예제 #1
 def shutdown(self):
     Shut down the backend process.
     self._isAlive = 0
     from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED, 'Routing Table updater is shutdown')
예제 #2
파일: g4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
    def startup(self):
        Starts up G4DS.
        Regarding to the settings in the configuration files the connections are established and
        the database is loaded.
        from maintainlib import _printAction, _finishActionLine, SUCESS_POS, SUCESS_NEG, SUCESS_SKIP
        from errorhandling import G4dsException 
        print "\n" + "*" * 90
        _printAction(0, "Starting up G4DS",1)

        _printAction(1, "Loading Configuration", 1)
        self.loadConfigurations()        # initialise with their private keys from the personal credential manager
##        _finishActionLine()        

        _printAction(1, "Start G4DS logging")
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger
        except G4dsException, msg:
            _printAction(2, str(msg))
예제 #3
 def updateNow(self, timeout = 60):
     Performs the actual updating process.
     from g4dsconfigurationcontroller import getRoutingController
     from communitymanager import getMemberManager, getCommunityManager
     peerList = {}   # the dict here is a bit chicky - but the simpliest way to avoid duplicates
     # get the ids of connected gateways and download their routing tables
     for communityid in getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getCommunityIds():
         comm = getCommunityManager().getCommunity(communityid)
         for gw in comm.getSourceGateways():
             if gw.getMemberId() != getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId():
                 peerList[gw.getMemberId()] = None
     peerList = peerList.keys()
     for peerId in peerList:
         routesRemote = getRoutingController().downloadRoutingTable(peerId, timeout = timeout)
         from routingtablemanager import getRoutingTableManager
         import thread
         thread.start_new_thread(getRoutingTableManager().applyRoutingTableFromNode, (peerId, routesRemote))
     from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED, 'Routing table updated')
예제 #4
    def dispatch(self, message, incomingmessageid):
        Unwrappes the message and tries to deliver directly, or if not possible through another routing hop.
##        print "\tRouting Dispatcher: Received something to pass on."
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Control Msg - SS: Routing Engine')

        from messagewrapper import getControlMessageWrapper
        action, sucess, args, unwrapped = getControlMessageWrapper().unwrapSSRoutingMessage(message)
        destination = args['destination']
        protocol = args['protocol']
        community = args['community']

        from authorisationcontroller import getAuthorisationController
        from messagehandler import getMessageContextController
        sourceCommunity = getMessageContextController().getValue(incomingmessageid, 'communityid')
##        # let's check, whether the sender of this message is allowed to route into the community
##        if not getAuthorisationController().validate(getMessageContextController().getValue(incomingmessageid, 'senderid'), 
##            sourceCommunity, 'g4ds.routing.route'):
##            return
        from communitymanager import getMemberManager
        # check first, whether we are the final receipient
        if getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId() == destination:
            # great stuff - pass it to the global dispatcher
            from messagehandler import getGlobalDispatcher
            getGlobalDispatcher().dispatch(protocol, unwrapped)
            args = {}
            args['destination'] = destination
            args['protocol'] = protocol
            args['community'] = community
            from messagewrapper import getControlMessageWrapper
            wrapped, doc, element = getControlMessageWrapper().wrapSSRoutingMessage('1', args = args, data = unwrapped)
            from g4dsconfigurationcontroller import getOutgoingControlMessagesHandler, CONTROL_ROUTER
            # check, whether we can reach the dest community directly
                # great to know; but are we allowed this action?
                if not getAuthorisationController().validate(getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId(), community, 'g4ds.routing.route'):
                    raise ValueError('I am in the dest community; but I am not allowed to route into it. Let us try to find somebody else.')
                # unfortunately, we can only check the dest tc with the access control - let's check for scr / dest combination additionally
                for gw in getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getGateways():
                    if gw.getSourceCommunityId() == sourceCommunity and gw.getDestinationCommunityId() == community:
                        getOutgoingControlMessagesHandler().sendMessage(destination, CONTROL_ROUTER, "Routing message", wrapped, communityid = community)
                raise ValueError('I am in the dest community; but I am not allowed to route into it. Let us try to find somebody else.')
            except ValueError, msg:
                # ok - looks like we can only pass it on to the next hop
                gateway_member_id, peercommunity, hops = getRoutingTableManager().getNexthopForCommunity(community)
                # are we allowed this action then?
                if not getAuthorisationController().validate(getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId(), peercommunity, 'g4ds.routing.route'):
                # ah, fair enough - is it also allowed for the combination src TC / dst TC?
                for gw in getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getGateways():
                    if gw.getSourceCommunityId() == sourceCommunity and gw.getDestinationCommunityId() == peercommunity:
                        getOutgoingControlMessagesHandler().sendMessage(gateway_member_id, CONTROL_ROUTER, "Routing message", wrapped, communityid = peercommunity)
예제 #5
 def flushTable(self):
     Flushes the routing table - the table will be totally empty afterwards.
     self._routingtable = {}
     if self._dbconnected:
     from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED_MANUALLY
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED_MANUALLY, 'Routing table flushed')
예제 #6
 def dispatch(self, protocol, message, inbackground = 1):
     Receives the raw messages from the protocol implementations and passes them
     somewhere depending on the type.
     Message is passed to the L{messagewrapper.MessageWrapper.unwrapG4dsMessage} function for removing
     the g4ds-"header" and gain the actual information. Afterwards, in case of an encrypted message
     it is passed to the private function L{_handleDecryptionAndValidation} which will thereupon unwrap and decrypt
     the message. Then, the message is passed and it is identified, whether there is a service or a
     control message contained. Depending on this, the content is either passed to the 
     L{g4dsconfigurationcontroller.ControlMessageDispatcher.dispatch} or to the 
     @param protocol: Protocol as identified for the incoming message
     @type protocol: C{String}
     @param message: String representation of the XML message
     @type message: C{String}
     if inbackground:
         import thread
         thread.start_new_thread(self.dispatch,(protocol, message, 0))
     from errorhandling import G4dsException
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_MSG, 'New incoming message')
         firstmessage = message
         message, rootnode = getMessageWrapper().unwrapG4dsMessage(message)
         message, senderidDec, communityid = self._handleDecryptionAndValidation(message, protocol)
         message, mid, senderid, refid = getMessageWrapper().unwrapG4dsPlain(message)
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- MSG ID %s | SENDER %s' %(mid, senderid))
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Size of msg (brutto | netto): %d | %d Bytes' %(len(firstmessage), len(message)))
         getMessageContextController().addValue(mid, 'refid', refid)
         getMessageContextController().addValue(mid, 'senderid', senderid)
         getMessageContextController().addValue(mid, 'communityid', communityid)
         root = xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2.FromXml(message)
         childnode = root.childNodes[1]
         if childnode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
             stio = StringIO()
             xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(childnode, stio)
             xmlSubTreeString = stio.getvalue()
             if childnode.nodeName == xmlconfig.g4ds_control_node:
                 id, name, data = getMessageWrapper().unwrapControlMessage(xmlSubTreeString)
                 getControlMessageDispatcher().dispatch(childnode, id, name, data, mid)
             if childnode.nodeName == xmlconfig.g4ds_service_node:
                 id, name, data = getMessageWrapper().unwrapServiceMessage(xmlSubTreeString)
                 getServiceIntegrator().dispatch(id, name, data, mid)
     except G4dsException, msg:
         from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_ERROR
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_ERROR, msg)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self):
     Initialises the background process.
     self._isAlive = 1
     from config import ENABLE_ROUTING
     from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED
     import thread
         thread.start_new_thread(self.runForEver, ())
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED, 'Routing Table updater intialised')
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED, 'Routing Table updater disabled in config file.')
         from errorhandling import G4dsRuntimeException
         raise G4dsRuntimeException('Dynamic routing is disabled in config file.')
예제 #8
 def recalculateRoutingTable(self):
     Creates routing entries from the scratch by processing gateway information.
     The values for directly reachable communities are applied. Furthermore, communities, which
     may be reached through one community only (1 hop) are put into as well.  The rest should be 
     sorted out be the dynamic routing faciliites.
     numberOfEntries = 0
     tmpList = []    # we have to maintain this list with new entries; just in case
                             # the routing table was not flushed beforehand
     # first process directly reachable communities - cost = 1
     from communitymanager import getMemberManager, getCommunityManager
     for communityid in getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getCommunityIds():
         # everybody can route into its own community  ...that's just important to pass it on to any gw within the community
         entry = RoutingTableEntry(None, communityid, communityid, getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId(), communityid, 1)
         numberOfEntries += 1
     # get all the gateways of the directly connected communities
     for communityid in getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getCommunityIds():
         comm = getCommunityManager().getCommunity(communityid)
         for gw in comm.getSourceGateways():
             # if it's myself, I can reach it directly (cost 1)
             if gw.getMemberId() == getMemberManager().getLocalMember().getId():
                 entry = RoutingTableEntry(None, communityid, gw.getDestinationCommunityId(), gw.getMemberId(), 
                     communityid, 1)
                 numberOfEntries += 1                    
     # now get all the entries with cost 2
     # what do we do: We check the available entries with cost 1 and have a look, which (source) gateways are
     # available for them (for their destination gateway)
     for item in tmpList:
         srcTC = item.getDestinationTC() #  the destination tc of the hop 1 entry will be the src tc of the hop 2 entry
         comm = getCommunityManager().getCommunity(srcTC)
         for gw in comm.getSourceGateways():
             entry = RoutingTableEntry(None, item.getSourceTC(), gw.getDestinationCommunityId(), gw.getMemberId(),
                 srcTC, 2)
             numberOfEntries += 1             
     from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED_MANUALLY
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATED_MANUALLY, 'Routing table recalculated - added %d entries.' %(numberOfEntries))
     return numberOfEntries
예제 #9
    def _assembleRoutingMessage(self, message, endpoint):
        final_destination = endpoint.getMemberId()
        community = endpoint.getCommunityId()
        from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager
        protocolname = getProtocolManager().getProtocol(endpoint.getProtocolId()).getName()
        gateway_member_id, peercommunity, hops = getRoutingTableManager().getNexthopForCommunity(endpoint.getCommunityId())
        args = {}
        args['destination'] = final_destination
        args['protocol'] = protocolname
        args['community'] = community
        from messagewrapper import getControlMessageWrapper
        wrapped, tmp, tmp1 = getControlMessageWrapper().wrapSSRoutingMessage('1', args = args, data = message)

