예제 #1
def test_random_trace_equilibria(base):
    """Test random equilibrium trace"""
    game0 = gamegen.poly_aggfn(base.num_role_players, base.num_role_strats, 6)
    game1 = gamegen.poly_aggfn(base.num_role_players, base.num_role_strats, 6)

    eqa = game0.trim_mixture_support(nash.mixed_nash(
        game0, regret_thresh=1e-4))
    for eqm in eqa:
        if regret.mixture_regret(game0, eqm) > 1e-3:
            # trimmed equilibrium had too high of regret...
            continue  # pragma: no cover
        probs, mixes = trace.trace_equilibrium(game0, game1, 0, eqm, 1)
        for prob, mix in zip(probs, mixes):
            reg = regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), mix)
            assert reg <= 1.1e-3

    eqa = game1.trim_mixture_support(nash.mixed_nash(
        game1, regret_thresh=1e-4))
    for eqm in eqa:
        if regret.mixture_regret(game1, eqm) > 1e-3:
            # trimmed equilibrium had too high of regret...
            continue  # pragma: no cover
        probs, mixes = trace.trace_equilibrium(game0, game1, 1, eqm, 0)
        for prob, mix in zip(probs, mixes):
            reg = regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), mix)
            assert reg <= 1.1e-3
예제 #2
def test_minreg_grid_roshambo():
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors()
    eqm = nash.min_regret_grid_mixture(game, 3)  # Not enough for eq
    assert np.isclose(regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm), .5), \
        "min regret grid didn't find [.5, .5, 0] profile with regret .5"
    eqm = nash.min_regret_grid_mixture(game, 4)  # hit eqa perfectly
    assert np.isclose(regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm), 0), \
        "min regret grid didn't find equilibrium"
예제 #3
def trace_interpolate(game0, game1, peqs, eqa, targets, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Get an equilibrium at a specific time

    game0 : RsGame
        The game to get data from when the mixture probability is 0.
    game1 : RsGame
        The game to get data from when the mixture probability is 1.
    peqs : [float]
        A parallel list of probabilities for each equilibria in a continuous
    eqa : [eqm]
        A parallel list of equilibria for each probability representing
        continuous equilibria for prob mixture games.
    targets : [float]
        The probabilities to compute an equilibria at.
    kwargs : options
        The same options as `trace_equilibrium`.
    peqs = np.asarray(peqs, float)
    eqa = np.asarray(eqa, float)
    targets = np.asarray(targets, float)

    # Make everything sorted
    if np.all(np.diff(peqs) <= 0):
        peqs = peqs[::-1]
        eqa = eqa[::-1]
    order = np.argsort(targets)
    targets = targets[order]

    utils.check(np.all(np.diff(peqs) >= 0),
                'trace probabilities must be sorted')
    utils.check(peqs[0] <= targets[0] and targets[-1] <= peqs[-1],
                'targets must be internal to trace')

    result = np.empty((targets.size, game0.num_strats))
    scan = zip(utils.subsequences(peqs), utils.subsequences(eqa))
    (pi1, pi2), (eqm1, eqm2) = next(scan)
    for target, i in zip(targets, order):
        while target > pi2:
            (pi1, pi2), (eqm1, eqm2) = next(scan)
        (*_, pt1), (*_, eqt1) = trace_equilibrium(  # pylint: disable=too-many-star-expressions
            game0, game1, pi1, eqm1, target, **kwargs)
        (*_, pt2), (*_, eqt2) = trace_equilibrium(  # pylint: disable=too-many-star-expressions
            game0, game1, pi2, eqm2, target, **kwargs)
        if np.isclose(pt1, target) and np.isclose(pt2, target):
            mixgame = rsgame.mix(game0, game1, target)
            _, _, result[i] = min(
                (regret.mixture_regret(mixgame, eqt1), 0, eqt1),
                (regret.mixture_regret(mixgame, eqt2), 1, eqt2))
        elif np.isclose(pt1, target):
            result[i] = eqt1
        elif np.isclose(pt2, target):
            result[i] = eqt2
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError('ode solving failed to reach prob')
    return result
예제 #4
def scarfs_algorithm(game, mix, *, regret_thresh=1e-2, disc=8):
    """Uses fixed point method to find nash eqm

    This is guaranteed to find an equilibrium with regret below regret_thresh
    if given enough time. However, it's guaranteed convergence is assured by
    potentially exponential running time, and therefore is not recommended
    unless you're willing to wait. The underlying algorithm is solving for an
    approximate Nash fixed point with greater and great approximation until its
    regret is below the threshold.

    game : Game
        The game to run replicator dynamics on. Game must support
    mix : mixture
        The mixture to initialize replicator dynamics with.
    regret_thresh : float, optional
        The maximum regret of the returned mixture.
    disc : int, optional
        The initial discretization of the mixture. A lower initial
        discretization means fewer possible starting points for search in the
        mixture space, but is likely to converge faster as the search at higher
        discretization will be seeded with an approximate equilibrium from a
        lower discretization. For example, with `disc=2` there are only
        `game.num_strats - game.num_roles + 1` possible starting points.
    def eqa_func(mixture):
        """Equilibrium fixed point function"""
        mixture = game.mixture_from_simplex(mixture)
        gains = np.maximum(regret.mixture_deviation_gains(game, mixture), 0)
        result = (mixture + gains) / (1 + np.add.reduceat(
            gains, game.role_starts).repeat(game.num_role_strats))
        return game.mixture_to_simplex(result)

    disc = min(disc, 8)
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
    while reg > regret_thresh:
        mix = game.mixture_from_simplex(
        reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
        disc *= 2
        yield mix

