class BackgroundConsumer(object): """ A consumer that runs in the background. The BackgroundConsumer does not provide get() but does a callback to a function whenever a message was consumed. """ def __init__(self, cmd, cid, callback, send_to_passthrough=False): """ Create a background consumer using a cmd, cid and callback. :param cmd: the MasterCommand to consume. :param cid: the communication id. :param callback: function to call when an instance was found. :param send_to_passthrough: whether to send the command to the passthrough. """ self.cmd = cmd self.cid = cid self.callback = callback self.last_cmd_data = None # type: Optional[bytearray] # Keep the data of the last command. self.send_to_passthrough = send_to_passthrough self._queue = Queue() self._running = True self._callback_thread = BaseThread(name='masterdeliver', target=self._consumer) self._callback_thread.setDaemon(True) self._callback_thread.start() def get_prefix(self): # type: () -> bytearray """ Get the prefix of the answer from the master. """ return bytearray(self.cmd.output_action) + bytearray([self.cid]) def stop(self): self._running = False self._callback_thread.join() def _consumer(self): while self._running: try: self._consume() except Empty: pass except Exception: logger.exception('Unexpected exception delivering background consumer data') time.sleep(1) def _consume(self): self.callback(self._queue.get(block=True, timeout=0.25)) def consume(self, data, partial_result): # type: (bytearray, Optional[Result]) -> Tuple[int, Result, bool] """ Consume data. """ (bytes_consumed, last_result, done) = self.cmd.consume_output(data, partial_result) self.last_cmd_data = (self.get_prefix() + last_result.actual_bytes) if done else None return bytes_consumed, last_result, done def deliver(self, output): # type: (Result) -> None self._queue.put(output)
class BackgroundConsumer(object): """ A consumer that runs in the background. The BackgroundConsumer does not provide get() but does a callback to a function whenever a message was consumed. """ def __init__( self, command, cid, callback ): # type: (CoreCommandSpec, int, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]) -> None """ Create a background consumer using a cmd, cid and callback. :param command: the CoreCommand to consume. :param cid: the communication id. :param callback: function to call when an instance was found. """ self.cid = cid self.command = command self._callback = callback self._queue = Queue() # type: Queue[Dict[str, Any]] self._callback_thread = BaseThread(name='coredelivery', target=self._consumer) self._callback_thread.setDaemon(True) self._callback_thread.start() def _consumer(self): while True: try: self.deliver() except Exception: logger.exception( 'Unexpected exception delivering background consumer data') time.sleep(1) def get_hash(self): # type: () -> int """ Get an identification hash for this consumer. """ return Toolbox.hash(CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY + bytearray([self.cid]) + self.command.response_instruction) def consume(self, payload): # type: (bytearray) -> None """ Consume payload. """ data = self.command.consume_response_payload(payload) self._queue.put(data) def deliver(self): """ Deliver data to the callback functions. """ self._callback(self._queue.get())
class CoreCommunicator(object): """ Uses a serial port to communicate with the Core and updates the output state. Provides methods to send CoreCommands. """ # Message constants. There are here for better code readability, you can't just simply change them START_OF_REQUEST = bytearray(b'STR') END_OF_REQUEST = bytearray(b'\r\n\r\n') START_OF_REPLY = bytearray(b'RTR') END_OF_REPLY = bytearray(b'\r\n') @Inject def __init__(self, controller_serial=INJECTED): # type: (Serial) -> None self._verbose = logger.level >= logging.DEBUG self._serial = controller_serial self._serial_write_lock = Lock() self._cid_lock = Lock() self._serial_bytes_written = 0 self._serial_bytes_read = 0 self._cid = None # type: Optional[int] # Reserved CIDs: 0 = Core events, 1 = uCAN transport, 2 = Slave transport self._cids_in_use = set() # type: Set[int] self._consumers = { } # type: Dict[int, List[Union[Consumer, BackgroundConsumer]]] self._last_success = 0.0 self._stop = False self._word_helper = WordField('') self._read_thread = None # type: Optional[BaseThread] self._command_total_histogram = Counter() # type: Counter self._command_success_histogram = Counter() # type: Counter self._command_timeout_histogram = Counter() # type: Counter self._communication_stats = { 'calls_succeeded': [], 'calls_timedout': [], 'bytes_written': 0, 'bytes_read': 0 } # type: Dict[str,Any] self._debug_buffer = { 'read': {}, 'write': {} } # type: Dict[str, Dict[float, bytearray]] self._debug_buffer_duration = 300 def start(self): """ Start the CoreComunicator, this starts the background read thread. """ self._stop = False self._read_thread = BaseThread(name='coreread', target=self._read) self._read_thread.setDaemon(True) self._read_thread.start() def stop(self): self._stop = True if self._read_thread is not None: self._read_thread.join() self._read_thread = None def get_communication_statistics(self): return self._communication_stats