예제 #1
class ToolModule( WorkflowModule ):

    type = "tool"

    def __init__( self, trans, tool_id, tool_version=None ):
        self.trans = trans
        self.tool_id = tool_id
        self.tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool( tool_id, tool_version=tool_version )
        self.post_job_actions = {}
        self.runtime_post_job_actions = {}
        self.workflow_outputs = []
        self.state = None
        self.version_changes = []
        if self.tool:
            self.errors = None
            self.errors = {}
            self.errors[ tool_id ] = 'Tool unavailable'

    def new( Class, trans, tool_id=None ):
        module = Class( trans, tool_id )
        if module.tool is None:
            error_message = "Attempted to create new workflow module for invalid tool_id, no tool with id - %s." % tool_id
            raise Exception( error_message )
        module.state = module.tool.new_state( trans, all_pages=True )
        return module

    def from_dict( Class, trans, d, secure=True ):
        tool_id = d[ 'tool_id' ]
        tool_version = str( d.get( 'tool_version', None ) )
        module = Class( trans, tool_id, tool_version=tool_version )
        module.state = galaxy.tools.DefaultToolState()
        if module.tool is not None:
            if d.get('tool_version', 'Unspecified') != module.get_tool_version():
                message = "%s: using version '%s' instead of version '%s' indicated in this workflow." % ( tool_id, d.get( 'tool_version', 'Unspecified' ), module.get_tool_version() )
            if d[ "tool_state" ]:
                module.state.decode( d[ "tool_state" ], module.tool, module.trans.app, secure=secure )
        module.errors = d.get( "tool_errors", None )
        module.post_job_actions = d.get( "post_job_actions", {} )
        module.workflow_outputs = d.get( "workflow_outputs", [] )
        return module

    def from_workflow_step( Class, trans, step ):
        toolbox = trans.app.toolbox
        tool_id = step.tool_id
        if toolbox:
            # See if we have access to a different version of the tool.
            # TODO: If workflows are ever enhanced to use tool version
            # in addition to tool id, enhance the selection process here
            # to retrieve the correct version of the tool.
            tool_id = toolbox.get_tool_id( tool_id )
        if ( toolbox and tool_id ):
            if step.config:
                # This step has its state saved in the config field due to the
                # tool being previously unavailable.
                return module_factory.from_dict(trans, loads(step.config), secure=False)
            tool_version = step.tool_version
            module = Class( trans, tool_id, tool_version=tool_version )
            if step.tool_version and (step.tool_version != module.tool.version):
                message = "%s: using version '%s' instead of version '%s' indicated in this workflow." % (tool_id, module.tool.version, step.tool_version)
            module.recover_state( step.tool_inputs )
            module.errors = step.tool_errors
            module.workflow_outputs = step.workflow_outputs
            pjadict = {}
            for pja in step.post_job_actions:
                pjadict[pja.action_type] = pja
            module.post_job_actions = pjadict
            return module
        return None

    def recover_state( self, state, **kwds ):
        """ Recover module configuration state property (a `DefaultToolState`
        object) using the tool's `params_from_strings` method.
        app = self.trans.app
        self.state = galaxy.tools.DefaultToolState()
        params_from_kwds = dict(
            ignore_errors=kwds.get( "ignore_errors", True )
        self.state.inputs = self.tool.params_from_strings( state, app, **params_from_kwds )

    def recover_runtime_state( self, runtime_state ):
        """ Take secure runtime state from persisted invocation and convert it
        into a DefaultToolState object for use during workflow invocation.
        state = galaxy.tools.DefaultToolState()
        app = self.trans.app
        state.decode( runtime_state, self.tool, app, secure=False )
        state_dict = loads( runtime_state )
        if RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY in state_dict:
            self.__restore_step_meta_runtime_state( loads( state_dict[ RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY ] ) )
        return state

    def normalize_runtime_state( self, runtime_state ):
        return runtime_state.encode( self.tool, self.trans.app, secure=False )

    def save_to_step( self, step ):
        step.type = self.type
        step.tool_id = self.tool_id
        if self.tool:
            step.tool_version = self.get_tool_version()
            step.tool_inputs = self.tool.params_to_strings( self.state.inputs, self.trans.app )
            step.tool_version = None
            step.tool_inputs = None
        step.tool_errors = self.errors
        for k, v in self.post_job_actions.iteritems():
            pja = self.__to_pja( k, v, step )
            self.trans.sa_session.add( pja )