        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Routing details: Gateway (%s | %s)' %(gateway_member_id, peercommunity))
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Size of Data %d chars' %(len(message)))

        from g4dsconfigurationcontroller import getOutgoingControlMessagesHandler, CONTROL_ROUTER
        getOutgoingControlMessagesHandler().sendMessage(gateway_member_id, CONTROL_ROUTER, "Routing message", wrapped, communityid = peercommunity)
예제 #10
 def _logEntry(self, actor, target, action, reaction, reportPolicyError = 0):
     Reports this access control access to the logging facilities.
     if reportPolicyError:
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(PERMISSION_POLICY_ERROR, 'Access Control Policy error - rules are not covering all actions. Check your rulesets. Apply default reaction from config module for now.')
     global REACTION_DICT
     if REACTION_DICT[reaction]:
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(PERMISSION_MESSAGE_PASSED, 'Access Control - message passed: %s -> %s (A: %s)' %(actor, target, action))
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(PERMISSION_MESSAGE_DROPPED, 'Access Control - access violation: %s -> %s (A: %s)' %(actor, target, action))
예제 #11
    def _handleDecryptionAndValidation(self, message, protocolname):
        Helper function for supporting the decryption of the message.
        The passed message is passed to the L{messagewrapper.MessageWrapper.unwrapForDecryption}
        for removing the encryption "header" and gaining the name of the algorithm and the 
        cipher text. Afterwards, the function decrypt in the securitycontroller is invoked
        and the result is returned.
        @return: Result of the L{securitycontroller.SecurityController.decrypt}
        @rtype: C{String}
        alg, data = getMessageWrapper().unwrapForDecryption(message)
        data = getSecurityController().decrypt(data, alg)
        algName, memberid, communityid, data, signature = getMessageWrapper().unwrapForValidation(data)
        from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
        from errorhandling import G4dsDependencyException, G4dsCommunicationException
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT
        from securitymanager import getCredentialManager, getAlgorithmManager

