예제 #1
    def __init__(self, playerObject, txNodeId, rxNodeId, coordinatorId, gameFreq, cost, gameType=3):
        Create a physical layer object and initialize internal parameters.

        Keyword arguments:
        coordinatorId -- Numerical cluster id.
        cost -- Energy cost.
        gateType -- Type of game played.
        self.playerObject = playerObject
        self.coordinatorId = coordinatorId
        self.gameFreq = gameFreq
        self.cost = cost
        self.gameType = gameType

        # configure tx and rx nodes
        self.txNode = GameNode(coordinatorId, txNodeId)
        self.rxNode = GameNode(coordinatorId, rxNodeId)

        # configure sense node. Just need to do this once.
        self.rxNode.setSenseConfiguration(gameFreq, gameFreq, 400e3)

        self.currentTxPower = random.choice(self.availableTxPowers)
        self.previousTxPower = self.currentTxPower
        self.bestResponseUntouched = self.currentTxPower

        # initialize sense and transmit objects
        self.transmitObject = PlayerTransmitLayer(self, self.gameFreq)
        self.senseObject = PlayerSenseLayer(self, self.gameType)
예제 #2
def main(player_key, output_path):
    ############################################################  load state
    with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'state.json'), 'r') as f:
        originalState = f.read().decode('utf-8-sig')

    ### LOAD STATE
    playerKey = player_key
    action = None
    firstGameNode = GameNode(json.loads(originalState))

    #logger.info("FIRST NODE: " + firstGameNode.getStatePretty())
    startPosition = firstGameNode.getMyPosition(playerKey)
    visitedBlocks = []

    ############################################################  visited blocks
    # load visited blocks is round isnt 0
    ###### TODO - fix this bug
    if firstGameNode.state['CurrentRound'] == 1:
        #logger.info("Round ZERO, initialising visitedBlocks...")
        with open("visited.blocks.pickle", "wb") as f:
            cPickle.dump(visitedBlocks, f)
        # Load visited if not round 0
            with open("visited.blocks.pickle", "r") as f:
                visitedBlocks = cPickle.load(f)
        except Exception as error:
            print('oopsie in writing visited blocks :(')
        # Update visited blocks
        if startPosition not in visitedBlocks:
        with open("visited.blocks.pickle", "wb") as f:
            cPickle.dump(visitedBlocks, f)

    #Todo: Testing
    visitedBlocks = [(2, 1), (1, 1)
    #logger.info("already visited: " + str(visitedBlocks))

    #graphTester(firstGameNode, playerKey)

    #print firstGameNode.guessedTarget

    cameFrom, costSoFar, foundKey, startKey = timedGameScoreSearch(firstGameNode, playerKey, timedSearchTimeout)

    #logger.info("found: " + str(foundKey))
    nextNode = foundKey

    targetNode = None
    pathCount = 0
    while nextNode != startKey:
        pathCount += 1
        #logger.info("#############################################  REVERSING")
        #logger.info("reversing: " + str(expandedNodes[nextNode].moveThatLedHere))
        if cameFrom[nextNode] == startKey:
            targetNode = nextNode
        nextNode = cameFrom[nextNode]
    action = moves[expandedNodes[targetNode].moveThatLedHere]

    ### Execute my plan
    executeStartTime = time.time()
    if action == None:
        #logger.info("WTF? Doing nothing")
        action = moves['DoNothing']
    logger.info('Action: {}'.format(ACTIONS[action]))
    with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'move.txt'), 'w') as f:
    finishedTime = time.time()
예제 #3
class PlayerPhysicalLayer:
    Control transmission and spectrum sensing for a player.

    # VESNA power generating list. This must be sorted. Powers are in dBm
    #minimum output power for cc2500 according to texas instruments in -30dBm
    availableTxPowers = [0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14, -16, -18, -20, -22, -24, -26, -28, -30]

    # current transmitting power [dBm]
    currentTxPower = random.choice(availableTxPowers)

    # previous transmitted_power [dBm]
    previousTxPower = currentTxPower
    bestResponseUntouched = 0

    # direct and cross gains
    directGain = 0
    crossGain = 0

    # used for sending data
    transmitObject = None
    # used for sensing the spectrum
    senseObject = None

    # game type - can be: 1, 2, 3 . Depends on the implementation you want to use
    gameType = 3

    # neighborPowerEvent. When this is True, It means that neighbor player changed its power
    neighborPowerEvent = False

    # When this is triggered (=True) then it means that equilibrium has been reached and the threads stops here.
    equilibriumDetected = False

    def __init__(self, playerObject, txNodeId, rxNodeId, coordinatorId, gameFreq, cost, gameType=3):
        Create a physical layer object and initialize internal parameters.

        Keyword arguments:
        coordinatorId -- Numerical cluster id.
        cost -- Energy cost.
        gateType -- Type of game played.
        self.playerObject = playerObject
        self.coordinatorId = coordinatorId
        self.gameFreq = gameFreq
        self.cost = cost
        self.gameType = gameType

        # configure tx and rx nodes
        self.txNode = GameNode(coordinatorId, txNodeId)
        self.rxNode = GameNode(coordinatorId, rxNodeId)

        # configure sense node. Just need to do this once.
        self.rxNode.setSenseConfiguration(gameFreq, gameFreq, 400e3)

        self.currentTxPower = random.choice(self.availableTxPowers)
        self.previousTxPower = self.currentTxPower
        self.bestResponseUntouched = self.currentTxPower

        # initialize sense and transmit objects
        self.transmitObject = PlayerTransmitLayer(self, self.gameFreq)
        self.senseObject = PlayerSenseLayer(self, self.gameType)

    def isPrevTxDone(self):
        """Check if previous transmission has finished"""
        if self.transmitObject.isSendingData():

    def setCost(self,newCost):

    def setInitialBestResponseUntouched(self):
        """Set best response as current tx power, best response untouched in [W]."""
        self.bestResponseUntouched = self.currentTxPower

    def setDirectGain(self, hii):
        """Set player direct gain"""
        self.directGain = hii

    def getPracticalBestResponseForm1(self, txPowerDBm, rxPowerDBm):
        Compute best response strategy based current game state.
        Return best response power in dBm. Best response = 1/c_i + (I + n_0) / h_ii.
        I + n_0 = receivedPower - usefulReceivedPower

        Keyword arguments:
        txPowerDBm -- players' transmitting power.
        rxPowerDBm -- player received power.

