예제 #1
파일: game.py 프로젝트: ikn/wvoas
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.scheduler = Scheduler()
     self.scheduler.add_timeout(self._update, frames=1, repeat_frames=1)
     # initialise caches
     self.files = {}
     self.imgs = {}
     self.text = {}
     # load display settings
     self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
     # load move sound
     snd = pg.mixer.Sound(conf.SOUND_DIR + "move.ogg")
     self.move_channel = c = pg.mixer.find_channel()
     assert c is not None
     c.play(snd, -1)
     c.set_volume(conf.VOL_MUL * conf.SOUND_VOLUME * conf.SOUND_VOLUMES.get("move", 1))
     snd = pg.mixer.Sound(conf.SOUND_DIR + "star.ogg")
     self.star_channel = c = pg.mixer.find_channel()
     assert c is not None
     c.play(snd, -1)
     # start first backend
     self.backends = []
     self._last_overlay = False
     self.start_backend(*args, **kwargs)
     # start playing music
예제 #2
 def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.scheduler = Scheduler()
     self.scheduler.add_timeout(self._update, frames = 1, repeat_frames = 1)
     # initialise caches
     self.file_cache = {}
     self.img_cache = {}
     self.text_cache = {}
     # load display settings
     self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
     # start first backend
     self.backends = []
     self._last_overlay = False
     self.start_backend(*args, **kwargs)
     # start playing music
     if not conf.MUSIC_AUTOPLAY:
예제 #3
파일: game.py 프로젝트: ikn/watlged
 def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.scheduler = Scheduler()
     self.scheduler.add_timeout(self._update, frames = 1, repeat_frames = 1)
     # initialise caches
     self.files = {}
     self.imgs = {}
     self.text = {}
     # load display settings
     self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
     # start first backend
     self.backends = []
     self._last_overlay = False
     self.start_backend(*args, **kwargs)
     # start playing music
     self._sounds = {}
예제 #4
파일: game.py 프로젝트: Anstow/TeamAwesome
 def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
     conf.GAME = self
     self._quit = False
     self._update_again = False
     # initialise caches
     self.file_cache = {}
     self.img_cache = {}
     self.text_cache = {}
     # load display settings
     self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
     # start first world
     self.worlds = []
     self.start_world(*args, **kwargs)
     # start playing music
     if not conf.MUSIC_AUTOPLAY:
예제 #5
class Game (object):
    """Handles backends.

Takes the same arguments as the create_backend method and passes them to it.




scheduler: sched.Scheduler instance for scheduling events.
backend: the current running backend.
backends: a list of previous (nested) backends, most 'recent' last.  Each is
          actually a dict with keys the same as the attributes of Game when the
          backend is active.  (For example, the 'backend' key gives the backend
          object itself.)
overlay: the current overlay (see Game.set_overlay).
fading: whether a fade is in progress (see Game.fade)
file_cache, img_cache, text_cache: caches for loaded image cache (before
                                   resize), images and rendered text
fonts: a fonthandler.Fonts instance, or None if conf.USE_FONTS is False.
music: filenames for known music.


    # attributes to store with backends, and their initial values
    _backend_attrs = {
        'backend': None,
        'overlay': False,
        'fading': False,
        '_fade_data': None

    def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scheduler = Scheduler()
        self.scheduler.add_timeout(self._update, frames = 1, repeat_frames = 1)
        # initialise caches
        self.file_cache = {}
        self.img_cache = {}
        self.text_cache = {}
        # load display settings
        self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
        # start first backend
        self.backends = []
        self._last_overlay = False
        self.start_backend(*args, **kwargs)
        # start playing music
        if not conf.MUSIC_AUTOPLAY:

    def _init_backend (self):
        """Set some default attributes for a new backend."""
        for attr, val in self._backend_attrs.iteritems():
            setattr(self, attr, val)

    def _store_backend (self):
        """Store the current backend in the backends list."""
        if hasattr(self, 'backend') and self.backend is not None:
            data = dict((attr, getattr(self, attr)) \
                        for attr, val in self._backend_attrs.iteritems())

    def _restore_backend (self, data):
        """Restore a backend from the given data."""

    def _select_backend (self, backend, overlay = False):
        """Set the given backend as the current backend."""
        self._update_again = True
        self.backend = backend
        backend.dirty = True
        i = get_backend_id(backend)
        # set some per-backend things
        if conf.USE_FONTS:
            fonts = self.fonts
            for k, v in conf.REQUIRED_FONTS[i].iteritems():
                fonts[k] = v

    def create_backend (self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a backend.

create_backend(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> backend

cls: the backend class to instantiate.
args, kwargs: positional- and keyword arguments to pass to the constructor.

backend: the created backend.

