예제 #1
def example1():


  nTry = 1000  #: number of tries
  nLayer = 5  #: number of detector layers
  print " Gbltst $Rev: 95 $ ", nTry, nLayer
  start = time.clock()
# track direction
  sinLambda = 0.3
  cosLambda = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda ** 2)
  sinPhi = 0.
  cosPhi = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinPhi ** 2)
# Curvilinear system: track direction T, U = Z x T / |Z x T|, V = T x U
  tuvDir = np.array([[cosLambda * cosPhi, cosLambda * sinPhi, sinLambda], \
                     [-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.], \
                     [-sinLambda * cosPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosLambda]])
# measurement resolution
  measErr = np.array([ 0.001, 0.001])  # 10 mu
  measPrec = 1.0 / measErr ** 2
# scattering error
  scatErr = 0.001  # 1 mread
# RMS of CurviLinear track parameters (Q/P, slopes, offsets)
  clErr = np.array([0.001, -0.1, 0.2, -0.15, 0.25])
  # precision matrix for external seed (in local system)
  locSeed = None
  seedLabel = 0  # label of point with seed
  if seedLabel != 0:
    print " external seed at label ", seedLabel
  bfac = 0.2998  # Bz*c for Bz=1
  step = 1.5 / cosLambda  # constant steps in RPhi
  Chi2Sum = 0.
  NdfSum = 0
  LostSum = 0.
  binaryFile = open("milleBinaryISN.dat", "wb")
  for iTry in range(nTry):
# generate (CurviLinear) track parameters 
    clNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 5)  
    clPar = clErr * clNorm
    # covariance matrix
    clCov = np.eye(5)
    for i in range(5):
      clCov[i, i] = clErr[i] ** 2
# arclength
    s = 0.
# point-to-point jacobian (from previous point)    
    jacPointToPoint = np.eye(5)
# additional (local or global) derivatives    
    addDer = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])
    labGlobal = np.array([[4711], [4711]])
# create trajectory
    traj = GblTrajectory(bfac != 0.)

# at previous point: transformation from local to curvilinear system 
    oldL2c = np.eye(5)
    for iLayer in range(nLayer):
      #print " layer ", iLayer
# measurement directions (J,K) from stereo angle
      sinStereo = (0. if iLayer % 2 == 0 else 0.1) 
      cosStereo = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinStereo ** 2)    
# measurement system: I, J ,K    
      ijkDir = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], \
                         [0., cosStereo, sinStereo], \
                         [0., -sinStereo, cosStereo]])
# local system: measurement or curvilinear 
      #local = gblMeasSystem(ijkDir, tuvDir)
      local = gblCurviSystem(ijkDir, tuvDir)
# projections
      proL2m = local.getTransLocalToMeas()
      proL2c = local.getTransLocalToCurvi()
      proC2l = np.linalg.inv(proL2c)
# projection curvilinear to measurement directions
      proC2m = local.getTransCurviToMeas()
# measurement - prediction in measurement system with error
      measNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 2)  
      meas = np.dot(proC2m, clPar[3:5]) + measErr * measNorm
# jacobian is calculated in curvilinear system and transformed
      jac = np.dot(proC2l, np.dot(jacPointToPoint, oldL2c))
# point with (independent) measurements (in measurement system)
      point = GblPoint(jac)
      point.addMeasurement([proL2m, meas, measPrec])
# additional local parameters?
#      point.addLocals(addDer)
# additional global parameters?
      point.addGlobals(labGlobal, addDer)
      addDer = -addDer  # locDer flips sign every measurement      
# add point to trajectory      
      iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)
      if iLabel == abs(seedLabel):
        clSeed = np.linalg.inv(clCov)
        locSeed = np.dot(proL2c, np.dot(clSeed, proL2c.T))
# propagate to scatterer
      jacPointToPoint = gblSimpleJacobian(step, cosLambda, bfac)
      clPar = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, clPar)
      clCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(clCov, jacPointToPoint.T))
      s += step
      if (iLayer < nLayer - 1):
        scat = np.array([0., 0.])
# point with scatterer
        jac = np.dot(proC2l, np.dot(jacPointToPoint, proL2c))
        point = GblPoint(jac)
        scatP = local.getScatPrecision(scatErr)
        point.addScatterer([scat, scatP])
        iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)
        if iLabel == abs(seedLabel):
          clSeed = np.linalg.inv(clCov)
          locSeed = np.dot(proL2c, np.dot(clSeed, proL2c.T))

# scatter a little    
        scatNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 2)  
        clPar[1:3] = clPar[1:3] + scatErr * scatNorm
# propagate to next measurement layer    
        clPar = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, clPar)
        clCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(clCov, jacPointToPoint.T))
        s += step
      oldL2c = proL2c
# add external seed
    if locSeed is not None:    
      traj.addExternalSeed(seedLabel, locSeed)
# dump trajectory
#    traj.dump()
# fit trajectory
    Chi2, Ndf, Lost = traj.fit()
    print " Record, Chi2, Ndf, Lost", iTry, Chi2, Ndf, Lost
# write to MP binary file    
#    traj.milleOut(binaryFile)
# sum up    
    Chi2Sum += Chi2
    NdfSum += Ndf
    LostSum += Lost
# get corrections and covariance matrix at points 
    if (iTry == 0):
      for i in range(1, nLayer + 1):      
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(-i)
        print " >Point ", i
        print " locPar ", locPar
        #print " locCov ", locCov      
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(i)
        print " Point> ", i
        print " locPar ", locPar
        #print " locCov ", locCov
# check residuals        
      for i in range(traj.getNumPoints()):
        numData, aResiduals, aMeasErr, aResErr, aDownWeight = traj.getMeasResults(i + 1)
        for j in range(numData):
          print " measRes " , i, j, aResiduals[j], aMeasErr[j], aResErr[j], aDownWeight[j]   
        numData, aResiduals, aMeasErr, aResErr, aDownWeight = traj.getScatResults(i + 1)
        for j in range(numData):
          print " scatRes " , i, j, aResiduals[j], aMeasErr[j], aResErr[j], aDownWeight[j]   
  end = time.clock()
  print " Time [s] ", end - start
  print " Chi2Sum/NdfSum ", Chi2Sum / NdfSum
  print " LostSum/nTry ", LostSum / nTry
예제 #2
def main(args):
  Read initial fit and points from  test file
  Create trajectory from points,
  fit and write trajectory to MP-II binary file,
  get track parameter corrections and covariance matrix at points.
  Detector arrangement from text file

  Chi2Sum = 0.
  NdfSum = 0
  LostSum = 0.