        # convert powers in W
        txPowerWatts = 1e-3 * math.pow(10.00, float(txPowerDBm) / 10.00)
        rxPowerWatts = 1e-3 * math.pow(10.00, float(rxPowerDBm) / 10.00)
        usefulReceivedPowerWatts = txPowerWatts * self.directGain

        if txPowerDBm < -1000:
            # Player does not transmit useful data, consider only noise and interference
            bestResponse = (1.00 / float(self.cost)) - rxPowerWatts / float(self.directGain)
            bestResponse = (1.00 / float(self.cost)) - (rxPowerWatts - usefulReceivedPowerWatts) / float(self.directGain)

        # Transform in dBm
            return 10.00 * math.log10(bestResponse / 1e-3)
            print "Player %d: negative best response" % (self.playerObject.playerNumber)
            return None

    def getPracticalBestResponseForm2(self, rxPowerDBm):
        Compute best response strategy based current game state.
        Return best response power in dBm. This power is the best power in interference condition.
        This method use the practically formula which will be used in empirical games
        This formula is based on the received power dBm, which must be only noise and interference

        # convert received power in W
        rxPowerWatts = 1e-3 * math.pow(10.00, float(rxPowerDBm) / 10.00)
        bestResponse = (1.00 / float(self.cost)) - rxPowerWatts / float(self.directGain)

        # return in dBm
            return 10.00 * math.log10(bestResponse / 1e-3)
            print "Player %d: negative best response" % (self.playerObject.playerNumber)
            return None

    def computeBestResponseForm1(self, pj, hjiList):
        Compute practical best response based on current tx power a list containing opponents tx
        powers and a list containing cross gains h_ji for player i.
        Assume hjiList contains gains in [W].
        Do not consider noise!!!
        Return best response in [W]

        Keyword arguments:
        pj -- list with player j tx power, in bBm
        hjiList -- list with cross gains in [W] for player i.
        # compute sum(h_ji*pJ)
        crossGainSum = 0
        # must transform each elem of pj in [W]
        temp = [math.pow(10.00, float(x) / 10.00) * 1e-3 for x in pj]
        for index, elem in enumerate(temp):
            crossGainSum += elem * hjiList[index]
        bestResp = (1.00 / float(self.cost) - crossGainSum / float(self.directGain))

        # return power in dBm
            # sometimes the difference is negative, in that case return none
            return 10.00 * math.log10(bestResp / 1.e-3)
            print "Player %d: negative best response" % (self.playerObject.playerNumber)
            return None

    def computeBestResponseForm2(self, receivedPower):
        Compute practical best response based on received power and direct gain.
        Return best response in [W]

        Keyword arguments:
        receivedPower -- Measured receiving power, i.e. sum(h_ji * p_j) + n_0
        powerInW = math.pow(10.00, float(receivedPower)/10.00) * 1e-3
        bestResp = (1.00 / float(self.cost) - powerInW/float(self.directGain))
        # return power in dBm
            # sometimes the difference is negative, in that case return none
            return 10.00 * math.log10(bestResp / 1.e-3)
            print "Player %d: negative best response" % (self.playerObject.playerNumber)
            return None

    def computeBestResponseForm3(self, recP):
        Compute practical best response based on received power and direct gain.
        Return best response in [dBm]

        Keyword arguments:
        receivedPower -- Measured receiving power, i.e. sum(h_ji * p_j) + n_0
        bestResp = (1.00 / float(self.cost) - recP/float(self.directGain))
        # return power in dBm
            # sometimes the difference is negative, in that case return none
            return 10.00 * math.log10(bestResp / 1.e-3)
            print "Player %d: negative best response" % (self.playerObject.playerNumber)
            return None

    def getAvailTxPower(self, desiredPower):
        """From the available power list get a transmission power.
        Method will return the closest power from the available ones to the desired power.

        Keywords arguments:
        desiredPower -- Desired transmitting power.
        minDist = float("inf")
        rez = None

        for i in range(0, len(self.availableTxPowers)):
            if math.fabs(desiredPower - self.availableTxPowers[i]) < minDist:
                minDist = math.fabs(desiredPower - self.availableTxPowers[i])
                rez = self.availableTxPowers[i]

        return rez

    def getCrtTxPower(self):
        """Get current transmission power"""
        return self.currentTxPower

    def getBestRespUntouched(self):
        """Return best response as real value, not discrete one"""
        return self.bestResponseUntouched

    def changeTxPowerRandomly(self):
        """Change current tx power randomly"""
        self.currentTxPower = random.choice(self.availableTxPowers)
        self.previousTxPower = self.currentTxPower
        self.bestResponseUntouched = self.currentTxPower

    def changeTxPower(self, newBestResponse):
        Change current tx power, save previous tx power

        Keyword arguments:
        newTxPower -- new transmitting power
        self.previousTxPower = self.currentTxPower
        self.bestResponseUntouched = newBestResponse
        self.currentTxPower = self.getAvailTxPower(newBestResponse)