Backends handle pretty much everything, including drawing, and must have update
and draw methods, as follows:

update(): handle input and make any necessary calculations.
draw(screen) -> drawn: draw anything necessary to screen; drawn is True if the
                       whole display needs to be updated, something falsy if
                       nothing needs to be updated, else a list of rects to
                       update the display in.  This should not change the state
                       of the backend, because it is not guaranteed to be
                       called every frame.

A pause method may optionally be defined, which is called with no arguments
when the window loses focus to pause the game.

A backend is also given a dirty attribute, which indicates whether its draw
method should redraw everything (it should set it to False when it does so).
It may define an id attribute, which is a unique identifier used for some
settings in conf; if none is set, type(backend).__name__.lower() will be used
(for this to make sense, the backend must be a new-style class).

A backend is constructed via:

    cls(game, event_handler, *args, **kwargs)

game is this Game instance; event_handler is the EventHandler instance the
backend should use for input, and is stored in its event_handler attribute.

        # create event handler for this backend
        h = eh.MODE_HELD
        event_handler = eh.EventHandler({
            pg.ACTIVEEVENT: self._active_cb,
            pg.VIDEORESIZE: self._resize_cb,
            conf.EVENT_ENDMUSIC: self.play_music
        }, [
            (conf.KEYS_FULLSCREEN, self.toggle_fullscreen, eh.MODE_ONDOWN),
            (conf.KEYS_MINIMISE, self.minimise, eh.MODE_ONDOWN)
        ], False, self.quit)
        # instantiate class
        backend = cls(self, event_handler, *args)
        backend.event_handler = event_handler
        return backend

    def start_backend (self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Start a new backend.

Takes the same arguments as create_backend; see that method for details.

Returns the started backend.

        return self.switch_backend(*args, **kwargs)

    def switch_backend (self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Close the current backend and start a new one.

Takes the same arguments as create_backend and returns the created backend.

        backend = self.create_backend(*args, **kwargs)
        return backend

    def get_backends (self, ident, current = True):
        """Get a list of running backends, filtered by ID.

get_backends(ident, current = True) -> backends

ident: the backend identifier to look for (see create_backend for details).
current: include the current backend in the search.

backends: the backend list, in order of time started, most recent last.

        backends = []
        current = [{'backend': self.backend}] if current else []
        for data in self.backends + current:
            backend = data['backend']
            if get_backend_id(backend) == ident:

    def quit_backend (self, depth = 1):
        """Quit the currently running backend.

quit_backend(depth = 1)

depth: quit this many (nested) backends.

If the running backend is the last (root) one, exit the game.

        if depth < 1:
        if self.backends:
        self.quit_backend(depth - 1)

    def img (self, filename, size = None, cache = True):
        """Load or scale an image, or retrieve it from cache.

img(filename[, size], cache = True) -> surface

filename: a filename to load.  Can be a tuple of path sections to join.
size: scale the image.  Can be an (x, y) size, a rect (in which case its
      dimension is used), or a number to scale by.  If (x, y), either x or y
      can be None to scale to the other with aspect ratio preserved.
cache: whether to store this image in the cache if not already stored.

        # get standardised cache key
        if size is not None:
            if isinstance(size, (int, float)):
                size = float(size)
                if len(size) == 4:
                    # rect
                    size = size[2:]
                size = tuple(size)
        # standardise path
        if not isinstance(filename, basestring):
            filename = os.path.join(*filename)
        filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
        key = (filename, size)
        if key in self.img_cache:
            return self.img_cache[key]
        # else new: load/render
        filename = conf.IMG_DIR + filename
        # also cache loaded images to reduce file I/O
        if filename in self.file_cache:
            img = self.file_cache[filename]
            img = convert_sfc(pg.image.load(filename))
            if cache:
                self.file_cache[filename] = img
        # scale
        if size is not None and size != 1:
            current_size = img.get_size()
            if not isinstance(size, tuple):
                size = (ir(size * current_size[0]), ir(size * current_size[1]))
            # handle None
            for i in (0, 1):
                if size[i] is None:
                    size = list(size)
                    scale = float(size[not i]) / current_size[not i]
                    size[i] = ir(current_size[i] * scale)
            img = pg.transform.smoothscale(img, size)
            # speed up blitting (if not resized, this is already done)
            img = convert_sfc(img)
            if cache:
                # add to cache (if not resized, this is in the file cache)
                self.img_cache[key] = img
        return img

    def render_text (self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Render text and cache the result.