            endpoint = getEndpointManager().findEndpoint(memberid, communityid, protocolname, algName)
            credential = getCredentialManager().getCredential(endpoint.getCredentialId())
            if not credential:
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'No credential found for the sender of the incoming message - validation aborted.')
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('No credential found for the sender of the incoming message - validation aborted.')
            key = credential.getKey()
            if not getSecurityController().validate(data, signature, key, algName):
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('Signature not valid for this message.')
            return data, memberid, communityid
        except G4dsDependencyException, msg:
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'Src Enpoint Detemination: %s - attempt key determination' %(msg))
            # we have to carry on here - if the message is routed; the end-to-end message integrity must still be ensured; however - both members are not in the 
            # same community; hence - the receiver might not know about the endpoints of the sender; however, for this approach it's compulsary, that the public
            # key is known
            creds = getCredentialManager().getCredentialsForMember(memberid)
            for cred in creds:
                # well, problem here - the sender might have several keys of the same algorithm - no chance to get around checking them all here
                if getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithm(cred.getAlgorithmId()).getName() == algName:
                    key = cred.getKey()
                    if getSecurityController().validate(data, signature, key, algName):
                        return data, memberid, communityid
            # ohoh - looks like this message is not valied :(
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'Src Enpoint Detemination: manual key search not sucessful.')
            raise G4dsCommunicationException('Signature not valid for the incoming message.')
예제 #12
    def sendMessage(self, message, endpoint):
        Tries to deliver a message directly, if impossible via wrapping into routing message.
        All messages should be passed here and not be sent from anywhere else. The routing engine 
        looks, whether the given endpoint may be reached directly from the local node. If this
        is possible, the message is sent off directly. If, however, this is not possible, the 
        message is wrapped into a routing message and gateways are tried to identify for passing
        the message through the topology.
        # check, whether I am in the community of the given endpoint, if not - we need to attempt to route this message
        tc = endpoint.getCommunityId()
        from communitymanager import getMemberManager
        local = getMemberManager().getLocalMember()
##        try:
##            local.getCommunityIds().index(tc)
        from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager, getEndpointManager

        if len(getEndpointManager().getEndpointsForMember(local.getId(), tc)):

            from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG, 'New outgoing message - direct delivery (%s | %s)' %(endpoint.getMemberId(), tc))
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Endpoint %s' %(str(endpoint)))
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Size of Data %d chars' %(len(message)))

            protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocol(endpoint.getProtocolId())
            from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
            protocol = getProtocolController().getOpenProtocol(protocol.getName())
            from socket import error
            from errorhandling import G4dsCommunicationException
                protocol.sendMessage(endpoint.getAddress(), message)
            except error, msg:
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('Sending Message: %s' %(msg))
예제 #13
            protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocol(endpoint.getProtocolId())
            from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
            protocol = getProtocolController().getOpenProtocol(protocol.getName())
            from socket import error
            from errorhandling import G4dsCommunicationException
                protocol.sendMessage(endpoint.getAddress(), message)
            except error, msg:
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('Sending Message: %s' %(msg))
##        except ValueError, msg:
            # ok, not in there - let's route then
            from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_ROUTED
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_ROUTED, 'New outgoing message - routed (%s | %s)' %(endpoint.getMemberId(), tc))

            self._assembleRoutingMessage(message, endpoint)
    def _assembleRoutingMessage(self, message, endpoint):
        final_destination = endpoint.getMemberId()
        community = endpoint.getCommunityId()
        from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager
        protocolname = getProtocolManager().getProtocol(endpoint.getProtocolId()).getName()
        gateway_member_id, peercommunity, hops = getRoutingTableManager().getNexthopForCommunity(endpoint.getCommunityId())
        args = {}
        args['destination'] = final_destination
        args['protocol'] = protocolname
        args['community'] = community
        from messagewrapper import getControlMessageWrapper
예제 #14
파일: testg4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
def testLogging():
    from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger
예제 #15
파일: g4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
        except G4dsRuntimeException, msg:

        _printAction(1, "Shutting down Listeners")
        from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
        import socket
        except socket.error, msg:
            _printAction(2, str(msg))
        _printAction (1,"Shutting down Logging")
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger
        _printAction(0, "Shutdown complete")
        print "*" * 90 + "\n"
## ########################################
## Interaction with G4ds
    def registerClient(self, serviceid, clientcallback):
        A new client has connected through C/S facilities.
        Let's go and register it with the service integrator.