예제 #1
    def __init__(self, apiv='v1'):
        self.apiv = apiv
        # GCE also has a deprecated API "0.1" but we always want to use
        # the "computeMetadata" API
        self.api = 'computeMetadata'
        self.data_categories = ['project/', 'instance/']
        self.default_disk_id = '0'
        self.default_license_id = '0'
        self.default_net_dev_id = '0'
        self.default_subnet_id = '0'
        self.disk_data_shown = []
        self.disk_dev_id = -1
        self.header = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
        self.identity_arg = None
        self.identity_format = 'standard'
        self.license_data_shown = []
        self.license_id = -1
        self.net_data_shown = []
        self.net_dev_id = -1
        self.options = {}
        self.query_disk_data = False
        self.query_license_data = False
        self.query_net_data = False
        self.server = 'metadata.google.internal'
        self.subnet_id = -1

        if not self._test_connectivity(self.server, 80):
            msg = 'Could not connect to: %s' % self.server
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        if apiv not in self.get_available_api_versions():
            msg = 'Given API version "%s" not available' % apiv
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

예제 #2
 def set_subnet(self, subnet_id):
     """Set the subnet ID for this query"""
     if self.net_dev_id == -1:
         msg = 'When specifying the subnet the network device to query '
         msg += 'must also be specified with "--netid"'
         raise GCEMetadataException(msg)
     self.subnet_id = subnet_id
     self.query_net_data = True
     self.net_data_shown = []
예제 #3
def _open_file(path):
    """Open a file for the given path"""
    fout = None
        fout = open(path, 'w')
        msg = 'Unable to open file "%s" for writing' % path
        raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

    return fout
예제 #4
    def set_api_version(self, apiv):
        """Set the API Version to use for the query"""
        known_api_versions = self.get_available_api_versions()

        if apiv not in known_api_versions:
            msg = 'Specififed api version "%s" not available ' % apiv
            msg += 'must be one of %s' % known_api_versions
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        self.apiv = apiv
예제 #5
    def set_net_device(self, net_dev_id):
        """Set the network device ID to query"""
        known_ids = self._get_item_id_list('network-interfaces')
        if net_dev_id not in known_ids:
            msg = 'Requested device "%s" not available for ' % net_dev_id
            msg += 'query. Available network interfaces: %s' % known_ids
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        self.net_dev_id = net_dev_id
        self.query_net_data = True
        self.net_data_shown = []
예제 #6
    def set_disk_device(self, disk_id):
        """Set the disk device ID to query"""
        known_disk_ids = self._get_item_id_list('disks')
        if disk_id not in known_disk_ids:
            msg = 'Requested device "%s" not available for query. ' % disk_id
            msg += 'Available disks: %s' % known_disk_ids
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        self.disk_dev_id = disk_id
        self.query_disk_data = True
        self.disk_data_shown = []
예제 #7
    def set_license_id(self, license_id):
        """Set the id for the license to query"""
        known_ids = self._get_item_id_list('licenses')
        if license_id not in known_ids:
            msg = 'Requested license "%s" ' % license_id
            msg += 'not available for query.  '
            msg += 'Available license: %s' % known_ids
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        self.license_id = license_id
        self.query_license_data = True
        self.license_data_shown = []
예제 #8
    def set_data_category(self, category):
        """Set the data category for this query"""
        if category[-1] != '/':
            category = category + '/'
        if category not in self.data_categories:
            msg = 'Query option "%s" invalid, must be ' % category
            msg += 'one of %s' % self.data_categories
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        self.query_category = category

        return 1
예제 #9
    def get(self, option):
        """Get the data for the specified option"""
        option_map = self._gen_flat_option_list()
        if option not in option_map:
            return None
        if (option == 'disks' or option == 'network-interfaces'
                or option == 'licenses'):
            return self._get_item_id_list(option)

        path = None
        # Top level accessors and lower level accessors are not necessarily
        # unique, for example "id" is used for license and for instance id.
        # Thus we need to differentiate what the user is looking for. When
        # querying for a path that has suboptions such as disks, licenses,
        # and network interfaces we give preference to the sub options if
        # --diskid --licenseid or --netid where specifid. However we also
        # need to account for the usecase where the user may want both,
        # thus we need to keep track of the options already shown.
        if ((self.query_disk_data or self.query_license_data
             or self.query_net_data)
                and (option not in self.disk_data_shown
                     and option not in self.license_data_shown
                     and option not in self.net_data_shown)):
            path = self._get_path_from_suboption(option)
            if isinstance(path, dict):
                values = ''
                for key, uri in path.items():
                    values += self._get(self._build_full_url(uri + key))
                return values
        if not path:
            path = self.options[self.query_category].get(option, None)
        # Try the sub options again as the user may have specified a unique
        # suboption identifier such as --disk-name that we can find without
        # special handling
        if not path:
            path = self._get_path_from_suboption(option)

        if not path:
            msg = 'No query path for option "%s", please file a bug' % option
            raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

        path += option + self._add_arguments(option)

        return self._get(self._build_full_url(path))
예제 #10
def _write(file_path, data):
    """Write the data to the given file"""
    fout = None
    close_file = False
    if type(file_path) is str:
        fout = _open_file(file_path)
        close_file = True
    elif isinstance(file_path, IOBase):
        if file_path.closed:
            fout = _open_file(file_path.name)
            close_file = True
            fout = file_path
        if close_file:
        msg = 'Unable to write to file "%s"' % fout.name
        raise GCEMetadataException(msg)

    if close_file: