class TomcatLogtailer(object): # only used in daemon mode period = 60 def __init__(self): '''This function should initialize any data structures or variables needed for the internal state of the line parser.''' self.reset_state() self.lock = threading.RLock() # this is what will match the tomcat lines # tomcat log format string: # %v %A %a %u %{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}t %c %s %>s %B %D %{cookie}n \"%{Referer}i\" \"%r\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %P # - 2008-05-08T07:34:44 - 200 200 371 103918 - "-" "GET /path HTTP/1.0" "-" 23794 # match keys: server_name, local_ip, remote_ip, date, conn_status, init_retcode, final_retcode, size, # req_time, cookie, referrer, request, user_agent, pid self.reg = re.compile("^INFO: \[\] webapp=(?P<webapp>[^\s]+) path=(?P<path>[^\s]+) params=(?P<params>\{[^\}]*\}) status=(?P<status>[^\s]+) QTime=(?P<qtime>[0-9]+)$") # assume we're in daemon mode unless set_check_duration gets called self.dur_override = False # example function for parse line # takes one argument (text) line to be parsed # returns nothing def parse_line(self, line): '''This function should digest the contents of one line at a time, updating the internal state variables.''' self.lock.acquire() self.num_hits+=1 regMatch = self.reg.match(line) if regMatch: linebits = regMatch.groupdict() self.num_hits += 1 # capture request duration dur = int(linebits['qtime']) self.req_time += dur # store for 90th % calculation self.ninetieth.append(dur) self.lock.release() # example function for deep copy # takes no arguments # returns one object def deep_copy(self): '''This function should return a copy of the data structure used to maintain state. This copy should different from the object that is currently being modified so that the other thread can deal with it without fear of it changing out from under it. The format of this object is internal to the plugin.''' myret = dict( num_hits=self.num_hits, req_time=self.req_time, ninetieth=self.ninetieth ) return myret # example function for reset_state # takes no arguments # returns nothing def reset_state(self): '''This function resets the internal data structure to 0 (saving whatever state it needs). This function should be called immediately after deep copy with a lock in place so the internal data structures can't be modified in between the two calls. If the time between calls to get_state is necessary to calculate metrics, reset_state should store now() each time it's called, and get_state will use the time since that now() to do its calculations''' self.num_hits = 0 self.req_time = 0 self.ninetieth = list() self.last_reset_time = time.time() # example for keeping track of runtimes # takes no arguments # returns float number of seconds for this run def set_check_duration(self, dur): '''This function only used if logtailer is in cron mode. If it is invoked, get_check_duration should use this value instead of calculating it.''' self.duration = dur self.dur_override = True def get_check_duration(self): '''This function should return the time since the last check. If called from cron mode, this must be set using set_check_duration(). If in daemon mode, it should be calculated internally.''' if( self.dur_override ): duration = self.duration else: cur_time = time.time() duration = cur_time - self.last_reset_time # the duration should be within 10% of period acceptable_duration_min = self.period - (self.period / 10.0) acceptable_duration_max = self.period + (self.period / 10.0) if (duration < acceptable_duration_min or duration > acceptable_duration_max): raise LogtailerStateException, "time calculation problem - duration (%s) > 10%% away from period (%s)" % (duration, self.period) return duration # example function for get_state # takes no arguments # returns a dictionary of (metric => metric_object) pairs def get_state(self): '''This function should acquire a lock, call deep copy, get the current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its calculations. It should return a list of metric objects.''' # get the data to work with self.lock.acquire() try: mydata = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it hits_per_second = mydata['num_hits'] / check_time if (mydata['num_hits'] != 0): avg_req_time = mydata['req_time'] / mydata['num_hits'] else: avg_req_time = 0 # calculate 90th % request time ninetieth_list = mydata['ninetieth'] ninetieth_list.sort() num_entries = len(ninetieth_list) if (num_entries != 0 ): slowest = ninetieth_list[-1] ninetieth_element = ninetieth_list[int(num_entries * 0.9)] else: slowest = 0 ninetieth_element = 0 # package up the data you want to submit hps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_rps', hits_per_second, units='rps') avgdur_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_avg_dur', avg_req_time, units='ms') ninetieth_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_90th_dur', ninetieth_element, units='ms') slowest_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_slowest_dur', slowest, units='ms') # return a list of metric objects return [ hps_metric, avgdur_metric, ninetieth_metric, slowest_metric ]
