def run_game(): # Initialize pygame, settings, and screen object. pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") # Make a ship. ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) # Make a group to store bullets in. bullets = Group() # Make an alien. alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen) # Start the main loop for the game. while True: # Watch for keyboard and mouse events. gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) ship.update() gf.update_bullets(bullets) # Redraw the screen during each pass through the loop. gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship, alien, bullets) # Make the most recently drawn screen visible. pygame.display.flip()
def runGame(): #funcion que iniciara el juego pygame.init() aiSettings = Config() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (aiSettings.screenW, aiSettings.screenH )) #instanciamos el objeto para definir las dimensiones de la ventana imagen_defondo = pygame.image.load("images/space.jpg").convert() rectangulo = imagen_defondo.get_rect() screen.blit(imagen_defondo, (0, 0)) pygame.display.set_caption("ALIEN INVASION") #Titulo de nuestra ventana pygame.mixer.init() pygame.display.init() bgCOLOR = (230, 230, 230) ship = Ship(aiSettings, screen) meteor = Meteor(aiSettings, screen) bullets = Group() meteoritos = Group() tiempo = 1 puntuacion = 0 letra = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 18) while True: if tiempo == 1 or tiempo % 100 == 0: meteor = Meteor(aiSettings, screen) meteoritos.add(meteor) gf.check_events(ship, aiSettings, screen, bullets) ship.update() bullets.update() meteoritos.update() gf.updateScreen(aiSettings, screen, ship, meteoritos, bullets) ship.animation() for bullet in bullets.copy(): if bullet.rect.left >= 1200: bullets.remove(bullet) for x in meteoritos.copy(): if x.rect.right <= 0: meteoritos.remove(x) if pygame.sprite.groupcollide(meteoritos, bullets, True, True): puntuacion += 1 print(puntuacion) gf.updateScreen(aiSettings, screen, ship, meteoritos, bullets) screen.blit(imagen_defondo, (0, 0)) tiempo += 1
def run_game(): #inizilizziamo il gioco e creiamo gli oggetti a schermo pygame.init() #instanziamo un oggetto impostazioni ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) icona = pygame.image.load("./static/images/icona.png") pygame.display.set_icon(icona) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien invasion") #crazione istanza delle statistiche di gioco stats = Game_stats(ai_settings) # crazione bottone per avvio del gioco play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Touch here or type 'p'") # creazione scoreboard scoreboard = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) # creazione navetta ship = Ship(screen, ai_settings) # creazione gruppo per alieni aliens = Group() # creazione della flotta di alieni gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, aliens, ship) # gruppo dove immagazzinare i proiettili bullets = Group() #inzia il loop principale per il gioco while True: # rileva eventi di input gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, play_button, ship, bullets, aliens, scoreboard) if stats.game_active: # aggiorna posizione nave ship.update() # aggiorna posizione alieni gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, aliens, ship, bullets, scoreboard) # aggiorna posizione proiettili gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets, aliens, stats, scoreboard) # else: # sys.exit() # aggiorna oggetti a schermo gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, play_button, scoreboard)
def run_game(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init()"images/music.mp3"), 130.0) ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Aliens") stats = GameStats(ai_settings) playButton = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play") highScore = HighScores(screen, ai_settings) score = Score(ai_settings, screen, "Wave#: " + str(stats.waveNumber), stats) ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) bullets = Group() aliens = Group() stars = Group() badBullets = Group() barriers = Group() gf.makeBarriers(barriers, screen, ai_settings) gf.createFleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) highScore.prepScores() screen.fill(ai_settings.bg_color) while True: screen.fill(ai_settings.bg_color) gf.updateBackground(ai_settings, screen, stars) gf.drawBarrier(barriers) gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, stats, playButton, aliens, bullets, barriers) gf.updateScreen(ai_settings, screen, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, playButton, score, badBullets) if stats.gameActive: ship.update() gf.barriersCollide(barriers, bullets) gf.updateBullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, badBullets, highScore, barriers) gf.updateAliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, ship, aliens, bullets, highScore, badBullets) gf.badShotting(aliens, badBullets, ai_settings, screen) else: highScore.prepScores() highScore.drawScores() pygame.display.flip()
def run_game(): # Initialize pygame, settings, and screen object. pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Dungeon Fighter") # Make the Play button. play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play") # Create an instance to store game statistics and create a scoreboard stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) #create a player player = Player(ai_settings, screen) # Make a group to store bullets in. u bullets = Group() #Make a group to store Aliens aliens = Group() # Create the fleet of aliens. v gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, player, aliens) # Start the main loop for the game. while True: sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) #gf.start(player, enemy) gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, play_button, player, aliens, bullets) if stats.game_active: player.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, player, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, player, aliens, bullets) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, player, aliens, bullets, play_button) # Get rid of bullets that have disappeared. u for bullet in bullets.copy(): if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0: bullets.remove(bullet) print(len(bullets))