def reset_communication_statistics(self): self._communication_stats = { 'calls_succeeded': [], 'calls_timedout': [], 'bytes_written': 0, 'bytes_read': 0 } def get_command_histograms(self): return { 'total': dict(self._command_total_histogram), 'success': dict(self._command_success_histogram), 'timeout': dict(self._command_timeout_histogram) } def reset_command_histograms(self): self._command_total_histogram.clear() self._command_success_histogram.clear() self._command_timeout_histogram.clear() def get_debug_buffer(self): # type: () -> Dict[str,Dict[float,str]] def process(buffer): return {k: printable(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(buffer)} return { 'read': process(self._debug_buffer['read']), 'write': process(self._debug_buffer['write']) } def get_seconds_since_last_success(self): # type: () -> float """ Get the number of seconds since the last successful communication. """ if self._last_success == 0: return 0.0 # No communication - return 0 sec since last success else: return time.time() - self._last_success def _get_cid(self): # type: () -> int """ Get a communication id. 0 and 1 are reserved. """ def _increment_cid(current_cid): # type: (Optional[int]) -> int # Reserved CIDs: 0 = Core events, 1 = uCAN transport, 2 = Slave transport return current_cid + 1 if (current_cid is not None and current_cid < 255) else 3 def _available(candidate_cid): # type: (Optional[int]) -> bool if candidate_cid is None: return False if candidate_cid == self._cid: return False if candidate_cid in self._cids_in_use: return False return True with self._cid_lock: cid = self._cid # type: Optional[int] # Initial value while not _available(cid): cid = _increment_cid(cid) if cid == self._cid: # Seems there is no CID available at this moment raise RuntimeError('No available CID') if cid is None: # This is impossible due to `_available`, but mypy doesn't know that raise RuntimeError('CID should not be None') self._cid = cid self._cids_in_use.add(cid) return cid def _write_to_serial(self, data): # type: (bytearray) -> None """ Write data to the serial port. :param data: the data to write """ with self._serial_write_lock: if self._verbose: logger.debug('Writing to Core serial: {0}'.format( printable(data))) threshold = time.time() - self._debug_buffer_duration self._debug_buffer['write'][time.time()] = data for t in self._debug_buffer['write'].keys(): if t < threshold: del self._debug_buffer['write'][t] self._serial.write(data) self._serial_bytes_written += len(data) self._communication_stats['bytes_written'] += len(data) def register_consumer( self, consumer): # type: (Union[Consumer, BackgroundConsumer]) -> None """ Register a consumer :param consumer: The consumer to register. """ self._consumers.setdefault(consumer.get_hash(), []).append(consumer) def discard_cid(self, cid): # type: (int) -> None """ Discards a Command ID. """ with self._cid_lock: self._cids_in_use.discard(cid) def unregister_consumer( self, consumer): # type: (Union[Consumer, BackgroundConsumer]) -> None """ Unregister a consumer """ consumers = self._consumers.get(consumer.get_hash(), []) if consumer in consumers: consumers.remove(consumer) self.discard_cid(consumer.cid) def do_basic_action(self, action_type, action, device_nr=0, extra_parameter=0, timeout=2, log=True): # type: (int, int, int, int, Optional[int], bool) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]] """ Sends a basic action to the Core with the given action type and action number """ if log:'BA: Execute {0} {1} {2} {3}'.format( action_type, action, device_nr, extra_parameter)) return self.do_command(CoreAPI.basic_action(), { 'type': action_type, 'action': action, 'device_nr': device_nr, 'extra_parameter': extra_parameter }, timeout=timeout) def do_command(self, command, fields, timeout=2): # type: (CoreCommandSpec, Dict[str, Any], Union[T_co, int]) -> Union[T_co, Dict[str, Any]] """ Send a command over the serial port and block until an answer is received. If the Core does not respond within the timeout period, a CommunicationTimedOutException is raised :param command: specification of the command to execute :param fields: A dictionary with the command input field values :param timeout: maximum allowed time before a CommunicationTimedOutException is raised """ cid = self._get_cid() consumer = Consumer(command, cid) command = consumer.command try: self._command_total_histogram.update({str(command.instruction): 1}) self._consumers.setdefault(consumer.get_hash(), []).append(consumer) self._send_command(cid, command, fields) except Exception: self.discard_cid(cid) raise try: result = None # type: Any if isinstance(consumer, Consumer) and timeout is not None: result = consumer.get(timeout) self._last_success = time.time() self._communication_stats['calls_succeeded'].append(time.time()) self._communication_stats[ 'calls_succeeded'] = self._communication_stats[ 'calls_succeeded'][-50:] self._command_success_histogram.update( {str(command.instruction): 1}) return result except CommunicationTimedOutException: self.unregister_consumer(consumer) self._communication_stats['calls_timedout'].append(time.time()) self._communication_stats[ 'calls_timedout'] = self._communication_stats[ 