예제 #1
def create_wizard():
    global game
    key = ''
    while True:
        print(Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard"))
        print('What do you want to create: a NPC or a structure?')
        print('1 - NPC (Non Playable Character)')
        print('2 - Structure (Wall, Door, Treasure, Portal, Trees, etc.)')
        key = Utils.get_key()
        if key == '1' or key == '2':
    if key == '1':
            Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
        new_object = NPC()
        print("First give a name to your NPC. Default value: " +
        r = str(input('(Enter name)> '))
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.name = r
            "Then give it a type. A type is important as it allows grouping.\nType is a string. Default value: "
            + new_object.type)
        r = str(input('(Enter type)> '))
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.type = r
        print("Now we need a model. Default value: " + new_object.model)
        input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
        new_object.model = model_picker()
            Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
            Utils.cyan_bright("NPC") + f' - {new_object.model}')
            'We now needs to go through some basic statistics. You can decide to go with default by simply hitting the "Enter" key.'
        r = input_digit(
            f'Number of cell crossed in one turn. Default: {new_object.step}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.step = int(r)
            # If it's 0 it means it's going to be a static NPC so to prevent python to pass some random pre-initialized default, we explicitly set the Actuator to a static one
            new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.RandomActuator(moveset=[])
        r = input_digit(
            f'Max HP (Health Points). Default: {new_object.max_hp}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.max_hp = int(r)
        new_object.hp = new_object.max_hp
        r = input_digit(
            f'Max MP (Mana Points). Default: {new_object.max_mp}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.max_mp = int(r)
        new_object.mp = new_object.max_mp
        r = input_digit(
            f'Remaining lives (it is advised to set that to 1 for a standard NPC). Default: {new_object.remaining_lives}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.remaining_lives = int(r)
        r = input_digit(
            f'AP (Attack Power). Default: {new_object.attack_power}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.attack_power = int(r)
        r = input_digit(
            f'DP (Defense Power). Default: {new_object.defense_power}(type: int) > '
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.defense_power = int(r)
        r = input_digit(
            f'Strength. Default: {new_object.strength}(type: int) > ')
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.strength = int(r)
        r = input_digit(
            f'Intelligence. Default: {new_object.intelligence}(type: int) > ')
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.intelligence = int(r)
        r = input_digit(
            f'Agility. Default: {new_object.agility}(type: int) > ')
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.agility = int(r)
            "We now need to give some life to that NPC. What kind of movement should it have:"
        print("1 - Randomly chosen from a preset of directions")
        print("2 - Following a predetermined path")
        r = Utils.get_key()
        if r == '1':
            new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.RandomActuator(moveset=[])
                'Random it is! Now choose from which preset of movements should we give it:'
            print('1 - UP,DOWN,LEFT, RIGHT')
            print('2 - UP,DOWN')
            print('3 - LEFT, RIGHT')
            print('4 - UP,DOWN,LEFT, RIGHT + all DIAGONALES')
                '5 - DIAGONALES (DIAG UP LEFT, DIAG UP RIGHT, etc.) but NO straight UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT'
            print('6 - No movement')
            r = Utils.get_key()
            if r == '1':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
                    Constants.UP, Constants.DOWN, Constants.LEFT,
            elif r == '2':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [Constants.UP, Constants.DOWN]
            elif r == '3':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [Constants.RIGHT, Constants.LEFT]
            elif r == '4':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
                    Constants.UP, Constants.DOWN, Constants.LEFT,
                    Constants.RIGHT, Constants.DLDOWN, Constants.DLUP,
                    Constants.DRDOWN, Constants.DRUP
            elif r == '5':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
                    Constants.DLDOWN, Constants.DLUP, Constants.DRDOWN,
            elif r == '6':
                new_object.actuator.moveset = []
                    f'"{r}" is not a valid choice. Movement set is now empty.')
                new_object.actuator.moveset = []
        elif r == '2':
            new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.PathActuator(path=[])
            print("Great, so what path this NPC should take:")
            print('1 - UP/DOWN patrol')
            print('2 - DOWN/UP patrol')
            print('3 - LEFT/RIGHT patrol')
            print('4 - RIGHT/LEFT patrol')
            print('5 - Circle patrol: LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP')
            print('6 - Circle patrol: LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN')
            print('7 - Circle patrol: RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP')
            print('8 - Circle patrol: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN')
            print('9 - Write your own path')
            r = Utils.get_key()
            if r == '1':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in one direction before turning back ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '2':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in one direction before turning back ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '3':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in one direction before turning back ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '3':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in one direction before turning back ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '4':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in one direction before turning back ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '5':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in EACH direction before changing ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '6':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in EACH direction before changing ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '7':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in EACH direction before changing ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '8':
                    "How many steps should the NPC go in EACH direction before changing ?"
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == '9':
                    "Write your own path using only words from this list: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DLDOWN, DLUP, DRDOWN, DRUP."
                print('Each direction has to be separated by a coma.')
                r = str(input('Write your path: ')).upper()
                new_object.actuator.path = r.split(',')
                Utils.warn(f'"{r}" is not a valid choice. Path is now empty.')
                new_object.actuator.path = []

        return new_object
    elif key == '2':
        while True:
                Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
            print("What kind of structure do you want to create:")
                '1 - A wall like structure (an object that cannot be picked-up and is not overlappable). Ex: walls, trees, non moving elephant (try to go through an elephant or to pick it up in your backpack...)'
            print('2 - A door (player and/or NPC can go through)')
                '3 - A treasure (can be picked up, take space in the inventory, give points to the player)'
                '4 - A generic object (you can set the properties to make it pickable or overlappable)'
                '5 - A generic actionable object (to make portals, heart to replenish life, etc.)'
            key = Utils.get_key()
            new_object = None
            if key == '1':
                new_object = Structures.Wall()
                new_object.name = str(uuid.uuid1())
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == '2':
                new_object = Structures.Door()
                new_object.name = str(uuid.uuid1())
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == '3':
                new_object = Structures.Treasure()
                print("First give a name to your Treasure. Default value: " +
                r = str(input('(Enter name)> '))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.name = r
                    "Then give it a type. A type is important as it allows grouping (in this case probably in the inventory).\nType is a string. Default value: "
                    + new_object.type)
                r = str(input('(Enter type)> '))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.type = r
                print("Now we need a model. Default value: " +
                input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == '4' or key == '5':
                if key == '4':
                    new_object = Structures.GenericStructure()
                    new_object = Structures.GenericActionableStructure()
                print("First give a name to your structure. Default value: " +
                r = str(input('(Enter name)> '))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.name = r
                    "Then give it a type. \nType is a string. Default value: "
                    + new_object.type)
                r = str(input('(Enter type)> '))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.type = r
                print("Now we need a model. Default value: " +
                input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
                new_object.model = model_picker()
                    'Is this object pickable? (can it be picked up by the player)?'
                print('0 - No')
                print('1 - Yes')
                r = Utils.get_key()
                if r == '1':
                    'Is this object overlappable? (can it be walked over by player?'
                print('0 - No')
                print('1 - Yes')
                r = Utils.get_key()
                if r == '1':

