예제 #1
    def soft_assign(self,x,mixmean=None,mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Calculate the probability of x for each of the k classes.            
        Typically the sample is assigned to class n with n = arg max(resp).
        x : (d,n) ndarray
            The observations that need to be classified.
        mixmeans : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        prob : (k,) ndarray
            The probabilities for each of the k classes.
        if len(x.shape)==1: x = x[:,None]
        d,n = x.shape
        # Get the necessary parameters from the class
        mixmean = self.mixmean
        mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        mixcov  = self.mixcov

        k = len(mixcoef)
        prob    = np.zeros((k,n))  
        for j in range(n):  
            for i in range(k):  
                g       = Gauss(mixmean[:,i],mixcov[i])
                prob[i,j] = g.f(x[:,j])*mixcoef[i]
        return prob/np.sum(prob,axis=0)[None,:]
예제 #2
    def _respon(self,mixmean,mixcoef,mixcov):
        Calculate the responsibilities of each data point for each class k.
        mixmean   : (d,k) ndarray
            The means of the k mixture components        
        mixcoef : (d,) array
            The mixture coefficient for each component 
        mixcov : (k,d,d) ndarray
            The covariance matrices of the k mixture components
        gam : (k,n) ndarray
            The responsibilities of data point x_n to the mixture components k

        data = self.data
        d,n  = data.shape
        k    = self.k
        # TODO TEST THIS
	gam = np.zeros((k,n))
#	print "inside _respons"
#	print np.shape(self.logf(data.T[0], mixmean, (mixcoef), mixcov))
#	print np.sum(mixcoef,axis = 0)
	gaussian = np.zeros((k,n))
        for j in range(n):
	    for i in range(k):
		g = Gauss(mixmean[:,i],mixcov[i])
		gaussian[i,j] = np.log(g.f(data[:,j])) + np.log(mixcoef[i])
	   # for i in range(k):
#	    gaussian_nominator = self.logf(data[j], mixmean, mixcoef, mixcov) + np.log(mixcoef)
#	    print "---------"
#	    print gaussian_nominator.shape
#	    print gaussian_denominator_total.shape
#	    print gam.shape
	gaussian = gaussian - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(gaussian),axis=0)[None,:])
#        gam[:,j] = np.exp(gaussian_nominator - gaussian_denominator_total)
	gam = np.exp(gaussian)
        return gam
예제 #3
    def soft_assign(self, x, mixmean=None, mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Calculate the probability of x for each of the k classes.            
        Typically the sample is assigned to class n with n = arg max(resp).
        x : (d,n) ndarray
            The observations that need to be classified.
        mixmeans : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        prob : (k,) ndarray
            The probabilities for each of the k classes.
        if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x[:, None]
        d, n = x.shape

        # Get the necessary parameters from the class
        mixmean = self.mixmean
        mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        mixcov = self.mixcov

        k = len(mixcoef)

        prob = np.zeros((k, n))
        for j in range(n):
            for i in range(k):
                g = Gauss(mixmean[:, i], mixcov[i])
                prob[i, j] = g.f(x[:, j]) * mixcoef[i]

        return prob / np.sum(prob, axis=0)[None, :]
예제 #4
    def _respon(self, mixmean, mixcoef, mixcov):
        Calculate the responsibilities of each data point for each class k.
        mixmean   : (d,k) ndarray
            The means of the k mixture components        
        mixcoef : (d,) array
            The mixture coefficient for each component 
        mixcov : (k,d,d) ndarray
            The covariance matrices of the k mixture components
        gam : (k,n) ndarray
            The responsibilities of data point x_n to the mixture components k

        data = self.data
        d, n = data.shape
        k = self.k
        # TODO TEST THIS
        gam = np.zeros((k, n))
        #	print "inside _respons"
        #	print np.shape(self.logf(data.T[0], mixmean, (mixcoef), mixcov))
        #	print np.sum(mixcoef,axis = 0)
        gaussian = np.zeros((k, n))
        for j in range(n):
            for i in range(k):
                g = Gauss(mixmean[:, i], mixcov[i])
                gaussian[i, j] = np.log(g.f(data[:, j])) + np.log(mixcoef[i])
# for i in range(k):
#	    gaussian_nominator = self.logf(data[j], mixmean, mixcoef, mixcov) + np.log(mixcoef)
#	    print "---------"
#	    print gaussian_nominator.shape
#	    print gaussian_denominator_total.shape
#	    print gam.shape
        gaussian = gaussian - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(gaussian), axis=0)[None, :])
        #        gam[:,j] = np.exp(gaussian_nominator - gaussian_denominator_total)
        gam = np.exp(gaussian)
        return gam
예제 #5
    def f(self,x,mixmean=None, mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Evaluate the gmm at x. 
        x : (d,) ndarray
            A single d-dimensional observation 
        mixmean : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.        
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        val : float
            The value of the gmm at given x.      
        if mixmean == None: mixmean = self.mixmean
        if mixcoef == None: mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        if mixcov  == None: mixcov  = self.mixcov
#	print mixcoef
#	print np.shape(mixcoef)
        k    = len(mixcoef)
        comp = np.zeros((k,))
        for j in range(k):
            g       = Gauss(mixmean[:,j],mixcov[j])
            comp[j] = g.f(x)
        return mixcoef.dot(comp)
예제 #6
    def f(self, x, mixmean=None, mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Evaluate the gmm at x. 
        x : (d,) ndarray
            A single d-dimensional observation 
        mixmean : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.        
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        val : float
            The value of the gmm at given x.      

        if mixmean == None: mixmean = self.mixmean
        if mixcoef == None: mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        if mixcov == None: mixcov = self.mixcov
        #	print mixcoef
        #	print np.shape(mixcoef)
        k = len(mixcoef)

        comp = np.zeros((k, ))
        for j in range(k):
            g = Gauss(mixmean[:, j], mixcov[j])
            comp[j] = g.f(x)
        return mixcoef.dot(comp)