Takes the same arguments as fonthandler.Fonts.render, plus a keyword-only
'cache' argument.  If passed, the text is cached under this hashable value, and
can be retrieved from cache by calling this function with the same value for
this argument.

Returns the same value as fonthandler.Fonts

        if self.fonts is None:
            raise ValueError('conf.USE_FONTS is False: text rendering isn\'t'
        cache = 'cache' in kwargs
        if cache:
            key = kwargs['cache']
            del kwargs['cache']
            if key in self.text_cache:
                return self.text_cache[key]
        # else new: render
        img, lines = self.fonts.render(*args, **kwargs)
        img = convert_sfc(img)
        result = (img, lines)
        if cache:
            self.text_cache[key] = result
        return result

    def clear_caches (self, *caches):
        """Clear image caches.

    Takes any number of strings 'file', 'image' and 'text' as arguments, which
    determine whether to clear the file_cache, img_cache and text_cache
    attributes respectively (see class documentation).  If none is given, all
    caches are cleared.

        if not caches:
            caches = ('file', 'image', 'text')
        if 'file' in caches:
            self.file_cache = {}
        if 'image' in caches:
            self.img_cache = {}
        if 'text' in caches:
            self.text_cache = {}

    def play_snd (self, base_ID, volume = 1):
        """Play a sound.

play_snd(base_ID, volume = 1)

base_ID: the ID of the sound to play (we look for base_ID + i for a number i,
         as many sounds as conf.SOUNDS[base_ID]).
volume: float to scale volume by.

        ID = randrange(conf.SOUNDS[base_ID])
        # load sound
        snd = conf.SOUND_DIR + base_ID + str(ID) + '.ogg'
        snd = pg.mixer.Sound(snd)
        if snd.get_length() < 10 ** -3:
            # no way this is valid
        volume *= conf.SOUND_VOLUME * conf.SOUND_VOLUMES[base_ID]

    def find_music (self):
        """Store a list of music files."""
        d = conf.MUSIC_DIR
            files = os.listdir(d)
        except OSError:
            # no directory
            self.music = []
            self.music = [d + f for f in files if os.path.isfile(d + f)]

    def play_music (self, event = None):
        """Play next piece of music."""
        if self.music:
            f = choice(self.music)
            # stop currently playing music if there's no music to play

    def _update (self):
        """Update backends and draw."""
        self._update_again = True
        while self._update_again:
            self._update_again = False
            # if a new backend was created during the above call, we'll end up
            # updating twice before drawing
            if not self._update_again:
                self._update_again = False
        backend = self.backend
        # fade
        if self.fading:
            frame = self.scheduler.timer.frame
            data = self._fade_data['core']
            fn, duration, persist, t = data
            if duration is None:
                # cancel if returned overlay is None
                o = fn(t)
                cancel = o is None
                # cancel if time limit passed
                cancel = t + .5 * frame > duration
                if not cancel:
                    o = fn(t)
            if cancel:
                data[3] += frame
        # check overlay
        o0 = self._last_overlay
        o = self.overlay
        o_same = o == o0
        draw = True
        if isinstance(o, pg.Surface):
            o_colour = False
            if o.get_alpha() is None and o.get_colorkey() is None:
                # opaque: don't draw
                draw = False
        elif o is not False:
            if len(o) == 4 and o[3] == 0:
                o = False
                o_colour = True
                if len(o) == 3 or o[3] == 255:
                    # opaque: don't draw
                    draw = False
        s = self._overlay_sfc
        # draw backend
        screen = self.screen
        if draw:
            dirty = backend.dirty
            draw = backend.draw(screen)
            # if (overlay changed or drew something but perhaps not
            # everything), and we have an overlay (we know this will be
            # transparent), then draw everything (if dirty already drew
            # everything)
            if (draw or o != o0) and o is not False and not dirty:
                backend.dirty = True
                new_draw = backend.draw(screen)
                # merge draw and new_draw
                if True in (draw, new_draw):
                    draw = True
                    # know draw != False and now draw != True so is rect list
                    draw = list(draw) + (list(new_draw) if new_draw else [])
        # update overlay surface if changed
        if o not in (o0, False):
            if o_colour:
                s = o
        # draw overlay if changed or backend drew
        if o is not False and (o != o0 or draw):
            screen.blit(s, (0, 0))
            draw = True
            if o != o0:
                backend.dirty = True
        self._last_overlay = self.overlay
        # update display
        if draw is True:
        elif draw:
        return True