  if args.save:
    binaryFileName = "milleBinaryISN" + "_" + nametag
    binaryFile = open("%s.dat" % binaryFileName, "wb")

  inputFile = open(args.file, 'r')
  events = hpsevent.readHPSEvents(inputFile, args.nevents, args.ntracks)
  print 'Read %d events from file' % len(events)

  if len(events) > 0:
    Bz = events[0].Bz
  bfac = 0.0002998 * Bz # for Bz in Tesla, momentum in GeV and Radius in mm
  print Bz, bfac
  plots = hps_plots.plotter(nametag,'pdf',args.testrun,True,True, args.beamspot)
  plotsTop = hps_plots.plotter(nametag,'pdf',args.testrun,True,False, args.beamspot)
  plotsBot = hps_plots.plotter(nametag,'pdf',args.testrun,False,True,args.beamspot)
  #print " GblHpsTest $Rev: 234 $ ", nTry, nLayer
  nTry = 0
  start = time.clock()

  # loop over events
  for event in events:

    # loop over tracks in event
    for track in event.tracks:

      if ((nTry % 500) == 0 and nTry > 0) or args.debug: 
        print '\nProcessed %d events: now on event id %d and track id %d' % (nTry, event.id, track.id)

      # if there's no truth info -> skip the track
      # use the track parameters and check curvature
      if args.mc and track.curvature_truth() == 0.:
        print 'Track curvature is zero for this MC track, skip track ', track.id, ' in event ', event.id, ' (perigee pars truth: ', track.perParTruth,')'

      # check if it is top or bottom
      if args.debug:
        print 'track with strip0 origin ', track.strips[0].origin

      if args.notop and track.isTop():
          if args.debug:
            print 'not ok'
      if args.nobottom and not track.isTop():
          if args.debug:
            print 'not ok'
      if args.debug:
        print 'ok'
      # check if it has enough hits
      if len(track.strips) < args.minStrips:
        if args.debug:
          print 'not enough strip clusters'

      if args.minP != None and track.p(bfac) < args.minP:


      # create the trajectory
      traj = GblTrajectory(True)

      # save mapping between label and strip object 
      stripLabelMap = {}
      if args.debug: 
        print 'Track has %d strip clusters' % len(track.strips)

      # arc length
      s = 0.

      # point-to-point jacobian (from previous point)    
      jacPointToPoint = np.eye(5)

      #start trajectory at reference point (defining s=0)
      point = GblPoint(jacPointToPoint)
      refLabel = traj.addPoint(point)

      # multiple scattering covariance matrix (for curvilinear track parameters)
      msCov = np.zeros((5, 5))
      # store projections for later use
      proL2m_list = {} 

      # loop over strip clusters on the track

      for strip in track.strips:
        if args.debug:
          print '\nProcessing strip id %d, millepedeId %d on sensor %s origin (%f,%f,%f)' % (strip.id, strip.millepedeId,strip.deName,strip.origin[0],strip.origin[1],strip.origin[2])
        step = strip.pathLen3D - s

        if args.debug: print 'Path length step %f from %f to %f ' % (step, s, strip.pathLen3D)
        # measurement direction (in YZ plane: perpendicular/parallel to strip direction)
        mDir = np.array( [strip.u, strip.v] )
        if args.debug: print 'mDir:\n', mDir
        # track direction: in x directon
        sinLambda = strip.sinLambda
        cosLambda = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda ** 2)
        sinPhi = strip.sinPhi
        cosPhi = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinPhi ** 2)
        if args.debug: print 'Track direction sinLambda=%f sinPhi=%f' % (sinLambda, sinPhi)

        # Track direction in the curvilinear frame (U,V,T)
        # U = Z x T / |Z x T|, V = T x U
        uvDir = np.array([[-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.], \
                            [-sinLambda * cosPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosLambda]])

        if args.debug: print 'Track direction in curvilinear frame\n',uvDir
        # projection from  measurement to local (curvilinear uv) directions (duv/dm)
        proM2l = np.dot(uvDir, mDir.T)

        # projection from local (uv) to measurement directions (dm/duv)
        proL2m = np.linalg.inv(proM2l)
        proL2m_list[strip.id] = proL2m

        if args.debug: 
          print 'proM2l:\n', proM2l
          print 'proL2m:\n', proL2m

        # measurement/residual in the measurement system
        meas = np.array([strip.ures, 0.]) # only measurement in u-direction
        #meas[0] += deltaU[iLayer] # misalignment
        measErr = np.array([strip.ures_err, strip.ures_err])
        measPrec = 1.0 / measErr ** 2
        measPrec[1] = 0. # 1D measurement perpendicular to strip direction
        if args.debug: 
          print 'meas ', meas, ' measErr ', measErr, ' measPrec ', measPrec
        # cross-check track position and residuals
        if nTry < 10:
          uResIter = utils.getMeasurementResidualIterative(track.perPar,strip.origin,strip.u,strip.w,strip.meas,1.0e-8)
          #predIter = utils.getXPlanePositionIterative(track.perPar,strip.origin,strip.w,1.0e-8)
          #diffTrk = predIter - strip.origin
          #uPredIter = np.dot(strip.u , diffTrk.T)
          #uResIter = strip.meas - uPredIter
          if abs(uResIter - strip.ures) > 1.0e-6:
            print 'WARNING diff %.10f uResIter %.10f compared to %.10f' % (uResIter - strip.ures,uResIter,strip.ures)
            #print 'predIter ', predIter, ' origin ', strip.origin, ' diffTrk ',diffTrk,' u ', strip.u, ' diffTrk ',diffTrk.T

        # Find the Jacobian to be able to propagate the covariance matrix to this strip position
        jacPointToPoint = utils.gblSimpleJacobianLambdaPhi(step, cosLambda, abs(bfac))
        if args.debug: 
          print 'jacPointToPoint to extrapolate to this point:'
          print jacPointToPoint
        # propagate MS covariance matrix (in the curvilinear frame) to this strip position
        msCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(msCov, jacPointToPoint.T))

        # Get the MS covariance for measurements in the measurement frame
        measMsCov = np.dot(proL2m, np.dot(msCov[3:, 3:], proL2m.T))
        # Plot the MS variance in the u-direction
        if track.isTop():
        if args.debug:
          print 'msCov at this point:'
          print msCov
          print 'measMsCov at this point:'
          print measMsCov
        # Option to blow up measurement error according to multiple scattering
        if args.useuncorrms:
          measPrec[0] = 1.0 / (measErr[0] ** 2 + measMsCov[0, 0])
          if args.debug:
            print 'Adding measMsCov ', measMsCov[0,0]
        # Create a GBL point
        point = GblPoint(jacPointToPoint)

        # Add measurement to the point
        point.addMeasurement([proL2m, meas, measPrec])

        # Add scatterer in curvilinear frame to the point
        # no direction in this frame
        scat = np.array([0., 0.])
        # Scattering angle in the curvilinear frame
        # Note the cosLambda to correct for the projection in the phi direction
        scatErr = np.array([ strip.scatAngle, strip.scatAngle / cosLambda]) 
        scatPrec = 1.0 / scatErr ** 2
        # add scatterer if not using the uncorrelated MS covariances
        if not args.useuncorrms:
          point.addScatterer([scat, scatPrec])
          if args.debug:
            print 'adding scatError to this point:'
            print scatErr
        # Update MS covariance matrix 
        msCov[1, 1] += scatErr[0] ** 2; msCov[2, 2] += scatErr[1] ** 2
        ## Calculate global derivatives for this point
        # track direction in tracking/global frame
        tDirGlobal = np.array( [ [cosPhi * cosLambda, sinPhi * cosLambda, sinLambda] ] )        
        # Cross-check that the input is consistent
        if( np.linalg.norm( tDirGlobal - strip.tDir) > 0.00001):
          print 'ERROR: tDirs are not consistent!'

        # Projection matrix from tracking frame to measurement frame
        # t_u = dot(u,i)*t_i + dot(u,j)*t_j + dot(u,k)*t_k
        # where t_u is component in new u direction and t_i is in the i direction
        prjTrkToMeas = np.array([strip.u,strip.v,strip.w])
        # rotate to measurement frame          
        tDirMeas = np.dot( prjTrkToMeas, tDirGlobal.T) 
        normalMeas = np.dot( prjTrkToMeas, np.array([strip.w]).T )
        # vector coplanar with measurement plane from origin to prediction
        tDiff = np.array( [strip.tPos]) - np.array( [strip.origin] )
        # rotate to measurement frame          
        tPosMeas = np.dot( prjTrkToMeas, tDiff.T) 

        if args.debug: 
          print 'tDirGlobal ', tDirGlobal
          print 'rotation matrix to meas frame\n', prjTrkToMeas
          print 'tPosGlobal ', np.array( [strip.tPos]) , ' (origin ', np.array( [strip.origin] ),')'
          print 'tDiff ', tDiff
          print 'tPosMeas ', tPosMeas
        plots.fillSensorPlots("pred_meas", strip.deName, tPosMeas)
        if track.isTop():
          plotsTop.fillSensorPlots("pred_meas", strip.deName, tPosMeas)
          plotsBot.fillSensorPlots("pred_meas", strip.deName, tPosMeas)

        # rotate track direction to measurement frame          
        # non-measured directions         
        vmeas = 0.
        wmeas = 0.

        # calculate and add derivatives to point
        glDers = utils.globalDers(strip.millepedeId,strip.meas,vmeas,wmeas,tDirMeas,tPosMeas,normalMeas)
        if args.debug:
        ders = glDers.getDers(track.isTop())
        labGlobal = ders['labels']
        addDer = ders['ders']
        if args.debug:
          print 'global derivatives for strip ', strip.id, ' which has millepede id ', strip.millepedeId
          print labGlobal.shape
          for ider in range(labGlobal.shape[1]):
            print labGlobal[0][ider], '\t', addDer[0][ider]
        point.addGlobals(labGlobal, addDer)
        # add point to trajectory
        iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)

        #if nTry==0:
        #print 'uRes ', strip.id, ' uRes ', strip.ures, ' pred ', tPosMeas, ' s(3D) ', strip.pathLen3D
        #print 'uRes ', strip.id, ' uRes ', strip.ures, ' pred ', strip.tPos, ' s(3D) ', strip.pathLen3D
        # go to next point
        s += step

        # save strip and label map
        stripLabelMap[strip] = iLabel
      if args.debug: print 'Do the fit'
      Chi2, Ndf, Lost = traj.fit()

      # write to millepede
      if args.save:

      # sum up    
      Chi2Sum += Chi2
      NdfSum += Ndf
      LostSum += Lost

      if nTry == 0 or args.debug:
        print 'fit result: Chi2=%f Ndf=%d Lost=%d' % (Chi2, Ndf, Lost)

      # get corrections and covariance matrix at points; collect the result in one object
      result = hpsevent.GBLResults(track)

      for i in range(1, traj.getNumPoints() + 1):      
        # label start at 1
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(-i)
        if nTry == 0:
          print " >Point ", i
          print " locPar ", locPar
          print " locCov ", locCov      
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(i)
        if nTry == -1:
          print " Point> ", i
          print " locPar ", locPar
          print " locCov ", locCov
        result.addPoint(i, locPar, locCov)
      if nTry == 0 or args.debug:

      # calculate the truth chi2 from initial fit
      # get the truth and fitted params with indexes same as cov matrix of initial fit (dca,phi0,curv,z0,slope)
      perParInitialVec = np.matrix([track.d0(), track.phi0(), track.curvature(), track.z0(), track.slope()])
      perParVecTruth = np.matrix([track.d0_truth(), track.phi0_truth(), track.curvature_truth(), track.z0_truth(), track.slope_truth()])
      perParInitialVecRes = perParInitialVec-perParVecTruth
      chi2_initial_truth = perParInitialVecRes * np.linalg.inv(track.perCov) * np.transpose(perParInitialVecRes)
      # calculate the truth chi2 from gbl fit at vertex
      clParGBLVtx = np.array(track.clPar) + np.array(result.locPar[1])
      clParTruth = np.array(track.clParTruth)
      clParGBLRes = clParGBLVtx - clParTruth
      chi2_gbl_truth = np.dot(clParGBLRes, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(result.locCov[1]), clParGBLRes))

      label = 1 #refLabel
      chi2_res = np.dot(result.locPar[label], np.dot(np.linalg.inv(result.locCov[label]), result.locPar[label]))
      if nTry == 0: 
        print " Chi2: ", event.id, chi2_res, chi2_gbl_truth, chi2_initial_truth

      # plots
      for iplot in range(3):
        plot = None
        if iplot==0:
          plot = plots
        elif iplot==1 and track.isTop():
          plot = plotsTop
        elif iplot==2 and not track.isTop():
          plot = plotsBot

        if plot is None:

        # reject some tracks
        #if abs(track.d0())<2.0:
        #  continue
        #  continue
        # transform phi to plot nicer
        if track.clPar[2]<math.pi:


        if track.ndfInitial != 0: 
        if args.mc:
          plot.h_qOverP_truth_res.Fill(track.qOverP(bfac) - track.q()/track.p_truth(bfac))   

        if args.mc:
          plot.h_qOverP_truth_res_gbl.Fill(result.qOverP_gbl(bfac) - result.track.qOverP_truth(bfac))
          plot.h_p_truth_res_gbl.Fill(result.p_gbl(bfac) - result.track.p_truth(bfac))
          plot.h_p_truth_res_gbl_vs_p.Fill(result.track.p_truth(bfac), result.p_gbl(bfac) - result.track.p_truth(bfac))

        vtx_idx = 1 # first point is at s=0 

        if args.debug:
          print 'curvCorr ', result.curvCorr(), ' xT_corr ', result.xTCorr(vtx_idx), ' yT_corr ', result.yTCorr(vtx_idx)
          print 'd0_corr ', result.d0Corr(vtx_idx), ' z0_corr ', result.z0Corr(vtx_idx)
          print 'd0_gbl ', result.d0_gbl(vtx_idx), ' (', result.track.d0(), ') z0_gbl ' , result.z0_gbl(vtx_idx), ' (', result.track.z0(), ')' 
          print 'locPar ', result.locPar[1]

        for label,corr in result.locPar.iteritems():
          if label>0:
            lbl = 2*(label-1) + 1
            lbl = -1*2*label
          plot.h_xT_corr.Fill(lbl, corr[result.idx_xT])
          plot.h_yT_corr.Fill(lbl, corr[result.idx_yT])

        for istrip in range(len(track.strips)):
          strip = track.strips[istrip]
            # find the label, if not found it's the vertex
          if strip in stripLabelMap:
            iLabel = stripLabelMap[strip]
            iLabel = 1

          plot.fillSensorPlots("res", strip.deName, strip.ures)
          plot.fillSensorPlots("res_truth", strip.deName, strip.uresTruth)
          #track direction corrections
          point = istrip + 2
          plot.fillSensorPlots("corr_lambda",strip.deName, result.locPar[point][result.idx_lambda])
          plot.fillSensorPlots("corrdiff_lambda",strip.deName, result.locPar[point][result.idx_lambda]-result.locPar[point-1][result.idx_lambda])
          plot.fillSensorPlots("corr_phi",strip.deName, result.locPar[point][result.idx_phi])
          plot.fillSensorPlots("corrdiff_phi",strip.deName, result.locPar[point][result.idx_phi]-result.locPar[point-1][result.idx_phi])
          # correction to xT,yT from GBL fit
          corr = np.matrix( [result.locPar[iLabel][3], result.locPar[iLabel][4] ] )
          # project to measurement direction
          corr_meas = np.matrix( proL2m_list[strip.id] ) * np.transpose( np.matrix( corr ) )
          ures_gbl = strip.ures - corr_meas[0,0] # note minus sign due to definition of residual
          plot.fillSensorPlots("res_gbl", strip.deName, ures_gbl)
          plot.fillSensorPlots("res_gbl_vs_vpred", strip.deName, [ures_gbl,tPosMeas[1]])
          if abs(strip.meas) > 20.:
            print 'really, this shouldnt happen? ', strip.meas
          #if abs(tPosMeas[1]) > 50.:
          #  print 'really2? ', tPosMeas
          #  #sys.exit(1)
          plot.fillSensorPlots("res_gbl_vs_u", strip.deName, [ures_gbl, strip.meas] )
          plot.fillSensorPlots("iso", strip.deName, strip.iso)

          # plot residuals of the seed vs the corrected seed
          if nTry < 999999:

            if args.debug: print '========= START DEBUG TRACK RESIDUALS ======== '

            # get the residual from the seed track perigee track parameters
            uResSeed = utils.getMeasurementResidualIterative(track.perPar,strip.origin,strip.u,strip.w,strip.meas,1.0e-8)

            # get the GBL corrections to the perigee track parameters at this point
            # NOTE: this is wrong!
            perParCorr = result.getPerParCorr(iLabel,bfac)
            if args.debug: print 'perPar     ', track.perPar
            if args.debug: print 'perParCorr ', perParCorr

            # get the residual from the *corrected* (see note above) seed track perigee track parameters
            uResSeedCorrWrong = utils.getMeasurementResidualIterative(perParCorr,strip.origin,strip.u,strip.w,strip.meas,1.0e-8)
            uResSeedCorrCmpWrong = abs(uResSeedCorrWrong) - abs(uResSeed)

            # plot the difference in residuals b/w the corrected and uncorrected track
            plot.fillSensorPlots("res_diff_wrong_gbl_seed", strip.deName, abs(uResSeedCorrWrong) - abs(uResSeed) )

            if args.debug: print 'WRONG diff ', uResSeedCorrCmpWrong, ' uResSeedCorrWrong', uResSeedCorrWrong, ' uResSeed ', uResSeed

            # This is the correct way of getting the corrected track parameters in perigee frame

            # Create a SimpleHelix object from the original seed track parameters
            # note that it uses slope instead of theta and difference ordering
            # [C,phi0,dca,slope,z0]
            helixSeed = simpleHelix.SimpleHelix([ track.perPar[0], track.perPar[2], track.perPar[3], math.tan(math.pi/2.0 - track.perPar[1]), track.perPar[4] ])

            if args.debug:
              print 'helixSeed '

            # define reference points
            # global origin
            refPointAtOrg = [ 0., 0. ]
            # intersection of seed track with plane
            refPointAtPlane = [ strip.tPos[0],strip.tPos[1] ]

            if args.debug: print 'move helix to interception of seed track and plane which is at x,y ', refPointAtPlane, ' ( tPos ',strip.tPos,')'
            helixSeedParsAtPoint = helixSeed.moveToL3( refPointAtPlane )

            # create the helix at the new ref point
            helixSeedAtPoint = simpleHelix.SimpleHelix( helixSeedParsAtPoint, refPointAtPlane )

            if args.debug:
              print 'helixSeedAtPoint'
            # compare to the other propagation function
            if args.debug:
              helixSeedParsAtPointOther = helixSeed.moveTo( refPointAtPlane )
              helixSeedAtPointOther = simpleHelix.SimpleHelix( helixSeedParsAtPointOther, refPointAtPlane )
              print 'helixSeedAtPointOther'
              print 'diff b/w propagations: ', np.array(helixSeedParsAtPoint) - np.array(helixSeedParsAtPointOther)
            # find the GBL corrections in perigee frame
            if args.debug: print 'get corrections in perFrame'
            perCorrections = result.getPerCorrections(iLabel, bfac)
            if args.debug: print 'perCorrection [C,theta,phi,d0,z0] ', perCorrections

            # get the corrections in the simpleHelix representation (slope instead of theta and different ordering)
            perCorrections = np.array( [ perCorrections[0], perCorrections[2], perCorrections[3], result.getSlopeCorrection(iLabel), perCorrections[4] ] )
            if args.debug: print 'perCorrection [C,phi,slope,d0,z0] ', perCorrections

            # cross-check the corrections in perigee frame with different formula
            perCorrectionsDiff = result.getPerCorrectionsOther(iLabel, bfac) - perCorrections
            #if args.debug: print 'perCorrectionOther ', perCorrectionsOther
            if args.debug: print 'Cross check perCorrections w/ different formula: ', perCorrectionsDiff
            if all( abs(i)>1e-5 for i in perCorrectionsDiff[:]):
                raise HpsGblException('Correction ', i, ' in perCorrections is different ', perCorrectionsDiff )
            # correct the perigee helix parameters at this point
            helixParsAtPoint = np.array( helixSeedAtPoint.getParameters() )            
            helixParsAtPointCorrected = helixParsAtPoint + perCorrections

            if args.debug:
              print 'helixParsAtPoint', helixParsAtPoint
              print 'perCorrections', perCorrections
              print 'helixParsAtPointCorrected', helixParsAtPointCorrected
            # create a SimpleHelix object from the corrected parameters
            helixCorrAtPoint = simpleHelix.SimpleHelix( helixParsAtPointCorrected, refPointAtPlane )

            if args.debug:
              print 'helixCorrAtPoint'

            # change reference point of the corrected helix to the original one
            #delta_refPointAtOrg = np.array( refPointAtOrg ) - np.array( refPointAtPlane )
            helixParsAtOrg = helixCorrAtPoint.moveToL3( refPointAtOrg )

            # create a SimpleHelix object from the corrected parameters at org
            helixCorr = simpleHelix.SimpleHelix( helixParsAtOrg, refPointAtOrg )

            if args.debug:
              print 'helixCorr'

            # get the residual from the corrected track parameters at this point
            perParCorrSH = helixCorr.getParameters()
            if args.debug: print 'get residuals for parameters perParCorrSH ', perParCorrSH
            perParCorr = [ perParCorrSH[0], math.pi / 2.0 - math.atan( perParCorrSH[3] ), perParCorrSH[1], perParCorrSH[2], perParCorrSH[4] ]
            if args.debug: print ' and in [C,theta,phi,d0,z0] ', perParCorr
            uResSeedCorr = utils.getMeasurementResidualIterative(perParCorr,strip.origin,strip.u,strip.w,strip.meas,1.0e-8)
            uResSeedCorrCmp = abs(uResSeedCorr) - abs(uResSeed)

            # plot the difference in residuals b/w the corrected and uncorrected track
            plot.fillSensorPlots("res_diff_gbl_seed", strip.deName, abs(uResSeedCorr) - abs(uResSeed) )

            if args.debug: print 'CORR diff ', abs(uResSeedCorr) - abs(uResSeed), ' uResSeedCorr', uResSeedCorr, ' uResSeed ', uResSeed

            uResSeedCorrCmpVal = abs(uResSeedCorrCmp) - abs(uResSeedCorrCmpWrong)

            if args.debug: print 'CORR diff cmp ', uResSeedCorrCmpVal, ' uResSeedCorrCmp ', uResSeedCorrCmp, ' uResSeedCorrCmpWrong ', uResSeedCorrCmpWrong

            if args.debug: print '========= END DEBUG TRACK RESIDUALS ======== '

          # make plots for a given track only
          if nTry==0:
            meass = np.array([strip.ures, 0.])
            # find corrections to xT and yT
            plot.gr_corr_ures.SetPoint(istrip, strip.pathLen3D, corr_meas[0,0]) #u-direction
            ures_corr =  meass - corr_meas.T
            plot.gr_ures_corr.SetPoint(istrip, strip.pathLen3D, ures_corr[0,0]) #u-direction
      nTry += 1

  end = time.clock()
  print " Processed %d tracks " % nTry
  print " Time [s] ", end - start
  if nTry > 0:
    print " Chi2Sum/NdfSum ", Chi2Sum / NdfSum
    print " LostSum/nTry ", LostSum / nTry
  print " Make plots "
  if nTry > 0 and not args.noshow:
    if args.save:
      hps_plots.saveHistosToFile(gDirectory,'gbltst-hps-plots-%s.root' % nametag)
예제 #3
def example1():


    nTry = 1000  #: number of tries
    nLayer = 5  #: number of detector layers
    print " Gbltst $Rev$ ", nTry, nLayer
    start = time.clock()
    # track direction
    sinLambda = 0.3
    cosLambda = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda**2)
    sinPhi = 0.
    cosPhi = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinPhi**2)
    # Curvilinear system: track direction T, U = Z x T / |Z x T|, V = T x U
    tuvDir = np.array([[cosLambda * cosPhi, cosLambda * sinPhi, sinLambda], \
                       [-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.], \
                       [-sinLambda * cosPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosLambda]])
    # measurement resolution
    measErr = np.array([0.001, 0.001])  # 10 mu
    measPrec = 1.0 / measErr**2
    # scattering error
    scatErr = 0.001  # 1 mrad
    # RMS of CurviLinear track parameters (Q/P, slopes, offsets)
    clErr = np.array([0.001, -0.1, 0.2, -0.15, 0.25])
    # precision matrix for external seed (in local system)
    locSeed = None
    seedLabel = 0  # label of point with seed
    if seedLabel != 0:
        print " external seed at label ", seedLabel
    bfac = 0.2998  # Bz*c for Bz=1
    step = 1.5 / cosLambda  # constant steps in RPhi
    Chi2Sum = 0.
    NdfSum = 0
    LostSum = 0.
    binaryFile = open("milleBinaryISN.dat", "wb")
    for iTry in range(nTry):
        # generate (CurviLinear) track parameters
        clNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 5)
        clPar = clErr * clNorm
        # covariance matrix
        clCov = np.eye(5)
        for i in range(5):
            clCov[i, i] = clErr[i]**2
# arclength
        s = 0.
        # point-to-point jacobian (from previous point)
        jacPointToPoint = np.eye(5)
        # additional (local or global) derivatives
        addDer = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])
        labGlobal = np.array([[4711], [4711]])
        # create trajectory
        traj = GblTrajectory(bfac != 0.)

