예제 #1
	def inputReceived(self, inPars, queryMeta):
		"""returns True if all inputKeys can be filled from inPars.

		As a side effect, inPars will receive defaults form the input keys
		if there are any.
		if not self._isActive(inPars):
			return False
		keysFound, keysMissing = [], []
		for f in self.inputKeys:
			if inPars.get(f.name) is None:
				if f.value!=inPars.get(f.name): # non-defaulted
		if not keysMissing:
			return True

		# keys are missing.  That's ok if none were found and we're not required
		if not self.required and not keysFound:
			return False
		if self.required:
			raise base.ValidationError("is mandatory but was not provided.", 

		# we're optional, but a value was given and others are missing
		if not self.combining:
			raise base.ValidationError("When you give a value for %s,"
				" you must give value(s) for %s, too"%(keysFound[0].getLabel(), 
						", ".join(k.name for k in keysMissing)),
		return True
예제 #2
    def validateValue(self, value):
        """raises a ValidationError if value does not match the constraints
		given here.
        if value is None:
            if self.required:
                raise base.ValidationError(
                    "Field %s is empty but non-optional" % self.name,

        # Only validate these if we're not a database column
        if not isinstance(self, Column):
            vals = self.values
            if vals:
                if vals.options:
                    if value and not vals.validateOptions(value):
                        raise base.ValidationError(
                            "Value %s not consistent with"
                            " legal values %s" % (value, vals.options),
                    if vals.min and value < vals.min:
                        raise base.ValidationError(
                            "%s too small (must be at least %s)" %
                            (value, vals.min), self.name)
                    if vals.max and value > vals.max:
                        raise base.ValidationError(
                            "%s too large (must be less than %s)" %
                            (value, vals.max), self.name)
    def _writeFile(self, srcFile, fName):
        """writes the contents of srcFile to fName in destDD's staging dir.
            targetDir = os.path.join(self.rd.resdir,
        except KeyError:
            raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                    "Uploading is only"
                    " supported for data having a staging directory.", "File"))
        if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
            raise base.ValidationError("Staging directory does not exist.",
        targetFName = fName.split("/")[-1].encode("iso-8859-1")
        if not targetFName:
            raise base.ValidationError("Bad file name", "File")
        targetPath = os.path.join(targetDir, targetFName)

        with open(targetPath, "w") as f:

        except os.error:
            # Nothing we can do, and it may not even hurt
        return targetPath
예제 #4
def getQuery(queriedTable, parameters, sqlPars, prefix="sia"):
    """returns an SQL fragment for a SIAP query for bboxes.

	The SQL is returned as a WHERE-fragment in a string.  The parameters
	are added in the sqlPars dictionary.

	parameters is a dictionary that maps the SIAP keywords to the
	values in the query.  Parameters not defined by SIAP are ignored.
    posStr = urllib.unquote(parameters["POS"])
        ra, dec = dissectPositions(posStr)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
            base.ValidationError("%s is not a RA,DEC pair." % posStr, "POS",
        sizes = map(float, parameters["SIZE"].split(","))
    except ValueError:
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                "Size specification"
                " has to be <degs> or <degs>,<degs>", "SIZE",
    if len(sizes) == 1:
        sizes = sizes * 2
    intersect = parameters.get("INTERSECT", "OVERLAPS")
    query = _getQueryMaker(queriedTable)(intersect, ra, dec, sizes, prefix,
    # the following are for the benefit of cutout queries.
    sqlPars["_ra"], sqlPars["_dec"] = ra, dec
    sqlPars["_sra"], sqlPars["_sdec"] = sizes
    return query
예제 #5
    def getConeSQL(self, colName, sqlPars, coneSize):
        if self.qualifier and self.qualifier != 'ICRS':
            # XXX TODO: implement at least a couple of common frames
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Cannot match against coordinates"
                " given in %s frame" % self.qualifier, self.destName)