'calls_timedout'][-50:] self._command_timeout_histogram.update( {str(command.instruction): 1}) raise def _send_command( self, cid, command, fields): # type: (int, CoreCommandSpec, Dict[str, Any]) -> None """ Send a command over the serial port :param cid: The command ID :param command: The Core CommandSpec :param fields: A dictionary with the command input field values """ payload = command.create_request_payload(fields) checked_payload = (bytearray([cid]) + command.instruction + self._word_helper.encode(len(payload)) + payload) data = (CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REQUEST + checked_payload + bytearray(b'C') + CoreCommunicator._calculate_crc(checked_payload) + CoreCommunicator.END_OF_REQUEST) self._write_to_serial(data) @staticmethod def _calculate_crc(data): # type: (bytearray) -> bytearray """ Calculate the CRC of the data. :param data: Data for which to calculate the CRC :returns: CRC """ crc = 0 for byte in data: crc += byte return bytearray([crc % 256]) def _read(self): """ Code for the background read thread: reads from the serial port and forward certain messages to waiting consumers Request format: 'STR' + {CID, 1 byte} + {command, 2 bytes} + {length, 2 bytes} + {payload, `length` bytes} + 'C' + {checksum, 1 byte} + '\r\n\r\n' Response format: 'RTR' + {CID, 1 byte} + {command, 2 bytes} + {length, 2 bytes} + {payload, `length` bytes} + 'C' + {checksum, 1 byte} + '\r\n' """ data = bytearray() message_length = None header_fields = None header_length = len( CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY ) + 1 + 2 + 2 # RTR + CID (1 byte) + command (2 bytes) + length (2 bytes) footer_length = 1 + 1 + len( CoreCommunicator.END_OF_REPLY) # 'C' + checksum (1 byte) + \r\n need_more_data = False while not self._stop: try: # Wait for data if more data is expected if need_more_data: readers, _, _ =[self._serial], [], [], 1) if not readers: continue need_more_data = False # Read what's now on the serial port num_bytes = self._serial.inWaiting() if num_bytes > 0: data += # Update counters self._serial_bytes_read += num_bytes self._communication_stats['bytes_read'] += num_bytes # Wait for the full message, or the header length min_length = message_length or header_length if len(data) < min_length: need_more_data = True continue if message_length is None: # Check if the data contains the START_OF_REPLY if CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY not in data: need_more_data = True continue # Align with START_OF_REPLY if not data.startswith(CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY): data = CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY + data.split( CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY, 1)[-1] if len(data) < header_length: continue header_fields = CoreCommunicator._parse_header(data) message_length = header_fields[ 'length'] + header_length + footer_length # If not all data is present, wait for more data if len(data) < message_length: continue message = data[:message_length] # type: bytearray data = data[message_length:] # A possible message is received, log where appropriate if self._verbose: logger.debug('Reading from Core serial: {0}'.format( printable(message))) threshold = time.time() - self._debug_buffer_duration self._debug_buffer['read'][time.time()] = message for t in self._debug_buffer['read'].keys(): if t < threshold: del self._debug_buffer['read'][t] # Validate message boundaries correct_boundaries = message.startswith( CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY) and message.endswith( CoreCommunicator.END_OF_REPLY) if not correct_boundaries:'Unexpected boundaries: {0}'.format( printable(message))) # Reset, so we'll wait for the next RTR message_length = None data = message[ 3:] + data # Strip the START_OF_REPLY, and restore full data continue # Validate message CRC crc = bytearray([message[-3]]) payload = message[8:-4] # type: bytearray checked_payload = message[3:-4] # type: bytearray expected_crc = CoreCommunicator._calculate_crc(checked_payload) if crc != expected_crc: 'Unexpected CRC ({0} vs expected {1}): {2}'.format( crc, expected_crc, printable(checked_payload))) # Reset, so we'll wait for the next RTR message_length = None data = message[ 3:] + data # Strip the START_OF_REPLY, and restore full data continue # A valid message is received, reliver it to the correct consumer consumers = self._consumers.get(header_fields['hash'], []) for consumer in consumers[:]: if self._verbose: logger.debug( 'Delivering payload to consumer {0}.{1}: {2}'. format(header_fields['command'], header_fields['cid'], printable(payload))) consumer.consume(payload) if isinstance(consumer, Consumer): self.unregister_consumer(consumer) self.discard_cid(header_fields['cid']) # Message processed, cleaning up message_length = None except Exception: logger.exception('Unexpected exception at Core read thread') data = bytearray() message_length = None @staticmethod def _parse_header( data): # type: (bytearray) -> Dict[str, Union[int, bytearray]] base = len(CoreCommunicator.START_OF_REPLY) return { 'cid': data[base], 'command': data[base + 1:base + 3], 'hash': Toolbox.hash(data[:base + 3]), 'length': struct.unpack('>H', data[base + 3:base + 5])[0] }