    def __to_pja( self, key, value, step ):
        if 'output_name' in value:
            output_name = value['output_name']
            output_name = None
        if 'action_arguments' in value:
            action_arguments = value['action_arguments']
            action_arguments = None
        return PostJobAction(value['action_type'], step, output_name, action_arguments)

    def get_name( self ):
        if self.tool:
            return self.tool.name
        return 'unavailable'

    def get_tool_id( self ):
        return self.tool_id

    def get_tool_version( self ):
        return self.tool.version

    def get_state( self, secure=True ):
        return self.state.encode( self.tool, self.trans.app, secure=secure )

    def get_errors( self ):
        return self.errors

    def get_tooltip( self, static_path='' ):
        if self.tool.help:
            return self.tool.help.render( host_url=web.url_for('/'), static_path=static_path )
            return None

    def get_data_inputs( self ):
        data_inputs = []

        def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ):
            if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ):
                data_inputs.append( dict(
                    input_type="dataset", ) )
            if isinstance( input, DataCollectionToolParameter ):
                data_inputs.append( dict(
                ) )

        visit_input_values( self.tool.inputs, self.state.inputs, callback )
        return data_inputs

    def get_data_outputs( self ):
        data_outputs = []
        data_inputs = None
        for name, tool_output in self.tool.outputs.iteritems():
            extra_kwds = {}
            if tool_output.collection:
                extra_kwds["collection"] = True
                extra_kwds["collection_type"] = tool_output.structure.collection_type
                formats = [ 'input' ]  # TODO: fix
            elif tool_output.format_source is not None:
                formats = [ 'input' ]  # default to special name "input" which remove restrictions on connections
                if data_inputs is None:
                    data_inputs = self.get_data_inputs()
                # find the input parameter referenced by format_source
                for di in data_inputs:
                    # input names come prefixed with conditional and repeat names separated by '|'
                    # remove prefixes when comparing with format_source
                    if di['name'] is not None and di['name'].split('|')[-1] == tool_output.format_source:
                        formats = di['extensions']
                formats = [ tool_output.format ]
            for change_elem in tool_output.change_format:
                for when_elem in change_elem.findall( 'when' ):
                    format = when_elem.get( 'format', None )
                    if format and format not in formats:
                        formats.append( format )
        return data_outputs

    def get_runtime_input_dicts( self, step_annotation ):
        # Step is a tool and may have runtime inputs.
        input_dicts = []
        for name, val in self.state.inputs.items():
            input_type = type( val )
            if input_type == RuntimeValue:
                input_dicts.append( { "name": name, "description": "runtime parameter for tool %s" % self.get_name() } )
            elif input_type == dict:
                # Input type is described by a dict, e.g. indexed parameters.
                for partval in val.values():
                    if type( partval ) == RuntimeValue:
                        input_dicts.append( { "name": name, "description": "runtime parameter for tool %s" % self.get_name() } )
        return input_dicts

    def get_post_job_actions( self, incoming=None):
        if incoming is None:
            return self.post_job_actions
            return ActionBox.handle_incoming(incoming)

    def get_config_form( self ):
        return self.trans.fill_template( "workflow/editor_tool_form.mako", module=self,
            tool=self.tool, values=self.state.inputs, errors=( self.errors or {} ) )

    def encode_runtime_state( self, trans, state ):
        encoded = state.encode( self.tool, self.trans.app )
        return encoded

    def update_state( self, incoming ):
        # Build a callback that handles setting an input to be required at
        # runtime. We still process all other parameters the user might have
        # set. We also need to make sure all datasets have a dummy value
        # for dependencies to see

        self.post_job_actions = ActionBox.handle_incoming(incoming)

        make_runtime_key = incoming.get( 'make_runtime', None )
        make_buildtime_key = incoming.get( 'make_buildtime', None )

        def item_callback( trans, key, input, value, error, old_value, context ):
            # Dummy value for Data parameters
            if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ) or isinstance( input, DataCollectionToolParameter ):
                return DummyDataset(), None
            # Deal with build/runtime (does not apply to Data parameters)
            if key == make_buildtime_key:
                return input.get_initial_value( trans, context ), None
            elif isinstance( old_value, RuntimeValue ):
                return old_value, None
            elif key == make_runtime_key:
                return RuntimeValue(), None
            elif isinstance(value, basestring) and re.search("\$\{.+?\}", str(value)):
                # Workflow Parameter Replacement, so suppress error from going to the workflow level.
                return value, None
                return value, error