    # Two yields in a row means convergence
    yield mix
예제 #5
def test_regret_minimize_failure():
    """Test that regret minimize fails"""
    table = [[-.7, -.9, -1.3, -2], [-.7, -.9, -1.1, -1.6],
             [-.2, -.4, -.8, -1.5]]
    game = aggfn.aggfn(3, 3, np.eye(3), np.eye(3, dtype=bool), table)
    eqm = nash.regret_minimize(game, [0.9, 0.05, 0.05])
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1
예제 #6
def test_mixed_prisoners_dilemma(_):
    """Test mixed prisoners dilemma"""
    game = gamegen.sym_2p2s_game(2, 0, 3, 1)  # prisoners dilemma
    eqm = [0, 1]

    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) == 0, \
        'Known symmetric mixed was not zero regret'
예제 #7
def test_regret_minimize_failure():
    """Test that regret minimize fails"""
    table = [[-.7, -.9, -1.3, -2],
             [-.7, -.9, -1.1, -1.6],
             [-.2, -.4, -.8, -1.5]]
    game = aggfn.aggfn(3, 3, np.eye(3), np.eye(3, dtype=bool), table)
    eqm = nash.regret_minimize(game, [0.9, 0.05, 0.05])
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1
예제 #8
파일: trace.py 프로젝트: tfeng90/quiesce
def _smooth_trace(game0, game1, probs, eqa, trace_args):
    """Smooth the equilibria in a trace in place

    Smoothing attempts to trace out from one time to an adjacent time. If the
    new point has lower regret, it's taken instead. This onle goes one
    direction, so it should be repeated for reversed views.
    for (pfrom, pto), (eqmfrom, eqmto) in zip(utils.subsequences(probs),
        (*_, pres), (*_, eqmres) = trace.trace_equilibrium(  # pylint: disable=too-many-star-expressions
            game0, game1, pfrom, eqmfrom, pto, **trace_args)
        if np.isclose(pres, pto):
            mixgame = rsgame.mix(game0, game1, pto)
            regto = regret.mixture_regret(mixgame, eqmto)
            regres = regret.mixture_regret(mixgame, eqmres)
            if regres < regto:
                np.copyto(eqmto, eqmres)
예제 #9
def scarfs_algorithm(game, mix, *, regret_thresh=1e-2, disc=8):
    """Uses fixed point method to find nash eqm

    This is guaranteed to find an equilibrium with regret below regret_thresh
    if given enough time. However, it's guaranteed convergence is assured by
    potentially exponential running time, and therefore is not recommended
    unless you're willing to wait. The underlying algorithm is solving for an
    approximate Nash fixed point with greater and great approximation until its
    regret is below the threshold.

    game : Game
        The game to run replicator dynamics on. Game must support
    mix : mixture
        The mixture to initialize replicator dynamics with.
    regret_thresh : float, optional
        The maximum regret of the returned mixture.
    disc : int, optional
        The initial discretization of the mixture. A lower initial
        discretization means fewer possible starting points for search in the
        mixture space, but is likely to converge faster as the search at higher
        discretization will be seeded with an approximate equilibrium from a
        lower discretization. For example, with `disc=2` there are only
        `game.num_strats - game.num_roles + 1` possible starting points.
    def eqa_func(mixture):
        """Equilibrium fixed point function"""
        mixture = game.mixture_from_simplex(mixture)
        gains = np.maximum(regret.mixture_deviation_gains(game, mixture), 0)
        result = (mixture + gains) / (1 + np.add.reduceat(
            gains, game.role_starts).repeat(game.num_role_strats))
        return game.mixture_to_simplex(result)

    disc = min(disc, 8)
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
    while reg > regret_thresh:
        mix = game.mixture_from_simplex(fixedpoint.fixed_point(
            eqa_func, game.mixture_to_simplex(mix), disc=disc))
        reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
        disc *= 2
        yield mix

    # Two yields in a row means convergence
    yield mix
예제 #10
 def process(eqm):
     reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
     if (reg <= regret_thresh and all(linalg.norm(e - eqm) >= dist_thresh
                                      for e in equilibria)):
     if reg < best[0]:
         best[0] = reg
         best[1] = eqm[None]
예제 #11
def test_sym_2p2s_known_eq(eq_prob):
    game = gamegen.sym_2p2s_known_eq(eq_prob)
    assert game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert game.is_symmetric(), \
        "didn't generate a symmetric game"
    assert np.all(2 == game.num_players), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(2 == game.num_strategies), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    eqm = np.array([eq_prob, 1 - eq_prob])
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
    assert np.isclose(reg, 0), \
        "expected equilibrium wasn't an equilibrium, reg: {}".format(reg)
    for non_eqm in game.pure_mixtures():
        reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, non_eqm)
        # If eq_prob is 0 or 1, then pure is the desired mixture
        assert non_eqm[0] == eq_prob or not np.isclose(reg, 0), \
            "pure mixtures was equilibrium, {} {}".format(non_eqm, reg)
예제 #12
def test_old_nash_min_reg():
    """Test old nash functions appropriately"""
    prob = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
    game = gamegen.sym_2p2s_known_eq(prob)
    eqa = nash.mixed_nash(game, replicator=dict(max_iters=0), min_reg=True)
    assert eqa.shape == (1, 2)
    eqm, = eqa
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
    assert reg > 1e-3
예제 #13
def test_old_nash_min_reg():
    """Test old nash functions appropriately"""
    prob = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
    game = gamegen.sym_2p2s_known_eq(prob)
    eqa = nash.mixed_nash(game, replicator=dict(max_iters=0), min_reg=True)
    assert eqa.shape == (1, 2)
    eqm, = eqa
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
    assert reg > 1e-3
예제 #14
def main(args):
    """Entry point for learning script"""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
        game = learning.rbfgame_train(gamereader.load(args.input))
    methods = {'replicator': {'max_iters': args.max_iters,
                              'converge_thresh': args.converge_thresh},
               'optimize': {}}

