예제 #1
 def applyHeuristic(self, game: Game):
     self.stepstoWin += 1
     q = PriorityQueue()
     bonusSoldiers = game.bonusSoldiers(self.isRed)
     cityListId = game.citiesOf(self.isRed)
     game = self.bonusArmyPlacing(bonusSoldiers, game, self.isRed)
     randomId = random.choice(cityListId)
     canAttack = False
     for cityId in cityListId:
         for neighbourId in game.map.graph[cityId]:
             neighbour = game.cityList[neighbourId]
             city = game.cityList[cityId]
             if (city.armyCount > neighbour.armyCount + 1
                     and city.isRedArmy != neighbour.isRedArmy):
                 canAttack = True
                 q.put((self.GreedyHeurictic(city, neighbour,
                                             game), city, neighbour))
     if (canAttack == False):
         return game
     if (q.not_empty):
         next_item = q.get()
         fromCity = next_item[1]
         toCity = next_item[2]
         self.attack(fromCity.id, toCity.id, fromCity.armyCount - 1, game)
     return game
예제 #2
 def applyHeuristic(self, game: Game) -> Game:
     cityListId = game.citiesOf(self.isRedPlayer)
     bonusArmy = game.bonusSoldiers(self.isRedPlayer)
     minimumTerritor = self.calculateMinimumTerritory(cityListId, game)
     if minimumTerritor != None:
         game.addSoldiersToCity(minimumTerritor.id, bonusArmy)
     return game
예제 #3
 def __onConflictingPairs(self, isRedPlayer: bool, game: Game,
                          calculate) -> int:
     result: int = 0
     myCities: [int] = game.citiesOf(isRedPlayer)
     for myCityId in myCities:
         for adjCityId in game.map.graph[myCityId]:
             if game.cityList[adjCityId].isRedArmy != isRedPlayer:
                 enemyCityId: int = adjCityId
                 result += calculate(isRedPlayer, game, myCityId,
     return result
예제 #4
 def applyHeuristic(self, game: Game) -> Game:
         the actions taken are:
             1. place all bonus army in my city with minimum number of soldiers
             2. attack enemy city with minimum number of soldiers that can be attacked
     myCities = game.citiesOf(self.isRedPlayer)
     myMinArmyCityId = self.minArmyCityId(game, myCities)
     bestUId, bestVId = self.hisMinArmyCityToAttack(game, myCities)
     if bestUId != -1 and bestVId != -1:
         game.move(bestUId, bestVId, game.cityList[bestVId].armyCount + 1)
     return game
예제 #5
 def applyHeuristic(self, game: Game) -> Game:
     cityListId = game.citiesOf(self.isRedPlayer)
     bonusArmy = game.bonusSoldiers(self.isRedPlayer)
     maxCity = self.calculateMaxCity(cityListId, game)
     if maxCity != None:
         game.addSoldiersToCity(maxCity.id, bonusArmy)
     # attack all neighbour cities with most armies
     for cityId in cityListId:
         for neighbourId in game.map.graph[cityId]:
             neighbour = game.cityList[neighbourId]
             city = game.cityList[cityId]
             if neighbour.armyCount < city.armyCount - 1 and neighbour.isRedArmy != city.isRedArmy:
                 game.move(city.id, neighbour.id, city.armyCount - 1)
     return game
예제 #6
    def adjacentStates(self, game: Game):
        bonusArmyPossibilities = list()
        cityListId = game.citiesOf(self.isRedPlayer)
        bonusArmy = game.bonusSoldiers(self.isRedPlayer)

        for cityId in cityListId:
            gameCopy = deepcopy(game)
            gameCopy.addSoldiersToCity(cityId, bonusArmy)

        attackingPossibilities = list()
        for gameStatee in bonusArmyPossibilities:
            cityListId = gameStatee.citiesOf(self.isRedPlayer)
            for cityId in cityListId:
                city = gameStatee.cityList[cityId]
                for neighbourId in gameStatee.map.graph[cityId]:
                    neighbour = gameStatee.cityList[neighbourId]
                    if city.armyCount > neighbour.armyCount + 1 and city.isRedArmy != neighbour.isRedArmy:
                        gameCopy = deepcopy(gameStatee)
                        gameCopy.move(cityId, neighbourId,
                                      neighbour.armyCount + 1)

        return attackingPossibilities