        # at previous point: transformation from local to curvilinear system
        oldL2c = np.eye(5)

        for iLayer in range(nLayer):
            #print " layer ", iLayer
            # measurement directions (J,K) from stereo angle
            sinStereo = (0. if iLayer % 2 == 0 else 0.1)
            cosStereo = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinStereo**2)
            # measurement system: I, J ,K
            ijkDir = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], \
                               [0., cosStereo, sinStereo], \
                               [0., -sinStereo, cosStereo]])
            # local system: measurement or curvilinear
            #local = gblMeasSystem(ijkDir, tuvDir)
            local = gblCurviSystem(ijkDir, tuvDir)
            # projections
            proL2m = local.getTransLocalToMeas()
            proL2c = local.getTransLocalToCurvi()
            proC2l = np.linalg.inv(proL2c)
            # projection curvilinear to measurement directions
            proC2m = local.getTransCurviToMeas()
            # measurement - prediction in measurement system with error
            measNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 2)
            meas = np.dot(proC2m, clPar[3:5]) + measErr * measNorm
            # jacobian is calculated in curvilinear system and transformed
            jac = np.dot(proC2l, np.dot(jacPointToPoint, oldL2c))
            # point with (independent) measurements (in measurement system)
            point = GblPoint(jac)
            point.addMeasurement([proL2m, meas, measPrec])
            # additional local parameters?
            #      point.addLocals(addDer)
            # additional global parameters?
            point.addGlobals(labGlobal, addDer)
            addDer = -addDer  # locDer flips sign every measurement
            # add point to trajectory
            iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)
            if iLabel == abs(seedLabel):
                clSeed = np.linalg.inv(clCov)
                locSeed = np.dot(proL2c, np.dot(clSeed, proL2c.T))
# propagate to scatterer
            jacPointToPoint = gblSimpleJacobian(step, cosLambda, bfac)
            clPar = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, clPar)
            clCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(clCov, jacPointToPoint.T))
            s += step
            if (iLayer < nLayer - 1):
                scat = np.array([0., 0.])
                # point with scatterer
                jac = np.dot(proC2l, np.dot(jacPointToPoint, proL2c))
                point = GblPoint(jac)
                if scatErr > 0:
                    scatP = local.getScatPrecision(scatErr)
                    point.addScatterer([scat, scatP])
                iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)
                if iLabel == abs(seedLabel):
                    clSeed = np.linalg.inv(clCov)
                    locSeed = np.dot(proL2c, np.dot(clSeed, proL2c.T))

# scatter a little
                scatNorm = np.random.normal(0., 1., 2)
                clPar[1:3] = clPar[1:3] + scatErr * scatNorm
                # propagate to next measurement layer
                clPar = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, clPar)
                clCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(clCov,
                s += step
            oldL2c = proL2c

# add external seed
        if locSeed is not None:
            traj.addExternalSeed(seedLabel, locSeed)

# fit trajectory
        Chi2, Ndf, Lost = traj.fit()
        print " Record, Chi2, Ndf, Lost", iTry, Chi2, Ndf, Lost
        # dump trajectory
        # write to MP binary file
        #    traj.milleOut(binaryFile)
        # sum up
        Chi2Sum += Chi2
        NdfSum += Ndf
        LostSum += Lost
        # get corrections and covariance matrix at points
        if (iTry == 0):
            for i in range(1, nLayer + 1):
                locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(-i)
                print " >Point ", i
                print " locPar ", locPar
                #print " locCov ", locCov
                locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(i)
                print " Point> ", i
                print " locPar ", locPar
                #print " locCov ", locCov
# check residuals
            for i in range(traj.getNumPoints()):
                numData, aResiduals, aMeasErr, aResErr, aDownWeight = traj.getMeasResults(
                    i + 1)
                for j in range(numData):
                    print " measRes ", i, j, aResiduals[j], aMeasErr[
                        j], aResErr[j], aDownWeight[j]
                numData, aResiduals, aMeasErr, aResErr, aDownWeight = traj.getScatResults(
                    i + 1)
                for j in range(numData):
                    print " scatRes ", i, j, aResiduals[j], aMeasErr[
                        j], aResErr[j], aDownWeight[j]
    end = time.clock()
    print " Time [s] ", end - start
    print " Chi2Sum/NdfSum ", Chi2Sum / NdfSum
    print " LostSum/nTry ", LostSum / nTry
예제 #4
def exampleHpsTest(inputfile):
  Read initial fit and points from  test file
  Create trajectory from points,
  fit and write trajectory to MP-II binary file,
  get track parameter corrections and covariance matrix at points.
  Detector arrangement from text file

  Chi2Sum = 0.
  NdfSum = 0
  LostSum = 0.

  Bz = -0.5 # full detector  -0.491 for test run detector
  bfac = 0.0002998 * Bz # for Bz in Tesla, momentum in GeV and Radius in mm


  binaryFile = open("milleBinaryISN.dat", "wb")

  inputFile = open(inputfile, 'r')
  events = utils.readHPSEvents(inputFile, nEventsMax)
  print 'Read %d events from file' % len(events)

  #print " GblHpsTest $Rev: 234 $ ", nTry, nLayer
  nTry = 0
  start = time.clock()

  h_chi2prob_gbl_truth = TH1F('h_chi2prob_gbl_truth','h_chi2prob_gbl_truth',50,0,1)
  h_chi2prob_initial_truth = TH1F('h_chi2prob_initial_truth','h_chi2prob_initial_truth',50,0,1)

  for event in events:
    if debug: print '\nEvent %d has %d tracks ' % (event.id, len(event.tracks))

    for track in event.tracks:

      if debug: print '\nProcessing track %d \n p = %.3f p(truth)=%.3f' % (track.id, track.p(bfac), track.p_truth(bfac))

      # if there's no truth info -> skip it
      if track.p_truth(bfac) == 0.:
        print 'No truth info, skip track %d in event %d ' % (track.id, event.id)
      traj = GblTrajectory(True)

      #print " perPar ", track.perParTruth
#      hlxPar = [ cmp(bfac, 0.) * track.curvature(), track.phi0(), track.d0(), track.slope(), track.z0()]
      hlxPar = [ cmp(bfac, 0.) * track.curvature(), track.phi0(), -track.d0(), track.slope(), track.z0()]
      #hlxPar = [ cmp(bfac, 0.) * track.curvature_truth(), track.phi0_truth(), track.d0_truth(), track.slope_truth(), track.z0_truth()]
      #print " hlxPar ", hlxPar
      hlx = SimpleHelix(hlxPar)
      cosLambda = hlx.getZSDirection()[0]
      # stupid error for now
      #clCov = np.eye(5)
      #for i in range(5):
      #  clCov[i, i] = clErr[i] ** 2
      #clCov = track.clCov

      stripLabelMap = {}
      if debug: print 'Track has %d strip clusters' % len(track.strips)
      # arc length
      s = 0.
      # point-to-point jacobian (from previous point)    
      jacPointToPoint = np.eye(5)
      #start trajectory at reference point (defining s=0)
      point = GblPoint(jacPointToPoint)
      refLabel = traj.addPoint(point)