    mixed_equilibria = game.trim_mixture_support(
        nash.mixed_nash(game, regret_thresh=args.regret_thresh,
                        dist_thresh=args.dist_thresh, processes=args.processes,
                        at_least_one=args.one, **methods),

    equilibria = [(eqm, regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm))
                  for eqm in mixed_equilibria]

    # Output game
    args.output.write('Game Learning\n')

    if any(w.category == UserWarning and
           w.message.args[0] == (
               'some lengths were at their bounds, this may indicate a poor '
               'fit') for w in warns):
            'Some length scales were at their limit. This is a strong\n'
            'indication that a good representation was not found.\n')

    # Output Equilibria

    if equilibria:
        args.output.write('Found {:d} equilibri{}\n\n'.format(
            len(equilibria), 'um' if len(equilibria) == 1 else 'a'))
        for i, (eqm, reg) in enumerate(equilibria, 1):
            args.output.write('Equilibrium {:d}:\n'.format(i))
            args.output.write('\nRegret: {:.4f}\n\n'.format(reg))
        args.output.write('Found no equilibria\n\n')

    # Output json data
    args.output.write('Json Data\n')
    json_data = {
        'equilibria': [game.mixture_to_json(eqm) for eqm, _ in equilibria]}
    json.dump(json_data, args.output)
예제 #15
def test_sym_2p2s_known_eq(eq_prob):
    """Test known equilibrium game"""
    game = gamegen.sym_2p2s_known_eq(eq_prob)
    assert game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert game.is_symmetric(), \
        "didn't generate a symmetric game"
    assert np.all(game.num_role_players == 2), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(game.num_role_strats == 2), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    eqm = np.array([eq_prob, 1 - eq_prob])
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
    assert np.isclose(reg, 0), \
        "expected equilibrium wasn't an equilibrium, reg: {}".format(reg)
    for non_eqm in game.pure_mixtures():
        reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, non_eqm)
        # If eq_prob is 0 or 1, then pure is the desired mixture
        assert non_eqm[0] == eq_prob or not np.isclose(reg, 0), \
            'pure mixtures was equilibrium, {} {}'.format(non_eqm, reg)
예제 #16
def test_random_trace_interpolate(game0, game1): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Test random trace interpolation"""
    prob = np.random.random()
    eqa = game0.trim_mixture_support(nash.mixed_nash(
        rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob),
    for eqm in eqa:
        if regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), eqm) > 1e-3:
            # trimmed equilibrium had too high of regret...
            continue  # pragma: no cover

        for target in [0, 1]:
            # Test that interpolate recovers missing equilibria
            probs, mixes = trace.trace_equilibrium(
                game0, game1, prob, eqm, target)
            if probs.size < 3:
                # not enough to test leave one out
                continue # pragma: no cover

            start, interp, end = np.sort(np.random.choice(
                probs.size, 3, replace=False))
            interp_mix, = trace.trace_interpolate(
                game0, game1, [probs[start], probs[end]],
                [mixes[start], mixes[end]], [probs[interp]])
            assert np.allclose(interp_mix, mixes[interp], rtol=1e-2, atol=2e-2)

            # Test interp at first
            mix, = trace.trace_interpolate(
                game0, game1, probs, mixes, [probs[0]])
            assert np.allclose(mix, mixes[0], rtol=1e-2, atol=2e-2)

            # Test interp at last
            mix, = trace.trace_interpolate(
                game0, game1, probs, mixes, [probs[-1]])
            assert np.allclose(mix, mixes[-1], rtol=1e-2, atol=2e-2)

            # Test random t
            p_interp = np.random.uniform(probs[0], probs[-1])
            mix, = trace.trace_interpolate(
                game0, game1, probs, mixes, [p_interp])
            assert regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(
                game0, game1, p_interp), mix) <= 1.1e-3
예제 #17
def test_mixed_prisoners_dilemma(methods):
    game = gamegen.prisoners_dilemma()
    eqa = nash.mixed_nash(game, dist_thresh=1e-3, processes=1, **methods)

    assert eqa.shape[0] >= 1, \
        "didn't find at least one equilibria in pd {}".format(eqa)
    assert all(regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) < 1e-3 for eqm in eqa), \
        "returned equilibria with high regret"
    expected = [0, 1]
    assert np.isclose(eqa, expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3).all(1).any(), \
        "didn't find pd equilibrium {}".format(eqa)
예제 #18
 async def get_point(prob, eqm):
     """Get the point in a trace for an equilibrium"""
     supp = eqm > 0
     game0 = await agame0.get_deviation_game(supp)
     game1 = await agame1.get_deviation_game(supp)
     reg = regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), eqm)
     return {
         "t": float(prob),
         "equilibrium": sched0.mixture_to_json(eqm),
         "regret": float(reg),
예제 #19
def min_regret_rand_mixture(game, mixtures):
    """Finds the mixed profile with the confirmed lowest regret

    The search is done over a random sampling of `mixtures` mixed profiles.

    mixtures : int > 0
        Number of mixtures to evaluate the regret of.
    mixes = game.random_mixtures(mixtures)
    regs = np.fromiter((regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
                        for mix in mixes), float, mixtures)
    return mixes[np.nanargmin(regs)]
예제 #20
def min_regret_grid_mixture(game, points):
    """Finds the mixed profile with the confirmed lowest regret

    The search is done over a grid with `points` per dimensions.

    points : int > 1
        Number of points per dimension to search.
    mixes = game.grid_mixtures(points)
    regs = np.fromiter((regret.mixture_regret(game, mix)
                        for mix in mixes), float, mixes.shape[0])
    return mixes[np.nanargmin(regs)]
예제 #21
    async def add_deviations(rest, mix, role_index):
        """Add deviations to be evaluated"""
        # We need the restriction here, since trimming support may increase
        # regret of strategies in the initial restriction
        data = await agame.get_deviation_game(mix > 0, role_index)
        devs = data.deviation_payoffs(mix)
        exp = np.add.reduceat(devs * mix, agame.role_starts)
        gains = devs - exp.repeat(agame.num_role_strats)
        if role_index is None:
            if np.all((gains <= regret_thresh) | rest):
                # Found equilibrium
                reg = gains.max()
                if equilibria.add(mix, reg):
                        "found equilibrium %s in game %s with regret %f",
                await asyncio.gather(*[
                    queue_restrictions(rgains, ri, rest)
                    for ri, rgains in enumerate(
                        np.split(gains, agame.role_starts[1:]))

        else:  # Set role index
            rgains = np.split(gains, agame.role_starts[1:])[role_index]
            rrest = np.split(rest, agame.role_starts[1:])[role_index]
            if np.all((rgains <= regret_thresh) | rrest):  # No deviations
                role_index += 1
                if role_index < agame.num_roles:  # Explore next deviation
                    await add_deviations(rest, mix, role_index)
                else:  # found equilibrium
                    # This should not require scheduling as to get here all
                    # deviations have to be scheduled
                    data = await agame.get_deviation_game(mix > 0)
                    reg = regret.mixture_regret(data, mix)
                    if equilibria.add(mix, reg):
                            "found equilibrium %s in game %s with regret %f",
                await queue_restrictions(rgains, role_index, rest)
예제 #22
def process_game(args):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Compute information about a game"""
    i, (name, game) = args
    np.random.seed(i)  # Reproducible randomness
    profiles = gen_profiles(game)

    reg_thresh = 1e-2  # FIXME
    conv_thresh = 1e-2 * np.sqrt(2 * game.num_roles)  # FIXME

    all_eqa = collect.mcces(conv_thresh)
    meth_times = {}
    meth_eqa = {}
    for method, single, func in gen_methods():
        logging.warning('Starting {} for {} {:d}'.format(method, name, i))
        prof_times = {}
        prof_eqa = {}
        for prof, mix_gen in profiles.items():
            times = []
            eqa = []
            if prof != 'uniform' and single:
            for mix in mix_gen():
                start = time.time()
                eqm = func(game, mix)
                speed = time.time() - start
                reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
                if reg < reg_thresh:
                    all_eqa.add(eqm, reg)
            prof_times[prof] = times
            prof_eqa[prof] = eqa
        meth_times[method] = prof_times
        meth_eqa[method] = prof_eqa
        logging.warning('Finished {} for {} {:d} - took {:f} seconds'.format(
            method, name, i, speed))

    inds = {}
    for norm, _ in all_eqa:
        inds[norm] = len(inds)

    for prof_eqa in meth_eqa.values():
        for prof, eqa in prof_eqa.items():
            prof_eqa[prof] = list({inds[all_eqa.get(e)] for e in eqa})

    return name, meth_times, meth_eqa
예제 #23
 def process(i, eqm):
     """Process an equilibrium"""
     reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
     if reg < regret_thresh:
         equilibria.add(eqm, reg)
     best[:] = min(best, [reg, i, eqm])
예제 #24
def test_multiplicative_weights_failure():
    """Test that multiplicative weights fails"""
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=0.5)
    eqm = nash.multiplicative_weights_dist(game, [0.6, 0.3, 0.1])
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1
예제 #25
def mixed_equilibria(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Compute mixed equilibria

    game : RsGame
        Game to compute equilibria of.
    style : str, optional
        The style of equilibria funding to run. Available styles are:

        fast   - run minimal algorithms and return nothing on failure
        more   - run minimal and if nothing run other reasonable algorithms
        best   - run extra and if nothing run exponential with timeout
        one    - run extra and if nothing run exponential
        <any>* - if nothing found, return minimum regret
    regret_thresh : float, optional
        Minimum regret for a mixture to count as an equilibrium.
    dist_thresh : float, optional
        Minimum role norm for equilibria to be considered distinct. [0, 1]
    processes : int, optional
        Number of processes to compute equilibria with. If None, all available
        processes will be used.
    utils.check(style in _STYLES, 'style {} not one of {}', style, _STYLES_STR)
    utils.check(processes is None or processes > 0,
                'processes must be positive or None')
    # TODO Is there a better interface for checking dev payoffs
        not np.isnan(game.deviation_payoffs(game.uniform_mixture())).any(),
        'Nash finding only works on game with full deviation data')

    seq = 0
    req = 0
    best = [np.inf, 0, None]

    equilibria = collect.mcces(dist_thresh * np.sqrt(2 * game.num_roles))
    func = functools.partial(_serial_nash_func, game)
    extra = {
        'fast': lambda _, __: (),
        'more': _more,
        'best': _best,
        'one': _one,
    }[style.rstrip('*')](game, regret_thresh)

