def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ######## ## ## ## #### ######## ######## ###### ######## ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ######## #### ## ######## ###### ## ####### ## ## options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") #print argv print("OPTIONS: ") print(options) jets, jetLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJets" muons, muonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons" electrons, electronLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Electron>"), "slimmedElectrons" gens, genLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "prunedGenParticles" #packedgens, packedgenLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::packedGenParticle>"), "PACKEDgENpARTICLES" packedgens, packedgenLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedGenParticle>"), "packedGenParticles" rhos, rhoLabel = Handle("double"), "fixedGridRhoAll" vertices, vertexLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>"), "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices" genInfo, genInfoLabel = Handle("GenEventInfoProduct"), "generator" mets, metLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETs" pileups, pileuplabel = Handle("std::vector<PileupSummaryInfo>"), "slimmedAddPileupInfo" # NEED HLT2 for 80x 2016 (maybe only TTBar? # triggerBits, triggerBitLabel = Handle("edm::TriggerResults"), ("TriggerResults","", "HLT") #triggerPrescales, triggerPrescalesLabel = Handle("pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), ("PackedTriggerPrescales","", "HLT") #triggerPrescales, triggerPrescalesLabel = Handle("pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), ("TriggerUserData","", "HLT") triggerPrescales, triggerPrescalesLabel = Handle("pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), "patTrigger" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") def bookFloatBranch(name, default): tmp = array('f', [default]) outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/F' %name) return tmp def bookIntBranch(name, default): tmp = array('i', [default]) outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/I' %name) return tmp def bookLongIntBranch(name, default): tmp = array('l', [default]) outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/L' %name) return tmp ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Jets jetdata = {} jetdata['njet'] = ['jetpt', 'jeteta', 'jetphi', 'jete', 'jetpx', 'jetpy', 'jetpz'] jetdata['njet'] += ['jetbtag0', 'jetbtag1', 'jetbtagsum'] jetdata['njet'] += ['jetarea', 'jetjec', 'jetNHF', 'jetNEMF', 'jetCHF', 'jetCHM', 'jetMUF', 'jetCEMF'] jetdata['njet'] += ['jetNumConst', 'jetNumNeutralParticles'] outJets = {} for key in jetdata.keys(): outJets[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outJets[key], key+"/I") for branch in jetdata[key]: outJets[branch] = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outJets[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch,key)) ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Muons # # # muondata = {} muondata['nmuon'] = ['muonpt', 'muoneta', 'muonphi', 'muone', 'muonpx', 'muonpy', 'muonpz', 'muonq'] muondata['nmuon'] += ['muonsumchhadpt', 'muonsumnhadpt', 'muonsumphotEt', 'muonsumPUPt'] muondata['nmuon'] += ['muonIsLoose', 'muonIsMedium', 'muonIsTight', 'muonPFiso'] muondata['nmuon'] += ['muonPFIsoLoose', 'muonPFIsoMedium', 'muonPFIsoTight'] muondata['nmuon'] += ['muonMvaLoose', 'muonMvaMedium', 'muonMvaTight'] outMuons = {} for key in muondata.keys(): outMuons[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outMuons[key], key+"/I") for branch in muondata[key]: outMuons[branch] = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outMuons[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch,key)) ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Electrons # # electrondata = {} electrondata['nelectron'] = {} electrondata['nelectron']['F'] = ['electronpt', 'electroneta', 'electronphi', 'electrone', 'electronpx', 'electronpy', 'electronpz', 'electronq'] electrondata['nelectron']['F'] += ['electronTkIso', 'electronHCIso', 'electronECIso'] electrondata['nelectron']['I'] = ['electronIsLoose', 'electronIsMedium', 'electronIsTight'] # These are nominally integers datatypes = {"F":['f',-1.0], "I":['i',-1]} outElectrons = {} for key in electrondata.keys(): outElectrons[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outElectrons[key], key+"/I") print(key) for datatype in electrondata[key]: print(datatype) for branch in electrondata[key][datatype]: outElectrons[branch] = array(datatypes[datatype][0], 16*[datatypes[datatype][1]]) outtree.Branch(branch, outElectrons[branch], '{0}[{1}]/{2}'.format(branch,key,datatype)) ############################################################################ ################################################################################# # MET metdata = ['metpt', 'metphi'] outMET = {} for key in metdata: outMET[key] = array('f', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outMET[key], key+"/F") ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Pileup pudata = ['pu_wt'] outPileup = {} for key in pudata: outPileup[key] = array('f', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outPileup[key], key+"/F") ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' purw = None # pileup reweighting histogram if options.isMC and not options.disablePileup: pileupReweightFile = ROOT.TFile('purw_{0}.root'.format(options.year), 'READ') #pileupReweightFile = ROOT.TFile('PileupHistogram-goldenJSON-13tev-{0}.root'.format(options.year), 'READ') purw = pileupReweightFile.Get('pileup') ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Trigger trigdata = {} trigdata['ntrig_muon'] = ['trig_muon'] trigdata['ntrig_electron'] = ['trig_electron'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepmue'] = ['trig_dilepmue'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepemu'] = ['trig_dilepemu'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepmumu'] = ['trig_dilepmumu'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepee'] = ['trig_dilepee'] outTriggers = {} for key in trigdata.keys(): print(key) outTriggers[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outTriggers[key], key+"/I") for branch in trigdata[key]: # Save them as integers outTriggers[branch] = array('i', 8*[-1]) outtree.Branch(branch, outTriggers[branch], '{0}[{1}]/I'.format(branch,key)) trigger_tree_branches = { "SingleMuon":outTriggers['trig_muon'], "SingleElectron":outTriggers['trig_electron'], "DileptonMuE":outTriggers['trig_dilepmue'], "DileptonEMu":outTriggers['trig_dilepemu'], "DileptonMuMu":outTriggers['trig_dilepmumu'], "DileptonEE":outTriggers['trig_dilepee'] } ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Vertex vertexdata = {} vertexdata['nvertex'] = ['vertexX', 'vertexY', 'vertexZ', 'vertexndof'] outVertex = {} for key in vertexdata.keys(): outVertex[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outVertex[key], key+"/I") for branch in vertexdata[key]: outVertex[branch] = array('f', 64*[-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outVertex[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch,key)) ## ######## ######## ###### ####### ######## ######## ######## ###### ######## #### ####### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ######## ######## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ###### ######## ## ###### ####### ## ## ## ## ######## ###### ## #### ####### ## ## ###### ROOT.gSystem.Load('libCondFormatsJetMETObjects') if options.isMC: # CHANGE THIS FOR DIFFERENT MCs down the road jecAK4 = fwlite_tools.createJEC('JECs/'+options.year+'/'+jet_energy_correction_GT_for_MC[options.year], ['L1FastJet', 'L2Relative', 'L3Absolute'], 'AK4PFchs') jecUncAK4 = ROOT.JetCorrectionUncertainty(ROOT.std.string('JECs/'+options.year+'/'+jet_energy_correction_GT_for_MC[options.year]+'_Uncertainty_AK4PFchs.txt')) else: # CHANGE THIS FOR DATA DataJECs = DataJEC(jet_energy_corrections[options.year], options.year) # from within CMSSW: ROOT.gSystem.Load('libCondFormatsBTauObjects') ROOT.gSystem.Load('libCondToolsBTau') ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ######## ## ####### ####### ######## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ### ######## ## ## ## ######## ####### ####### ## # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): ########################################################################### # Trigger event.getByLabel(triggerBitLabel, triggerBits) event.getByLabel(triggerPrescalesLabel, triggerPrescales ) trigger_names = event.object().triggerNames(triggerBits.product()) FLAG_passed_trigger = fwlite_tools.process_triggers(triggerBits, triggerPrescales, trigger_names, trigger_tree_branches, outTriggers, options, verbose=options.verbose) # Should do this early. We shouldn't analyze events that don't # pass any of the relevant triggers if FLAG_passed_trigger is False: return 0 ########################################################################### # If trigger test is passed, process event ########################################################################### # Vertex event.getByLabel(vertexLabel, vertices) PV,NPV = fwlite_tools.process_vertices(vertices, outVertex, verbose=options.verbose) # Should do this first. We shouldn't analyze events that don't have a # good primary vertex if PV is None: return 0 ########################################################################### # Muons event.getByLabel (muonLabel, muons) fwlite_tools.process_muons(muons, outMuons, verbose=options.verbose) ########################################################################### # Electrons event.getByLabel (electronLabel, electrons) fwlite_tools.process_electrons(electrons, outElectrons, verbose=options.verbose) ########################################################################### # Pileup if options.isMC: event.getByLabel(pileuplabel, pileups) fwlite_tools.process_pileup(pileups, outPileup, purw, options, verbose=options.verbose) ########################################################################### # MET event.getByLabel( metLabel, mets ) fwlite_tools.process_mets(mets, outMET, verbose=options.verbose) ########################################################################### # Rhos event.getByLabel(rhoLabel, rhos) rho = fwlite_tools.process_rhos(rhos, verbose=options.verbose) if rho is None: return 0 ########################################################################### # Jets runnumber = event.eventAuxiliary().run() event.getByLabel(vertexLabel, vertices) event.getByLabel (jetLabel, jets) if options.isMC: fwlite_tools.process_jets(jets, outJets, options, jecAK4=jecAK4, jecUncAK4=jecUncAK4, runnumber=runnumber, rho=rho, NPV=NPV, verbose=options.verbose) else: fwlite_tools.process_jets(jets, outJets, options, DataJECs=DataJECs, runnumber=runnumber, rho=rho, NPV=NPV, verbose=options.verbose) genOut = "Event %d\n" % (iev) if options.verbose: print( "\nProcessing %d: run %6d, lumi %4d, event %12d" % \ (iev,event.eventAuxiliary().run(), \ event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock(), \ event.eventAuxiliary().event())) ######## #### ## ## ######## ######## ######## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ######## ###### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ######## ######## ## ## ## ######## ######## outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return genOut ########################################################################### ########################################################################### # Main event loop #genoutputfile = open("generator_information.dat",'w') nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print ('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events (ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print ('===============================================') print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #print type(genOut) #print genOut #if genOut is not None: #genoutputfile.write(genOut) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()
def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") mets, metLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETs" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") ############################################################################ # MET ############################################################################ metdata = ['metpt', 'metphi'] outdata = {} for key in metdata: outdata[key] = array('f', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key + "/F") ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' ################################################################################# ## ___________ __ .____ ## \_ _____/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ | | ____ ____ ______ ## | __)_\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | | / _ \ / _ \\____ \ ## | \\ /\ ___/| | \ | | |__( <_> | <_> ) |_> > ## /_______ / \_/ \___ >___| /__| |_______ \____/ \____/| __/ ## \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): event.getByLabel(metLabel, mets) fwlite_tools.process_mets(mets, outdata, verbose=options.verbose) ## ___________.__.__ .__ ___________ ## \_ _____/|__| | | | \__ ___/______ ____ ____ ## | __) | | | | | | | \_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ ## | \ | | |_| |__ | | | | \/\ ___/\ ___/ ## \___ / |__|____/____/ |____| |__| \___ >\___ > ## \/ \/ \/ outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return 1 ######################################### # Main event loop nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events(ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print('===============================================') print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()
def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") # NEED HLT2 for 80x 2016 (maybe only TTBar? # # triggerBits, triggerBitLabel = Handle("edm::TriggerResults"), ("TriggerResults","", "HLT") #trigPrescalesHandle = Handle( "std::vector<int>") #trigPrescalesLabel = ("TriggerUserData", "triggerPrescaleTree") #triggerPrescales, triggerPrescalesLabel = Handle("pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), ("PackedTriggerPrescales","", "HLT") triggerPrescales, triggerPrescalesLabel = Handle("pat::PackedTriggerPrescales"), "patTrigger" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") ############################################################################ # Vertex ############################################################################ trigdata = {} trigdata['ntrig_muon'] = ['trig_muon'] trigdata['ntrig_electron'] = ['trig_electron'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepmue'] = ['trig_dilepmue'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepemu'] = ['trig_dilepemu'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepmumu'] = ['trig_dilepmumu'] trigdata['ntrig_dilepee'] = ['trig_dilepee'] outdata = {} for key in trigdata.keys(): print(key) outdata[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key+"/I") for branch in trigdata[key]: # Save them as integers outdata[branch] = array('i', 8*[-1]) outtree.Branch(branch, outdata[branch], '{0}[{1}]/I'.format(branch,key)) trigger_tree_branches = { "SingleMuon":outdata['trig_muon'], "SingleElectron":outdata['trig_electron'], "DileptonMuE":outdata['trig_dilepmue'], "DileptonEMu":outdata['trig_dilepemu'], "DileptonMuMu":outdata['trig_dilepmumu'], "DileptonEE":outdata['trig_dilepee'] } ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' ################################################################################# ## ___________ __ .