
            return cls.for_uris(uri)
        scheme = urlparse(uri).scheme
        return cls._get_subclass_for(scheme).create(uri, **kwargs)

    def create(cls, uri, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __init__(self, uri, debug=False, **kwargs):
        self.uri = uri
        self.config = KnowledgeRepositoryConfig()
        self.config.debug = debug

    def init(self):

    def config(self):
        return self._config

    def config(self, config):
        assert isinstance(
            config, KnowledgeRepositoryConfig
        ), "`config` should be a `KnowledgeRepositoryConfig` instance."
        self._config = config

    def uris(self):
        # This translates KnowledgeRepository.uri to a consistent format
        # across all KnowledgeRepository instances: a dictionary of form
        # {<mountpoint>: <uri>}
        # It assumes that self.uri is either a string or a dictionary mapping
        # of form:
        # {<mountpoint>: <KnowledgeRepositoryInstance>}
        if isinstance(self.uri, str):
            return {'': self.uri}
        elif isinstance(self.uri, dict):
            uri_dict = {}

            def add_uris(uri_dict, uris, parent=''):
                assert isinstance(uris, dict)
                for mountpoint, uri in uris.items():
                    if isinstance(uri, (str, KnowledgeRepository)):
                            parent, mountpoint)] = uri if isinstance(
                                uri, str) else uri.uri
                    elif isinstance(uri, dict):
                                 parent=posixpath.join(parent, mountpoint))
                        raise ValueError("Unrecognised uri: {}".format(uri))

            add_uris(uri_dict, self.uri)
            return uri_dict

        raise ValueError("Unrecognised KnowledgeRepository.uri: {}".format(

    def revisions(self):
        # This method provides a mapping from uri to revision for this repository
        # and/or any nested repositories. This is most useful when checking if an
        # update is required server side.
        if isinstance(self.uri, str):
            return {self.uri: self.revision}

        elif isinstance(self.uri, dict):
            revision_dict = {}

            def add_revisions(revision_dict, uris):
                assert isinstance(uris, dict)
                for mountpoint, uri in uris.items():
                    if isinstance(uri, str):
                        revision_dict[uri] = KnowledgeRepository.for_uri(
                    elif isinstance(uri, KnowledgeRepository):
                        revision_dict[uri] = uri.revision
                    elif isinstance(uri, dict):
                        add_revisions(revision_dict, uri)
                        raise ValueError("Unrecognised uri: {}".format(uri))

            add_revisions(revision_dict, self.uri)
            return revision_dict

        raise ValueError("Unrecognised KnowledgeRepository.uri: {}".format(

    # ------------- Repository actions / state ------------------------------------

    def session_begin(self):

    def session_end(self):

    def revision(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def update(self):

    def status(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def status_message(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_active_draft(self, path):

    # -------------- Post retrieval methods --------------------------------------

    def post(self, path, revision=None):
        if path is None:
            raise ValueError("path is None")
        path = self._kp_path(path)
        if not self.has_post(
                path, revision=revision) and path in self.config.aliases:
            path = self.config.aliases[path]
            if path in self.config.alias:
                raise ValueError("Alias cycle detected.")
        assert self.has_post(
            path, revision=revision
        ), "{} does not have a post for path '{}'.".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, path)
        return KnowledgePost(path=path,
                             revision=revision or self._kp_get_revision(path))

    def dir(self, prefix=None, status=None):
        if prefix is None or isinstance(prefix, str):
            prefixes = [prefix]
            prefixes = prefix
        assert all([
            prefix is None or isinstance(prefix, str) for prefix in prefixes
        ]), "All path prefixes must be strings."
        prefixes = [
            prefix if prefix is None else posixpath.relpath(prefix)
            for prefix in prefixes
        if isinstance(status, str):
            if status == 'all':
                status = [
                    self.PostStatus.DRAFT, self.PostStatus.SUBMITTED,
                    self.PostStatus.PUBLISHED, self.PostStatus.UNPUBLISHED
                raise ValueError(
                    'Status alias `{}` not recognised.'.format(status))
        if status is not None and not isinstance(status, list):
            status = [status]
        elif status is None:
            status = [self.PostStatus.PUBLISHED]