      # multiple scattering covariance matrix (for curvilinear track parameters)        
      msCov = np.zeros((5, 5))

      # store projection for later use
      proM2l_list = {} 
      proL2m_list = {} 

      for strip in track.strips:
        if debug: print '\nProcessing strip %d at layer %d ' % (strip.id, strip.layer)
        # direction in detector plane in XY: (xDir, yDir, 0.) 
        xDir = -strip.w[1]
        yDir = strip.w[0]
        # direction in detector plane in Z: (0., 0., 1.) 
        # position of detector (center)
        xDet = strip.origin[0]
        yDet = strip.origin[1]
        zDet = strip.origin[2]
        # get prediction along the 2 directions (in the detector plane)
        pred = hlx.getExpectedPlanePos(xDet, yDet, xDir, yDir, zDet)
        if pred is None:
          continue # no intersection of track and detector
        # prediction position (in global system)
        xPred = xDet + pred[0] * xDir
        yPred = yDet + pred[0] * yDir
        zPred = zDet + pred[1]

        # project onto u-direction
        uPred = pred[0] * (xDir * strip.u[0] + yDir * strip.u[1]) + pred[1] * strip.u[2]

        # stupid iterative intercept
        predIter = utils.getXPlanePositionIterative(track.perPar,strip.origin,strip.w,1.0e-8)
        diffIter = predIter - strip.origin
        uPredIter = np.dot(strip.u , diffIter.T )
        #xPred = predIter[0]
        #yPred = predIter[1]
        #zPred = predIter[2]
        #pred0 = (predIter[0] - xDet) / xDir
        #pred1 = (predIter[1] - zDet)
        #uPredIter = pred0 * (xDir * strip.u[0] + yDir * strip.u[1]) + pred1 * strip.u[2]

        # u residuum
        uRes = strip.meas - uPred
        uResIter = strip.meas - uPredIter
        #uRes = uResIter
        # (3D) arc-length
        sArc = pred[3] / cosLambda
        phi = pred[4]
        #print " pred ", sArc, xPred, yPred, zPred
        if nTry == 0:
          print " uRes ",strip.id, ' uRes ',  uRes, ' pred ', xPred, yPred, zPred, ' s(3D) ', sArc
          #print " uRes ", strip.id, 'uRes(Cl) ', uRes, ' uRes ', strip.ures, ' uResIter ', uResIter, ' pred ', xPred, yPred, zPred, ' predIter ', predIter, ' s(3D) ', sArc
         #print -1*track.d0(),track.z0(),track.phi0(),track.slope(),track.curvature()
          #print predIter, diffIter, strip.u, uPredIter, strip.meas
          #print " uRes ", strip.id, uRes, uResIter, strip.ures, strip.ures_err, ' pred ', xPred, yPred, zPred, ' s ', pred[3], ' s3D ', sArc, ' on plane ', np.dot(np.array([[xPred, yPred, zPred]]) - strip.origin , np.array([strip.w]).T )
          #print ' predIter ', predIter
          #print ' predIter diff ', (np.array([xPred,yPred,zPred]) - predIter) 

          #print " java ", strip.id , strip.ures, ' pred ', strip.tPos, ' on plane ', np.dot(np.array([strip.tPos]) - strip.origin , np.array([strip.w]).T ) 
        step = sArc - s

        if debug: print 'Step %f (s %f pathLen %f)' % (step, s, sArc)

        # measurement direction(s): (m[0]=u, m[1]=v) 
        if debug: print 'Strip udir', strip.u
        if debug: print 'Strip vdir', strip.v
        mDir = np.array([strip.u, strip.v])
        if debug: 
          print 'mDir:\n', mDir
        # track direction: in x directon
        sinLambda = strip.sinLambda
        cosLambda = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda ** 2)
        sinPhi = strip.sinPhi
        cosPhi = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinPhi ** 2)
        if debug: print 'Track direction sinLambda=%f sinPhi=%f' % (sinLambda, sinPhi)
        #  tDir = np.array([cosLambda * cosPhi, cosLambda * sinPhi, sinLambda])
        # U = Z x T / |Z x T|, V = T x U
        uvDir = np.array([[-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.], \
                            [-sinLambda * cosPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosLambda]])
        # projection measurement to local (curvilinear uv) directions (duv/dm)
        proM2l = np.dot(uvDir, mDir.T)

        proM2l_list[strip.id] = proM2l

        if debug: print 'proM2l:\n', proM2l

        # projection local (uv) to measurement directions (dm/duv)
        proL2m = np.linalg.inv(proM2l)

        proL2m_list[strip.id] = proL2m

        if debug: print 'proL2m:\n', proL2m

        # measurement/residual in the measurement system
        #meas = np.array([strip.ures, 0.])
        meas = np.array([uRes, 0.])
        #meas[0] += deltaU[iLayer] # misalignment
        measErr = np.array([strip.ures_err, strip.ures_err])
        measPrec = 1.0 / measErr ** 2
        measPrec[1] = 0. # 1D measurement perpendicular to strip direction
        if debug: print 'meas ', meas, ' measErr ', measErr, ' measPrec ', measPrec

        #propagate to this strip
        #jacPointToPoint = utils.gblSimpleJacobianLambdaPhi(step, cosLambda, bfac)
        jacPointToPoint = hlx.getPropagatorSimple(step, abs(bfac))
        #print jacPointToPoint
        point = GblPoint(jacPointToPoint)
        if debug: 
          print 'jacPointToPoint to extrapolate to this point:'
          print point.getP2pJacobian()
        #propagate MS covariance matrix        
        msCov = np.dot(jacPointToPoint, np.dot(msCov, jacPointToPoint.T))
        # MS covariance for measurements
        measMsCov = np.dot(proL2m, np.dot(msCov[3:, 3:], proL2m.T))
        if debug:
          print " uPred ", strip.id, pred[3], uPred, strip.meas, strip.ures, strip.ures_err, measMsCov[0, 0]
        if debug:
          print 'msCov propagated to this point:'
          print msCov
          print 'measMsCov at this point to be used in measPrec:'
          print measMsCov
        if useUncorrMS:
          # blow up measurement errors according to multiple scattering
          measPrec[0] = 1.0 / (measErr[0] ** 2 + measMsCov[0, 0])
        point.addMeasurement([proL2m, meas, measPrec])