    def run (self, n = None):
        """Main loop."""

    def quit (self, event = None):
        """Quit the game."""

    def restart (self, *args):
        """Restart the game."""
        global restarting
        restarting = True

    def set_overlay (self, overlay, convert = True):
        """Set up an overlay for the current backend.

This draws over the screen every frame after the backend draws.  It takes a
single argument, which is a Pygame-style colour tuple, with or without alpha,
or a pygame.Surface, or False for no overlay.

The overlay is for the current backend only: if another backend is started and
then stopped, the overlay will be restored for the original backend.

The backend's draw method will not be called at all if the overlay to be drawn
this frame is opaque.

        if isinstance(overlay, pg.Surface):
            # surface
            if convert:
                overlay = convert_sfc(overlay)
        elif overlay is not False:
            # colour
            overlay = tuple(overlay)
            # turn RGBA into RGB if no alpha
            if len(overlay) == 4 and overlay[3] == 255:
                overlay = overlay[:3]
        self.overlay = overlay

    def fade (self, fn, time = None, persist = False):
        """Fade an overlay on the current backend.

fade(fn[, time], persist = False)

fn: a function that takes the time since the fade started and returns the
    overlay to use, as taken by Game.set_overlay.
time: fade duration in seconds; this is rounded to the nearest frame.  If None
      or not given, fade_fn may return None to end the fade.
persist: whether to continue to show the current overlay when the fade ends
         (else it is set to False).

Calling this cancels any current fade, and calling Game.set_overlay during the
fade will not have any effect.

        self.fading = True
        self._fade_data = {'core': [fn, time, persist, 0]}

    def cancel_fade (self, persist = True):
        """Cancel any running fade on the current backend.

Takes the persist argument taken by Game.fade.

        self.fading = False
        self._fade_data = None
        if not persist:

    def _colour_fade_fn (self, t):
        """Fade function for Game.colour_fade."""
        f, os, ts = self._fade_data['colour']
        t = f(t)
        # get waypoints we're between
        i = bisect(ts, t)
        if i == 0:
            # before start
            return os[0]
        elif i == len(ts):
            # past end
            return os[-1]
        o0, o1 = os[i - 1:i + 1]
        t0, t1 = ts[i - 1:i + 1]
        # get ratio of the way between waypoints
        if t1 == t0:
            r = 1
            r = float(t - t0) / (t1 - t0)
        assert 0 <= r <= 1
        o = []
        for x0, x1 in zip(o0, o1):
            # if one is no overlay, use the other's colours
            if x0 is None:
                if x1 is None:
                    # both are no overlay: colour doesn't matter
            elif x1 is None:
                o.append(x0 + r * (x1 - x0))
        return o

    def colour_fade (self, fn, time, *ws, **kwargs):
        """Start a fade between colours on the current backend.

colour_fade(fn, time, *waypoints, persist = False)

fn: a function that takes the time since the fade started and returns the
    'time' to use in bisecting the waypoints to determine the overlay to use.
time: as taken by Game.fade.  This is the time as passed to fn, not as returned
      by it.
waypoints: two or more points to fade to, each (overlay, time).  overlay is as
           taken by Game.set_overlay, but cannot be a surface, and time is the
           time in seconds at which that overlay should be reached.  Times must
           be in order and all >= 0.

           For the first waypoint, time is ignored and set to 0, and the
           waypoint may just be the overlay.  For any waypoint except the first
           or the last, time may be None, or the waypoint may just be the
           overlay.  Any group of such waypoints are spaced evenly in time
           between the previous and following waypoints.
persist: keyword-only, as taken by Game.fade.

