def split_table_by_range(conP, table, row_number): """ Split tables in several """ from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.mng.tbl import row_num from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query rowsN = row_num(conP, table, api='psql') nrTables = int(rowsN / float(row_number)) + 1 COLS = cols_name(conP, table) offset = 0 for i in range(nrTables): ntbl_by_query( conP, '{}_{}'.format(table, str(i)), "SELECT * FROM {} ORDER BY {} OFFSET {} LIMIT {} ;".format( table, ', '.join(COLS), str(offset), str(row_number)), api='psql') offset += row_number
def del_topoerror_shps(conParam, shps, epsg, outfolder): """ Remove topological errors from Feature Class data using PostGIS """ import os from gasp import goToList from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from import shp_to_psql from import psql_to_shp shps = goToList(shps) TABLES = shp_to_psql(conParam, shps, epsg, api="shp2pgsql") NTABLE = [ntbl_by_query( conParam, "nt_{}".format(t), "SELECT {cols}, ST_MakeValid({tbl}.geom) AS geom FROM {tbl}".format( cols = ", ".join(["{}.{}".format(TABLES[t], x) for x in cols_name( conParam, TABLES[t], sanitizeSpecialWords=None ) if x != 'geom']), tbl=TABLES[t] ), api='psql' ) for t in range(len(TABLES))] for t in range(len(NTABLE)): psql_to_shp( conParam, NTABLE[t], os.path.join(outfolder, TABLES[t]), tableIsQuery=None, api='pgsql2shp', geom_col="geom" )
def copy_fromdb_todb(conFromDb, conToDb, tables, qForTbl=None): """ Send PGSQL Tables from one database to other """ import pandas from gasp import goToList from import query_to_df from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from import df_to_db tables = goToList(tables) for table in tables: cols = cols_name(conFromDb, table) if not qForTbl: tblDf = query_to_df(conFromDb, "SELECT {} FROM {}".format( ", ".join(cols), table), db_api='psql') else: if table not in qForTbl: tblDf = query_to_df(conFromDb, "SELECT {} FROM {}".format( ", ".join(cols), table), db_api='psql') else: tblDf = query_to_df(conFromDb, qForTbl[table], db_api='psql') df_to_db(conToDb, tblDf, table, api='psql')
def pg_erase(conParam, inTbl, eraseTbl, inGeom, eraseGeom, outTbl): """ Erase """ from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query cols = ["mtbl.{}".format( x) for x in cols_name(conParam, inTbl, api='psql') if x != inGeom] q = ( "SELECT {}, ST_Difference(mtbl.{}, foo.erase_geom) AS {} " "FROM {} AS mtbl, " "(" "SELECT ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect(eetbl.{})) AS erase_geom " "FROM {} AS eetbl " "INNER JOIN {} AS jtbl ON ST_Intersects(eetbl.{}, jtbl.{})" ") AS foo" ).format( ", ".join(cols), inGeom, inGeom, inTbl, eraseGeom, eraseTbl, inTbl, eraseGeom, inGeom ) return ntbl_by_query(conParam, outTbl, q, api='psql')
def fix_geom(conParam, table, geom, out_tbl, colsSelect=None, whr=None): """ Remove some topological incorrections on the PostGIS data """ from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query if not colsSelect: from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name cols_tbl = [ '{}.{}'.format(table, x) for x in cols_name(conParam, table, sanitizeSpecialWords=None) if x != geom ] else: from gasp import goToList cols_tbl = [ '{}.{}'.format(table, x) for x in goToList(colsSelect) if x != geom ] Q = "SELECT {c}, ST_MakeValid({g}) AS {g} FROM {t}{w}".format( c=", ".join(cols_tbl), g=geom, t=table, w="" if not whr else " WHERE {}".format(whr)) ntbl = ntbl_by_query(conParam, out_tbl, Q, api='psql') return ntbl