        sizeName = base.getSQLKey("size", coneSize * DEG, sqlPars)
        parts = []
        if len(self.ranges) % 2:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "PQL position values must be lists of"
                " length divisible by 2.", self.destName)
        lastCoo = None
        for r in self.ranges:
            if r.value is None:
                raise base.ValidationError(
                    "Ranges are not allowed as cone centers", self.destName)
            if lastCoo is None:
                lastCoo = r.value
                    "%s <-> %%(%s)s < %%(%s)s" %
                         "pos", pgsphere.SPoint.fromDegrees(lastCoo, r.value),
                         sqlPars), sizeName))
                lastCoo = None
        return "(%s)" % " OR ".join(parts)
예제 #6
	def makeName(self, field):
		self.index += 1
		res = getattr(field, "name", None)
		if res is None:
			raise base.ValidationError("Field without name in upload.",
		if res in self.seenNames:
			raise base.ValidationError("Duplicate column name illegal in"
				" uploaded tables (%s)"%res, "UPLOAD")
		return utils.QuotedName(res)
예제 #7
    def _realSubmitAction(self, ctx, form, data):
        """helps submitAction by doing the real work.

		It is here so we can add an error handler in submitAction.
        # TODO: There's significant overlap here with
        # grend.runServiceWithFormalData; refactor?
        queryMeta = svcs.QueryMeta.fromContext(ctx)
        queryMeta["formal_data"] = data
        if (self.service.core.outputTable.columns
                and not self.service.getCurOutputFields(queryMeta)):
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "These output settings yield no"
                " output fields", "_OUTPUT")

        if queryMeta["format"] in ("HTML", ""):
            resultWriter = self
            resultWriter = serviceresults.getFormat(queryMeta["format"])

        if resultWriter.compute:
            d = self.runService(svcs.PreparsedInput(data), queryMeta)
            d = defer.succeed(None)
        return d.addCallback(resultWriter._formatOutput, ctx)
예제 #8
def iterUploads(request):
	"""iterates over DALI uploads in request.

	This yields pairs of (file name, file object), where file name
	is the file name requested (sanitized to have no slashes and non-ASCII).
	The UPLOAD and inline-file keys are removed from request's args
	member.  file object is a cgi-style thing with file, filename,
	etc. attributes.
	# UWS auto-downcases things (it probably shouldn't)
	uploads = request.args.pop("UPLOAD", [])+request.args.pop("upload", [])
	if not uploads:
	for uploadString in uploads:
		destName, uploadSource = parseUploadString(uploadString)
		# mangle the future file name such that we hope it's representable
		# in the file system
		destName = str(destName).replace("/", "_")
			if uploadSource.startswith("param:"):
				fileKey = uploadSource[6:]
				upload = request.fields[fileKey]
				# remove upload in string form from args to remove clutter
				request.args.pop(fileKey, None) 
				upload = URLUpload(uploadSource, destName)

			yield destName, upload
		except (KeyError, AttributeError):
			raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(
				"%s references a non-existing"
				" file upload."%uploadSource, "UPLOAD", 
				hint="If you pass UPLOAD=foo,param:x,"
				" you must pass a file upload under the key x."))
    def _completeRow(self, rawRow):
        caseNormalized = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in rawRow.iteritems())
        procRow = {}

        if self.grammar.rejectExtras:
            extraNames = set(caseNormalized) - set(
                p.name.lower() for p in self.grammar.inputTable.params)
            if extraNames:
                raise base.ValidationError(
                    "The following parameter(s) are"
                    " not accepted by this service: %s" %
                    ",".join(sorted(extraNames)), "(various)")

        for ik in self.grammar.inputTable.params:
            if ik.name in rawRow:
                val = rawRow[ik.name]
                val = self.grammar.defaults.get(ik.name, None)

            # TODO: we probably should avoid having tuples here in the first place
            if isinstance(val, tuple):
                val = list(val)

            if val is not None and not isinstance(val, list):
                val = [val]