    def process_req(tup):
        """Count required methods"""
        nonlocal req
        req += 1
        return tup + (True, )

    with multiprocessing.Pool(processes) as pool:
        for preq, eqm in pool.imap_unordered(
                itertools.chain(map(process_req, _required(game)),
                                (tup + (False, ) for tup in extra))):
            seq += 1
            req -= preq
            reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
            best[:] = min(best, [reg, seq, eqm[None]])
            if reg < regret_thresh:
                equilibria.add(eqm, reg)
            if not req and equilibria:
                return np.stack([e for e, _ in equilibria])

    assert not req
    return best[-1] if style.endswith('*') else np.empty((0, game.num_strats))
예제 #26
def test_minreg_rand_roshambo():
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors()
    eqm = nash.min_regret_rand_mixture(game, 20)
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) < 2 + 1e-7, \
        "Found a mixture with greater than maximum regret"
예제 #27
def quiesce(sim, game, serial, base_name, configuration={}, dpr=None,
            log=logging, profiles=(), all_devs=True, max_profiles=500,
            max_subgame_size=3, sleep_time=300, required_equilibria=1,
            regret_thresh=1e-3, reschedule_limit=10, process_memory=4096,
            observation_time=600, observation_increment=1, nodes=1):
    """Quiesce a game"""

    # Create scheduler
    sched = sim.create_generic_scheduler(
            base=base_name, random=utils.random_string(6)),

    # Add roles and counts to scheduler
    for role, count in zip(serial.role_names, game.num_players):
        sched.add_role(role, count)

    log.info('Created scheduler %d '
             sched.id, sched.id)

    # Data lookup
    psched = profsched.ProfileScheduler(
        game, serial, sched, max_profiles, log, profiles)

    # Set up reduction
    if dpr is None:
        red = reduction.Identity(game.num_strategies, game.num_players)
        red = reduction.DeviationPreserving(game.num_strategies,
                                            game.num_players, dpr)

    # Set up main scheduler abstraction
    qsched = profsched.QuiesceScheduler(game, red, psched)

    confirmed_equilibria = []  # Confirmed equilibra
    explored_subgames = []  # Already explored subgames
    explored_mixtures = []  # Already explored mixtures
    backup = []  # Extra subgames to explore
    subgames = []  # Subgames that are scheduling
    deviations = []  # Deviations that are scheduling

    # Define useful functions
    def add_subgame(subm):
        """Adds a subgame to the scheduler"""
        if not any(np.all(subm <= s) for s in explored_subgames):  # Unexplored
            explored_subgames[:] = [s for s in explored_subgames
                                    if np.any(s > subm)]
            log.debug('Exploring subgame:\n%s\n', json.dumps(
                {r: list(s) for r, s in serial.to_prof_json(subm).items()},
                qsched.schedule_subgame(subm, observation_increment))
        else:  # Subgame already explored
            log.debug('Subgame already explored:\n%s\n', json.dumps(
                {r: list(s) for r, s in serial.to_prof_json(subm).items()},

    def add_mixture(mixture, role_index=None):
        """Adds the given mixture to the scheduler"""
        if any(linalg.norm(mix - mixture) < 1e-3 and (
                role_index is None or role_index <= ri)
               for mix, ri in explored_mixtures):
            if role_index is None:
                log.debug('Mixture already explored:\n%s\n', json.dumps(
                    serial.to_prof_json(mixture), indent=2))
                log.debug('Mixture already explored for role "%s":\n%s\n',
                          json.dumps(serial.to_prof_json(mixture), indent=2))
            explored_mixtures.append((mixture, role_index))
            if role_index is None:
                log.debug('Exploring equilibrium deviations:\n%s\n',
                          json.dumps(serial.to_prof_json(mixture), indent=2))
                    'Exploring equilibrium deviations for role "%s":\n%s\n',
                    json.dumps(serial.to_prof_json(mixture), indent=2))
            dev = qsched.schedule_deviations(
                mixture > 0, observation_increment, role_index)
            deviations.append((mixture, dev))

    def analyze_subgame(unsched_subgames, sub):
        """Process a subgame"""
        if sub.is_complete():
            subg = sub.get_subgame()
            sub_eqa = nash.mixed_nash(subg, regret_thresh=regret_thresh)
            eqa = subgame.translate(subg.trim_mixture_support(sub_eqa),
            if eqa.size == 0:  # No equilibria
                if sub.counts < reschedule_limit * observation_increment:
                        'Found no equilibria in subgame:\n%s\n',
                            {r: list(s) for r, s
                             in serial.to_prof_json(sub.subgame_mask).items()},
                    sub.update_counts(sub.counts + observation_increment)
                        'Failed to find equilibria in subgame:\n%s\n',
                            {r: list(s)
                             for r, s in serial.to_prof_json(subm).items()},
                    'Found candidate equilibria:\n%s\nin subgame:\n%s\n',
                    json.dumps(list(map(serial.to_prof_json, eqa)), indent=2),
                        {r: list(s) for r, s in
                if all_devs:
                    for eqm in eqa:
                    for eqm in eqa:
                        add_mixture(eqm, 0)

    if all_devs:
        def analyze_deviations(unsched_deviations, mix, dev):
            """Analyzes responses to an equilibrium and book keeps"""
            if dev.is_complete():
                dev_game = dev.get_game()
                responses = regret.mixture_deviation_gains(
                    dev_game, mix, assume_complete=True)
                log.debug('Responses:\n%s\nto candidate equilibrium:\n%s\n',
                              responses, filter_zeros=False), indent=2),
                          json.dumps(serial.to_prof_json(mix), indent=2))