three_per_second = mydata['num_three'] / check_time four_per_second = mydata['num_four'] / check_time five_per_second = mydata['num_five'] / check_time # calculate 90th % request time ninetieth_list = mydata['ninetieth'] ninetieth_list.sort() num_entries = len(ninetieth_list) if (num_entries != 0): ninetieth_element = ninetieth_list[int(num_entries * 0.9)] else: ninetieth_element = 0 # package up the data you want to submit hps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_hits', hits_per_second, units='hps') gps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_gets', gets_per_second, units='hps') avgdur_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_avg_dur', avg_req_time, units='sec') ninetieth_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_90th_dur', ninetieth_element, units='sec') twops_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_200', two_per_second, units='hps') threeps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('apache_300', three_per_second,
self.add_metric('haproxy_%s_feconn_%s' % (name, 'max'), feconn[-1]) self.add_metric('haproxy_%s_feconn_%s' % (name, 'avg'), float(sum(feconn)) / len(feconn)) beconn = listener["beconn"] beconn.sort() self.add_metric('haproxy_%s_beconn_%s' % (name, 'min'), beconn[0]) self.add_metric('haproxy_%s_beconn_%s' % (name, 'max'), beconn[-1]) self.add_metric('haproxy_%s_beconn_%s' % (name, 'avg'), float(sum(beconn)) / len(beconn)) for code in self.response_codes: self.add_metric( 'haproxy_%s_%s_hits' % (name, code), float(listener["responses"][code]) / check_time) for (name, val) in self.metricshash.iteritems(): if 'hits_p' in name: results.append(GangliaMetricObject(name, val, units='percent')) elif 'hits' in name: results.append(GangliaMetricObject(name, val, units='hps')) elif 'latency' in name: results.append(GangliaMetricObject(name, val, units='sec')) else: results.append( GangliaMetricObject(name, val, units='connections')) # return a list of metric objects return results
# returns a dictionary of (metric => metric_object) pairs def get_state(self): '''This function should acquire a lock, call deep copy, get the current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its calculations. It should return a list of metric objects.''' # get the data to work with self.lock.acquire() try: mydata = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # normalize to queries per second slapdquery = mydata['num_slapdquery'] / check_time #print slapdquery # package up the data you want to submit slapdquery_metric = GangliaMetricObject('slapd_queries', slapdquery, units='qps') # return a list of metric objects return [ slapdquery_metric, ]
# if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it hits_per_second = mydata['num_hits'] / check_time gets_per_second = mydata['num_gets'] / check_time two_per_second = mydata['num_two'] / check_time three_per_second = mydata['num_three'] / check_time four_per_second = mydata['num_four'] / check_time five_per_second = mydata['num_five'] / check_time # package up the data you want to submit hps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_hits', hits_per_second, units='hps') gps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_gets', gets_per_second, units='hps') twops_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_200', two_per_second, units='hps') threeps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_300', three_per_second, units='hps') fourps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_400', four_per_second, units='hps') fiveps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('varnish_500', five_per_second,
metrics = list() for role, percentloss_list in percentloss_dict.iteritems(): percentloss_list.sort() num_entries = len(percentloss_list) if (num_entries != 0): packetloss_90th = percentloss_list[int(num_entries * 0.9)] packetloss_ave = sum(percentloss_list) / len(percentloss_list) else: # in this event, all data was thrown out in parse_line packetloss_90th = 99 packetloss_ave = 99 # package up the data you want to submit # setting tmax to 960 seconds as data may take as long as 15 minutes to be processed if (role == 'all_roles'): packetloss_ave_metric = GangliaMetricObject( 'packet_loss_average', packetloss_ave, units='%', tmax=960) packetloss_90th_metric = GangliaMetricObject( 'packet_loss_90th', packetloss_90th, units='%', tmax=960) else: packetloss_ave_metric = GangliaMetricObject( 'packet_loss_average:%s' % (role), packetloss_ave, units='%', tmax=960) packetloss_90th_metric = GangliaMetricObject( 'packet_loss_90th:%s' % (role), packetloss_90th, units='%', tmax=960) metrics.append(packetloss_ave_metric) metrics.append(packetloss_90th_metric)