            procRow[ik.name] = val

        return procRow
예제 #10
	def makeName(self, field):
		name = getattr(field, "name", None)
		if name is None:
			raise base.ValidationError("Field without name in upload.",
		if valuemappers.needsQuoting(name):
			if name in self.seenNames:
				raise base.ValidationError("Duplicate column name illegal in"
					" uploaded tables (%s)"%name, "UPLOAD")
			return utils.QuotedName(name)
			if name.lower() in self.seenNames:
				raise base.ValidationError("Duplicate column name illegal in"
					" uploaded tables (%s)"%name, "UPLOAD")
			return name
def requireValue(val, fieldName):
    """returns val unless it is None, in which case a ValidationError
	for fieldName will be raised.
    if val is None:
        raise base.ValidationError("Value is required but was not provided",
    return val
예제 #12
	def validateParams(self):
		"""raises a ValidationError if any required parameters of this
		tables are None.
		for par in self.iterParams():
			if par.required and par.value is None:
				raise base.ValidationError(
					"Value is required but was not provided", par.name)
예제 #13
def normalizeTAPFormat(rawFmt):
	format = rawFmt.lower()
		return tap.FORMAT_CODES[format][0]
	except KeyError:
		raise base.ValidationError(
			"Unsupported format '%s'."%format, colName="FORMAT",
			hint="Legal format codes include %s"%(", ".join(tap.FORMAT_CODES)))
	def _getArgs(self, inputTable):
		args = [base.getBinaryName(self.computer)]
		for par in inputTable.iterParams():
			if par.content_ is base.NotGiven:
				raise base.ValidationError("Command line argument %s must not"
					" be undefined"%par.name, par.name, base.NotGiven)
		return args
예제 #15
def parseUploadString(uploadString):
	"""returns resourceName, uploadSource from a DALI upload string.
		destName, uploadSource = uploadString.split(",", 1)
	except (TypeError, ValueError):
		raise base.ValidationError("Invalid UPLOAD string",
			"UPLOAD", hint="UPLOADs look like my_upload,http://foo.bar/up"
				" or inline_upload,param:foo.")
	return destName, uploadSource
예제 #16
def mapADQLErrors(excType, excValue, excTb):
    if (isinstance(excValue, adql.ParseException)
            or isinstance(excValue, adql.ParseSyntaxException)):
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                "Could not parse your query: %s" % unicode(excValue), "query"))
    elif isinstance(excValue, adql.ColumnNotFound):
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
            base.ValidationError("No such field known: %s" % unicode(excValue),
    elif isinstance(excValue, adql.AmbiguousColumn):
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                "%s needs to be qualified." % unicode(excValue), "query"))
    elif isinstance(excValue, adql.Error):
        raise base.ui.logOldExc(
            base.ValidationError(unicode(excValue), "query"))
        svcs.mapDBErrors(excType, excValue, excTb)
예제 #17
 def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
     defaultRequest = service.getProperty("defaultRequest", "")
     requestType = (inputTable.getParam("REQUEST")
                    or defaultRequest).upper()
     if requestType == "QUERYDATA":
         return self._run_queryData(service, inputTable, queryMeta)
     elif requestType == "GETTARGETNAMES":
         return self._run_getTargetNames(service, inputTable, queryMeta)
         raise base.ValidationError("Missing or invalid value for REQUEST.",
 def _parseInputDict(self, inputDict):
     res = {}
     for key, val in inputDict.iteritems():
         if val is not None and key in self._buildKeys:
                 res[key] = self._buildKeys[key](val)
             except (ValueError, TypeError):
                 raise base.ValidationError(
                     "Invalid value for constructor argument to %s:"
                     " %s=%r" % (self.__class__.__name__, key, val),
     return res
예제 #19
    def _saveUpload(cls, job, uploadName):
            uploadData = codetricks.stealVar("request").files[uploadName]
        except KeyError:
            raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                base.ValidationError("No upload '%s' found" % uploadName,

        destFName = cls._cleanName(uploadData.filename)
        with job.openFile(destFName, "w") as f:
        return LocalFile(job.jobId, job.getWD(), destFName)
예제 #20
def parseSIAP2Geometry(aString, fieldName="POS"):
    """parses a SIAPv2 geometry spec to a pgsphere object.

