def get_coverage_build(dirpath, rev): """Gets a coverage build from a specified server. Args: dirpath (Path): Directory in which build is to be downloaded in. rev (str): Mercurial hash of the required revision Returns: Path: Path to the js coverage build """ "Obtaining coverage build zip file from TaskCluster, into %s", str(dirpath)) extract_folder = dirpath / "cov-build" extract_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Ensure this dir has been created # Use fuzzfetch to obtain build instead of wget build_flags = fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=True, valgrind=False) platform_ = fuzzfetch.fetch.Platform() obtained_build = fuzzfetch.Fetcher("js", "central", rev, build_flags, platform_) obtained_build.extract_build(str(extract_folder))"Coverage build zip file extracted to this folder: %s", extract_folder.resolve()) js_cov_bin_name = f'js{".exe" if platform.system() == "Windows" else ""}' js_cov_bin = extract_folder / "dist" / "bin" / js_cov_bin_name Path.chmod(js_cov_bin, Path.stat(js_cov_bin).st_mode | 0o111) # Ensure the js binary is executable assert js_cov_bin.is_file() # Check that the binary is non-debug. assert not queryBuildConfiguration(js_cov_bin, "debug") assert queryBuildConfiguration(js_cov_bin, "coverage") js_cov_fmconf = extract_folder / "dist" / "bin" / f"{js_cov_bin_name}.fuzzmanagerconf" assert js_cov_fmconf.is_file() # Check that a coverage build with *.gcno files are present js_cov_unified_gcno = extract_folder / "js" / "src" / "Unified_cpp_js_src0.gcno" assert js_cov_unified_gcno.is_file() return js_cov_bin
def test_hash_resolution(): """ Test shortened hashes are resolved """ flags = fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ) rev = "d1001fea6e4c66b98bb4983df49c6e47d2db5ceb" build = fuzzfetch.Fetcher("firefox", "central", rev[:12], flags) assert build.changeset == rev
def test_nearest_retrieval(requested, expected, direction, is_namespace): """ Attempt to retrieve a build near the supplied build_id """ flags = fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ) # Set freeze_time to a date ahead of the latest mock build with freeze_time("2020-08-05"): LOG.debug("looking for nearest to %s", requested) if is_namespace: if fuzzfetch.BuildTask.RE_DATE.match(requested): date = requested.replace("-", ".") build_id = ( "gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate.%s.firefox.linux64-opt" % date) else: build_id = ( "gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision.%s.firefox.linux64-opt" % requested) else: build_id = requested build = fuzzfetch.Fetcher("firefox", "central", build_id, flags, nearest=direction) if fuzzfetch.BuildTask.RE_DATE.match(expected): build_date = datetime.strftime(build.datetime, "%Y-%m-%d") assert build_date == expected else: assert fuzzfetch.BuildTask.RE_REV.match(expected) assert build.changeset == expected
def get_builds_to_test(): """Get permutations for testing build branches and flags""" possible_flags = ( fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False), # opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=True, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False), # debug fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=True, valgrind=False), # ccov fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False), # asan-opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=False, valgrind=False), # asan-opt-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=True, fuzzing=True, coverage=False, valgrind=False), # debug-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=True, valgrind=False), # ccov-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=True)) # valgrind-opt possible_branches = ("central", "inbound") possible_os = ('Android', 'Darwin', 'Linux', 'Windows') possible_cpus = ('x86', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64') for branch, flags, os_, cpu in itertools.product(possible_branches, possible_flags, possible_os, possible_cpus): try: fuzzfetch.fetch.Platform(os_, cpu) except fuzzfetch.FetcherException: continue if flags.coverage and (os_ != "Linux" or cpu != 'x64' or branch != 'central'): # coverage builds not done for android/macos/windows # coverage builds are only done on central continue elif flags.asan and cpu != 'x64': continue elif flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == 'Windows' and cpu == 'x64': continue elif flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == 'Darwin': continue elif flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == 'Linux' and cpu == 'x86': continue elif flags.valgrind and (os_ != 'Linux' or cpu != 'x64'): continue elif os_ == 'Darwin' and flags.asan and not flags.fuzzing: continue elif os_ == 'Android' and flags.debug and not flags.fuzzing and cpu != 'arm': continue elif os_ == 'Android' and flags.fuzzing and (cpu != 'x86' or flags.asan or not flags.debug): continue elif os_ == "Windows" and flags.asan and branch not in { "central", "inbound" }: # asan builds for windows are only done for central/inbound continue elif os_ == "Windows" and flags.asan and (flags.fuzzing or flags.debug): # windows only has asan-opt ? continue elif os_ == "Windows" and cpu != 'x64' and (flags.asan or flags.fuzzing): # windows asan and fuzzing builds are x64 only atm continue else: yield pytest.param(branch, flags, os_, cpu)