#getting the sound running # music from pygame.mixer.init()"finalProject/assets/sounds/themesong.mp3"), 0.0) # the game loop while True: # actually runs the setup function from above setup() # makes the fps rate for the clock equal to 30 clock.tick(30) # if the user presses x then the window is exited out of - the functions in gf.check_events() # makes the screen move continuously via blitting - this was probably my biggest challenge # the convert function allows the background to fit the window background = background.convert() # uses the modulus operator - this divides x by the width of the background and returns the remainder # thus, relx can only be the values between 0 and the screen relx = keyvar % background.get_rect().width # now when we deduct the background width we get the x coordinate needed for blitting screen.blit(background, [relx - background.get_rect().width, 0]) # this attaches another background image to the end of the first image for continuous blitting75 if relx < width: screen.blit(background, [relx, 0]) keyvar -= 1 # loads the character on the screen all_sprites.update() all_sprites.draw(screen)
def run_game(): # Provides consistent window positioning. These settings center Pygame window for my computer. os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = '60, 35' pygame.init() # Initial Set-up settings = s.Settings() pygame.display.set_caption(settings.get_game_title()) screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.get_screen_width(), settings.get_screen_height())) screen.fill(settings.get_bg_color()) clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Generate Game Objects image_lib = gF.import_image_library() sound_lib = gF.import_sound_library() maze = m.Maze(image_lib, screen, settings) pacman = p.PacMan(maze.pacmanCoordinates, image_lib, screen, settings, sound_lib) pills = maze.pills.copy() large_pills = maze.largePills.copy() blinky = g.Blinky(clock, image_lib, screen, settings, sound_lib, maze.blinkyCoordinates[0], maze.blinkyCoordinates[1], maze.nodes) clyde = g.Clyde(clock, image_lib, screen, settings, sound_lib, maze.clydeCoordinates[0], maze.clydeCoordinates[1], maze.nodes) inky = g.Inky(clock, image_lib, screen, settings, sound_lib, maze.inkyCoordinates[0], maze.inkyCoordinates[1], maze.nodes) pinky = g.Pinky(clock, image_lib, screen, settings, sound_lib, maze.pinkyCoordinates[0], maze.pinkyCoordinates[1], maze.nodes) ghosts = [blinky, clyde, inky, pinky] title_sequence = tS.TitleScreen(clock, pacman.images.copy(), image_lib, screen, settings) title_sequence.refresh_screen() pacman.set_map(maze.get_map(), maze.rowIndex, maze.columnIndex) maze.draw_part_maze() scoreboard = sb.ScoreBoard(maze, screen, settings) timer = 1 # pacTimer timer2 = 0.5 # pillTimer timer3 = 1.5 # ghostTimer delta_t = 0 # Delta to subtract from time reset_flag = False print(reset_flag) gF.start_game(ghosts, large_pills, pacman, pills, sound_lib[0])[1], -1) while True: gF.check_events(pacman) pacman.update() reset_flag = gF.check_collisions(ghosts, large_pills, maze, pacman, pills, scoreboard, sound_lib[3]) delta_t, timer, timer2, timer3 = gF.check_time(clock, delta_t, ghosts, large_pills, timer, timer2, timer3, pacman) for pill in large_pills: pill.blit() for ghost in ghosts: # Comment ghost.update out for game to run without ghosts updating. ghost.update() ghost.blit() pacman.blit() pygame.display.flip() if reset_flag: screen.fill(settings.get_bg_color()) pills = maze.pills.copy() large_pills = maze.largePills.copy() maze.draw_part_maze() gF.start_game(ghosts, large_pills, pacman, pills, sound_lib[0]) timer = 1 timer2 = 0.5 timer3 = 1.5 delta_t = 0 reset_flag = False print(reset_flag)
def run_game(): # Provides consistent window positioning. These settings center Pygame window for my computer. os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = '60, 35' pygame.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible( False) # Mouse is invisible until Title Sequence finishes animation. settings = se.Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.get_screen_width(), settings.get_screen_height())) pygame.display.set_caption(settings.get_game_title()) screen.fill(settings.get_bg_color()) title_screen = tS.TitleScreen(screen, settings) title_screen.title_loop() image_library = gF.load_image_library() beep_sounds, sound_library = gF.load_sounds() scoreboard = sb.ScoreBoard(screen, settings, image_library[0], title_screen) alien_list = [] ship_bullet_list = [] alien_bullet_list = [] bunker_list = [] ufo_list = [] gF.create_bunkers(bunker_list, image_library, screen, settings) for bunker in bunker_list: bunker.blit() gF.create_fleet(alien_list, image_library, screen, settings) ship = sh.Ship(image_library, screen, settings, sound_library[2]) counter = 0 beep_counter = 0 time_var = settings.get_time_var() while True: # Now attached to title_screen. If you uncomment this, comment that one out or it's redundant. if settings.get_game_reset(): alien_list = [] bunker_list = [] alien_list, bunker_list = gF.reset_game(alien_list, bunker_list, image_library, scoreboard, screen, settings, ship) ufo_list = [] alien_bullet_list = [] ship_bullet_list = [] gF.check_events(ship_bullet_list, screen, settings, ship, sound_library) ship.update() ufo_list = gF.update_bullets(alien_list, scoreboard, screen, settings, ship_bullet_list, sound_library, ufo_list) ufo_list = gF.update_ufo(ufo_list) beep_counter, counter, time_var = gF.update_aliens( alien_list, beep_counter, beep_sounds, bunker_list, counter, image_library, scoreboard, screen, settings, time_var) if random.randint(1, settings.get_alien_fire_rate()) == 5: gF.create_alien_bullet( alien_list[random.randint(0, len(alien_list) - 1)], alien_bullet_list, screen, settings) a = random.randint(1, 25) if a is 5 and len(ufo_list) is 0: gF.create_ufo(image_library, scoreboard, screen, settings, sound_library, ufo_list) gF.update_alien_bullets(alien_bullet_list, alien_list, screen, settings) alien_bullet_list, ship_bullet_list = gF.check_collisions( alien_bullet_list, alien_list, bunker_list, screen, ship, ship_bullet_list, scoreboard) ship.draw_ship() scoreboard.display_scores() pygame.display.flip()