예제 #1
파일: ex波动率.py 프로젝트: dxcv/pyfcim
def ga(df, start, end, _positionList, ranges=[(20,100),(0.01, 1),(0.01, 1),(0.01, 1),(1, 5)], eps=0.01):
    indv_template = BinaryIndividual(ranges=ranges, eps=eps)
    population = Population(indv_template=indv_template, size=100)
    population.init()  # Initialize population with individuals.
    # Use built-in operators here.
    selection = RouletteWheelSelection()
    crossover = UniformCrossover(pc=0.8, pe=0.5)
    mutation = FlipBitMutation(pm=0.3)
    engine = GAEngine(population=population, selection=selection,
                      crossover=crossover, mutation=mutation,

    def fitness(indv):
        n, upper, lower, adds, cutoff = indv.solution
        df['KAMA'] = talib.KAMA(df.close, int(n))
        df['VAR'] = talib.VAR(df.close-df.KAMA.shift(1) - df.close.shift(1)+df.KAMA.shift(2),10)
        profitsList, buypriceList, sellpriceList, fits,positionList = profitsCal(df, start, end, _positionList, upper=upper, lower=lower, adds = adds, cutoff=cutoff)
        return float(fits)

    class ConsoleOutput(OnTheFlyAnalysis):
        master_only = True
        interval = 1
        def register_step(self, g, population, engine):
            best_indv = population.best_indv(engine.fitness)
            msg = 'Generation: {}, best fitness: {:.3f}'.format(g, engine.fmax)

    return population.best_indv(engine.fitness).solution, _positionList
예제 #2
def doga(units, ploads, hload, size=50, ng=5, pc=0.8, pe=0.5, pm=0.1):
    # 计算不同典型日下,最小运行成本均值
    def calcost(indv):
        # 输入改造方案
        for chpunit, rtype in zip(chpunits, indv):
            chpunit.rtype = rtype
        meancost = 0
        # ploads为字典,key:典型日出现的概率,value:[典型日负荷曲线,风电出力极限曲线1,...,风电出力极限曲线n]
        for p in ploads.keys():
            x = ProSimu()
            x.pload = ploads[p][0]
            x.hload = hload
            wn = 0
            for wpunit in wpunits:
                wn += 1
                wpunit.maxwp = ploads[p][wn]
            x.units = units
            meancost += x.getoptvalue()*p
        return meancost

    ranges = list()
    wpunits = list()
    chpunits = list()
    for unit in units:
        if unit.ptype == 0:  # Wind Power Unit
            wpunits += [unit]
        elif unit.ptype == 2:  # CHP Unit-1
            ranges += [(0, 4)]
            chpunits += [unit]
        elif unit.ptype == 3:  # CHP Unit-2
            ranges += [(0, 3)]
            chpunits += [unit]
    template = BinaryIndividual(ranges, eps=1)
    population = Population(indv_template=template, size=size).init()
    selection = TournamentSelection()
    crossover = UniformCrossover(pc=pc, pe=pe)
    mutation = FlipBitMutation(pm=pm)
    engine = GAEngine(population=population, selection=selection, crossover=crossover, mutation=mutation,
                      analysis=[ConsoleOutput, FitnessStore])

    def fitness(indv):
        # print(type(float(calcost(indv.solution))))
        return float(calcost(indv.solution))


    bestindv = population.best_indv(engine.fitness).solution
    for unitt, rtype in zip(chpunits, bestindv):
        unitt.rtype = rtype
    result = calcost(bestindv)
    print('Best individual:', bestindv)
    print('Optimal result:', result)
예제 #3
class optimize_ga:
    def __init__(self ,k ,total_implied_variance ,slice_before ,slice_after ,tau):
        self.k =k
        self.total_implied_variance =total_implied_variance
        self.slice_before =slice_before
        self.slice_after = slice_after
        self.tau = tau

        # Define population.
        indv_template = BinaryIndividual(ranges=[(1e-5, 20),(1e-5, 20),(1e-5, 20)], eps=0.001)
        self.population = Population(indv_template=indv_template, size=30).init()

        # Create genetic operators.
        selection = TournamentSelection()
        crossover = UniformCrossover(pc=0.8, pe=0.5)
        mutation = FlipBitMutation(pm=0.1)

        # Create genetic algorithm engine.
        self.engine = GAEngine(population=self.population, selection=selection,
                               crossover=crossover, mutation=mutation,

        # Define fitness function.
        def fitness(indv):
            a, b, m, rho, sigma = indv.solution

            model_total_implied_variance=svi_raw(self.k,np.array([a, b, m, rho, sigma]),self.tau)
            value = norm(self.total_implied_variance - model_total_implied_variance,ord=2)

            # if bool(len(self.slice_before)) and np.array(model_total_implied_variance < self.slice_before).any():
            #     value +=(np.count_nonzero(~np.array(model_total_implied_variance < self.slice_before))*100)
            #     # value = 1e6
            # if bool(len(self.slice_after)) and np.array(model_total_implied_variance > self.slice_after).any():
            #     value += float(np.count_nonzero(~np.array(model_total_implied_variance > self.slice_after)) * 100)
            #     # value = 1e6
            # if np.isnan(value):
            #     value = 1e6

            value = float(value)
            return value

    # Define on-the-fly analysis.
    #     @self.engine.analysis_register
    #     class ConsoleOutputAnalysis(OnTheFlyAnalysis):
    #         interval = 1
    #         master_only = True
    #         def register_step(self, g, population, engine):
    #             best_indv = population.best_indv(engine.fitness)
    #             msg = 'Generation: {}, best fitness: {:.3f}'.format(g, engine.ori_fmax)
    #             self.logger.info(msg)
    #         def finalize(self, population, engine):
    #             best_indv = population.best_indv(engine.fitness)
    #             x = best_indv.solution
    #             y = engine.ori_fmax
    #             msg = 'Optimal solution: ({}, {})'.format(x, y)
    #             self.logger.info(msg)
    def optimize(self):
        return self.population.best_indv(self.engine.fitness).solution
예제 #4

class ConsoleOutput(OnTheFlyAnalysis):
    master_only = True
    interval = 20    

    def register_step(self, generacija, population, gen_algo):
        best_indv = population.best_indv(gen_algo.fitness)
        msg = 'Generacija: {}, best fitness: {:.3f}'.format(generacija, gen_algo.fmax)

for generacija in range(individual_template):
                trenutna_generacija = generacija

                if mpi.is_master:
                    best_indv = population.best_indv(fitness)
                    best_indv = None
                best_indv = mpi.bcast(best_indv)
                local_indvs = []
                local_size = mpi.split_size(population.size // 2)

                for _ in range(local_size):
                   roditelji = self.selection.select(population, fitness=fitness)
                   djeca = crossover.cross(*roditelji)
                   dijete= [mtation.mutation(dijete) for dijete in djeca]

                indvs = mpi.merge_seq(local_indvs)