# calculate number of querying IPs and maximum number of queries per IP clist = mydata['client_ip_list'] cdict = dict() for elem in clist: cdict[elem] = cdict.get(elem, 0) + 1 # number of unique clients connecting, normalized to per minute num_client_ips = len(cdict) / check_time # number of requests issued by the client making the most max_client_ip_count = max(cdict.values()) / check_time # package up the data you want to submit qps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('bind_queries', queries_per_second, units='qps') clients_metric = GangliaMetricObject('bind_num_clients', num_client_ips, units='cps') max_reqs_metric = GangliaMetricObject('bind_largest_volume_client', max_client_ip_count, units='qps') # return a list of metric objects return [ qps_metric, clients_metric, max_reqs_metric, ]
combined[key]['req_time_max'] = 0 # The req_time_90th field for the "other" vhosts is now a sum. Need to # divide by the number of "other" vhosts if otherCount > 0: combined['other']['req_time_90th'] /= (otherCount * 1.0) else: combined['other']['req_time_90th'] = 0 for vhost, stats in combined.iteritems(): #print vhost #print "\t", stats # skip empty vhosts if stats['num_hits'] == 0: continue # package up the data you want to submit results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_hits' % vhost, stats['num_hits'], units='hps')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_gets' % vhost, stats['num_gets'], units='hps')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_dur_avg' % vhost, stats['req_time_avg'], units='sec')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_dur_90th' % vhost, stats['req_time_90th'], units='sec')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_dur_max' % vhost, stats['req_time_max'], units='sec')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_200' % vhost, stats['num_200'], units='hps')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_300' % vhost, stats['num_300'], units='hps')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_400' % vhost, stats['num_400'], units='hps')) results.append(GangliaMetricObject('apache_%s_500' % vhost, stats['num_500'], units='hps')) # return a list of metric objects return results
current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its calculations. It should return a list of metric objects.''' # get the data to work with self.lock.acquire() try: mydata = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it connections_per_second = mydata['num_conns'] / check_time deliveries_per_second = mydata['num_deliv'] / check_time bounces_per_second = mydata['num_bounc'] / check_time # package up the data you want to submit cps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('postfix_connections', connections_per_second, units='cps') dps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('postfix_deliveries', deliveries_per_second, units='dps') bps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('postfix_bounces', bounces_per_second, units='bps') # return a list of metric objects return [ cps_metric, dps_metric, bps_metric, ]
hits_delete_ps = mydata['num_delete'] / check_time hits_proppatch_ps = mydata['num_proppatch'] / check_time hits_checkout_ps = mydata['num_checkout'] / check_time hits_merge_ps = mydata['num_merge'] / check_time hits_mkactivity_ps = mydata['num_mkactivity'] / check_time hits_copy_ps = mydata['num_copy'] / check_time # two_per_second = mydata['num_two'] / check_time three_per_second = mydata['num_three'] / check_time four_per_second = mydata['num_four'] / check_time five_per_second = mydata['num_five'] / check_time # package up the data you want to submit hps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_total', hits_per_second, units='hps') gets_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_gets', hits_gets_ps, units='hps') posts_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_posts', hits_posts_ps, units='hps') propfind_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_propfind', hits_propfind_ps, units='hps') options_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_options', hits_options_ps, units='hps') put_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_put', hits_put_ps, units='hps') report_metric = GangliaMetricObject('svn_report',
mydata = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it garbage = float(mydata['garbage']) * 1000 # package up the data you want to submit full_gc_metric = GangliaMetricObject('gc_full', mydata['full_gc'], units='events') minor_gc_metric = GangliaMetricObject('gc_minor', mydata['minor_gc'], units='events') broken_gc_metric = GangliaMetricObject('gc_broken', mydata['broken_gc'], units='events') gc_time_metric = GangliaMetricObject('gc_time', mydata['gc_time'], units='seconds') garbage_metric = GangliaMetricObject('gc_garbage', garbage, units='bytes') # return a list of metric objects
combined['swift_%s_hits' % (method)] = 0 #print "method 90th index is %s, len is %s" % (int(len(durs) * 0.9), len(durs)) combined['swift_%s_%s' % (method, '90th')] = durs[int(len(durs) * 0.9)] combined['swift_%s_%s' % (method, '50th')] = durs[int(len(durs) * 0.5)] combined['swift_%s_%s' % (method, 'max')] = durs[-1] #print durs #print ">> %s %s<<" % (sum(durs), len(durs)) #combined['%s_%s' % (method, 'avg')] = sum(durs) / len(durs) try: combined['swift_hits'] = totalhits / check_time for (key, val) in statuscounter.items(): combined['swift_%s_hits' % key] = val / check_time combined['swift_%s_hits_%%' % key] = (val / check_time) / combined['swift_hits'] * 100 # percentage of hits that are 200s etc. except ZeroDivisionError: combined['swift_hits'] = 0 for (key, val) in statuscounter.items(): combined['swift_%s_hits' % key] = 0 for metricname, metricval in combined.iteritems(): # package up the data you want to submit if 'hits' in metricname: #print "metric info %s, %s, %s" % (metricname, metricval, 'hps') results.append(GangliaMetricObject(metricname, metricval, units='hps')) else: #print "metric info %s, %s, %s" % (metricname, metricval, 'sec') results.append(GangliaMetricObject(metricname, metricval, units='sec')) # return a list of metric objects return results
