def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(1, gbv.LIFECAM_3000) camera.resize(0.75, 0.75) # connect to camera camera.set_exposure(-8) # switch to auto exposure mode # this works on windows, when using a raspberry pi use booleans instead threshold_func = gbv.EMPTY_PIPELINE + CARGO_THRESHOLD + gbv.Erode( 5) + gbv.Dilate(10) # the full pipeline of thresholding and denoising window = gbv.CameraWindow( 'camera 0', camera, drawing_pipeline=gbv. DrawCircles( # draw the outline circles of the cargos threshold_func, (255, 0, 0), # threshold and color is blue (bgr) contours_process=gbv.FilterContours(100), # filter small contours circle_process=gbv.sort_circles + gbv.filter_inner_circles )) # sort circles and delete the inner circles
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) camera.set_exposure(-5) window = gbv.CameraWindow('feed', camera) while True: frame = window.show_and_get_frame() k = window.last_key_pressed if k == 'r': bbox = cv2.selectROI('feed', frame) thr = gbv.median_threshold(frame, stdv, bbox, 'HSV') break cv2.destroyAllWindows() print(thr) original = gbv.FeedWindow(window_name='original') after_proc = gbv.FeedWindow(window_name='after threshold', drawing_pipeline=thr) while True: ok, frame = if not original.show_frame(frame): break if not after_proc.show_frame(frame): break original.close() after_proc.close()
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0, gbv.UNKNOWN_CAMERA) #camera.set_exposure(-1) cv2.namedWindow('window', cv2.WINDOW_FREERATIO) ok, frame = while ok: ok, frame = cv2.imshow('window', frame) k = chr(cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF) if k == 'r': bbox = cv2.selectROI('window', frame) thr = gbv.median_threshold(frame, stdv, bbox, 'HSV') break cv2.destroyAllWindows() print(thr) original = gbv.FeedWindow(window_name='original') after_proc = gbv.FeedWindow(window_name='after threshold', drawing_pipeline=thr + gbv.Erode(3) + gbv.Dilate(3)) while True: ok, frame = if not original.show_frame(frame): break if not after_proc.show_frame(frame): break original.close() after_proc.close()
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0, gbv.LIFECAM_3000) threshold_function = THRESHOLD_CONST + gbv.MedianBlur(5) finder = gbv.RotatedRectFinder( threshold_function, OBJECT_CONST, contour_min_area=100, rotated_rects_process=gbv.sort_rotated_rects + gbv.filter_inner_rotated_rects) window = gbv.CameraWindow( 'feed', camera, drawing_pipeline=gbv.DrawRotatedRects( threshold_func=threshold_function, color=(255, 0, 0), contours_process=gbv.FilterContours(1000), rotated_rects_process=gbv.sort_rotated_rects + gbv.filter_inner_rotated_rects)) while window.is_opened(): frame = window.show_and_get_frame() objects = finder(frame, camera) if len(objects): print("object is at distance: %s meters" % (gbv.distance_from_object(objects[0]))) window.close()
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) find_fuel = gbv.CircleFinder(FUEL_THRESHOLD, FUEL, contour_min_area=1000) fuel_follower = None window = gbv.FeedWindow('follow') ok = True found_fuel = False tracker = gbv.Tracker('MEDIANFLOW') while ok: ok, frame = all_fuels = find_fuel.find_shapes(frame) if (not found_fuel) and len(all_fuels) > 0: nearest_fuel = all_fuels[0] fuel_follower = gbv.ContinuesCircle(shape=nearest_fuel, frame=frame, tracker=tracker) found_fuel = True if found_fuel: for check in all_fuels: if fuel_follower.update(frame=frame, shape=check): break else: fuel_follower.update_forced(frame=frame) frame = gbv.draw_circles(frame=frame, circs=[fuel_follower.get()], color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=10) if len(all_fuels) == 0: found_fuel = False if fuel_follower is not None and fuel_follower.is_lost(max_count=20): found_fuel = False if not window.show_frame(frame): break
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0, gbv.LIFECAM_3000) find_cargo = gbv.CircleFinder(CARGO_THRESHOLD, CARGO) while True: ok, frame = all_cargos = find_cargo(frame, camera) if len(all_cargos) > 0: nearest_cargo = all_cargos[0] print('found cargo at distance %f meters and %f angles' % (gbv.distance_from_object(nearest_cargo), gbv.plane_angle_by_location(nearest_cargo)))