        # Use old syntax for "yielding from" to maintain support for python 2
        for prefix in prefixes:
            for path in self._dir(prefix=prefix, statuses=status):
                yield path

    def _dir(self, prefix, statuses):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def has_post(self, path, revision=None):
        return self._kp_exists(self._kp_path(path), revision=revision)

    def post_status(self, path, revision=None, detailed=False):
        return self._kp_status(self._kp_path(path),

    def post_statuses(self, paths, detailed=False):
        return OrderedDict([(path, self.post_status(path, detailed=detailed))
                            for path in paths])

    def posts(self, status=None, only_valid=False):
        for path in self.dir(status=status):
            post = self.post(path)
            if only_valid and not post.is_valid():
            yield post

    def __getitem__(self, path):
        return self.post(path)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dir())

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.posts()

    def __contains__(self, path):
        return self.has_post(path)

    # -------------- Post submission / addition user flow --------------------

    def add(self,
            **kwargs):  # Create a new knowledge post draft
        assert isinstance(
            kp, KnowledgePost
        ), "One can only add KnowledgePost objects to a KnowledgeRepository."
        path = path or kp.path
        if not path:
            raise ValueError(
                "Post path not provided for Knowledge Post, and one is not specified within the knowledge post. Either add the path to post headers using `path: <path>` or specify the project path on the command line adding `-p <path>` to the current command."
        path = self._kp_path(path)
        path = self.config.path_parse(path)

        current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
        authors = kp.headers['authors']
        new_authors = [
            self.config.username_parse(author) for author in authors
        if new_authors != authors or kp.headers[
                'updated_at'] < current_datetime:
            kp.update_headers(authors=new_authors, updated_at=current_datetime)

        for postprocessor in self.config.postprocessors:

        cleanup_kwargs = self._add_prepare(kp, path, update, **kwargs)

        self._kp_save(kp, path, update=update)

        if cleanup_kwargs:
        self._add_cleanup(kp, path, update, **kwargs)

        return kp

    def _add_prepare(self, kp, path, update=False):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _add_cleanup(self, kp, path, update=False):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def revise(self, kp, path, **kwargs):
        return self.add(kp, path, update=True, **kwargs)

    def submit(self, path):  # Submit a post for review
        return self._submit(self._kp_path(path))

    def _submit(self, path):  # Submit a post for review
        raise NotImplementedError

    def accept(self, path):  # Submit a post for review
        return self._accept(self._kp_path(path))

    def _accept(self, path):  # Submit a post for review
        raise NotImplementedError

    def publish(self, path):  # Publish a post for general perusal
        return self._publish(self._kp_path(path))

    def _publish(self, path):  # Publish a post for general perusal
        raise NotImplementedError

    def unpublish(self, path):  # Unpublish a post for general perusal
        return self._unpublish(self._kp_path(path))

    def _unpublish(self, path):  # Unpublish a post for general perusal
        raise NotImplementedError

    def remove(self, path, all=False):
        return self._remove(self._kp_path(path), all=all)

    def _remove(self, path, all=False):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # ----------- Knowledge Post Data Retrieval/Pushing Methods --------------------

    def _kp_repository_uri(self, path):
        return self.uri

    def _kp_uuid(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_path(self, path, rel='/'):
        if path is None:
            return None
        path = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rel, path)), rel)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            path = path.replace(os.path.sep, os.path.altsep)
        assert all([
            not segment.endswith('.kp') for segment in path.split('/')[:-1]
        ]), "The post path may not contain a directory named '*.kp'."
        if path == '.' or path.startswith('..'):
            raise ValueError(
                "Provided path '{}' is outside of the knowledge repository.".
        if not path.endswith('.kp'):
            path += '.kp'
        return path

    def _kp_exists(self, path, revision=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_status(self, path, revision=None, detailed=False):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_get_revision(self, path, status=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_get_revisions(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_read_ref(self, path, reference, revision=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_dir(self, path, parent=None, revision=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_has_ref(self, path, reference, revision=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_diff(self, path, head, base):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_write_ref(self, path, reference, data, uuid=None, revision=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_new_revision(self, path, uuid=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _kp_web_uri(self, path):
        return self.config.web_uri(path)

    def _kp_save(self, kp, path, update=False):
        if not update and self.has_post(path):
            raise ValueError(
                "A knowledge post with the same path already exists. To update it, set the update flag."
        kp.uuid = self._kp_uuid(path) or kp.uuid
        kp.path = path
        kp.revision = self._kp_new_revision(path, uuid=kp.uuid)
        kp.repository = self

        for ref in kp._dir():

    def web_uri(self):
        return self.config.web_uri()

    # ----------- Interface with web app ----------------------------------
    def get_app(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from . import app
        return self.config.prepare_app(
            app.KnowledgeFlask(self, *args, **kwargs))
예제 #30
class Annotations(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):

    ax_ea_docker_enable = {
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
        "title": "Validation schema for enabling docker",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "graph-storage-size": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^[0-9]+Gi$"
            "cpu_cores": {
                "type": "number",
                "minimum": 0,
                "exclusiveMinimum": True
            "mem_mib": {
                "type": "integer",
                "minimum": 32
        "required": ["graph-storage-size", "mem_mib", "cpu_cores"]

    ax_ea_executor = {
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
        "title": "Validation schema for enabling docker",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "disable": {
                "type": "boolean"
        "required": ["disable"]

    ax_ea_privileged = {
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
        "title": "Validation schema for enabling docker",
        "type": "boolean"

    ax_ea_graph_storage_volume = {
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
        "title": "Validation schema for enabling docker",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "graph-storage-size": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^[0-9]+Gi$"
        "required": ["graph-storage-size"]

    ax_ea_hostname = {
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
        "title": "Validation schema for enabling docker",
        "type": "string"

    def __init__(self):
        self._annotations = {}

        for ax_ea_annotation in self.__class__.__dict__:
            if ax_ea_annotation.startswith("ax_ea_"):

    def register(self, annotation, schema):
        self._annotations[annotation] = schema

    def parse(self, annotation, data):
            schema = self._annotations.get(annotation, None)
            if not schema:
                raise AXIllegalArgumentException(
                    "annotation {} is not supported".format(annotation))
            validate(data, schema)
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise AXIllegalArgumentException(e.message, detail=e)
예제 #31
    class Appliance(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, ExceptionalThread)):
        def _getRole(self):
            return 'leader'

        def _containerCommand(self):
            raise NotImplementedError()

        def _entryPoint(self):
            raise NotImplementedError()

        # Lock is used because subprocess is NOT thread safe: http://tinyurl.com/pkp5pgq
        lock = threading.Lock()

        def __init__(self, outer, mounts, cleanMounts=False):
            :param ApplianceTestSupport outer:
            assert all(
                ' ' not in v
                for v in itervalues(mounts)), 'No spaces allowed in mounts'
            super(ApplianceTestSupport.Appliance, self).__init__()
            self.outer = outer
            self.mounts = mounts
            self.cleanMounts = cleanMounts
            self.containerName = str(uuid.uuid4())
            self.popen = None

        def __enter__(self):
            with self.lock:
                image = applianceSelf()
                # Omitting --rm, it's unreliable, see https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/16575
                args = list(
                    concat('docker', 'run',
                           '--entrypoint=' + self._entryPoint(), '--net=host',
                           '-i', '--name=' + self.containerName, [
                               '--volume=%s:%s' % mount
                               for mount in iteritems(self.mounts)
                           ], image, self._containerCommand()))
                log.info('Running %r', args)
                self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args)
            return self

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
                    self.outer._run('docker', 'stop', self.containerName)
                    if self.cleanMounts:
                self.outer._run('docker', 'rm', '-f', self.containerName)
            return False  # don't swallow exception

        def __wait_running(self):
                "Waiting for %s container process to appear. "
                "Expect to see 'Error: No such image or container'.",
            while self.isAlive():
                    running = self.outer._run('docker',
                                              '--format={{ .State.Running }}',
                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                    if 'true' == running:

        def __cleanMounts(self):
            Deletes all files in every mounted directory. Without this step, we risk leaking
            files owned by root on the host. To avoid races, this method should be called after
            the appliance container was stopped, otherwise the running container might still be
            writing files.
            # Delete all files within each mounted directory, but not the directory itself.
            cmd = 'shopt -s dotglob && rm -rf ' + ' '.join(
                v + '/*'
                for k, v in iteritems(self.mounts) if os.path.isdir(k))
            self.outer._run('docker', 'run', '--rm', '--entrypoint=/bin/bash',
                            applianceSelf(), '-c', cmd)