                if np.all(responses < regret_thresh):
                    # found equilibria
                    if not any(linalg.norm(m - mix) < 1e-3 for m
                               in confirmed_equilibria):
                        log.info('Confirmed equilibrium:\n%s\n', json.dumps(
                            serial.to_prof_json(mix), indent=2))

                else:  # Queue up next subgames
                    subsize = dev.subgame_mask.sum()
                    # TODO Normalize role deviations
                    for rstart, role_resps in zip(game.role_starts,
                        order = np.argpartition(
                            role_resps, role_resps.size - 1)
                        gain = role_resps[order[-1]]
                        if gain > 0:
                            # Positive best response exists for role
                            subm = dev.subgame_mask.copy()
                            subm[order[-1] + rstart] = True
                            if subsize < max_subgame_size:
                                heapq.heappush(backup, (
                                    (False, False, subsize, -gain),
                            order = order[:-1]

                        # Priority for backup is (not best response, not
                        # beneficial response, subgame size, deviation loss).
                        # Thus, best responses are first, then positive
                        # responses, then small subgames, then highest gain.

                        # Add the rest to the backup
                        for ind in order:
                            subm = dev.subgame_mask.copy()
                            subm[ind + rstart] = True
                            gain = role_resps[ind]
                            heapq.heappush(backup, (
                                (True, gain < 0, subsize, -gain, id(subm)),
                unsched_deviations.append((mix, dev))
        def analyze_deviations(unsched_deviations, mix, dev):
            """Analyzes responses to an equilibrium and book keeps"""
            if dev.is_complete():
                dev_game = dev.get_game()
                role_resps = game.role_split(regret.mixture_deviation_gains(
                    dev_game, mix, assume_complete=True))[dev.role_index]
                    '"%s" Responses:\n%s\nto candidate equilibrium:\n%s\n',
                                        role_resps)), indent=2),
                    json.dumps(serial.to_prof_json(mix), indent=2))

                if np.all(role_resps < regret_thresh):
                    # role has no deviations
                    if dev.role_index == game.num_roles - 1:
                        if not any(linalg.norm(m - mix) < 1e-3 for m
                                   in confirmed_equilibria):
                            log.info('Confirmed equilibrium:\n%s\n',
                        add_mixture(mix, dev.role_index + 1)

                else:  # Queue up next subgames
                    subsize = dev.subgame_mask.sum()
                    # TODO Normalize role deviations
                    rstart = game.role_starts[dev.role_index]
                    order = np.argpartition(role_resps, role_resps.size - 1)
                    gain = role_resps[order[-1]]

                    # Positive best response exists for role
                    subm = dev.subgame_mask.copy()
                    subm[order[-1] + rstart] = True
                    if subsize < max_subgame_size:
                        heapq.heappush(backup, (
                            (False, False, subsize, -gain),

                    # Priority for backup is (not best response, not beneficial
                    # response, subgame size, deviation loss). Thus, best
                    # responses are first, then positive responses, then small
                    # subgames, then highest gain.

                    # Add the rest to the backup
                    for ind in order[:-1]:
                        subm = dev.subgame_mask.copy()
                        subm[ind + rstart] = True
                        gain = role_resps[ind]
                        heapq.heappush(backup, (
                            (True, gain < 0, subsize, -gain, id(subm)),
                unsched_deviations.append((mix, dev))

        # Initialize with pure subgames
        for subm in subgame.pure_subgames(game):

        # While still scheduling left to do
        while subgames or deviations:
            if (qsched.update() or any(s.is_complete() for s in subgames) or
                    any(d.is_complete() for _, d in deviations)):
                # Something finished scheduling
                unsched_subgames = []
                for sub in subgames:
                    analyze_subgame(unsched_subgames, sub)
                subgames = unsched_subgames

                unsched_deviations = []
                for mix, dev in deviations:
                    analyze_deviations(unsched_deviations, mix, dev)
                deviations = unsched_deviations

                if (not subgames and not deviations and
                        len(confirmed_equilibria) < required_equilibria):
                    # We've finished all the required stuff, but still haven't
                    # found an equilibrium, so pop a backup off
                    log.debug('Extracting backup game\n')
                    while backup and not subgames:

                # We're still waiting for jobs to complete, so take a break
                log.debug('Waiting %d seconds for simulations to finish...\n',

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Manually killed, so just deactivate
        log.error('Manually killed quiesce script. Deactivating scheduler\n')

    log.info('Deactivating scheduler %d\n', sched.id)

    final_game = psched.get_game()
    red_game = red.reduce_game(final_game, True)
    equilibria = (np.array(confirmed_equilibria) if confirmed_equilibria
                  else np.empty((0, game.num_role_strats)))
    complete_subgames = np.array(explored_subgames)
    regrets = np.fromiter((regret.mixture_regret(red_game, eqm)
                           for eqm in confirmed_equilibria),
                          float, len(confirmed_equilibria))
    final_log = [dict(regret=float(r), equilibrium=serial.to_prof_json(eqm))
                 for eqm, r in zip(equilibria, regrets)]

    log.error('Finished quiescing\nConfirmed equilibria:\n%s\n'
              'Explored %d subgames, sampled %d profiles with %d distinct\n',
              json.dumps(final_log, indent=2), complete_subgames.shape[0],
              psched.num_profiles, psched.num_unique_profiles)

    # TODO return failed subgames
    return equilibria, complete_subgames, final_game
예제 #28
def main(args):
    game, serial = gameio.read_game(json.load(args.input))