def select_main_geom_type(conparam, table, outbl, geomCol='geom'): """ Assuming a table with several geometry types, this method counts the rows for each geometry type and select the rows with a geometry type with more rows """ from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name COLS = [ x for x in cols_name(conparam, table, sanitizeSpecialWords=None) if x != geomCol ] Q = ( "SELECT {cols}, {geomcol} FROM (" "SELECT *, MAX(jtbl.geom_cont) OVER (PARTITION BY " "jtbl.tst) AS max_cnt FROM (" "SELECT {cols}, (ST_Dump({geomcol})).geom AS {geomcol}, " "ST_GeometryType((ST_Dump({geomcol})).geom) AS geom_type " "FROM {tbl}" ") AS foo INNER JOIN (" "SELECT ST_GeometryType((ST_Dump({geomcol})).geom) AS gt, " "COUNT(ST_GeometryType((ST_Dump({geomcol})).geom)) AS geom_cont, " "1 AS tst FROM {tbl} GROUP BY ST_GeometryType((ST_Dump({geomcol})).geom)" ") AS jtbl ON foo.geom_type =" ") AS foo WHERE geom_cont = max_cnt").format(cols=", ".join(COLS), geomcol=geomCol, tbl=table) return ntbl_by_query(conparam, outbl, Q, api='psql')
def tbl_to_dict(tbl, con, cols=None, apidb='psql'): """ PG TABLE DATA to Python dict """ from gasp import goToList from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name cols = cols_name(con, tbl) if not cols else \ goToList(cols) data = query_to_df(con, 'SELECT {cols_} FROM {table}'.format( cols_=', '.join(cols), table=tbl), db_api=apidb).to_dict(orient="records") return data
def add_endpoints_to_table(conP, inTable, outTable, idCol='gid', geomCol='geom', startCol="start_vertex", endCol="end_vertex"): """ Add start/end points columns to table """ from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name return ntbl_by_query(conP, outTable, ("SELECT {cols}, {stPnt}, {endPnt} FROM (" "SELECT *, lead({stPnt}) OVER (" "PARTITION BY {colId} ORDER BY pnt_idx) AS {endPnt} " "FROM (" "SELECT {cols}, pnt_idx, {stPnt}, " "CASE " "WHEN pnt_idx = 1 OR pnt_idx = MAX(pnt_idx) " "OVER (PARTITION BY {colId}) " "THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS pnt_cat " "FROM (" "SELECT {cols}, " "(ST_DumpPoints({geomF})).path[1] AS pnt_idx, " "(ST_DumpPoints({geomF})).geom AS {stPnt} " "FROM {table}" ") AS foo" ") AS foo2 " "WHERE pnt_cat = 1" ") AS foo3 " "WHERE {endPnt} IS NOT NULL " "ORDER BY {colId}, pnt_idx").format(cols=", ".join( cols_name(conP, inTable)), stPnt=startCol, endPnt=endCol, colId=idCol, geomF=geomCol, table=inTable), api='psql')
def intersection(lnk, aShp, bShp, pk, aGeom, bGeom, output, primitive, priority, new_pk='fid_pk', new_geom='geom'): """ Intersect two layers primitive is the geometric primitive (point, line, polygons) priority is an indication of the fields that the user wants to include in the output - fields of aShp or fields of bShp. The user could giver a list (with fields for selection) as value for the priority argument. """ from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name if priority == 'a': cols_tbl = cols_name(lnk, aShp) cols_tbl.remove(aGeom) elif priority == 'b': cols_tbl = cols_name(lnk, bShp) cols_tbl.remove(bGeom) elif type(priority) == type([0]): cols_tbl = priority cols_tbl.remove(pk) conn = psqlcon( lnk['HOST'], lnk['USER'], lnk['PASSWORD'], lnk['PORT'], lnk['DATABASE'] ) cursor = conn.cursor() if primitive == 'point': cols_tbl = ['{t}.{c}'.format(t=aShp, c=x) for x in cols_tbl] if priority == 'a': sel_geom = "{f}.{g}".format(f=aShp, g=aGeom) elif priority == 'b' or type(priority) == type([]): sel_geom = "{f}.{g}".format(f=bShp, g=bGeom) cursor.execute(( "CREATE TABLE {out} AS SELECT {cols}, {int_geom} AS {ngeom} FROM {pnt} " "INNER JOIN {poly} ON ST_Within({pnt}.{geom_a}, " "{poly}.{geom_b});").format( out=output, cols=','.join(cols_tbl), pnt=aShp, geom_a=aGeom, geom_b=bGeom, poly=bShp, int_geom=sel_geom, ngeom=new_geom )) elif primitive == 'line': cols_tbl = ['{t}.{c}'.format(t=output, c=x) for x in cols_tbl] cols_tbl.append(new_geom) cursor.execute(( "CREATE TABLE {out} AS SELECT {cols} FROM (SELECT {shp_a}.*, " "(ST_DUMP(ST_Intersection({shp_b}.geom, {shp_a}.{geom_fld}))).geom " "FROM {shp_b} INNER JOIN {shp_a} ON ST_Intersects({shp_b}.geom, " "{shp_a}.{geom_fld})) As {out} WHERE ST_Dimension({out}.geom) = " "1;").format( out=output, cols=','.join(cols_tbl), shp_a=aShp, shp_b=bShp, geom_fld=aGeom )) elif primitive == 'polygon': cols_tbl = ['{t}.{c}'.format(t=aShp, c=x) for x in cols_tbl] cursor.execute(( 'CREATE TABLE {out} AS SELECT {cols}, ST_Multi(ST_Buffer' '(ST_Intersection({shp_b}.geom, {shp_a}.{geom_fld}), 0.0)) As ' '{ngeom} FROM {shp_b} INNER JOIN {shp_a} ON ST_Intersects({shp_b}.geom, ' '{shp_a}.{geom_fld}) WHERE Not ST_IsEmpty(ST_Buffer(' 'ST_Intersection({shp_b}.geom, {shp_a}.{geom_fld}), 0.0));').format( out=output, cols=','.join(cols_tbl), shp_a=aShp, shp_b = bShp, geom_fld=aGeom, ngeom=new_geom )) cursor.execute( "ALTER TABLE {out} ADD COLUMN {fid_pk} BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY;".format( out=output, fid_pk=new_pk)) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() return output, new_pk, new_geom
def get_unused_data_on_lulcp( pbf, pgsql_data, out_work, nomenclature, dicPostgre={ 'HOST': 'localhost', 'USER': '******', 'DATABASE': 'osm', 'TEMPLATE': 'template_postgis', 'PASSWORD': '******', 'PORT': '5432' }): """ Return data not used in osm2lulc procedure """ import os from gasp.sql import run_sql_file from gasp.sql.mng.db import create_db from import query_to_df from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.k import create_pk from import psql_to_shp from import osm_to_pgsql # TODO: replace postgis from gasp.postgis.analysis import new_geom_table # ################ # # Global Variables # # ################ # # Name of the tables with osmdata after the import with osm2pgsql OsmData = { 'polygon': 'planet_osm_polygon', 'line': 'planet_osm_line', 'point': 'planet_osm_point' } IrrelevantCols = [ 'addr:housename', 'addr:housenumber', 'addr:interpolation', 'generator:source', 'tower:type' ] if nomenclature == 'URBAN_ATLAS': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_ua' id_osm = 'osm_id' elif nomenclature == 'CORINE_LAND_COVER': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_clc' id_osm = 'osm_id' elif nomenclature == 'GLOB_LAND_30': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_global' id_osm = 'id_osm' # ################ # # Auxiliar Methods # # ################ # def get_where_string(dic, operator, table): l = [] for fid in dic: if dic[fid][0] == '' or dic[fid][1] == '' or dic[fid][0] == 'sidewalk'\ or dic[fid][0] == 'cycleway' or dic[fid][0] == 'busway'\ or dic[fid][0] == 'enity' or dic[fid][0] == 'healthcare': continue l.append("{t}.{col}{o}'{val}'".format(col=dic[fid][0], o=operator, val=dic[fid][1], t=table)) return " OR ".join(l) create_db(dicPostgre, dicPostgre['DATABASE']) run_sql_file(dicPostgre, dicPostgre['DATABASE'], pgsql_data) run_osm2pgsql(pbf, dicPostgre['DATABASE'], dicPostgre['HOST'], dicPostgre['USER']) # 1. Obtain data used on OSM2LULC procedure # 1.1 Get key and value for osm features id_related_with = [ x[0] for x in query_to_df(dicPostgre, "SELECT {fid} FROM {t}".format(t=tbl_relation, fid=id_osm), db_api='psql')[id_osm].tolist() ] key_value = { x[0]: [x[1], x[2]] for x in query_to_df( dicPostgre, "SELECT id, key, value FROM osm_features WHERE {s}".format( s=' OR '.join( ['id={y}'.format(y=str(x)) for x in id_related_with])), db_api='psql').values.tolist() } # 1.2 Extract data with this combinations of keys and values for tbl in OsmData: # Create new primary key create_pk(dicPostgre, OsmData[tbl], 'pk_fid') cols = cols_name(dicPostgre, OsmData[tbl]) cols_clean = [] for i in cols: if i not in IrrelevantCols: if i == 'natural': cols_clean.append("{t}.{col}".format(t=OsmData[tbl], col=i)) else: cols_clean.append(i) whr = get_where_string(key_value, "=", OsmData[tbl]) new_geom_table(dicPostgre, cols_clean, OsmData[tbl], whr, 'used{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), pk=False) export = psql_to_shp( dicPostgre, 'used{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), os.path.join(out_work, 'used{t}.shp'.format(t=OsmData[tbl])), api="pgsql2shp", geom_col='way') # 2. Obtain data not used on OSM2LULC procedure for tbl in OsmData: new_geom_table(dicPostgre, ['*'], OsmData[tbl], "{t}.pk_fid NOT IN (SELECT pk_fid FROM used{t})".format( t=OsmData[tbl]), 'unused{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), pk=False) export = psql_to_shp(dicPostgre, 'unused{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), os.path.join( out_work, 'unused{t}.shp'.format(t=OsmData[tbl])), api="pgsql2shp", geom_col='way')
def pgtables_to_layer_withStyle_by_col(pgtables, sldData, pgsql_con, workName=None, storeName=None, geoserver_con={ 'USER': '******', 'PASSWORD': '******', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '8888' }, sldGeom='Polygon', DATATYPE='QUANTITATIVE', TABLE_DESIGNATION=None, COL_DESIGNATION=None, exclude_cols=None, pathToSLDfiles=None): """ Create a new Geoserver Workspace, create a postgis store and one layer for each table in 'pgtables'. Each layer will have multiple styles - one style by column in it. Parameters: 1) pgtables - List of PSQL tables to be transformed as Geoserver Layers 2) sldData - sldData should be a xls table with the styles specifications. For QUANTITATIVE DATA: The table should have two sheets: one for colors and other for intervals: COLORS SHEET STRUCTURE (Sheet Index = 0): cls_id | R | G | B | STROKE_R | STROKE_G | STROKE_B | STROKE_W 1 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 2 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 3 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 4 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 5 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 INTERVALS SHEET STRUCTURE (Sheet Index = 1): | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 col_0 | 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 col_1 | 0 | 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 ... col_n | 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 For CATEGORICAL DATA: The table should have only one sheet: CATEGORICAL SHEET STRUCTURE | R | G | B | STROKE_R | STROKE_G | STROKE_B | STROKE_W attr_1 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 attr_2 | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 ... attr_n | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 3) pgsql_con - Dict with parameters that will be used to connect to PostgreSQL d = { 'HOST' : 'localhost', 'PORT' : '5432', 'USER' : 'postgres', 'PASSWORD' : 'admin', 'DATABASE' : 'db_name' } 4) workName - String with the name of the Geoserver workspace that will be created 5) storeName - String with the name of the Geoserver store that will be created 6) geoserver_con - Dict with parameters to connect to Geoserver 7) sldGeom - Data Geometry. At the moment, the options 'Polygon' and 'Line' are valid. 