        def tryRun(self):
            log.info('Exiting %s', self.__class__.__name__)

        def runOnAppliance(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # Check if thread is still alive. Note that ExceptionalThread.join raises the
            # exception that occurred in the thread.
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            self.outer._run('docker', 'exec', '-i', self.containerName, *args,

        def writeToAppliance(self, path, contents):
            self.runOnAppliance('tee', path, input=contents)

        def deployScript(self, path, packagePath, script):
            Deploy a Python module on the appliance.

            :param path: the path (absolute or relative to the WORDIR of the appliance container)
                   to the root of the package hierarchy where the given module should be placed.
                   The given directory should be on the Python path.

            :param packagePath: the desired fully qualified module name (dotted form) of the module

            :param str|callable script: the contents of the Python module. If a callable is given,
                   its source code will be extracted. This is a convenience that lets you embed
                   user scripts into test code as nested function.
            if callable(script):
                script = self.outer._getScriptSource(script)
            packagePath = packagePath.split('.')
            packages, module = packagePath[:-1], packagePath[-1]
            for package in packages:
                path += '/' + package
                self.runOnAppliance('mkdir', '-p', path)
                self.writeToAppliance(path + '/__init__.py', '')
            self.writeToAppliance(path + '/' + module + '.py', script)
예제 #32
파일: entry.py 프로젝트: manhar/web_dev
class Entry(with_metaclass(_EntryMeta, object)):
    """This class wraps file or directory. It is an abstract class, but it
    returns a derived instance. You can make an instance such as::

        directory = Entry('/home/someone/public_html')
        assert isinstance(foler, Directory)
        file = Entry('/home/someone/public_html/favicon.ico')
        assert isinstance(file, File)

    HIDDEN = re.compile('^\.')

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a file or directory instance."""
        path, rootdir, autoindex = _make_args_for_entry(args, kwargs)
        if rootdir:
            abspath = os.path.join(rootdir.abspath, path)
            abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
        if os.path.isdir(abspath):
            return Directory.__new__(Directory, path, rootdir, autoindex)
        elif os.path.isfile(abspath):
            return File.__new__(File, path, rootdir, autoindex)
            raise IOError('{0} does not exists.'.format(abspath))

    def __init__(self, path, rootdir=None, autoindex=None):
        """Initializes an entry instance."""
        self.rootdir = rootdir
        self.autoindex = autoindex
            rootpath = self.rootdir.abspath
            if not autoindex and self.rootdir:
                self.autoindex = self.rootdir.autoindex
        except AttributeError:
            rootpath = ''
        self.path = path
        self.abspath = os.path.join(rootpath, self.path)
        self.name = os.path.basename(self.abspath)
        self.hidden = bool(self.HIDDEN.match(self.name))
        if self.rootdir:

    def is_root(self):
        """Returns ``True`` if it is a root directory."""
        return isinstance(self, RootDirectory)

    def parent(self):
        if self.is_root():
            return None
        elif is_same_path(os.path.dirname(self.abspath), self.rootdir.abspath):
            return self.rootdir
        return Entry(os.path.dirname(self.path), self.rootdir)

    def modified(self):
        """Returns modified time of this."""
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(

    def add_icon_rule(cls, icon, rule=None):
        """Adds a new icon rule globally."""
        cls.icon_map.append((icon, rule))

    def add_icon_rule_by_name(cls, icon, name):
        """Adds a new icon rule by the name globally."""
        cls.add_icon_rule(icon, lambda ent: ent.name == name)

    def add_icon_rule_by_class(cls, icon, _class):
        """Adds a new icon rule by the class globally."""
        cls.add_icon_rule(icon, lambda ent: isinstance(ent, _class))

    def guess_icon(self):
        """Guesses an icon from itself."""
        def get_icon_url():
                if self.autoindex:
                    icon_map = self.autoindex.icon_map + self.icon_map
                    icon_map = self.icon_map
                for icon, rule in icon_map:
                    if not rule and callable(icon):
                        matched = icon = icon(self)
                        matched = rule(self)
                    if matched:
                        return icon
            except AttributeError:
                return self.default_icon
            except AttributeError:
                raise GuessError('There is no matched icon.')