        # Update state using incoming values
        errors = self.tool.update_state( self.trans, self.tool.inputs, self.state.inputs, incoming, item_callback=item_callback )
        self.errors = errors or None

    def check_and_update_state( self ):
        inputs = self.state.inputs
        return self.tool.check_and_update_param_values( inputs, self.trans, allow_workflow_parameters=True )

    def compute_runtime_state( self, trans, step_updates=None, source="html" ):
        # Warning: This method destructively modifies existing step state.
        step_errors = None
        state = self.state
        self.runtime_post_job_actions = {}
        if step_updates:
            # Get the tool
            tool = self.tool
            # Get old errors
            old_errors = state.inputs.pop( "__errors__", {} )
            # Update the state
            self.runtime_post_job_actions = step_updates.get(RUNTIME_POST_JOB_ACTIONS_KEY, {})
            step_errors = tool.update_state( trans, tool.inputs, state.inputs, step_updates,
                                             update_only=True, old_errors=old_errors, source=source )
            step_metadata_runtime_state = self.__step_meta_runtime_state()
            if step_metadata_runtime_state:
                state.inputs[ RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY ] = step_metadata_runtime_state
        return state, step_errors

    def __step_meta_runtime_state( self ):
        """ Build a dictionary a of meta-step runtime state (state about how
        the workflow step - not the tool state) to be serialized with the Tool
        return { RUNTIME_POST_JOB_ACTIONS_KEY: self.runtime_post_job_actions }

    def __restore_step_meta_runtime_state( self, step_runtime_state ):
        if RUNTIME_POST_JOB_ACTIONS_KEY in step_runtime_state:
            self.runtime_post_job_actions = step_runtime_state[ RUNTIME_POST_JOB_ACTIONS_KEY ]

    def execute( self, trans, progress, invocation, step ):
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool( step.tool_id, tool_version=step.tool_version )
        tool_state = step.state
        # Not strictly needed - but keep Tool state clean by stripping runtime
        # metadata parameters from it.
        if RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY in tool_state.inputs:
            del tool_state.inputs[ RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY ]
        collections_to_match = self._find_collections_to_match( tool, progress, step )
        # Have implicit collections...
        if collections_to_match.has_collections():
            collection_info = self.trans.app.dataset_collections_service.match_collections( collections_to_match )
            collection_info = None

        param_combinations = []
        if collection_info:
            iteration_elements_iter = collection_info.slice_collections()
            iteration_elements_iter = [ None ]

        for iteration_elements in iteration_elements_iter:
            execution_state = tool_state.copy()
            # TODO: Move next step into copy()
            execution_state.inputs = make_dict_copy( execution_state.inputs )

            # Connect up
            def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ):
                replacement = None
                if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ) or isinstance( input, DataCollectionToolParameter ):
                    if iteration_elements and prefixed_name in iteration_elements:
                        if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ):
                            # Pull out dataset instance from element.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ].dataset_instance
                            # If collection - just use element model object.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ]
                        replacement = progress.replacement_for_tool_input( step, input, prefixed_name )
                return replacement
                # Replace DummyDatasets with historydatasetassociations
                visit_input_values( tool.inputs, execution_state.inputs, callback )
            except KeyError, k:
                message_template = "Error due to input mapping of '%s' in '%s'.  A common cause of this is conditional outputs that cannot be determined until runtime, please review your workflow."
                message = message_template % (tool.name, k.message)
                raise exceptions.MessageException( message )
            param_combinations.append( execution_state.inputs )

        execution_tracker = execute(
        if collection_info:
            step_outputs = dict( execution_tracker.implicit_collections )
            step_outputs = dict( execution_tracker.output_datasets )
            step_outputs.update( execution_tracker.output_collections )
        progress.set_step_outputs( step, step_outputs )
        jobs = execution_tracker.successful_jobs
        for job in jobs:
            self._handle_post_job_actions( step, job, invocation.replacement_dict )
        return jobs
예제 #2
class WorkflowInvoker(object):
    def __init__(self, trans, workflow, workflow_run_config):
        self.trans = trans
        self.workflow = workflow
        self.target_history = workflow_run_config.target_history
        self.replacement_dict = workflow_run_config.replacement_dict
        self.copy_inputs_to_history = workflow_run_config.copy_inputs_to_history
        self.inputs = workflow_run_config.inputs
        self.inputs_by = workflow_run_config.inputs_by
        self.inputs_by_step_id = {}
        self.param_map = workflow_run_config.param_map

        self.outputs = odict()

    def invoke(self):
        workflow_invocation = model.WorkflowInvocation()
        workflow_invocation.workflow = self.workflow