        if debug:
          print 'measMsCov ', measMsCov[0, 0]
        scat = np.array([0., 0.])
        scatErr = np.array([ strip.scatAngle, strip.scatAngle / cosLambda]) 
        scatPrec = 1.0 / scatErr ** 2
        if not useUncorrMS:
          point.addScatterer([scat, scatPrec])
        #update MS covariance matrix
        msCov[1, 1] += scatErr[0] ** 2; msCov[2, 2] += scatErr[1] ** 2

        if debug:
          print 'adding scatError to the msCov from this point:'
          print scatErr
        addDer = np.array([[1.0], [0.0]])
        #top or bottom half        
        if math.copysign(1, sinLambda) > 0:
          offset = 11101
          offset = 21101
        labGlobal = np.array([[offset + strip.layer], [0]])
        point.addGlobals(labGlobal, addDer)
        # add point to trajectory
        iLabel = traj.addPoint(point)
        s += step
        stripLabelMap[strip] = iLabel
      if debug: print 'Do the fit'
      Chi2, Ndf, Lost = traj.fit()

      # write to millepede

      # sum up    
      Chi2Sum += Chi2
      NdfSum += Ndf
      LostSum += Lost
      # get corrections and covariance matrix at points 
      result = utils.GBLResults(track)
      if nTry == 0:
        print 'fit result: Chi2=%f Ndf=%d Lost=%d' % (Chi2, Ndf, Lost)
        print 'get corrections and covariance matrix for %d points:' % 1 #traj.getNumPoints()
      for i in range(1, traj.getNumPoints() + 1):      
        # label start at 1
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(-i)
        if nTry < 0:
          print " >Point ", i
          print " locPar ", locPar
          #print " locCov ", locCov      
        result.addPoint(-i, locPar, locCov)
        locPar, locCov = traj.getResults(i)
        if nTry < 0:
          print " Point> ", i
          print " locPar ", locPar
          #print " locCov ", locCov
        result.addPoint(i, locPar, locCov)

      # calculate the truth chi2 from initial fit
      # get the truth and fitted params with indexes same as cov matrix of initial fit (dca,phi0,curv,z0,slope)
      perParVec = np.array([track.d0(), track.phi0(), track.curvature(), track.z0(), track.slope()])
      perParVecTruth = np.array([track.d0_truth(), track.phi0_truth(), track.curvature_truth(), track.z0_truth(), track.slope_truth()])
      perParVecRes = perParVec - perParVecTruth
      chi2_initial_truth = np.dot(perParVecRes, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(track.perCov) , perParVecRes))

      # calculate the truth chi2 from gbl fit at vertex
      clParVtx = np.array(track.clPar) + np.array(result.locPar[1])
      clParTruth = np.array(track.clParTruth)
      clParRes = clParVtx - clParTruth
      chi2_gbl_truth = np.dot(clParRes, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(result.locCov[1]), clParRes))

      #print " truth ", track.clParTruth
      #print " res ", refLabel, result.locPar[refLabel], result.locCov[refLabel]
      # calculate chi2 for seeding by truth 
      label = 1#refLabel
      chi2_res = np.dot(result.locPar[label], np.dot(np.linalg.inv(result.locCov[label]), result.locPar[label]))
      #chi2_res4 = np.dot(result.locPar[label][:4], np.dot(np.linalg.inv(result.locCov[label][:4, :4]), result.locPar[label][:4]))
      print " Chi2: ",
      #for i in range(5):
      #  print track.clParTruth[i], result.locPar[label][i] / math.sqrt(result.locCov[label][i][i]),
      print event.id, chi2_res, chi2_gbl_truth, chi2_initial_truth
      #print clParRes
      #print track.clPar
      #print result.locPar[1]
      #print clParVtx
      #print clParTruth
      #print result.locCov[label]

      print " clPar ", track.clPar
      print " clParTruth ", track.clParTruth
      print " clParVtx ", clParVtx
      print " clParRes ", clParRes
      print " res[1] ", np.array(result.locPar[1])
      print " cov[1] ", result.locCov[1]
      # plots

      # transform phi to plot nicer
      if track.clPar[2]<math.pi:


      plots.h_qOverP_truth_res.Fill(track.qOverP(bfac) - track.q()/track.p_truth(bfac))
      plots.h_qOverP_truth_res_gbl.Fill(result.qOverP_gbl(bfac) - result.track.q()/result.track.p_truth(bfac))
      plots.h_p_truth_res_gbl.Fill(result.p_gbl(bfac) - result.track.p_truth(bfac))
      vtx_idx = 1 # first point is at s=0 (the "vtx" is at -670mm in test run)

      for label,corr in result.locPar.iteritems():
        if label>0:
          lbl = 2*(label-1) + 1
          lbl = -1*2*label
        plots.h_xT_corr.Fill(lbl, corr[result.idx_xT])
        plots.h_yT_corr.Fill(lbl, corr[result.idx_yT])

      for istrip in range(len(track.strips)):
        strip = track.strips[istrip]
          # find the label, if not found it's the vertex
        if strip in stripLabelMap:
          iLabel = stripLabelMap[strip]
          iLabel = 1

        # correction to xT,yT from GBL fit
        corr = np.matrix( [result.locPar[iLabel][3], result.locPar[iLabel][4] ] )
        # project to measurement direction
        corr_meas = np.matrix( proL2m_list[strip.id] ) * np.transpose( np.matrix( corr ) )
        ures_gbl = strip.ures - corr_meas[0,0] # note minus sign due to definition of residual
        # make plots for a given track only
        if nTry==0:
          meas = np.array([strip.ures, 0.])
          #locRes = np.matrix(proM2l_list[strip.id]) *  np.transpose(np.matrix(meas))
          #xT_res = locRes[0,0]
          #yT_res = locRes[1,0]
          # find corrections to xT and yT
          plots.gr_corr_ures.SetPoint(istrip, strip.pathLen, corr_meas[0,0]) #u-direction
          ures_corr =  meas - corr_meas.T
          plots.gr_ures_corr.SetPoint(istrip, strip.pathLen, ures_corr[0,0]) #u-direction
      nTry += 1

  end = time.clock()
  print " Processed %d tracks " % nTry
  print " Time [s] ", end - start
  print " Chi2Sum/NdfSum ", Chi2Sum / NdfSum
  print " LostSum/nTry ", LostSum / nTry

  c = TCanvas('c','c',10,10,700,500)
  ans = raw_input('kill...')