        return new_object

    return BoardItemVoid()
예제 #2
 def _ref2obj(ref):
     obj_keys = ref.keys()
     local_object = BoardItemVoid()
     if 'Wall' in ref['object']:
         local_object = Structures.Wall()
     elif 'Treasure' in ref['object']:
         local_object = Structures.Treasure()
         if 'value' in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref['value']
         if 'size' in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref['size']
     elif 'GenericStructure' in ref['object']:
         local_object = Structures.GenericStructure()
         if 'value' in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref['value']
         if 'size' in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref['size']
         if 'pickable' in obj_keys:
         if 'overlappable' in obj_keys:
     elif 'Door' in ref['object']:
         local_object = Structures.Door()
         if 'value' in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref['value']
         if 'size' in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref['size']
         if 'pickable' in obj_keys:
         if 'overlappable' in obj_keys:
         if 'restorable' in obj_keys:
     elif 'GenericActionableStructure' in ref['object']:
         local_object = Structures.GenericActionableStructure()
         if 'value' in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref['value']
         if 'size' in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref['size']
         if 'pickable' in obj_keys:
         if 'overlappable' in obj_keys:
     elif 'NPC' in ref['object']:
         local_object = NPC()
         if 'value' in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref['value']
         if 'size' in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref['size']
         if 'hp' in obj_keys:
             local_object.hp = ref['hp']
         if 'max_hp' in obj_keys:
             local_object.max_hp = ref['max_hp']
         if 'step' in obj_keys:
             local_object.step = ref['step']
         if 'remaining_lives' in obj_keys:
             local_object.remaining_lives = ref['remaining_lives']
         if 'attack_power' in obj_keys:
             local_object.attack_power = ref['attack_power']
         if 'actuator' in obj_keys:
             if 'RandomActuator' in ref['actuator']['type']:
                 local_object.actuator = RandomActuator(moveset=[])
                 if 'moveset' in ref['actuator'].keys():
                     for m in ref['actuator']['moveset']:
             elif 'PathActuator' in ref['actuator']['type']:
                 local_object.actuator = PathActuator(path=[])
                 if 'path' in ref['actuator'].keys():
                     for m in ref['actuator']['path']:
     # Now what remains is what is common to all BoardItem
     if not isinstance(local_object, BoardItemVoid):
         if 'name' in obj_keys:
             local_object.name = ref['name']
         if 'model' in obj_keys:
             local_object.model = ref['model']
         if 'type' in obj_keys:
             local_object.type = ref['type']
     return local_object
예제 #3
def create_wizard():
    global game
    key = ""
    while True:
        print(Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard"))
        print("What do you want to create: a NPC or a structure?")
        print("1 - NPC (Non Playable Character)")
        print("2 - Structure (Wall, Door, Treasure, Portal, Trees, etc.)")
        key = Utils.get_key()
        if key == "1" or key == "2":
    if key == "1":
            Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
        new_object = NPC()
        print("First give a name to your NPC. Default value: " +
        r = str(input("(Enter name)> "))
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.name = r
            "Then give it a type. A type is important as it allows grouping.\n"
            "Type is a string. Default value: " + new_object.type)
        r = str(input("(Enter type)> "))
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.type = r
        print("Now we need a model. Default value: " + new_object.model)
        input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
        new_object.model = model_picker()
            Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
            Utils.cyan_bright("NPC") + f" - {new_object.model}")
        print("We now needs to go through some basic statistics. "
              "You can decide to go with default by simply hitting "
              'the "Enter" key.')
        r = input_digit(f"Number of cell crossed in one turn. "
                        f"Default: {new_object.step}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.step = int(r)
            # If it's 0 it means it's going to be a static NPC so to prevent
            # python to pass some random pre-initialized default, we explicitly
            # set the Actuator to a static one
            new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.RandomActuator(moveset=[])

        r = input_digit(f"Max HP (Health Points). "
                        f"Default: {new_object.max_hp}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.max_hp = int(r)
        new_object.hp = new_object.max_hp

        r = input_digit(f"Max MP (Mana Points). "
                        f"Default: {new_object.max_mp}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.max_mp = int(r)
        new_object.mp = new_object.max_mp

        r = input_digit(
            f"Remaining lives (it is advised to set that to 1 for a "
            f"standard NPC). "
            f"Default: {new_object.remaining_lives}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.remaining_lives = int(r)

        r = input_digit(f"AP (Attack Power). "
                        f"Default: {new_object.attack_power}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.attack_power = int(r)

        r = input_digit(f"DP (Defense Power). "
                        f"Default: {new_object.defense_power}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.defense_power = int(r)

        r = input_digit(
            f"Strength. Default: {new_object.strength}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.strength = int(r)

        r = input_digit(
            f"Intelligence. Default: {new_object.intelligence}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.intelligence = int(r)

        r = input_digit(
            f"Agility. Default: {new_object.agility}(type: int) > ")
        if len(r) > 0:
            new_object.agility = int(r)