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0, gbv.LIFECAM_3000) find_fuel = gbv.CircleFinder(FUEL_THRESHOLD, FUEL) while True: ok, frame = all_fuels = find_fuel(frame, camera) if len(all_fuels) > 0: nearest_fuel = all_fuels[0] print('found fuel at distance %f meters and %f angles' % (gbv.distance_from_object(nearest_fuel), gbv.plane_angle_by_location(nearest_fuel)))
def __init__(self, seconds_buffer, extra_seconds, stream_url, filename): """ abstract class for stream recorder :param seconds_buffer: How much time you enter into the buffer :param extra_seconds: How much time to record directly into the recorder """ = gbv.USBCamera(stream_url) self.recorder = gbv.OpenCVRecorder(f"video/{filename}.avi", FPS) self.buffer = deque(maxlen=seconds_buffer) self.extra_seconds = extra_seconds self.status =[0] self.frame =[1]
def send_tcp_stream(port: int): global python_stream_running if not python_stream_running: python_stream_running = True camera = gbv.USBCamera(port) try: stream = gbv.TCPStreamBroadcaster(STREAM_PORT) while True: ok, frame = stream.send_frame(frame) except gbv.TCPStreamClosed: camera.release() python_stream_running = False
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) camera.set_exposure(-5) find_fuel = gbv.CircleFinder(FUEL_THRESHOLD, FUEL, contour_min_area=CONTOUR_MIN_AREA) window = gbv.CameraWindow( 'feed', camera, drawing_pipeline=gbv.DrawCircles( FUEL_THRESHOLD, (0, 255, 0), contours_process=gbv.FilterContours(CONTOUR_MIN_AREA), thickness=6)) while True: frame = window.show_and_get_frame() fuels = find_fuel.find_shapes(frame) k = window.last_key_pressed if k == 'r': wrapper = gbv.ContinuesShapeWrapper(fuels, frame, find_fuel.find_shapes, shape_type=SHAPE_TYPE, tracker_type=TRACKER_TYPE, shape_lifespan=20, track_new=True) break window.close() window = gbv.FeedWindow('track') ok = True while ok: ok, frame = fuels = wrapper.find_shapes(frame) for i, fuel in fuels.items(): if fuel is None: continue frame = gbv.draw_circles(frame, [fuel], (0, 255, 0), thickness=6) frame = gbv.draw_text(frame, f'ID: {i}', (int(fuel[0][0]) - 10, int(fuel[0][1]) - 10), 1, (0, 255, 0), thickness=3) if not window.show_frame(frame): break
def main(): finder = gbv.TargetPairFinder( VISION_TARGET_THRESHOLD + gbv.Erode(3) + gbv.Dilate(4), VISION_TARGET) # define the target finder camera = gbv.USBCamera(0, gbv.LIFECAM_3000) # connect to camera camera.set_auto_exposure(False) # turn off auto exposure mode (on raspberry pi) camera.set_exposure(False) # turn exposure to minimum (on raspberry pi) while True: ok, frame = if ok: hatches = finder(frame, camera) if len(hatches) > 0: closest_hatch = hatches[0] print('found hatch at distance: %s\nand angle: %s' % (gbv.distance_from_object(closest_hatch), gbv.plane_angle_by_location(closest_hatch)))
def main(): print('place object in the middle of the frame and press r') width = float(input('Enter object width in meters >>> ')) height = float(input('Enter object height in meters >>> ')) z = float( input('Enter distance from object in the Z axis in meter units >>> ')) camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) camera.set_exposure(-3) window = gbv.CameraWindow('feed', camera) while True: frame = window.show_and_get_frame() k = window.last_key_pressed if k == 'r': bbox = cv2.selectROI('feed', frame) fov = find_fov(bbox, (width, height), z, (camera.get_width(), camera.get_height())) break cv2.destroyAllWindows() print(f'width fov: {fov[0] / 2}\nheight fov: {fov[1] / 2}')
def test_connect_to_camera(self): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) self.assertTrue(camera.is_opened()) self.assertTrue([0])
def main(): camera = gbv.USBCamera(0) window = gbv.RecordingCameraWindow(window_name='camera example', wrap_object=camera, file_name='record.avi', fps=camera.get_fps()) camera.release()