def setUp(self): self.capturedOutput = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = self.capturedOutput s3 = S3() s3.bucket_name = "hello" s3.path_list = ["hello.json"] self.s3_args = S3Args(s3)
def update_object_version( s3: S3, allversion: bool = False, acl: bool = False, tagging: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update versions of object's attributes. Note: this operation only allow update of acl and tagging, because this won't introduce new objects. :param s3: S3 instance :type s3: S3 :param allversion: update all versions? :type allversion: bool, optional :param acl: update acl :type acl: bool, optional :param tagging: update tagging :type tagging: bool, optional """ obj_versions = s3.get_object_version(select_all=allversion) s3_args = S3Args(s3) s3_args.set_extra_args(acl, tagging, version=obj_versions) # check if only tags or acl is being updated # this way it won't create extra versions on the object check_result = s3_args.check_tag_acl() for obj_version in obj_versions: print( "(dryrun) update: s3://%s/%s with version %s" % (s3.bucket_name, obj_version.get("Key"), obj_version.get("VersionId")) ) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): for obj_version in obj_versions: print( "update: s3://%s/%s with version %s" % ( s3.bucket_name, obj_version.get("Key"), obj_version.get("VersionId"), ) ) if check_result: if check_result.get("Tags"): s3.client.put_object_tagging( Bucket=s3.bucket_name, Key=obj_version.get("Key"), VersionId=obj_version.get("VersionId"), Tagging={"TagSet": check_result.get("Tags")}, ) if check_result.get("Grants"): grant_args = { "Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": obj_version.get("Key"), "VersionId": obj_version.get("VersionId"), } grant_args.update(check_result.get("Grants", {})) s3.client.put_object_acl(**grant_args) else: print("Nothing to update")
def test_get_copy_args_with_version(self): data_path1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../data/s3_obj.json") with open(data_path1, "r") as file: response1 = json.load(file) data_path2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../data/s3_acl.json") with open(data_path2, "r") as file: response2 = json.load(file) # with version s3_client = boto3.client("s3") stubber = Stubber(s3_client) stubber.add_response("get_object", response1) stubber.add_response("get_object_acl", response2) stubber.activate() s3 = S3() s3._client = s3_client s3.bucket_name = "hello" s3_args = S3Args(s3) result = get_copy_args(s3, "hello.json", s3_args, False) self.assertEqual( result, { "Bucket": "hello", "Key": "hello.json", "CopySource": { "Bucket": "hello", "Key": "hello.json" }, "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY", "ServerSideEncryption": "aws:kms", "SSEKMSKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:ap-southeast-2:11111111:key/11111111-f48d-48b8-90d4-d5bd03a603d4", "GrantRead": "uri=", }, )
def update_object_name(s3: S3, version: bool = False) -> None: """Update object name. :param s3: S3 class instance :type s3: S3 :param version: whether to rename version's name, this will create a new object :type version: bool, optional """ print( "Enter the new name below (format: newname or path/newname for a new path)" ) new_name = input("Name(Orignal: %s): " % s3.path_list[0]) if not version: print("(dryrun) rename: s3://%s/%s to s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, s3.path_list[0], s3.bucket_name, new_name)) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): print("rename: s3://%s/%s to s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, s3.path_list[0], s3.bucket_name, new_name)) # initialise empty s3_args so that get_copy_args will use all the original value s3_args = S3Args(s3) copy_object_args = get_copy_args(s3, s3.path_list[0], s3_args, extra_args=True) copy_source = { "Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": s3.path_list[0], } s3transferwrapper = S3TransferWrapper() s3.client.copy( copy_source, s3.bucket_name, new_name, Callback=S3Progress(s3.path_list[0], s3.bucket_name, s3.client), ExtraArgs=copy_object_args, Config=s3transferwrapper.transfer_config, ) s3.client.delete_object( Bucket=s3.bucket_name, Key=s3.path_list[0], ) else: # get version obj_version = s3.get_object_version(key=s3.path_list[0])[0] print("(dryrun) rename: s3://%s/%s to s3://%s/%s with version %s" % ( s3.bucket_name, obj_version.get("Key"), s3.bucket_name, new_name, obj_version.get("VersionId"), )) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): print("rename: s3://%s/%s to s3://%s/%s with version %s" % ( s3.bucket_name, obj_version.get("Key"), s3.bucket_name, new_name, obj_version.get("VersionId"), )) # initialise empty s3_args so that get_copy_args will use all the original value s3_args = S3Args(s3) copy_object_args = get_copy_args( s3, s3.path_list[0], s3_args, extra_args=True, version=obj_version.get("VersionId"), ) copy_source = { "Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": obj_version.get("Key"), "VersionId": obj_version.get("VersionId"), } s3transferwrapper = S3TransferWrapper() s3.client.copy( copy_source, s3.bucket_name, new_name, Callback=S3Progress( obj_version.get("Key", ""), s3.bucket_name, s3.client, version_id=obj_version.get("VersionId"), ), ExtraArgs=copy_object_args, Config=s3transferwrapper.transfer_config, )
def update_object_recursive( s3: S3, storage: bool = False, acl: bool = False, metadata: bool = False, encryption: bool = False, tagging: bool = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Recursive update object attributes. :param s3: S3 class instance :type s3: S3 :param storage: update storage :type storage: bool, optional :param acl: update acl :type acl: bool, optional :param metadata: update metadata :type metadata: bool, optional :param encryption: update encryption :type encryption: bool, optional :param tagging: update tagging :type tagging: bool, optional :param exclude: glob pattern to exclude :type exclude: List[str], optional :param include: glob pattern to include :type include: List[str], optional """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if include is None: include = [] s3_args = S3Args(s3) s3_args.set_extra_args(storage, acl, metadata, encryption, tagging) # check if only tags or acl is being updated # this way it won't create extra versions on the object check_result = s3_args.check_tag_acl() file_list = walk_s3_folder( s3.client, s3.bucket_name, s3.path_list[0], s3.path_list[0], [], exclude, include, "object", s3.path_list[0], s3.bucket_name, ) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): if check_result: for original_key, _ in file_list: print("update: s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, original_key)) if check_result.get("Tags"): s3.client.put_object_tagging( Bucket=s3.bucket_name, Key=original_key, Tagging={"TagSet": check_result.get("Tags")}, ) if check_result.get("Grants"): grant_args = { "Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": original_key } grant_args.update(check_result.get("Grants", {})) s3.client.put_object_acl(**grant_args) else: for original_key, _ in file_list: print("update: s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, original_key)) # Note: this will create new version if version is enabled copy_object_args = get_copy_args(s3, original_key, s3_args, extra_args=True) copy_source = {"Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": original_key} s3transferwrapper = S3TransferWrapper() s3.client.copy( copy_source, s3.bucket_name, original_key, Callback=S3Progress(original_key, s3.bucket_name, s3.client), ExtraArgs=copy_object_args, Config=s3transferwrapper.transfer_config, )
def object_s3( profile: Union[str, bool] = False, bucket: str = None, recursive: bool = False, version: bool = False, allversion: bool = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: bool = False, storage: bool = False, encryption: bool = False, metadata: bool = False, tagging: bool = False, acl: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update selected object settings. Display a menu based on recursive and version requirement. If name is true, only handle rename. :param profile: use a different profile for this operation :type profile: Union[str, bool], optional :param bucket: bucket name that contains the object :type bucket: str, optional :param recursive: recursive update object attr :type recursive: bool, optional :param allversion: update all versions of a object :type allversion: bool, optional :param exclude: glob pattern to exclude :type exclude: List[str], optional :param include: glob pattern to include :type include: List[str], optional :param name: update name :type name: bool, optional :param storage: update storage :type storage: bool, optional :param encryption: update encryption :type encryption: bool, optional :param metadata: update metadata :type metadata: bool, optional :param tagging: update tagging :type tagging: bool, optional :param acl: update acl :type acl: bool, optional """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if include is None: include = [] if allversion: version = True s3 = S3(profile) s3.set_bucket_and_path(bucket) if not s3.bucket_name: s3.set_s3_bucket() if recursive and not s3.path_list[0]: s3.set_s3_path() elif name and not s3.path_list[0]: s3.set_s3_object(version) elif not s3.path_list[0]: s3.set_s3_object(version, multi_select=True) # handle rename if name: update_object_name(s3, version) elif recursive: update_object_recursive(s3, storage, acl, metadata, encryption, tagging, exclude, include) elif version: update_object_version(s3, allversion, acl, tagging) else: # update single object s3_args = S3Args(s3) s3_args.set_extra_args(storage, acl, metadata, encryption, tagging) # check if only tags or acl is being updated # this way it won't create extra versions on the object, if versioning is enabled check_result = s3_args.check_tag_acl() for s3_key in s3.path_list: print("(dryrun) update: s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, s3_key)) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): for s3_key in s3.path_list: print("update: s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, s3_key)) if check_result: if check_result.get("Tags"): s3.client.put_object_tagging( Bucket=s3.bucket_name, Key=s3_key, Tagging={"TagSet": check_result.get("Tags")}, ) if check_result.get("Grants"): grant_args = {"Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": s3_key} grant_args.update(check_result.get("Grants", {})) s3.client.put_object_acl(**grant_args) else: # Note: this will create new version if version is enabled copy_object_args = get_copy_args(s3, s3_key, s3_args, extra_args=True) copy_source = {"Bucket": s3.bucket_name, "Key": s3_key} s3transferwrapper = S3TransferWrapper() s3.client.copy( copy_source, s3.bucket_name, s3_key, Callback=S3Progress(s3_key, s3.bucket_name, s3.client), ExtraArgs=copy_object_args, Config=s3transferwrapper.transfer_config, )
def copy_and_preserve( s3: S3, target_bucket: str, target_path: str, dest_bucket: str, dest_path: str, version: str = None, ) -> None: """Copy object to other buckets and preserve previous details. :param s3: S3 instance, make sure contains bucket name :type s3: S3 :param target_bucket: source bucket for upload :type target_bucket: str :param dest_bucket: destination bucket :type dest_bucket: str :param dest_path: destination key name :type dest_path: str :param version: versionID of the object :type version: str :raises ClientError: clienterror will raise when coping KMS encrypted file, handled internally """ copy_source: Dict[str, str] = {"Bucket": target_bucket, "Key": target_path} if version: copy_source["VersionId"] = version s3_args = S3Args(s3) copy_object_args = get_copy_args(s3, target_path, s3_args, extra_args=True, version=version) # limit to one retry attempt_count: int = 0 while attempt_count < 2: try: attempt_count += 1 s3transferwrapper = S3TransferWrapper() s3.client.copy( copy_source, dest_bucket, dest_path, Callback=S3Progress(target_path, s3.bucket_name, s3.client), ExtraArgs=copy_object_args, Config=s3transferwrapper.transfer_config, ) break except ClientError as e: error_pattern = r"^.*\((.*)\).*$" error_name = re.match(error_pattern, str(e)).group(1) if error_name == "AccessDenied": print(80 * "-") print(e) print( "You may have ACL policies that enable public access but " "the destination bucket is blocking all public access, " + "you need to either uncheck 'block all public access' or update your object ACL settings " + "or try again without the -p flag or continue without preserving the ACL." ) if not get_confirmation("Continue without preserving ACL?"): raise copy_object_args.pop("GrantFullControl", None) copy_object_args.pop("GrantRead", None) copy_object_args.pop("GrantReadACP", None) copy_object_args.pop("GrantWriteACP", None) # # handle when kms encrypt object move to a bucket in different region elif error_name == "KMS.NotFoundException": copy_object_args["ServerSideEncryption"] = "AES256" copy_object_args.pop("SSEKMSKeyId", None) else: raise
def upload_s3( profile: bool = False, bucket: str = None, local_paths: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, recursive: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, search_root: bool = False, sync: bool = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, extra_config: bool = False, ) -> None: """Upload local files/directories to s3. Upload through boto3 s3 client. Glob pattern exclude list are handled first then handle the include list. :param profile: profile to use for this operation :type profile: bool, optional :param bucket: specify bucket to upload :type bucket: str, optional :param local_paths: local file paths to upload :type local_paths: list, optional :param recursive: upload directory :type recursive: bool, optional :param hidden: include hidden files during search :type hidden: bool, optional :param search_root: search from root :type search_root: bool, optional :param sync: use aws cli s3 sync :type sync: bool, optional :param exclude: glob patterns to exclude :type exclude: List[str], optional :param include: glob patterns to include :type include: List[str], optional :param extra_config: configure extra settings during upload :type extra_config: bool, optional """ if not local_paths: local_paths = [] if not exclude: exclude = [] if not include: include = [] s3 = S3(profile) s3.set_bucket_and_path(bucket) if not s3.bucket_name: s3.set_s3_bucket() if not s3.path_list[0]: s3.set_s3_path() if not local_paths: fzf = Pyfzf() recursive = True if recursive or sync else False # don't allow multi_select for recursive operation multi_select = True if not recursive else False local_paths = fzf.get_local_file( search_from_root=search_root, directory=recursive, hidden=hidden, multi_select=multi_select, ) # get the first item from the array since recursive operation doesn't support multi_select # local_path is used for sync and recursive operation # local_paths is used for single file operation if isinstance(local_paths, list): local_path = str(local_paths[0]) else: local_path = str(local_paths) # construct extra argument extra_args = S3Args(s3) if extra_config: extra_args.set_extra_args(upload=True) if sync: sync_s3( exclude=exclude, include=include, from_path=local_path, to_path="s3://%s/%s" % (s3.bucket_name, s3.path_list[0]), ) elif recursive: recursive_upload(s3, local_path, exclude, include, extra_args) else: for filepath in local_paths: # get the formated s3 destination destination_key = s3.get_s3_destination_key(filepath) print("(dryrun) upload: %s to s3://%s/%s" % (filepath, s3.bucket_name, destination_key)) if get_confirmation("Confirm?"): for filepath in local_paths: destination_key = s3.get_s3_destination_key(filepath) print("upload: %s to s3://%s/%s" % (filepath, s3.bucket_name, destination_key)) transfer = S3TransferWrapper(s3.client) transfer.s3transfer.upload_file( filepath, s3.bucket_name, destination_key, callback=S3Progress(filepath), extra_args=extra_args.extra_args, )