See Game.fade for more details.

        os, ts = zip(*((w, None) if w is False or len(w) > 2 else w \
                     for w in ws))
        os = list(os)
        ts = list(ts)
        ts[0] = 0
        # get groups with time = None
        groups = []
        group = None
        for i, (o, t) in enumerate(zip(os, ts)):
            # sort into groups
            if t is None:
                if group is None:
                    group = [i]
                if group is not None:
                group = None
            # turn into RGBA
            if o is False:
                o = (None, None, None, 0)
                o = tuple(o)
                if len(o) == 3:
                    o += (255,)
                    o = o[:4]
            os[i] = o
        # assign times to waypoints in groups
        for a, b in groups:
            assert a != b
            t0 = ts[a - 1]
            dt = float(ts[b] - t0) / (b - (a - 1))
            for i in xrange(a, b):
                ts[i] = t0 + dt * (i - (a - 1))
        # start fade
        persist = kwargs.get('persist', False)
        self.fade(self._colour_fade_fn, time, persist)
        self._fade_data['colour'] = (fn, os, ts)

    def linear_fade (self, *ws, **kwargs):
        """Start a linear fade on the current backend.

Takes the same arguments as Game.colour_fade, without fn and time.

        self.colour_fade(lambda x: x, ws[-1][1], *ws, **kwargs)

    def refresh_display (self, *args):
        """Update the display mode from conf, and notify the backend."""
        # get resolution and flags
        flags = conf.FLAGS
        if conf.FULLSCREEN:
            flags |= pg.FULLSCREEN
            r = conf.RES_F
            w = max(conf.MIN_RES_W[0], conf.RES_W[0])
            h = max(conf.MIN_RES_W[1], conf.RES_W[1])
            r = (w, h)
        if conf.RESIZABLE:
            flags |= pg.RESIZABLE
        ratio = conf.ASPECT_RATIO
        if ratio is not None:
            # lock aspect ratio
            r = list(r)
            r[0] = min(r[0], r[1] * ratio)
            r[1] = min(r[1], r[0] / ratio)
        conf.RES = r
        self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(conf.RES, flags)
        self._overlay_sfc = pg.Surface(conf.RES).convert_alpha()
            self.backend.dirty = True
        except AttributeError:
        # clear image cache (very unlikely we'll need the same sizes)
        self.img_cache = {}

    def toggle_fullscreen (self, *args):
        """Toggle fullscreen mode."""
        if conf.RESIZABLE:
            conf.FULLSCREEN = not conf.FULLSCREEN

    def minimise (self, *args):
        """Minimise the display."""

    def _active_cb (self, event):
        """Callback to handle window focus loss."""
        if event.state == 2 and not event.gain:
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

    def _resize_cb (self, event):
        """Callback to handle a window resize."""
        conf.RES_W = (event.w, event.h)
예제 #6
파일: game.py 프로젝트: Anstow/TeamAwesome
class Game (object):
    """Handles worlds.

Takes the same arguments as the create_world method and passes them to it.
Only one game should ever exist, and it stores itself in conf.GAME.




world: the current running world.
worlds: a list of previous (nested) worlds, most 'recent' last.
file_cache, img_cache, text_cache: caches for loaded image cache (before
                                   resize), images and rendered text
fonts: a fonthandler.Fonts instance, or None if conf.USE_FONTS is False.
music: filenames for known music.
screen: the main Pygame surface.


    def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
        conf.GAME = self
        self._quit = False
        self._update_again = False
        # initialise caches
        self.file_cache = {}
        self.img_cache = {}
        self.text_cache = {}
        # load display settings
        self.fonts = Fonts(conf.FONT_DIR) if conf.USE_FONTS else None
        # start first world
        self.worlds = []
        self.start_world(*args, **kwargs)
        # start playing music
        if not conf.MUSIC_AUTOPLAY:

    # world handling

    def create_world (self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a world.

create_world(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> world

cls: the world class to instantiate.
args, kwargs: positional- and keyword arguments to pass to the constructor.

world: the created world; must be a world.World subclass.

Optional world attributes:

    pause(): called when the window loses focus to pause the game.
    id: a unique identifier used for some settings in conf; if none is set,
        type(world).__name__.lower() will be used.

A world is constructed by:

    cls(scheduler, evthandler, *args, **kwargs)

where scheduler and evthandler are as taken by world.World (and should be
passed to that base class).

        scheduler = Scheduler()
        scheduler.add_timeout(self._update, frames = 1, repeat_frames = 1)
        evthandler = eh.EventHandler({
            pg.ACTIVEEVENT: self._active_cb,
            pg.VIDEORESIZE: self._resize_cb,
            conf.EVENT_ENDMUSIC: self.play_music
        }, [
            (conf.KEYS_FULLSCREEN, self.toggle_fullscreen, eh.MODE_ONDOWN),
            (conf.KEYS_MINIMISE, self.minimise, eh.MODE_ONDOWN)
        ], False, self.quit)
        # instantiate class
        world = cls(scheduler, evthandler, *args)
        scheduler.fps = conf.FPS[get_world_id(world)]
        return world

    def _select_world (self, world):
        """Set the given world as the current world."""
        if hasattr(self, 'world'):
            self._update_again = True
        self.world = world
        world.graphics.surface = self.screen
        i = get_world_id(world)
        # set some per-world things
        if conf.USE_FONTS:
            fonts = self.fonts
            for k, v in conf.REQUIRED_FONTS[i].iteritems():
                fonts[k] = v

    def start_world (self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Store the current world (if any) and switch to a new one.

Takes a World instance, or the same arguments as create_world to create a new
one (see that method for details).

Returns the new current world.

        if hasattr(self, 'world'):
        return self.switch_world(*args, **kwargs)

    def switch_world (self, world, *args, **kwargs):
        """Close the current world and start a new one.

Arguments and return value are the same as for start_world.

        if not isinstance(world, World):
            world = self.create_world(world, *args, **kwargs)
        return world

    def get_worlds (self, ident, current = True):
        """Get a list of running worlds, filtered by ID.

get_worlds(ident, current = True) -> worlds

ident: the world identifier to look for (see create_world for details).
current: include the current world in the search.

worlds: the world list, in order of time started, most recent last.

        worlds = []
        current = [{'world': self.world}] if current else []
        for data in self.worlds + current:
            world = data['world']
            if get_world_id(world) == ident:
        return worlds

    def quit_world (self, depth = 1):
        """Quit the currently running world.

quit_world(depth = 1) -> worlds

depth: quit this many (nested) worlds.

worlds: a list of worlds that were quit.

If this quits the last (root) world, exit the game.

        if depth < 1:
            return []
        old_world = self.world
        if self.worlds:
        return [old_world] + self.quit_world(depth - 1)

    # media

    def img (self, filename, size = None, cache = True):
        """Load or scale an image, or retrieve it from cache.

img(filename[, size], cache = True) -> surface

data: a filename to load.
size: scale the image.  Can be an (x, y) size, a rect (in which case its
      dimension is used), or a number to scale by.  If (x, y), either x or y
      can be None to scale to the other with aspect ratio preserved.
cache: whether to store this image in the cache if not already stored.

        # get standardised cache key
        if size is not None:
            if isinstance(size, (int, float)):
                size = float(size)
                if len(size) == 4:
                    # rect
                    size = size[2:]
                size = tuple(size)
        key = (filename, size)
        if key in self.img_cache:
            return self.img_cache[key]
        # else new: load/render
        filename = conf.IMG_DIR + filename
        # also cache loaded images to reduce file I/O
        if filename in self.file_cache:
            img = self.file_cache[filename]
            img = convert_sfc(pg.image.load(filename))
            if cache:
                self.file_cache[filename] = img
        # scale
        if size is not None and size != 1:
            current_size = img.get_size()
            if not isinstance(size, tuple):
                size = (ir(size * current_size[0]), ir(size * current_size[1]))
            # handle None
            for i in (0, 1):
                if size[i] is None:
                    size = list(size)
                    scale = float(size[not i]) / current_size[not i]
                    size[i] = ir(current_size[i] * scale)
            img = pg.transform.smoothscale(img, size)
            # speed up blitting (if not resized, this is already done)
            img = convert_sfc(img)
            if cache:
                # add to cache (if not resized, this is in the file cache)
                self.img_cache[key] = img
        return img

    def render_text (self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Render text and cache the result.

Takes the same arguments as fonthandler.Fonts.render, plus a keyword-only
'cache' argument.  If passed, the text is cached under this hashable value, and
can be retrieved from cache by calling this function with the same value for
this argument.