	Parse errors raise validation errors for fieldName.
    mat = re.match("(CIRCLE|RANGE|POLYGON) (.*)", aString)
    if not mat:
        raise base.ValidationError(
            "Invalid SIAPv2 geometry: '%s'"
            " (expected a SIAPv2 shape name)" %
            utils.makeEllipsis(aString, 20), fieldName)

    geoName = mat.group(1)
        args = [float(s) for s in mat.group(2).split()]
    except ValueError:
        raise base.ValidationError(
            "Invalid SIAPv2 coordinates: '%s'"
            " (bad floating point literal '%s')" %
            (utils.makeEllipsis(mat.group(2), 20), s), fieldName)

    if geoName == "CIRCLE":
        if len(args) != 3:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Invalid SIAPv2 CIRCLE: '%s'"
                " (need exactly three numbers)" %
                (utils.makeEllipsis(aString, 20)), fieldName)
        return pgsphere.SCircle(pgsphere.SPoint.fromDegrees(args[0], args[1]),
                                args[2] * utils.DEG)

    elif geoName == "RANGE":
        # SBox isn't really RANGE, but RANGE shouldn't have been
        # part of the standard and people that use it deserve
        # to get bad results.
        if len(args) != 4:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Invalid SIAPv2 RANGE: '%s'"
                " (need exactly four numbers)" %
                (utils.makeEllipsis(aString, 20)), fieldName)
        if args[0] > args[1] or args[2] > args[3]:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Invalid SIAPv2 RANGE: '%s'"
                " (lower limits must be smaller than upper limits)" %
                (utils.makeEllipsis(aString, 20)), fieldName)
        return pgsphere.SBox(pgsphere.SPoint.fromDegrees(args[0], args[2]),
                             pgsphere.SPoint.fromDegrees(args[1], args[3]))

    elif geoName == "POLYGON":
        if len(args) < 6 or len(args) % 2:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Invalid SIAPv2 POLYGON: '%s'"
                " (need more than three coordinate *pairs*)" %
                (utils.makeEllipsis(mat.group(2), 20)), fieldName)
        return pgsphere.SPoly([
            for pair in utils.iterConsecutivePairs(args)

        assert False
예제 #21
def parseUploadString(uploadString):
    """iterates over pairs of tableName, uploadSource from a TAP upload string.
        res = utils.pyparseString(getUploadGrammar(), uploadString).asList()
        return res
    except ParseException, ex:
        raise base.ValidationError(
            "Syntax error in UPLOAD parameter (near %s)" % (ex.loc),
            "Note that we only allow regular SQL identifiers as table names,"
            " i.e., basically only alphanumerics are allowed.")
    def addRow(self, row):
        """adds a row to the table.

		Use this only to add one or two rows, otherwise go for getFeeder.
            self.query(self.addCommand, row)
        except sqlsupport.IntegrityError:
            raise base.ui.logOldExc(
                    "Row %s cannot be added since it clashes"
                    " with an existing record on the primary key" % row,
예제 #23
def mapDBErrors(excType, excValue, excTb):
	"""translates exception into something we can display properly.
# This is a helper to all DB-based cores -- it probably should go
# into TableBasedCore.
	if getattr(excValue, "cursor", None) is not None:
		base.ui.notifyWarning("Failed DB query: %s"%excValue.cursor.query)
	if isinstance(excValue, sqlsupport.QueryCanceledError):
		message = "Query timed out (took too long).\n"
		if base.getConfig("maintainerAddress"):
			message = message+("Unless you know why the query took that"
				" long, please contact %s.\n"%base.getConfig("maintainerAddress"))
		message += ("Meanwhile, if this failure happened with a cross match,"
			" please try exchanging the large and the small catalog in POINT"
			" and CIRCLE.\n")
		raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(message, "query"))
	elif isinstance(excValue, base.NotFoundError):
		raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError("Could not locate %s '%s'"%(
			excValue.what, excValue.lookedFor), "query"))
	elif isinstance(excValue, base.DBError):
		raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(unicode(excValue), "query"))
예제 #24
	def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
		"""does the DB query and returns an InMemoryTable containing
		the result.
		resultTableDef = self._makeResultTableDef(
			service, inputTable, queryMeta)

		if not resultTableDef.columns:
			raise base.ValidationError("No output columns with these settings."