        # Web controller will populate state on each step before calling
        # invoke but not API controller. More work should be done to further
        # harmonize these methods going forward if possible - if possible
        # moving more web controller logic here.
        state_populated = not self.workflow.steps or hasattr(
            self.workflow.steps[0], "state")
        if not state_populated:

        for step in self.workflow.steps:
            jobs = self._invoke_step(step)
            for job in util.listify(jobs):
                # Record invocation
                workflow_invocation_step = model.WorkflowInvocationStep()
                workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation = workflow_invocation
                workflow_invocation_step.workflow_step = step
                workflow_invocation_step.job = job

        # All jobs ran successfully, so we can save now

        # Not flushing in here, because web controller may create multiple
        # invokations.
        return self.outputs

    def _invoke_step(self, step):
        if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None:
            jobs = self._execute_tool_step(step)
            jobs = self._execute_input_step(step)

        return jobs

    def _execute_tool_step(self, step):
        trans = self.trans
        outputs = self.outputs

        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(step.tool_id)
        tool_state = step.state

        collections_to_match = self._find_collections_to_match(tool, step)
        # Have implicit collections...
        if collections_to_match.has_collections():
            collection_info = self.trans.app.dataset_collections_service.match_collections(
            collection_info = None

        param_combinations = []
        if collection_info:
            iteration_elements_iter = collection_info.slice_collections()
            iteration_elements_iter = [None]

        for iteration_elements in iteration_elements_iter:
            execution_state = tool_state.copy()
            # TODO: Move next step into copy()
            execution_state.inputs = make_dict_copy(execution_state.inputs)

            # Connect up
            def callback(input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label):
                replacement = None
                if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter) or isinstance(
                        input, DataCollectionToolParameter):
                    if iteration_elements and prefixed_name in iteration_elements:
                        if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter):
                            # Pull out dataset instance from element.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[
                            # If collection - just use element model object.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[prefixed_name]
                        replacement = self._replacement_for_input(
                            input, prefixed_name, step)
                return replacement

                # Replace DummyDatasets with historydatasetassociations
                visit_input_values(tool.inputs, execution_state.inputs,
            except KeyError, k:
                message_template = "Error due to input mapping of '%s' in '%s'.  A common cause of this is conditional outputs that cannot be determined until runtime, please review your workflow."
                message = message_template % (tool.name, k.message)
                raise exceptions.MessageException(message)

        execution_tracker = execute(
        if collection_info:
            outputs[step.id] = dict(execution_tracker.created_collections)
            outputs[step.id] = dict(execution_tracker.output_datasets)

        jobs = execution_tracker.successful_jobs
        for job in jobs:
            self._handle_post_job_actions(step, job)
        return jobs
예제 #3
파일: modules.py 프로젝트: bwlang/galaxy
    def execute(self, trans, progress, invocation, step):
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(step.tool_id, tool_version=step.tool_version)
        tool_state = step.state
        # Not strictly needed - but keep Tool state clean by stripping runtime
        # metadata parameters from it.
        if RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY in tool_state.inputs:
            del tool_state.inputs[RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY]
        collections_to_match = self._find_collections_to_match(tool, progress, step)
        # Have implicit collections...
        if collections_to_match.has_collections():
            collection_info = self.trans.app.dataset_collections_service.match_collections(collections_to_match)
            collection_info = None

        param_combinations = []
        if collection_info:
            iteration_elements_iter = collection_info.slice_collections()
            iteration_elements_iter = [None]

        for iteration_elements in iteration_elements_iter:
            execution_state = tool_state.copy()
            # TODO: Move next step into copy()
            execution_state.inputs = make_dict_copy(execution_state.inputs)

            expected_replacement_keys = set(step.input_connections_by_name.keys())
            found_replacement_keys = set()

            # Connect up
            def callback(input, prefixed_name, **kwargs):
                replacement = NO_REPLACEMENT
                if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter) or isinstance(input, DataCollectionToolParameter):
                    if iteration_elements and prefixed_name in iteration_elements:
                        if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter):
                            # Pull out dataset instance from element.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[prefixed_name].dataset_instance
                            if hasattr(iteration_elements[prefixed_name], u'element_identifier') and iteration_elements[prefixed_name].element_identifier:
                                replacement.element_identifier = iteration_elements[prefixed_name].element_identifier
                            # If collection - just use element model object.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[prefixed_name]
                        replacement = progress.replacement_for_tool_input(step, input, prefixed_name)
                    replacement = progress.replacement_for_tool_input(step, input, prefixed_name)

                if replacement is not NO_REPLACEMENT:

                return replacement

                # Replace DummyDatasets with historydatasetassociations
                visit_input_values(tool.inputs, execution_state.inputs, callback, no_replacement_value=NO_REPLACEMENT)
            except KeyError as k:
                message_template = "Error due to input mapping of '%s' in '%s'.  A common cause of this is conditional outputs that cannot be determined until runtime, please review your workflow."
                message = message_template % (tool.name, k.message)
                raise exceptions.MessageException(message)

            unmatched_input_connections = expected_replacement_keys - found_replacement_keys
            if unmatched_input_connections:
                log.warn("Failed to use input connections for inputs [%s]" % unmatched_input_connections)


            execution_tracker = execute(
        except ToolInputsNotReadyException:
            delayed_why = "tool [%s] inputs are not ready, this special tool requires inputs to be ready" % tool.id
            raise DelayedWorkflowEvaluation(why=delayed_why)

        if collection_info:
            step_outputs = dict(execution_tracker.implicit_collections)
            step_outputs = dict(execution_tracker.output_datasets)
        progress.set_step_outputs(step, step_outputs)
        jobs = execution_tracker.successful_jobs
        for job in jobs:
            self._handle_post_job_actions(step, job, invocation.replacement_dict)
        if execution_tracker.execution_errors:
            failed_count = len(execution_tracker.execution_errors)
            success_count = len(execution_tracker.successful_jobs)
            all_count = failed_count + success_count
            message = "Failed to create %d out of %s job(s) for workflow step." % (failed_count, all_count)
            raise Exception(message)
        return jobs
예제 #4
    def execute( self, trans, progress, invocation, step ):
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool( step.tool_id, tool_version=step.tool_version )
        tool_state = step.state
        # Not strictly needed - but keep Tool state clean by stripping runtime
        # metadata parameters from it.
        if RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY in tool_state.inputs:
            del tool_state.inputs[ RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY ]
        collections_to_match = self._find_collections_to_match( tool, progress, step )
        # Have implicit collections...
        if collections_to_match.has_collections():
            collection_info = self.trans.app.dataset_collections_service.match_collections( collections_to_match )
            collection_info = None

        param_combinations = []
        if collection_info:
            iteration_elements_iter = collection_info.slice_collections()
            iteration_elements_iter = [ None ]

        for iteration_elements in iteration_elements_iter:
            execution_state = tool_state.copy()
            # TODO: Move next step into copy()
            execution_state.inputs = make_dict_copy( execution_state.inputs )

            # Connect up
            def callback( input, prefixed_name, **kwargs ):
                replacement = NO_REPLACEMENT
                if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ) or isinstance( input, DataCollectionToolParameter ):
                    if iteration_elements and prefixed_name in iteration_elements:
                        if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ):
                            # Pull out dataset instance from element.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ].dataset_instance
                            if hasattr(iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ], u'element_identifier') and iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ].element_identifier:
                                replacement.element_identifier = iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ].element_identifier
                            # If collection - just use element model object.
                            replacement = iteration_elements[ prefixed_name ]
                        replacement = progress.replacement_for_tool_input( step, input, prefixed_name )
                    replacement = progress.replacement_for_tool_input( step, input, prefixed_name )
                return replacement

                # Replace DummyDatasets with historydatasetassociations
                visit_input_values( tool.inputs, execution_state.inputs, callback, no_replacement_value=NO_REPLACEMENT )
            except KeyError as k:
                message_template = "Error due to input mapping of '%s' in '%s'.  A common cause of this is conditional outputs that cannot be determined until runtime, please review your workflow."
                message = message_template % (tool.name, k.message)
                raise exceptions.MessageException( message )
            param_combinations.append( execution_state.inputs )

            execution_tracker = execute(
        except ToolInputsNotReadyException:
            delayed_why = "tool [%s] inputs are not ready, this special tool requires inputs to be ready" % tool.id
            raise DelayedWorkflowEvaluation(why=delayed_why)

        if collection_info:
            step_outputs = dict( execution_tracker.implicit_collections )
            step_outputs = dict( execution_tracker.output_datasets )
            step_outputs.update( execution_tracker.output_collections )
        progress.set_step_outputs( step, step_outputs )
        jobs = execution_tracker.successful_jobs
        for job in jobs:
            self._handle_post_job_actions( step, job, invocation.replacement_dict )
        if execution_tracker.execution_errors:
            failed_count = len(execution_tracker.execution_errors)
            success_count = len(execution_tracker.successful_jobs)
            all_count = failed_count + success_count
            message = "Failed to create %d out of %s job(s) for workflow step." % (failed_count, all_count)
            raise Exception(message)
        return jobs