____ ## \_ _____/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ | | ____ ____ ______ ## | __)_\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | | / _ \ / _ \\____ \ ## | \\ /\ ___/| | \ | | |__( <_> | <_> ) |_> > ## /_______ / \_/ \___ >___| /__| |_______ \____/ \____/| __/ ## \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): event.getByLabel(triggerBitLabel, triggerBits) event.getByLabel(triggerPrescalesLabel, triggerPrescales ) trigger_names = event.object().triggerNames(triggerBits.product()) FLAG_passed_trigger = fwlite_tools.process_triggers(triggerBits, triggerPrescales, trigger_names, trigger_tree_branches, outdata, options, verbose=options.verbose) # Should do this early. We shouldn't analyze events that don't # pass any of the relevant triggers if FLAG_passed_trigger is False: return 0 ## ___________.__.__ .__ ___________ ## \_ _____/|__| | | | \__ ___/______ ____ ____ ## | __) | | | | | | | \_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ ## | \ | | |_| |__ | | | | \/\ ___/\ ___/ ## \___ / |__|____/____/ |____| |__| \___ >\___ > ## \/ \/ \/ outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return 1 ######################################### # Main event loop nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print ('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events (ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print ('===============================================') print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()
def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") # Need these for the jec and jes vertices, vertexLabel = Handle( "std::vector<reco::Vertex>"), "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices" rhos, rhoLabel = Handle("double"), "fixedGridRhoAll" jets, jetLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJets" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") # Jets # jetdata = {} jetdata['njet'] = [ 'jetpt', 'jeteta', 'jetphi', 'jete', 'jetpx', 'jetpy', 'jetpz' ] jetdata['njet'] += ['jetbtag0', 'jetbtag1', 'jetbtagsum'] jetdata['njet'] += [ 'jetarea', 'jetjec', 'jetNHF', 'jetNEMF', 'jetCHF', 'jetCHM', 'jetMUF', 'jetCEMF' ] jetdata['njet'] += ['jetNumConst', 'jetNumNeutralParticles'] outdata = {} for key in jetdata.keys(): outdata[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key + "/I") for branch in jetdata[key]: outdata[branch] = array('f', 16 * [-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outdata[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch, key)) ############################################################################ # Vertex ############################################################################ vertexdata = {} vertexdata['nvertex'] = ['vertexX', 'vertexY', 'vertexZ', 'vertexndof'] for key in vertexdata.keys(): outdata[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key + "/I") for branch in vertexdata[key]: outdata[branch] = array('f', 64 * [-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outdata[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch, key)) ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' ############################################################################ # Set things up to do jet energy corrections later ############################################################################ ROOT.gSystem.Load('libCondFormatsJetMETObjects') if options.isMC: # CHANGE THIS FOR DIFFERENT MCs down the road jecAK4 = fwlite_tools.createJEC( 'JECs/Summer/' + jet_energy_correction_GT_for_MC, ['L1FastJet', 'L2Relative', 'L3Absolute'], 'AK4PFchs') jecUncAK4 = ROOT.JetCorrectionUncertainty( ROOT.std.string('JECs/Summer/' + jet_energy_correction_GT_for_MC + '_Uncertainty_AK4PFchs.txt')) else: # CHANGE THIS FOR DATA DataJECs = fwlite_tools.DataJEC(jet_energy_corrections) ## ___________ __ .____ ## \_ _____/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ | | ____ ____ ______ ## | __)_\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | | / _ \ / _ \\____ \ ## | \\ /\ ___/| | \ | | |__( <_> | <_> ) |_> > ## /_______ / \_/ \___ >___| /__| |_______ \____/ \____/| __/ ## \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): runnumber = event.eventAuxiliary().run() event.getByLabel(vertexLabel, vertices) event.getByLabel(rhoLabel, rhos) event.getByLabel(jetLabel, jets) # Need the number of vertices and rho for jet energy corrections and smearing PV, NPV = fwlite_tools.process_vertices(vertices, outdata, verbose=options.verbose) if PV is None: return 0 rho = fwlite_tools.process_rhos(rhos, verbose=options.verbose) if rho is None: return 0 if options.isMC: fwlite_tools.process_jets(jets, outdata, options, jecAK4=jecAK4, jecUncAK4=jecUncAK4, runnumber=runnumber, rho=rho, NPV=NPV, verbose=options.verbose) else: fwlite_tools.process_jets(jets, outdata, options, DataJECs=DataJECs, runnumber=runnumber, rho=rho, NPV=NPV, verbose=options.verbose) ## ___________.__.__ .__ ___________ ## \_ _____/|__| | | | \__ ___/______ ____ ____ ## | __) | | | | | | | \_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ ## | \ | | |_| |__ | | | | \/\ ___/\ ___/ ## \___ / |__|____/____/ |____| |__| \___ >\___ > ## \/ \/ \/ outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return 1 ######################################### # Main event loop nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events(ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print('===============================================') print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()
