예제 #1
import numpy as np
from game2048.game import Game
from game2048.agents import ExpectiMaxAgent
from game2048.agents import MyAgent
from game2048.displays import Display
import csv
import os

game_size = 4
score_to_win = 2048
iter_num = 3000

game = Game(game_size, score_to_win)
board = game.board
agenta = ExpectiMaxAgent(game, Display())
agentb = MyAgent(game, Display())
directiona = agenta.step()
directionb = agentb.step()
board = game.move(directionb)

i = 0
dic = {}
idx = 0

# save file
filename = '/home/olivia/PycharmProjects/2048/game2048/data/traindata10.csv'
if os.path.exists(filename):
    start = True
    start = False
                        "direction": direction,
                        "control": control})

    return app

if __name__ == "__main__":
    GAME_SIZE = 4
    SCORE_TO_WIN = 2048
    APP_PORT = 5005
    APP_HOST = "localhost"

    from game2048.game import Game
    game = Game(size=GAME_SIZE, score_to_win=SCORE_TO_WIN)

        from game2048.agents import ExpectiMaxAgent,MyAgent
        agent = MyAgent(game=game)
        from game2048.agents import RandomAgent
        print("WARNING: Please compile the ExpectiMaxAgent first following the README.")
        print("WARNING: You are now using a RandomAgent.")
        agent = RandomAgent(game=game)

    print("Run the webapp at http://<any address for your local host>:%s/" % APP_PORT)    
    app = get_flask_app(game, agent)
    app.run(port=APP_PORT, threaded=False, host=APP_HOST)  # IMPORTANT: `threaded=False` to ensure correct behavior
예제 #3
파일: evaluate.py 프로젝트: Frank-cai/2048

if __name__ == '__main__':
    GAME_SIZE = 4
    SCORE_TO_WIN = 2048
    N_TESTS = 50
    Use your own agent here.'''
    from game2048.agents import MyAgent as TestAgent
    size = 4
    score_to_win = 2048

    # 59*16*12
    game = Game(size, score_to_win)
    agent = TestAgent(game, display=Display())

    scores = []
        torch.load("net_3_params_7.pkl", map_location='cpu'))
        torch.load("net_3_params_6.pkl", map_location='cpu'))
        torch.load("net_3_params_5.pkl", map_location='cpu'))
        torch.load("net_3_params_4.pkl", map_location='cpu'))
        torch.load("net_3_params_2.pkl", map_location='cpu'))

    step = 0
    for i in range(N_TESTS):
예제 #4
from game2048.game import Game
from game2048.displays import Display, IPythonDisplay
from game2048.agents import Agent, RandomAgent, ExpectiMaxAgent, MyAgent
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

num = 10000
i = 0
results = []
direction = []
while i < num:
    game = Game(4, score_to_win=2048, random=False)
    agent_exp = ExpectiMaxAgent(game)
    agent = MyAgent(game)
    while (game.score <= 1024) and (not game.end):
        A = game.board
        A[A == 0] = 1
        A = np.log2(A)
        A = np.int32(A)
        A = A.reshape(16)
        dir = agent.step()
        # you can change the condition to get different data
        if game.score >= 512:
            dir_exp = agent_exp.step()
    if 0 == i % 100:
        # save the result every 100 games
        results = np.array(results)
        direction = np.array(direction)
예제 #5
# Device configuration
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

# Hyper-parameters
num_classes = 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # load dataset
    dataset_path = '../data/'
    dataset_name = dataset_path + 'data_train.csv'
    model = ConvNet(num_classes).to(device)

    # create model
    model_name = 'checkpoint_test.ckpt'
    torch.save(model.state_dict(), model_name)
    print('save model to {}.'.format(model_name))

    # random initialize data set
    print('data initalizing ...')
    datagen = data.dataprocess.Data(display=None, model_path=model_name)
    path = dataset_name

    score = 0
    # test net structure close to 180(random) is better.
    for _ in range(100):
        game = Game(size=4, score_to_win=2048)
        agent = MyAgent(game, display=None, model_path=model_name)
        score += np.sum(game.board)
    print("Average total score @50 times is :{:.1f}".format(score / 50))