            return urljoin(url_for('.silkicon', filename=''), get_icon_url())
        except (AttributeError, RuntimeError):
            return 'ERROR'
            return get_icon_url()
예제 #33
class ConfigManager(with_metaclass(mixin.Singleton, object)):
  """Unified command-line & file config option manager

  The main user methods are :

  * :py:meth:`register_section`
  * :py:meth:`get`
  * :py:meth:`set_usage`

  Main documentation for option definition : :py:class:`Option`

    __metaclass__ (:py:class:`xtd.core.mixin.Singleton`) : makes this object a singleton

  def __init__(self):
    self.m_data      = {}
    self.m_options   = []
    self.m_sections  = {}
    self.m_usage     = "usage: %prog [options]"
    self.m_cmdParser = None
    self.m_cmdOpts   = None
    self.m_cmdArgs   = []

  def register_section(self, p_section, p_title, p_options):
    """ Register a set of options to a given section

    See :py:class:`Option` for full documentation of option properties

      p_section (str): section tag
      p_title (str): the section title in the command-line usage
      p_options (list of dict): options definition

     ConfigManager: self

      xtd.core.error.ConfigError: invalid option definition
    self.m_sections[p_section] = p_title
    for c_opt in p_options:
      if not "name" in c_opt:
        raise ConfigError("missing mandatory option property 'name'")
      self.register(p_section, c_opt["name"], c_opt)
    return self

  def register(self, p_section, p_name, p_props):
    """ Register an option in a specific section

    See :py:class:`Option` for full documentation of option properties

      p_name (str): option name
      p_section (str): section name
      p_props (dict): option properties

     ConfigManager: self
    l_option = Option(p_section, p_name, p_props)
    return self

  def sections(self):
    """ Get sections tags

      (list): array of str of all section names
    return list(self.m_data.keys())

  def section_exists(self, p_section):
    """ Indicates if specified section has been registered

      p_section (str): section name

      bool : true is ``p_section`` is registered
    return p_section in self.m_data

  def options(self, p_section):
    """ Get the list of all registered option names for specefic a section

      p_section (str): section name

      xtd.core.error.ConfigError: ``p_section`` not registered

      list: array of str of option names
    if not p_section in self.m_data:
      raise ConfigError("section '%s' doesn't exist" % p_section)
    return list(self.m_data[p_section].keys())

  def option_exists(self, p_section, p_name):
    """ Indicates if specified option has been registered in section

      p_section (str): section name
      p_option (str): option name

      bool : true is ``p_section`` is registered and contains ``p_option``
    if not p_section in self.m_data:
      return False
    return p_name in self.m_data[p_section].keys()

  def get(self, p_section, p_name):
    """ Get option value

      p_section (str): section name
      p_option (str): option name

      xtd.core.error.ConfigValueError: section/option not found

      (undefined): current option value
    if not p_section in self.m_data or not p_name in self.m_data[p_section]:
      raise ConfigValueError(p_section, p_name, "unknown configuration entry")
    return self.m_data[p_section][p_name]

  def set(self, p_section, p_name, p_value):
    """set option value

      This method stores the input value immediately without validating
      it against option's checks.

      p_section (str): section name
      p_option (str): option name

      xtd.core.error.ConfigValueError: section/option not found
    if not p_section in self.m_data or not p_name in self.m_data[p_section]:
      raise ConfigValueError(p_section, p_name, "unknown configuration entry")
    self.m_data[p_section][p_name] = p_value

  def help(self, p_file=None):
    """ Display command line help message

      p_file (file): output stream, defaults to sys.stdout

  def initialize(self):
    """ Initializes object

    Usually called by :py:class:`~xtd.core.application.Application` object.
    self.m_cmdParser = None
    self.m_cmdOpts   = None
    self.m_cmdArgs   = []
    self.m_data      = {}

  def parse(self, p_argv=None):
    """ Parses command line and file options

    Usually called by :py:class:`~xtd.core.application.Application` object.