8) DATATYPE='QUANTITATIVE' | 'CATEGORICAL' 9) TABLE_DESIGNATION - Table with the association between pgtables name and the designation to be used to name the Geoserver Layer. 10) COL_DESIGNATION - Table xls with association between each column and one style that will be used to present the information of that column. The style designation could not have blank characters. 11) exclude_cols - One style will be created for each column in one pgtable. The columns in 'exclude_cols' will not have a style. 12) pathToSLDfiles - Absolute path to the folder where the SLD (Style Layer Descriptor) will be stored. """ import os from gasp import goToList from import tbl_to_obj from gasp.oss.ops import create_folder from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.web.geosrv.wspace import create_workspace from gasp.web.geosrv.stores import create_psqlstore from gasp.web.geosrv.lyrs import publish_postgis_layer from gasp.web.geosrv.styl import create_style from gasp.web.geosrv.styl import list_styles from gasp.web.geosrv.styl import del_style from gasp.web.geosrv.styl.assign import assign_style_to_layer from gasp.web.geosrv.styl.sld import write_sld # Sanitize PGtables pgtables = goToList(pgtables) if not pgtables: raise ValueError('pgtables value is not valid!') exclude_cols = goToList(exclude_cols) STY_DESIGNATION = tbl_to_obj(COL_DESIGNATION, useFirstColAsIndex=True, output='dict', colsAsArray=True) if COL_DESIGNATION else None LYR_DESIGNATION = tbl_to_obj( TABLE_DESIGNATION, useFirstColAsIndex=True, output='dict', colsAsArray=True) if TABLE_DESIGNATION else None # Get intervals and colors data if DATATYPE == 'QUANTITATIVE': if os.path.exists(sldData): FF = os.path.splitext(sldData)[1] if FF == '.xls' or FF == '.xlsx': colorsDict = tbl_to_obj(sldData, sheet=0, useFirstColAsIndex=True, output='dict') intervalsDict = tbl_to_obj(sldData, sheet=1, useFirstColAsIndex=True, output='dict') else: raise ValueError( ('At the moment, for DATATYPE QUANTITATIVE, sldData ' 'has to be a xls table')) else: raise ValueError(('{} is not a valid file').format(sldData)) elif DATATYPE == 'CATEGORICAL': if os.path.exists(sldData): if os.path.splitext(sldData)[1] == 'xls': colorsDict = tbl_to_obj(sldData, sheet=0, useFirstColAsIndex=True, output='dict') else: raise ValueError( ('At the moment, for DATATYPE CATEGORICAL, sldData ' 'has to be a xls table')) else: raise ValueError(('{} is not a valid file').format(sldData)) else: raise ValueError('{} is not avaiable at the moment'.format(DATATYPE)) # Create Workspace workName = 'w_{}'.format( pgsql_con['DATABASE']) if not workName else workName create_workspace(workName, conf=geoserver_con, overwrite=True) # Create Store storeName = pgsql_con['DATABASE'] if not storeName else storeName create_psqlstore(storeName, workName, pgsql_con, gs_con=geoserver_con) # Create folder for sld's wTmp = create_folder( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sldData), 'sldFiles')) if not pathToSLDfiles else pathToSLDfiles # List styles in geoserver STYLES = list_styles(conf=geoserver_con) # For each table in PGTABLES for PGTABLE in pgtables: # Publish Postgis table TITLE = None if not LYR_DESIGNATION else