class UnboundLogtailer(object): # period must be defined and indicates how often the gmetric thread should call get_state() (in seconds) (in daemon mode only) # note that if period is shorter than it takes to run get_state() (if there's lots of complex calculation), the calling thread will automatically double period. # period must be >15. It should probably be >=60 (to avoid excessive load). 120 to 300 is a good range (2-5 minutes). Take into account the need for time resolution, as well as the number of hosts reporting (6000 hosts * 15s == lots of data). period = 5 def __init__(self): '''This function should initialize any data structures or variables needed for the internal state of the line parser.''' self.dur_override = False self.reset_state() self.reg = re.compile( '^(?P<month>\S+)\s+(?P<day>\S+)\s+(?P<time>\S+)\s+(?P<hostname>\S+)\s+(?P<program>\S+):\s+\[(?P<pid>\d+):\d+\]\s+(?P<facility>\S+):\s+server\sstats\sfor\sthread\s(?P<thread>\d+):\s+(?P<queries>\d+)\s+\S+\s+(?P<caches>\d+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(?P<recursions>)\d+' ) self.lock = threading.RLock() self.queries = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.caches = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.recursions = [0, 0, 0, 0] # example function for parse line # takes one argument (text) line to be parsed # returns nothing def parse_line(self, line): '''This function should digest the contents of one line at a time, updating the internal state variables.''' self.lock.acquire() regMatch = self.reg.match(line) if regMatch: self.num_lines += 1 bitsdict = regMatch.groupdict() self.queries[int(bitsdict['thread'])] += int(bitsdict['queries']) self.caches[int(bitsdict['thread'])] += int(bitsdict['caches']) self.recursions[int(bitsdict['thread'])] += int( bitsdict['queries']) - int(bitsdict['caches']) self.lock.release() # example function for deep copy # takes no arguments # returns one object def deep_copy(self): '''This function should return a copy of the data structure used to maintain state. This copy should different from the object that is currently being modified so that the other thread can deal with it without fear of it changing out from under it. The format of this object is internal to the plugin.''' return [self.num_lines, self.queries, self.caches, self.recursions] # example function for reset_state # takes no arguments # returns nothing def reset_state(self): '''This function resets the internal data structure to 0 (saving whatever state it needs). This function should be called immediately after deep copy with a lock in place so the internal data structures can't be modified in between the two calls. If the time between calls to get_state is necessary to calculate metrics, reset_state should store now() each time it's called, and get_state will use the time since that now() to do its calculations''' self.num_lines = 0 self.queries = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.caches = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.recursions = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.last_reset_time = time.time() # example for keeping track of runtimes # takes no arguments # returns float number of seconds for this run def set_check_duration(self, dur): '''This function only used if logtailer is in cron mode. If it is invoked, get_check_duration should use this value instead of calculating it.''' self.duration = dur self.dur_override = True def get_check_duration(self): '''This function should return the time since the last check. If called from cron mode, this must be set using set_check_duration(). If in daemon mode, it should be calculated internally.''' if (self.dur_override): duration = self.duration else: cur_time = time.time() duration = cur_time - self.last_reset_time # the duration should be within 10% of period acceptable_duration_min = self.period - (self.period / 10.0) acceptable_duration_max = self.period + (self.period / 10.0) if (duration < acceptable_duration_min or duration > acceptable_duration_max): raise LogtailerStateException, "time calculation problem - duration (%s) > 10%% away from period (%s)" % ( duration, self.period) return duration # example function for get_state # takes no arguments # returns a dictionary of (metric => metric_object) pairs def get_state(self): '''This function should acquire a lock, call deep copy, get the current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its calculations. It should return a list of metric objects.''' # get the data to work with self.lock.acquire() try: number_of_lines, queries, caches, recursions = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it queries_per_second = sum(queries) / check_time recursions_per_second = sum(recursions) / check_time caches_per_second = sum(caches) / check_time # package up the data you want to submit qps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('unbound_queries', queries_per_second, units='qps') rps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('unbound_recursions', recursions_per_second, units='rps') cps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('unbound_cachehits', caches_per_second, units='cps') # return a list of metric objects return [qps_metric, rps_metric, cps_metric]