    # create gpgame
    lgame = gpgame.PointGPGame(game)

    # mixed strategy nash equilibria search
    methods = {
        'replicator': {
            'max_iters': args.max_iters,
            'converge_thresh': args.converge_thresh}}

    mixed_equilibria = game.trim_mixture_support(
        nash.mixed_nash(lgame, regret_thresh=args.regret_thresh,
                        dist_thresh=args.dist_thresh, processes=args.processes,
                        at_least_one=True, **methods),

    equilibria = [(eqm, regret.mixture_regret(lgame, eqm))
                  for eqm in mixed_equilibria]

    # Output game
    args.output.write('Game Learning\n')

    # Output social welfare
    args.output.write('Social Welfare\n')
    welfare, profile = game.get_max_social_welfare()
    if profile is None:
        args.output.write('There was no profile with complete payoff data\n\n')
        args.output.write('\nMaximum social welfare profile:\n')
        args.output.write('Welfare: {:.4f}\n\n'.format(welfare))

        if game.num_roles > 1:
            for role, welfare, profile in zip(
                    serial.role_names, *game.get_max_social_welfare(True)):
                args.output.write('Maximum "{}" welfare profile:\n'.format(
                args.output.write('Welfare: {:.4f}\n\n'.format(welfare))


    # Output Equilibria

    if equilibria:
        args.output.write('Found {:d} equilibri{}\n\n'.format(
            len(equilibria), 'um' if len(equilibria) == 1 else 'a'))
        for i, (eqm, reg) in enumerate(equilibria, 1):
            args.output.write('Equilibrium {:d}:\n'.format(i))
            args.output.write('Regret: {:.4f}\n\n'.format(reg))
        args.output.write('Found no equilibria\n\n')

    # Output json data
    args.output.write('Json Data\n')
    json_data = {
        'equilibria': [serial.to_prof_json(eqm) for eqm, _ in equilibria]}
    json.dump(json_data, args.output)
예제 #29
def test_faststar_failure(hardgame):
    """Test that fast fails to find an equilibrium"""
    eqa = nash.mixed_equilibria(hardgame, 'fast*', processes=1)
    assert eqa.shape == (1, 9)
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(hardgame, eqa[0])
    assert reg > 1e-2
예제 #30
 async def get_regret(eqm):
     """Gets the regret of an equilibrium"""
     game = await agame.get_deviation_game(eqm > 0)
     return float(regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm))
예제 #31
def test_fictitious_play_failure():
    """Test that fictitious play fails"""
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=0.5)
    eqm = nash.fictitious_play(game, [0.6, 0.3, 0.1], max_iters=10000) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1
예제 #32
def test_fictitious_play_failure():
    """Test that fictitious play fails"""
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=0.5)
    eqm = nash.fictitious_play(game, [0.6, 0.3, 0.1], max_iters=10000)  # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1
예제 #33
 def process(i, eqm):
     """Process an equilibrium"""
     reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
     if reg < regret_thresh:
         equilibria.add(eqm, reg)
     best[:] = min(best, [reg, i, eqm])
예제 #34
 def below_regret_thresh(prob, mix_neg):
     """Event for regret going above threshold"""
     mix = egame.trim_mixture_support(mix_neg, thresh=0)
     reg = regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), mix)
     return reg - regret_thresh
예제 #35
def test_faststar_failure(hardgame):
    """Test that fast fails to find an equilibrium"""
    eqa = nash.mixed_equilibria(hardgame, 'fast*', processes=1)
    assert eqa.shape == (1, 9)
    reg = regret.mixture_regret(hardgame, eqa[0])
    assert reg > 1e-2
예제 #36
def calc_reg(game, prof):
    """the regret of the profile"""
    if is_pure_profile(game, prof): # pylint: disable=no-else-return
        return regret.pure_strategy_regret(game, np.asarray(prof, int)).item()
        return regret.mixture_regret(game, prof).item()
예제 #37
def mixed_equilibria( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        game, style='best', *, regret_thresh=1e-2, dist_thresh=0.1,
    """Compute mixed equilibria

    game : RsGame
        Game to compute equilibria of.
    style : str, optional
        The style of equilibria funding to run. Available styles are:

        fast   - run minimal algorithms and return nothing on failure
        more   - run minimal and if nothing run other reasonable algorithms
        best   - run extra and if nothing run exponential with timeout
        one    - run extra and if nothing run exponential
        <any>* - if nothing found, return minimum regret
    regret_thresh : float, optional
        Minimum regret for a mixture to count as an equilibrium.
    dist_thresh : float, optional
        Minimum role norm for equilibria to be considered distinct. [0, 1]
    processes : int, optional
        Number of processes to compute equilibria with. If None, all available
        processes will be used.
    utils.check(style in _STYLES, 'style {} not one of {}', style, _STYLES_STR)
        processes is None or processes > 0,
        'processes must be positive or None')
    # TODO Is there a better interface for checking dev payoffs
        not np.isnan(game.deviation_payoffs(game.uniform_mixture())).any(),
        'Nash finding only works on game with full deviation data')

    seq = 0
    req = 0
    best = [np.inf, 0, None]

    equilibria = collect.mcces(dist_thresh * np.sqrt(2 * game.num_roles))
    func = functools.partial(_serial_nash_func, game)
    extra = {
        'fast': lambda _, __: (),
        'more': _more,
        'best': _best,
        'one': _one,
    }[style.rstrip('*')](game, regret_thresh)

    def process_req(tup):
        """Count required methods"""
        nonlocal req
        req += 1
        return tup + (True,)

    with multiprocessing.Pool(processes) as pool:
        for preq, eqm in pool.imap_unordered(func, itertools.chain(
                map(process_req, _required(game)),
                (tup + (False,) for tup in extra))):
            seq += 1
            req -= preq
            reg = regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm)
            best[:] = min(best, [reg, seq, eqm[None]])
            if reg < regret_thresh:
                equilibria.add(eqm, reg)
            if not req and equilibria:
                return np.stack([e for e, _ in equilibria])

    assert not req
    return best[-1] if style.endswith('*') else np.empty((0, game.num_strats))
예제 #38
def trace_equilibrium(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Try to trace an equilibrium out to target