        print("We now need to give some life to that NPC. "
              "What kind of movement should it have:")
        print("1 - Randomly chosen from a preset of directions")
        print("2 - Following a predetermined path")
        print("3 - Following a predetermined path back and forth")
            "4 - Automatically finding it's way from one point to another (no"
            " pre-determined path, you will set the points on the map).")
        r = Utils.get_key()
        if r == "1":
            new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.RandomActuator(moveset=[])
            print("Random it is! Now choose from which preset "
                  "of movements should we give it:")
            print("1 - UP,DOWN,LEFT, RIGHT")
            print("2 - UP,DOWN")
            print("3 - LEFT, RIGHT")
            print("4 - UP,DOWN,LEFT, RIGHT + all DIAGONALES")
            print("5 - DIAGONALES (DIAG UP LEFT, DIAG UP RIGHT, etc.) "
                  "but NO straight UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT")
            print("6 - No movement")
            r = Utils.get_key()
            if r == "1":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
            elif r == "2":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [Constants.UP, Constants.DOWN]
            elif r == "3":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [Constants.RIGHT, Constants.LEFT]
            elif r == "4":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
            elif r == "5":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = [
            elif r == "6":
                new_object.actuator.moveset = []
                    f'"{r}" is not a valid choice. Movement set is now empty.')
                new_object.actuator.moveset = []
        elif r == "2" or r == "3":
            if r == "2":
                new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.PathActuator(path=[])
            elif r == "3":
                new_object.actuator = SimpleActuators.PatrolActuator(path=[])
            print("Great, so what path this NPC should take:")
            print("1 - UP/DOWN patrol")
            print("2 - DOWN/UP patrol")
            print("3 - LEFT/RIGHT patrol")
            print("4 - RIGHT/LEFT patrol")
            print("5 - Circle patrol: LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP")
            print("6 - Circle patrol: LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN")
            print("7 - Circle patrol: RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP")
            print("8 - Circle patrol: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN")
            print("9 - Write your own path")
            r = Utils.get_key()
            if r == "1":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in one direction "
                      "before turning back ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += ([
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                ], )
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "2":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in one "
                      "direction before turning back ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "3":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in one "
                      "direction before turning back ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "3":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in one direction "
                      "before turning back ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "4":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in one "
                      "direction before turning back ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "5":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in EACH "
                      "direction before changing ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "6":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in EACH "
                      "direction before changing ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "7":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in EACH "
                      "direction before changing ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "8":
                print("How many steps should the NPC go in EACH direction "
                      "before changing ?")
                r = int(input_digit("(please enter an integer)> "))
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.RIGHT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.UP for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.LEFT for i in range(0, r, 1)
                new_object.actuator.path += [
                    Constants.DOWN for i in range(0, r, 1)
            elif r == "9":
                print("Write your own path using only words from this list: "
                      "UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DLDOWN, DLUP, DRDOWN, DRUP.")
                print("Each direction has to be separated by a coma.")
                r = str(input("Write your path: ")).upper()
                new_object.actuator.path = r.split(",")
                Utils.warn(f'"{r}" is not a valid choice. Path is now empty.')
                new_object.actuator.path = []
        elif r == "4":
            new_object.actuator = AdvancedActuators.PathFinder(
                parent=new_object, circle_waypoints=True)
                "Do you want the NPC to go through your way points once and stop or"
                " to cycle through all of them infinitely ?")
            print("1 - Cycle once")
            print("2 - Cycle infinitely (default value)")
            r = Utils.get_key()
            if r == "1":
                new_object.actuator.circle_waypoints = False
        return new_object
    elif key == "2":
        while True:
                Utils.green_bright("\t\tObject creation wizard: ") +
            print("What kind of structure do you want to create:")
                "1 - A wall like structure (an object that cannot be picked-up "
                "and is not overlappable). Ex: walls, trees, non moving "
                "elephant (try to go through an elephant or to pick it up "
                "in your backpack...)")
            print("2 - A door (player and/or NPC can go through)")
            print("3 - A treasure (can be picked up, take space in the "
                  "inventory, give points to the player)")
            print("4 - A generic object (you can set the properties to "
                  "make it pickable or overlappable)")
            print("5 - A generic actionable object (to make portals, heart "
                  "to replenish life, etc.)")
            key = Utils.get_key()
            new_object = None
            if key == "1":
                new_object = Structures.Wall()
                new_object.name = str(uuid.uuid1())
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == "2":
                new_object = Structures.Door()
                new_object.name = str(uuid.uuid1())
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == "3":
                new_object = Structures.Treasure()
                print("First give a name to your Treasure. Default value: " +
                r = str(input("(Enter name)> "))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.name = r
                print("Then give it a type. A type is important as it allows "
                      "grouping (in this case probably in the inventory).\n"
                      "Type is a string. Default value: " + new_object.type)
                r = str(input("(Enter type)> "))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.type = r
                print("Now we need a model. Default value: " +
                input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
                new_object.model = model_picker()
            elif key == "4" or key == "5":
                if key == "4":
                    new_object = Structures.GenericStructure()
                    new_object = Structures.GenericActionableStructure()
                print("First give a name to your structure. Default value: " +
                r = str(input("(Enter name)> "))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.name = r
                    "Then give it a type. \nType is a string. Default value: "
                    + new_object.type)
                r = str(input("(Enter type)> "))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    new_object.type = r
                print("Now we need a model. Default value: " +
                input('Hit "Enter" when you are ready to choose a model.')
                new_object.model = model_picker()
                print("Is this object pickable? (can it be picked up "
                      "by the player)?")
                print("0 - No")
                print("1 - Yes")
                r = Utils.get_key()
                if r == "1":
                print("Is this object overlappable? (can it be walked "
                      "over by player?")
                print("0 - No")
                print("1 - Yes")
                r = Utils.get_key()
                if r == "1":

