def show_issue(request, issue, plain=False): tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) comments = PublicComment.visible.filter( time__lt=tomorrow).order_by('-time') one_week = datetime.timedelta(days=7) if == jobs = JobListing.unfilled.get_for_show(num=5, cutoff=one_week) else: jobs = JobListing.published.get_for_show(num=5,, cutoff=one_week) articles = issue.articles_in_order( racy=boolean_arg(request.GET.get('racy', ''), True)) try: topstory = articles[0] except IndexError: raise Http404 data = { 'issue': issue, 'topstory': articles[0], 'midstories': articles[1:issue.num_full], 'lowstories': articles[issue.num_full:], 'jobs': jobs, 'comments': comments[:5], 'for_email': boolean_arg(request.GET.get('for_email', ''), False) } template = "issue/issue." + ('txt' if plain else 'html') return render_to_response(template, data)
def show_issue(request, issue, plain=False): tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) comments = PublicComment.visible.filter(time__lt=tomorrow).order_by("-time") one_week = datetime.timedelta(days=7) if == jobs = JobListing.unfilled.get_for_show(num=5, cutoff=one_week) else: jobs = JobListing.published.get_for_show(num=5,, cutoff=one_week) articles = issue.articles_in_order(racy=boolean_arg(request.GET.get("racy", ""), True)) try: topstory = articles[0] except IndexError: raise Http404 data = { "issue": issue, "topstory": articles[0], "midstories": articles[1 : issue.num_full], "lowstories": articles[issue.num_full :], "jobs": jobs, "comments": comments[:5], "for_email": boolean_arg(request.GET.get("for_email", ""), False), } template = "issue/issue." + ("txt" if plain else "html") return render_to_response(template, data)
def approve_comment(request, slug, year, month, day, num, val='1'): if not request.user.has_perm('comments.change_publiccomment'): if request.is_ajax(): raise Http404 else: return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?next_page=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, request.path)) comment = _get_comment_or_404(year, month, day, slug, num) approve = boolean_arg(val, default=True) if bool(comment.is_approved) != approve: comment.is_approved = approve if request.is_ajax(): return render_to_response('comment/authorship.html', { 'comment': comment, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(comment.get_absolute_url())
def show_rsd_thing(request, date, plain=False, regular=False, events=False, lost_and_found=False, jobs=False): """Show the RSD with some subset of sections.""" if regular: regular = Announcement.regular.running_on(date).order_by("-date_start", "pk") if events: events ="event_date", "event_time", "pk") if lost_and_found: lost_and_found = Announcement.lost_and_found.running_on(date).order_by("-date_start", "pk") if jobs: midnight = datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time(23, 59)) jobs = ( JobListing.published.order_by("is_filled", "-pub_date") .filter(pub_date__lte=midnight) .filter(pub_date__gte=midnight - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) ) if date == jobs = jobs.filter(is_filled=False) if not any(x.count() if x else 0 for x in (regular, events, lost_and_found, jobs)): raise Http404 tomorrow = date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) comments = PublicComment.visible.filter(time__lt=tomorrow).order_by("-time") order = lambda x, *ord: x.order_by(*ord) if x else [] data = { "year": date.year, "month": date.month, "day":, "date": date, "announcements": regular or [], "events": events or [], "jobs": jobs or [], "lost_and_found": lost_and_found or [], "comments": comments[:3], "stories": Article.published.order_by("-pub_date").filter(is_racy=False)[:3], "for_email": boolean_arg(request.GET.get("for_email", ""), False), } template = "issue/rsd." + ("txt" if plain else "html") return render_to_response(template, data)
def show_rsd_thing(request, date, plain=False, regular=False, events=False, lost_and_found=False, jobs=False): """Show the RSD with some subset of sections.""" if regular: regular = Announcement.regular.running_on(date).order_by( '-date_start', 'pk') if events: events = 'event_date', 'event_time', 'pk') if lost_and_found: lost_and_found = Announcement.lost_and_found.running_on(date).order_by( '-date_start', 'pk') if jobs: midnight = datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time(23, 59)) jobs = JobListing.published.order_by('is_filled', '-pub_date') \ .filter(pub_date__lte=midnight) \ .filter(pub_date__gte=midnight - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) if date == jobs = jobs.filter(is_filled=False) if not any(x.count() if x else 0 for x in (regular, events, lost_and_found, jobs)): raise Http404 tomorrow = date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) comments = PublicComment.visible.filter( time__lt=tomorrow).order_by('-time') order = lambda x, *ord: x.order_by(*ord) if x else [] data = { 'year': date.year, 'month': date.month, 'day':, 'date': date, 'announcements': regular or [], 'events': events or [], 'jobs': jobs or [], 'lost_and_found': lost_and_found or [], 'comments': comments[:3], 'stories': Article.published.order_by('-pub_date').filter(is_racy=False)[:3], 'for_email': boolean_arg(request.GET.get('for_email', ''), False), } template = "issue/rsd." + ('txt' if plain else 'html') return render_to_response(template, data)