예제 #1
def trip_transport_matrix(trips_year):
    Return the matrices of TripTemplates and dates, with each entry
    containing the trip that is (dropped off, picked up, return to Hanover)
    on the given date.

    # TODO: only show visible triptypes
    templates = TripTemplate.objects.filter(trips_year=trips_year)
    dates = Section.dates.trip_dates(trips_year)

    dropoff_matrix = OrderedMatrix(templates, dates)
    pickup_matrix = OrderedMatrix(templates, dates)
    return_matrix = OrderedMatrix(templates, dates)

    trips = Trip.objects.with_counts(trips_year=trips_year).select_related(
    for trip in trips:
        dropoff_matrix[trip.template][trip.dropoff_date] = trip
        pickup_matrix[trip.template][trip.pickup_date] = trip
        return_matrix[trip.template][trip.return_date] = trip

    return dropoff_matrix, pickup_matrix, return_matrix
예제 #2
    def matrix(self, trips_year):
        Return a matrix of scheduled trips.

        matrix[template][section] gives the scheduled trip
        with template and section, or None if it is not scheduled.

        Returns OrderedDicts so that you can iterate over the keys:
        >>> for template in matrix:
        >>>    for section in matrix[template]:
        >>>        ...

        from fyt.trips.models import Section, TripTemplate

        sections = Section.objects.filter(trips_year=trips_year)
        templates = TripTemplate.objects.filter(

        matrix = OrderedMatrix(templates, sections)

        # see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#id7
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6795202/django-count-in-multiple-annotations
        trips = self.with_counts(trips_year)

        for trip in trips:
            matrix[trip.template][trip.section] = trip

        return matrix
예제 #3
def get_internal_rider_matrix(trips_year):
    Compute which trips are riding on each route every day.
    routes = Route.objects.internal(trips_year).select_related('vehicle')
    dates = Section.dates.trip_dates(trips_year)
    trips = Trip.objects.with_counts(trips_year).select_related(
    matrix = OrderedMatrix(routes, dates, lambda: Riders())

    for trip in trips:
        # dropoff
        if trip.get_dropoff_route():
            matrix[trip.get_dropoff_route()][trip.dropoff_date] += Riders(
        # pickup
        if trip.get_pickup_route():
            matrix[trip.get_pickup_route()][trip.pickup_date] += Riders(
        # return
        matrix[trip.get_return_route()][trip.return_date] += Riders(

    return matrix
예제 #4
def external_route_matrix(trips_year, default=None):
    Return an OrderedMatrix of [routes][sections]
    for local sections and external routes.
    from fyt.trips.models import Section
    from fyt.transport.models import Route

    rts = Route.objects.external(trips_year)
    sxns = Section.objects.local(trips_year)
    return OrderedMatrix(rts, sxns, default=default)
예제 #5
    def matrix(self, trips_year):
        from .models import Gear

        requests = self.filter(trips_year=trips_year).prefetch_related(
            'gear', 'provided'
        equipment = Gear.objects.filter(trips_year=trips_year)

        matrix = OrderedMatrix(requests, equipment, default=False)
        for request in requests:
            for gear in request.gear.all():
                matrix[request][gear] = True

        return matrix
예제 #6
def get_internal_route_matrix(trips_year):
    A matrix of all the scheduled internal buses, categorized by date and by
    routes = Route.objects.internal(trips_year).select_related('vehicle')
    dates = Section.dates.trip_dates(trips_year)
    matrix = OrderedMatrix(routes, dates)
    scheduled = (InternalBus.objects.internal(trips_year).select_related(

    preload_transported_trips(scheduled, trips_year)

    for bus in scheduled:
        matrix[bus.route][bus.date] = bus

    return matrix
예제 #7
    def matrix(self, trips_year):
        Return of a matrix of trips residency by date.

        matrix[campsite][date] is a list of all trips staying
        at campsite on date.
        from .models import Section, Trip

        campsites = self.filter(trips_year=trips_year)
        dates = Section.dates.camping_dates(trips_year)

        matrix = OrderedMatrix(campsites, dates, default=list)

        trips = Trip.objects.filter(trips_year=trips_year).select_related(
            'template__campsite1', 'template__campsite2'

        for trip in trips:

        return matrix
예제 #8
 def test_map_creates_new_instance(self):
     rows = [0, 1]
     cols = [0, 1]
     m = OrderedMatrix(rows, cols, default=0)
     n = m.map(lambda x: x + 1)
     self.assertEqual(m[0][0], 0)
예제 #9
 def test_map(self):
     rows = [0, 1]
     cols = [0, 1]
     m = OrderedMatrix(rows, cols, default=0)
     n = m.map(lambda x: x + 1)
     self.assertTrue(n[0][0] == n[0][1] == n[1][0] == n[1][1] == 1)
예제 #10
 def test_truncate_matrix(self):
     rows = [0, 1]
     cols = [0, 1]
     m = OrderedMatrix(rows, cols)
     m[1][1] = True
     self.assertEqual(m.truncate(), {1: {0: None, 1: True}})