		sortKeys = None
		if self.sortKey:
			sortKeys = self.sortKey.split(",")

		queryMeta.overrideDbOptions(limit=self.limit, sortKeys=sortKeys,
			sortFallback=self.getProperty("defaultSortKey", None))
			fragment, pars = self._getSQLWhere(inputTable, queryMeta)
		except base.LiteralParseError, ex:
			raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(str(ex),
예제 #25
def _ingestUploads(uploads, connection):
	tds = []
	for destName, src in uploads:
		if isinstance(src, tap.LocalFile):
			srcF = open(src.fullPath)
				srcF = utils.urlopenRemote(src)
			except IOError, ex:
				raise base.ui.logOldExc(
					base.ValidationError("Upload '%s' cannot be retrieved"%(
					src), "UPLOAD", hint="The I/O operation failed with the message: "+
		if valuemappers.needsQuoting(destName):
			raise base.ValidationError("'%s' is not a valid table name on"
				" this site"%destName, "UPLOAD", hint="It either contains"
				" non-alphanumeric characters or conflicts with an ADQL"
				" reserved word.  Quoted table names are not supported"
				" at this site.")
		uploadedTable = votableread.uploadVOTable(destName, srcF, connection,
		if uploadedTable is not None:
    def changingAxis(self, axisIndex, parName):
        """must be called before cutting out along axisIndex.

		axIndex is a FITS (1-based) axis index axIndex, parName the name of the 
		parameter that causes the cutout.
		This will simply return if nobody has called changingAxis with that index
		before and raise a ValidationError otherwise.  Data functions doing a cutout
		must call this before doing so; if they don't the cutout will probably be
		wrong when two conflicting constraints are given.
        if axisIndex in self._axesTouched:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "Attempt to cut out along axis %d that"
                " has been modified before." % axisIndex, parName)
	def query(self, ident):
			return self.cache.getItem(ident)
		except KeyError:
				f = urllib.urlopen(self.SVC_URL+urllib.quote(ident))
				response = f.read()

				newOb = self._parseXML(response)
				self.cache.addItem(ident, newOb, save=self.saveNew)
				return newOb
			except socket.error: # Simbad is offline
				raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(
					"Simbad is offline, cannot query.",
					"hscs_pos", # really, this should be added by the widget
					hint="If this problem persists, complain to us rather than simbad."))
예제 #28
def parseHumanSpoint(cooSpec, colName=None):
    """tries to interpret cooSpec as some sort of cone center.

	Attempted interpretations include various forms of coordinate pairs
	and simbad objects; hence, this will in general cause network traffic.

	If no sense can be made, a ValidationError on colName is raised.
        cooPair = base.parseCooPair(cooSpec)
    except ValueError:
        simbadData = base.caches.getSesame("web").query(cooSpec)
        if not simbadData:
            raise base.ValidationError(
                "%s is neither a RA,DEC"
                " pair nor a simbad resolvable object." % cooSpec, colName)
        cooPair = simbadData["RA"], simbadData["dec"]
    return cooPair
예제 #29
	def _ensureRowIdentity(self, row, key):
		"""raises an exception if row is not equivalent to the row stored
		for key.

		This is one strategy for resolving primary key conflicts.
		storedRow = self.rowIndex[key]
		if row.keys()!=storedRow.keys():
			raise Error("Differing rows for primary key %s: %s vs. %s"%(
				key, self.rowIndex[key], row))
		for colName in row:
			if row[colName] is None or storedRow[colName] is None:
			if row[colName]!=storedRow[colName]:
				raise base.ValidationError(
					"Differing rows for primary key %s;"
					" %s vs. %s"%(key, row[colName],
						storedRow[colName]), colName=colName, row=row)
	def _runAndCapture(self, inputTable):
# if we wanted to get really fancy, it shouldn't be hard to pipe that stuff
# directly into the grammar.
		pipe = subprocess.Popen(self._getArgs(inputTable), 2**16, 
			stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True,
		writeThread = self._feedInto(self._getInput(inputTable), pipe.stdin)
		data = pipe.stdout.read()
		retcode = pipe.wait()
		if retcode!=0:
			raise base.ValidationError("The subprocess %s returned %s.  This"
				" indicates an external executable could not be run or failed"
				" with your parameters.  You should probably report this to the"
				" operators."%(os.path.basename(self.computer), retcode),
		return data