def get_builds_to_test(): """Get permutations for testing build branches and flags""" possible_flags = ( fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False), # opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=True, fuzzing=False, coverage=False), # debug fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=True), # cov fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False), # asan-opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=True, debug=True, fuzzing=False, coverage=False), # asan-debug fuzzfetch.BuildFlags(asan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=False)) # asan-fuzz possible_branches = ("central", "inbound", "esr", "beta", "release") for branch, flags, arch_32 in itertools.product(possible_branches, possible_flags, (False, True)): if arch_32 and ( platform.machine() not in {"AMD64", "x86-64"} or # only try 32-bit on 64-bit platforms platform.system() == "Darwin" or # no 32-bit builds on macos flags.asan or flags.coverage): # no 32-bit builds for asan or ccov yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system( ) == "Linux" and flags.coverage and branch != "central": # coverage builds are only done on central yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system( ) == "Linux" and flags.fuzzing and branch == "esr": # fuzzing builds not done on esr yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system() == "Darwin" and (flags.asan or flags.coverage): # asan/coverage builds not done for macos yet yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system() == "Windows" and flags.asan and branch not in { "central", "inbound" }: # asan builds for windows are only done for central/inbound yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system() == "Windows" and flags.coverage: # coverage builds not done for windows yet yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system() == "Windows" and flags.asan and ( flags.fuzzing or flags.debug): # windows only has asan-opt ? yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.skip) elif platform.system() == "Windows" and flags.asan: # yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.xfail) elif branch == "release": yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32, marks=pytest.mark.xfail) # ? else: yield pytest.param(branch, flags, arch_32)
def get_builds_to_test(): """Get permutations for testing build branches and flags""" possible_flags = ( # opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # debug fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=True, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # ccov fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=True, valgrind=False, ), # asan-opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=True, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # asan-opt-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=True, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # tsan-opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # tsan-opt-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=True, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # debug-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=True, fuzzing=True, coverage=False, valgrind=False, ), # ccov-fuzzing fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=True, coverage=True, valgrind=False, ), # valgrind-opt fuzzfetch.BuildFlags( asan=False, tsan=False, debug=False, fuzzing=False, coverage=False, valgrind=True, ), ) possible_branches = ("central", "try", "esr-next", "esr-stable") possible_os = ("Android", "Darwin", "Linux", "Windows") possible_cpus = ("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64") for branch, flags, os_, cpu in itertools.product(possible_branches, possible_flags, possible_os, possible_cpus): try: fuzzfetch.fetch.Platform(os_, cpu) except fuzzfetch.FetcherException: continue if flags.coverage and (os_ != "Linux" or cpu != "x64" or branch != "central"): # coverage builds not done for android/macos/windows # coverage builds are only done on central continue if flags.asan and cpu != "x64": continue if flags.tsan and (cpu != "x64" or os_ != "Linux"): continue if flags.tsan and branch.startswith("esr"): continue if flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == "Windows" and cpu == "x64": continue if flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == "Darwin": continue if flags.debug and flags.fuzzing and os_ == "Linux" and cpu == "x86": continue if flags.valgrind and (os_ != "Linux" or cpu != "x64"): continue if os_ == "Darwin" and flags.asan and not flags.fuzzing: continue if os_ == "Android" and flags.debug and not flags.fuzzing and cpu != "arm": continue if (os_ == "Android" and flags.fuzzing and (cpu != "x86" or flags.asan or not flags.debug)): continue if os_ == "Android" and not flags.fuzzing and flags.asan: continue if os_ == "Windows" and flags.asan and branch != "central": # asan builds for windows are only done for central continue if os_ == "Windows" and flags.asan and (flags.fuzzing or flags.debug): # windows only has asan-opt ? continue if os_ == "Windows" and cpu != "x64" and (flags.asan or flags.fuzzing): # windows asan and fuzzing builds are x64 only atm continue if os_ == "Android" and branch in {"esr-next", "esr-stable"}: continue if not all(flags) and branch.startswith("esr"): # opt builds aren't available for esr continue if branch == "esr-stable": if cpu.startswith("arm"): # arm builds aren't available for esr-stable continue yield pytest.param(branch, flags, os_, cpu)