    Takes two games, a fraction that they're mixed (`peq`), and an equilibrium
    of the mixed game (`eqm`). It then attempts to find the equilibrium at the
    `target` mixture. It may not reach target, but will return as far as it
    got. The return value is two parallel arrays for the probabilities with
    known equilibria and the equilibria.

    game0 : RsGame
        The first game that's merged. Represents the payoffs when `peq` is 0.
    game1 : RsGame
        The second game that's merged. Represents the payoffs when `peq` is 1.
    peq : float
        The amount that the two games are merged such that `eqm` is an
        equilibrium. Must be in [0, 1].
    eqm : ndarray
        An equilibrium when `game0` and `game1` are merged a `peq` fraction.
    target : float
        The desired mixture probability to have an equilibrium at.
    regret_thresh : float, optional
        The amount of gain from deviating to a strategy outside support can
        have before it's considered a beneficial deviation and the tracing
        stops. This should be larger than zero as most equilibria are
        approximate due to floating point precision.
    max_step : float, optional
        The maximum step to take in t when evaluating.
    singular : float, optional
        An absolute determinant below this value is considered singular.
        Occasionally the derivative doesn't exist, and this is one way in which
        that manifests. This values regulate when ODE solving terminates due to
        a singular matrix.
        Any remaining keyword arguments are passed to the ivp solver.
    egame = rsgame.empty_copy(game0)
    eqm = np.asarray(eqm, float)
    utils.check(egame.is_mixture(eqm), "equilibrium wasn't a valid mixture")
        regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, peq), eqm) <=
        regret_thresh + 1e-7, "equilibrium didn't have regret below threshold")

    # It may be handy to have the derivative of this so that the ode solver can
    # be more efficient, except that computing the derivative w.r.t. t requires
    # the hessian of the deviation payoffs, which would be complicated and so
    # far has no use anywhere else.
    def ode(prob, mix_neg):
        """ODE function for solve_ivp"""
        div = np.zeros(egame.num_strats)
        mix = egame.trim_mixture_support(mix_neg, thresh=0)
        supp = mix > 0
        rgame = egame.restrict(supp)

        dev1, jac1 = game0.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        dev2, jac2 = game1.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)

        gvals = (dev1 - dev2)[supp]
        fvecs = ((1 - prob) * jac1 + prob * jac2)[supp][:, supp]

        gvec = np.concatenate([
            np.delete(np.diff(gvals), rgame.role_starts[1:] - 1),
        fmat = np.concatenate([
            np.delete(np.diff(fvecs, 1, 0), rgame.role_starts[1:] - 1, 0),
            np.eye(egame.num_roles).repeat(rgame.num_role_strats, 1)
        if singular < np.abs(np.linalg.det(fmat)):
            div[supp] = np.linalg.solve(fmat, gvec)
        return div

    def below_regret_thresh(prob, mix_neg):
        """Event for regret going above threshold"""
        mix = egame.trim_mixture_support(mix_neg, thresh=0)
        reg = regret.mixture_regret(rsgame.mix(game0, game1, prob), mix)
        return reg - regret_thresh

    below_regret_thresh.terminal = True
    below_regret_thresh.direction = 1

    def singular_jacobian(prob, mix_neg):
        """Event for when jacobian is singular"""
        mix = egame.trim_mixture_support(mix_neg, thresh=0)
        supp = mix > 0
        rgame = egame.restrict(supp)
        _, jac1 = game0.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        _, jac2 = game1.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        fvecs = ((1 - prob) * jac1 + prob * jac2)[supp][:, supp]
        fmat = np.concatenate([
            np.delete(np.diff(fvecs, 1, 0), rgame.role_starts[1:] - 1, 0),
            np.eye(egame.num_roles).repeat(rgame.num_role_strats, 1)
        return np.abs(np.linalg.det(fmat)) - singular

    singular_jacobian.terminal = True
    singular_jacobian.direction = -1

    events = [below_regret_thresh, singular_jacobian]

    # This is to scope the index
    def create_support_loss(ind):
        """Create support loss for every ind"""
        def support_loss(_, mix):
            """Support loss event"""
            return mix[ind]

        support_loss.direction = -1
        return support_loss

    for strat in range(egame.num_strats):

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        res = integrate.solve_ivp(ode, [peq, target],
    return res.t, egame.trim_mixture_support(res.y.T, thresh=0)
예제 #39
def reg(game, serial, prof):
    """the regret of the profile"""
    if is_pure_profile(game, prof):
        return regret.pure_strategy_regret(game, prof).item()
        return regret.mixture_regret(game, prof).item()
예제 #40
def test_multiplicative_weights_failure():
    """Test that multiplicative weights fails"""
    game = gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=0.5)
    eqm = nash.multiplicative_weights_dist(game, [0.6, 0.3, 0.1])
    assert regret.mixture_regret(game, eqm) > 0.1