        return new_object

    # Placeholder
    return BoardItemVoid()
예제 #4
파일: Game.py 프로젝트: bwirtz/hac-game-lib
 def _ref2obj(ref):
     obj_keys = ref.keys()
     local_object = BoardItemVoid()
     if "Wall" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = Structures.Wall()
     elif "Treasure" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = Structures.Treasure()
         if "value" in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref["value"]
         if "size" in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref["size"]
     elif "GenericStructure" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = Structures.GenericStructure()
         if "value" in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref["value"]
         if "size" in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref["size"]
         if "pickable" in obj_keys:
         if "overlappable" in obj_keys:
     elif "Door" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = Structures.Door()
         if "value" in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref["value"]
         if "size" in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref["size"]
         if "pickable" in obj_keys:
         if "overlappable" in obj_keys:
         if "restorable" in obj_keys:
     elif "GenericActionableStructure" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = Structures.GenericActionableStructure()
         if "value" in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref["value"]
         if "size" in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref["size"]
         if "pickable" in obj_keys:
         if "overlappable" in obj_keys:
     elif "NPC" in ref["object"]:
         local_object = NPC()
         if "value" in obj_keys:
             local_object.value = ref["value"]
         if "size" in obj_keys:
             local_object._size = ref["size"]
         if "hp" in obj_keys:
             local_object.hp = ref["hp"]
         if "max_hp" in obj_keys:
             local_object.max_hp = ref["max_hp"]
         if "step" in obj_keys:
             local_object.step = ref["step"]
         if "remaining_lives" in obj_keys:
             local_object.remaining_lives = ref["remaining_lives"]
         if "attack_power" in obj_keys:
             local_object.attack_power = ref["attack_power"]
         if "actuator" in obj_keys:
             if "RandomActuator" in ref["actuator"]["type"]:
                 local_object.actuator = RandomActuator(moveset=[])
                 if "moveset" in ref["actuator"].keys():
                     for m in ref["actuator"]["moveset"]:
             elif "PathActuator" in ref["actuator"]["type"]:
                 local_object.actuator = PathActuator(path=[])
                 if "path" in ref["actuator"].keys():
                     for m in ref["actuator"]["path"]:
     # Now what remains is what is common to all BoardItem
     if not isinstance(local_object, BoardItemVoid):
         if "name" in obj_keys:
             local_object.name = ref["name"]
         if "model" in obj_keys:
             local_object.model = ref["model"]
         if "type" in obj_keys:
             local_object.type = ref["type"]
     return local_object
예제 #5
         viewport_width += 1
     viewport_board.size = [viewport_width * 2, viewport_height * 2]
     game.partial_display_viewport = [viewport_height, viewport_width]
         "settings")["partial_display_viewport"][0] = viewport_height
     game.config("settings")["partial_display_viewport"][1] = viewport_width
 elif current_menu == "waypoint_edition":
     game.player.model = Utils.green_bright("[]")
     initial_position = game.player.pos
     # I'm lazy so I just go for the bazooka option
     for o in game.current_board().get_immovables(type="waypoint_marker"):
         game.current_board().clear_cell(o.pos[0], o.pos[1])
     for wp in current_object_instance.actuator.waypoints:
     if key == "B":
         current_menu = "main"
         game.player.model = "[]"
         for o in game.current_board().get_immovables(
             game.current_board().clear_cell(o.pos[0], o.pos[1])
     elif key == Utils.key.UP:
         game.move_player(Constants.UP, 1)
     elif key == Utils.key.DOWN:
         game.move_player(Constants.DOWN, 1)
     elif key == Utils.key.LEFT:
         game.move_player(Constants.LEFT, 1)