      p_argv (list of str) : list of command line arguments
    if p_argv is None:
      p_argv = sys.argv

  def get_name(self):
    """Get parsed application name ``sys.argv[0]``

      str: program's ``sys.argv[0]``
    return self.m_cmdArgs[0]

  def get_args(self):
    """Get command line post-parse remaining options

      list: unparsed command line options
    return self.m_cmdArgs[1:]

  def set_usage(self, p_usage):
    """Set command line usage message

    See :py:class:`optparse.OptionParser`

      p_usage (str): usage string
    self.m_usage = p_usage

  def _get_option(self, p_section, p_name):
    l_values = [ x for x in self.m_options if x.m_section == p_section and x.m_name == p_name ]
    if not len(l_values):
      raise ConfigValueError(p_section, p_name, "unknown configuration entry")
    return l_values[0]

  def _load_data(self):
    for c_option in self.m_options:
      if not c_option.m_section in self.m_data:
        self.m_data[c_option.m_section] = {}
      self.m_data[c_option.m_section][c_option.m_name] = c_option.m_default

  def _cmd_attribute_name(p_section, p_option):
    return "parse_%(section)s_%(key)s" % {
      "section" : p_section,
      "key"     : p_option.replace("-", "_")

  def _cmd_parser_create(self):
    self.m_cmdParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=self.m_usage,
    l_sections = set([ x.m_section for x in self.m_options ])
    for c_section in sorted(l_sections):
      l_sectionName = self.m_sections.get(c_section, "")
      l_group       = optparse.OptionGroup(self.m_cmdParser, l_sectionName)
      l_options     = [ x for x in self.m_options if x.m_section == c_section and x.m_cmdline ]
      for c_opt in l_options:
        l_args = []
        l_kwds = {
          "help"    : c_opt.m_description,
          "default" : None,
          "action"  : "store",
          "dest"    : self._cmd_attribute_name(c_section, c_opt.m_name)
        if not c_opt.m_valued:
          l_kwds["action"] = "store_true"
          l_kwds["metavar"] = "ARG"
        if c_opt.m_default != None:
          l_kwds["help"] += " [default:%s]" % str(c_opt.m_default)
        l_group.add_option(*l_args, **l_kwds)

  def _cmd_parser_load(self, p_argv):
    self.m_cmdOpts, self.m_cmdArgs = self.m_cmdParser.parse_args(p_argv)
    for c_option in [ x for x in self.m_options if x.m_cmdline ]:
      l_attribute = self._cmd_attribute_name(c_option.m_section, c_option.m_name)
      l_value     = getattr(self.m_cmdOpts, l_attribute)
      if l_value != None:
        l_value = self._validate(c_option.m_section, c_option.m_name, l_value)
        self.set(c_option.m_section, c_option.m_name, l_value)
      elif c_option.m_mandatory:
        raise ConfigValueError(c_option.m_section, c_option.m_name, "option is mandatory")

  def option_cmdline_given(self, p_section, p_option):
    if self.option_exists(p_section, p_option):
      l_name  = self._cmd_attribute_name(p_section, p_option)
      l_value = getattr(self.m_cmdOpts, l_name)
      return l_value != None
    return False

  def _file_parser_load(self):
    if not self.section_exists("general") or not self.option_exists("general", "config-file"):
    l_fileName = self._validate("general", "config-file")
      with future_open(l_fileName, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as l_file:
        l_lines = [ x for x in l_file.readlines() if not re.match(r"^\s*//.*" ,x) ]
        l_content = "\n".join(l_lines)
        l_data = json.loads(l_content)
    except Exception as l_error:
      l_message = "invalid json configuration : %s" % str(l_error)
      raise ConfigValueError("general", "config-file", l_message)

    for c_section, c_data in l_data.items():
      for c_option, c_value in c_data.items():
        l_option = self._get_option(c_section, c_option)
        if l_option.m_config and not self.option_cmdline_given(c_section, c_option):
          l_value = self._validate(c_section, c_option, c_value)
          self.set(c_section, c_option, l_value)

  def _validate(self, p_section, p_name, p_value = None):
    if p_value is None:
      p_value = self.get(p_section, p_name)
    l_option = self._get_option(p_section, p_name)
    return l_option.validate(p_value)