Returns the same value as fonthandler.Fonts

        if self.fonts is None:
            raise ValueError('conf.USE_FONTS is False: text rendering isn\'t'
        cache = 'cache' in kwargs
        if cache:
            key = kwargs['cache']
            del kwargs['cache']
            if key in self.text_cache:
                return self.text_cache[key]
        # else new: render
        img, lines = self.fonts.render(*args, **kwargs)
        img = convert_sfc(img)
        result = (img, lines)
        if cache:
            self.text_cache[key] = result
        return result

    def clear_caches (self, *caches):
        """Clear image caches.

    Takes any number of strings 'file', 'image' and 'text' as arguments, which
    determine whether to clear the file_cache, img_cache and text_cache
    attributes respectively (see class documentation).  If none is given, all
    caches are cleared.

        if not caches:
            caches = ('file', 'image', 'text')
        if 'file' in caches:
            self.file_cache = {}
        if 'image' in caches:
            self.img_cache = {}
        if 'text' in caches:
            self.text_cache = {}

    def play_snd (self, base_ID, volume = 1):
        """Play a sound.

play_snd(base_ID, volume = 1)

base_ID: the ID of the sound to play (we look for base_ID + i for a number i,
         as many sounds as conf.SOUNDS[base_ID]).
volume: float to scale volume by.

        ID = randrange(conf.SOUNDS[base_ID])
        # load sound
        snd = conf.SOUND_DIR + base_ID + str(ID) + '.ogg'
        snd = pg.mixer.Sound(snd)
        if snd.get_length() < 10 ** -3:
            # no way this is valid
        volume *= conf.SOUND_VOLUME * conf.SOUND_VOLUMES[base_ID]

    def find_music (self):
        """Store a list of music files."""
        d = conf.MUSIC_DIR
            files = os.listdir(d)
        except OSError:
            # no directory
            self.music = []
            self.music = [d + f for f in files if os.path.isfile(d + f)]

    def play_music (self, event = None):
        """Play next piece of music."""
        if self.music:
            f = choice(self.music)
            # stop currently playing music if there's no music to play

    # display

    def refresh_display (self, *args):
        """Update the display mode from conf, and notify the world."""
        # get resolution and flags
        flags = conf.FLAGS
        if conf.FULLSCREEN:
            flags |= pg.FULLSCREEN
            r = conf.RES_F
            w = max(conf.MIN_RES_W[0], conf.RES_W[0])
            h = max(conf.MIN_RES_W[1], conf.RES_W[1])
            r = (w, h)
        if conf.RESIZABLE:
            flags |= pg.RESIZABLE
        ratio = conf.ASPECT_RATIO
        if ratio is not None:
            # lock aspect ratio
            r = list(r)
            r[0] = min(r[0], r[1] * ratio)
            r[1] = min(r[1], r[0] / ratio)
        conf.RES = r
        self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(conf.RES, flags)
        if hasattr(self, 'world'):
        # clear image cache (very unlikely we'll need the same sizes)
        self.img_cache = {}

    def toggle_fullscreen (self, *args):
        """Toggle fullscreen mode."""
        if conf.RESIZABLE:
            conf.FULLSCREEN = not conf.FULLSCREEN

    def minimise (self, *args):
        """Minimise the display."""

    def _active_cb (self, event):
        """Callback to handle window focus loss."""
        if event.state == 2 and not event.gain:
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

    def _resize_cb (self, event):
        """Callback to handle a window resize."""
        conf.RES_W = (event.w, event.h)

    def _update (self):
        """Update worlds and draw."""
        self._update_again = True
        while self._update_again:
            self._update_again = False
            # if a new world was created during the above call, we'll end up
            # updating twice before drawing
            if not self._update_again:
                self._update_again = False
        drawn = self.world.draw()
        if drawn is True:
        elif drawn:
            if len(drawn) > 60: # empirical - faster to update everything
        return True

    # running

    def run (self, t = None):
        """Main loop."""
        while not self._quit and (t is None or t > 0):
            t = self.world.scheduler.run(seconds = t)

    def quit (self, *args):
        """Quit the game."""
        self._quit = True

    def restart (self, *args):
        """Restart the game."""
        global restarting
        restarting = True