LYR_DESIGNATION[PGTABLE][0] publish_postgis_layer(workName, storeName, PGTABLE, title=TITLE, gs_con=geoserver_con) # List PGTABLE columns pgCols = cols_name(pgsql_con, PGTABLE) # For each column for col in pgCols: if exclude_cols and col in exclude_cols: continue STYLE_NAME = '{}_{}'.format( PGTABLE, STY_DESIGNATION[col] [0]) if STY_DESIGNATION else '{}_{}'.format(PGTABLE, col) if STYLE_NAME in STYLES: del_style(STYLE_NAME, geoserver_con) # Create Object with association between colors and intervals d = {} OPACITY = str(colorsDict[1]['OPACITY']) for i in colorsDict: d[i] = { 'R': colorsDict[i]['R'], 'G': colorsDict[i]['G'], 'B': colorsDict[i]['B'] } if DATATYPE == 'QUANTITATIVE': d[i]['min'] = intervalsDict[col][i - 1] d[i]['max'] = intervalsDict[col][i] if 'STROKE_R' in colorsDict[i] and \ 'STROKE_G' in colorsDict[i] and \ 'STROKE_B' in colorsDict[i]: d[i]['STROKE'] = { 'R': colorsDict[i]['STROKE_R'], 'G': colorsDict[i]['STROKE_G'], 'B': colorsDict[i]['STROKE_B'] } if 'STROKE_W' in colorsDict[i]: d[i]['STROKE']['WIDTH'] = colorsDict[i]['STROKE_W'] # Create SLD sldFile = write_sld(col, d, os.path.join(wTmp, '{}.sld'.format(col)), geometry=sldGeom, DATA=DATATYPE, opacity=OPACITY) # Create Style create_style(STYLE_NAME, sldFile, conf=geoserver_con) # Apply SLD assign_style_to_layer(STYLE_NAME, PGTABLE, geoserver_con)
def check_endpoint_ispoint(conParam, lnhTable, pntTable, outTable, nodeStart, nodeEnd, pointId, pntGeom="geom"): """ Check if a Start/End point in a table with line geometries is a point in other table. """ from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name tCols = [ x for x in cols_name(conParam, lnhTable) if x != nodeStart and x != nodeEnd ] return ntbl_by_query( conParam, outTable, ("SELECT * FROM (" "SELECT {fooCols}, foo.{stPnt}, foo.{endPnt}, " "CASE " "WHEN start_tbl.start_x IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 " "END AS start_isstop, " "CASE " "WHEN end_tbl.end_x IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 " "END AS end_isstop, start_tbl.start_id, end_tbl.end_id " "FROM (" "SELECT *, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_X({stPnt}) AS numeric), 4)) * 10000) " "AS integer) AS start_x, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_Y({stPnt}) AS numeric), 4)) * 10000) " "AS integer) AS start_y, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_X({endPnt}) AS numeric), 4)) * 10000) " "AS integer) AS end_x, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_Y({endPnt}) AS numeric), 4)) * 10000) " "AS integer) AS end_y " "FROM {lnhT}" ") AS foo " "LEFT JOIN (" "SELECT CAST(((round(CAST(ST_X({pntG}) AS numeric), 4)) " "* 10000) AS integer) AS start_x, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_Y({pntG}) AS numeric), 4)) " "* 10000) AS integer) AS start_y, " "{pntid} AS start_id FROM {pntT}" ") AS start_tbl " "ON foo.start_x = start_tbl.start_x AND " "foo.start_y = start_tbl.start_y " "LEFT JOIN (" "SELECT CAST(((round(CAST(ST_X({pntG}) AS numeric), 4)) " "* 10000) AS integer) AS end_x, " "CAST(((round(CAST(ST_Y({pntG}) AS numeric), 4)) " "* 10000) as integer) AS end_y, " "{pntid} AS end_id FROM {pntT}" ") AS end_tbl " "ON foo.end_x = end_tbl.end_x AND foo.end_y = end_tbl.end_y" ") AS foo2 " "GROUP BY {cols}, {stPnt}, {endPnt}, start_isstop, end_isstop, " "start_id, end_id").format(fooCols=", ".join( ["foo.{}".format(c) for c in tCols]), stPnt=nodeStart, endPnt=nodeEnd, lnhT=lnhTable, pntT=pntTable, pntG=pntGeom, cols=", ".join(tCols), pntid=pointId), api='psql')