def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") muons, muonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") # Muons # # # muondata = {} muondata['nmuon'] = [ 'muonpt', 'muoneta', 'muonphi', 'muone', 'muonpx', 'muonpy', 'muonpz', 'muonq' ] muondata['nmuon'] += [ 'muonsumchhadpt', 'muonsumnhadpt', 'muonsumphotEt', 'muonsumPUPt' ] muondata['nmuon'] += [ 'muonIsLoose', 'muonIsMedium', 'muonIsTight', 'muonPFiso' ] muondata['nmuon'] += [ 'muonPFIsoLoose', 'muonPFIsoMedium', 'muonPFIsoTight' ] muondata['nmuon'] += ['muonMvaLoose', 'muonMvaMedium', 'muonMvaTight'] outdata = {} for key in muondata.keys(): outdata[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key + "/I") for branch in muondata[key]: outdata[branch] = array('f', 16 * [-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outdata[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch, key)) ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' ################################################################################# ## ___________ __ .____ ## \_ _____/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ | | ____ ____ ______ ## | __)_\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | | / _ \ / _ \\____ \ ## | \\ /\ ___/| | \ | | |__( <_> | <_> ) |_> > ## /_______ / \_/ \___ >___| /__| |_______ \____/ \____/| __/ ## \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): event.getByLabel(muonLabel, muons) fwlite_tools.process_muons(muons, outdata, verbose=options.verbose) ## ___________.__.__ .__ ___________ ## \_ _____/|__| | | | \__ ___/______ ____ ____ ## | __) | | | | | | | \_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ ## | \ | | |_| |__ | | | | \/\ ___/\ ___/ ## \___ / |__|____/____/ |____| |__| \___ >\___ > ## \/ \/ \/ outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return 1 ######################################### # Main event loop nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events(ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print('===============================================') print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print(' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()
def topbnv_fwlite(argv): ## _____________ __.____ .__ __ _________ __ _____ _____ ## \_ _____/ \ / \ | |__|/ |_ ____ / _____// |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ ## | __) \ \/\/ / | | \ __\/ __ \ \_____ \\ __\ | \ __\\ __\ ## | \ \ /| |___| || | \ ___/ / \| | | | /| | | | ## \___ / \__/\ / |_______ \__||__| \___ > /_______ /|__| |____/ |__| |__| ## \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ options = fwlite_tools.getUserOptions(argv) ROOT.gROOT.Macro("rootlogon.C") vertices, vertexLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>"), "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices" f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE") outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything") ############################################################################ # Vertex ############################################################################ vertexdata = {} vertexdata['nvertex'] = ['vertexX', 'vertexY', 'vertexZ', 'vertexndof'] outdata = {} for key in vertexdata.keys(): outdata[key] = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch(key, outdata[key], key+"/I") for branch in vertexdata[key]: outdata[branch] = array('f', 64*[-1.]) outtree.Branch(branch, outdata[branch], '{0}[{1}]/F'.format(branch,key)) ''' njet = array('i', [-1]) outtree.Branch('njet', njet, 'njet/I') jetpt = array('f', 16*[-1.]) outtree.Branch('jetpt', jetpt, 'jetpt[njet]/F') ''' ################################################################################# ## ___________ __ .____ ## \_ _____/__ __ ____ _____/ |_ | | ____ ____ ______ ## | __)_\ \/ // __ \ / \ __\ | | / _ \ / _ \\____ \ ## | \\ /\ ___/| | \ | | |__( <_> | <_> ) |_> > ## /_______ / \_/ \___ >___| /__| |_______ \____/ \____/| __/ ## \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise, # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which # can take a long time to parse. ################################################################################# def processEvent(iev, event): event.getByLabel(vertexLabel, vertices) PV,NPV = fwlite_tools.process_vertices(vertices, outdata, verbose=options.verbose) # Should do this first. We shouldn't analyze events that don't have a # good primary vertex if PV is None: return 0 ## ___________.__.__ .__ ___________ ## \_ _____/|__| | | | \__ ___/______ ____ ____ ## | __) | | | | | | | \_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ ## | \ | | |_| |__ | | | | \/\ ___/\ ___/ ## \___ / |__|____/____/ |____| |__| \___ >\___ > ## \/ \/ \/ outtree.Fill() #print("Made it to end!") return 1 ######################################### # Main event loop nevents = 0 maxevents = int(options.maxevents) for ifile in fwlite_tools.getInputFiles(options): print ('Processing file ' + ifile) events = Events (ifile) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break # loop over events in this file print('Tot events in this file: ' + str(events.size())) for iev, event in enumerate(events): #print(iev) if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents: break nevents += 1 #if nevents % 1000 == 0: if nevents % 100 == 0: print ('===============================================') print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) elif options.verbose: print (' ---> Event ' + str(nevents)) genOut = processEvent(iev, events) #outtree.Print() # Close the output ROOT file f.Write() f.Close()