class TomcatLogtailer(object): # only used in daemon mode period = 60 def __init__(self): '''This function should initialize any data structures or variables needed for the internal state of the line parser.''' self.reset_state() self.lock = threading.RLock() # This is what will match the tomcat lines # Tomcat access log valve pattern string: # %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %D # Sample Line: # - - [08/Jul/2013:12:44:19 -0400] "OPTIONS /status HTTP/1.0" 200 - 0 self.reg = re.compile( "(?P<host>[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}) (?P<ident>[^\s]+) (?P<user>[^\s]+) (?P<date>\[([^\]]+)\]) (?P<req>\"([A-Z]+)[^\"]*\") (?P<status>\d+) (?P<bytes>[^\s]+) (?P<qtime>\d+)" ) # assume we're in daemon mode unless set_check_duration gets called self.dur_override = False # example function for parse line # takes one argument (text) line to be parsed # returns nothing def parse_line(self, line): '''This function should digest the contents of one line at a time, updating the internal state variables.''' self.lock.acquire() self.num_hits += 1 regMatch = self.reg.match(line) if regMatch: linebits = regMatch.groupdict() self.num_hits += 1 # capture request duration dur = int(linebits['qtime']) self.req_time += dur # store for 90th % calculation self.ninetieth.append(dur) self.lock.release() # example function for deep copy # takes no arguments # returns one object def deep_copy(self): '''This function should return a copy of the data structure used to maintain state. This copy should different from the object that is currently being modified so that the other thread can deal with it without fear of it changing out from under it. The format of this object is internal to the plugin.''' myret = dict(num_hits=self.num_hits, req_time=self.req_time, ninetieth=self.ninetieth) return myret # example function for reset_state # takes no arguments # returns nothing def reset_state(self): '''This function resets the internal data structure to 0 (saving whatever state it needs). This function should be called immediately after deep copy with a lock in place so the internal data structures can't be modified in between the two calls. If the time between calls to get_state is necessary to calculate metrics, reset_state should store now() each time it's called, and get_state will use the time since that now() to do its calculations''' self.num_hits = 0 self.req_time = 0 self.ninetieth = list() self.last_reset_time = time.time() # example for keeping track of runtimes # takes no arguments # returns float number of seconds for this run def set_check_duration(self, dur): '''This function only used if logtailer is in cron mode. If it is invoked, get_check_duration should use this value instead of calculating it.''' self.duration = dur self.dur_override = True def get_check_duration(self): '''This function should return the time since the last check. If called from cron mode, this must be set using set_check_duration(). If in daemon mode, it should be calculated internally.''' if (self.dur_override): duration = self.duration else: cur_time = time.time() duration = cur_time - self.last_reset_time # the duration should be within 10% of period acceptable_duration_min = self.period - (self.period / 10.0) acceptable_duration_max = self.period + (self.period / 10.0) if (duration < acceptable_duration_min or duration > acceptable_duration_max): raise LogtailerStateException, "time calculation problem - duration (%s) > 10%% away from period (%s)" % ( duration, self.period) return duration # example function for get_state # takes no arguments # returns a dictionary of (metric => metric_object) pairs def get_state(self): '''This function should acquire a lock, call deep copy, get the current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its calculations. It should return a list of metric objects.''' # get the data to work with self.lock.acquire() try: mydata = self.deep_copy() check_time = self.get_check_duration() self.reset_state() self.lock.release() except LogtailerStateException, e: # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and continue self.reset_state() self.lock.release() raise e # crunch data to how you want to report it hits_per_second = mydata['num_hits'] / check_time if (mydata['num_hits'] != 0): avg_req_time = mydata['req_time'] / mydata['num_hits'] else: avg_req_time = 0 # calculate 90th % request time ninetieth_list = mydata['ninetieth'] ninetieth_list.sort() num_entries = len(ninetieth_list) if (num_entries != 0): slowest = ninetieth_list[-1] ninetieth_element = ninetieth_list[int(num_entries * 0.9)] else: slowest = 0 ninetieth_element = 0 # package up the data you want to submit hps_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_rps', hits_per_second, units='rps') avgdur_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_avg_dur', avg_req_time, units='ms') ninetieth_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_90th_dur', ninetieth_element, units='ms') slowest_metric = GangliaMetricObject('solr_slowest_dur', slowest, units='ms') # return a list of metric objects return [hps_metric, avgdur_metric, ninetieth_metric, slowest_metric]