예제 #1
    def _em(self, trans, states):
        Perform parameter estimation for a hidden Markov model (HMM).
        Perform parameter estimation for an HMM using multi-dimensional Gaussian
        states.  The training observation sequences, signals,  are available
        to the class, and states designates the initial allocation of emitting states to the
        signal time steps.   The HMM parameters are estimated using Viterbi
        Note: It is possible that some states are never allocated any
        observations.  Those states are then removed from the states table, effectively redusing
        the number of emitting states. In what follows, n_states is the original
        number of emitting states, while n_states' is the final number of
        emitting states, after those states to which no observations were assigned,
        have been removed.
        trans : (n_states+1,n_states+1) ndarray
            The left-to-right transition probability table.  The rightmost column contains probability
            of transitioning to final state, and the last row the initial state's
            transition probabilities.   Note that all the rows need to add to 1.
        states : (n_obs, n_states) ndarray
            Initial allocation of signal time-steps to states as a one-hot encoding.  Thus
            'states[:,j]' specifies the allocation of all the observations to state j.
        trans : (n_states'+1,n_states'+1) ndarray
            Updated transition probability table
        dists : (n_states',) list
            Gaussian object of each component.
        newLL : float
            Log-likelihood of parameters at convergence.
        iters: int
            The number of iterations needed for convergence

        covs, means = self._updatecovs(states) # Initialize the covariances and means using the initial state allocation
        dists = [Gaussian(mean=means[i], cov=covs[i]) for i in range(len(covs))]
        oldstates, trans, oldLL = self._calcstates(trans, dists)
        converged = False
        iters = 0
        while not converged and iters <  self.maxiters:
            covs, means = self._updatecovs(oldstates)
            dists = [Gaussian(mean=means[i], cov=covs[i]) for i in range(len(covs))]
            newstates, trans, newLL = self._calcstates(trans, dists)
            if abs(newLL - oldLL) / abs(oldLL) < self.rtol:
                converged = True
            oldstates, oldLL = newstates, newLL
            iters += 1
        if iters >= self.maxiters:
            warn("Maximum number of iterations reached - HMM parameters may not have converged")
        return trans, dists, newLL, iters
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, data, n_mix, sigma_min=0.1, sigma_max=1.0):
        self.data = data

        mu_min = min(data)
        mu_max = max(data)

        # create n-gaussians that will comprise the gaussian mixture model
        self.gaussians = {}
        # probability of each gaussians
        self.mix = {}
        # number of gaussians
        self.n_mix = n_mix
        # initialize the gaussians
        for i in range(0, n_mix):
            self.gaussians[i] = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max),
                                    uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
            self.mix[i] = 1/n_mix