예제 #1
def _pb_attr_value(val):
    """Given a value, return the protobuf attribute name and proper value.

    The Protobuf API uses different attribute names based on value types
    rather than inferring the type.  This function simply determines the
    proper attribute name based on the type of the value provided and
    returns the attribute name as well as a properly formatted value.

    Certain value types need to be coerced into a different type (such
    as a `datetime.datetime` into an integer timestamp, or a
    `gcloud.datastore.key.Key` into a Protobuf representation.  This
    function handles that for you.

    .. note::
       Values which are "text" ('unicode' in Python2, 'str' in Python3) map
       to 'string_value' in the datastore;  values which are "bytes"
       ('str' in Python2, 'bytes' in Python3) map to 'blob_value'.

    For example:

    >>> _pb_attr_value(1234)
    ('integer_value', 1234)
    >>> _pb_attr_value('my_string')
    ('string_value', 'my_string')

    :type val: `datetime.datetime`, :class:`gcloud.datastore.key.Key`,
               bool, float, integer, string
    :param val: The value to be scrutinized.

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: A tuple of the attribute name and proper value type.

    if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
        name = 'timestamp'
        value = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(val)
    elif isinstance(val, Key):
        name, value = 'key', val.to_protobuf()
    elif isinstance(val, bool):
        name, value = 'boolean', val
    elif isinstance(val, float):
        name, value = 'double', val
    elif isinstance(val, six.integer_types):
        name, value = 'integer', val
    elif isinstance(val, six.text_type):
        name, value = 'string', val
    elif isinstance(val, (bytes, str)):
        name, value = 'blob', val
    elif isinstance(val, Entity):
        name, value = 'entity', val
    elif isinstance(val, list):
        name, value = 'array', val
    elif isinstance(val, GeoPoint):
        name, value = 'geo_point', val.to_protobuf()
    elif val is None:
        name, value = 'null', struct_pb2.NULL_VALUE
        raise ValueError("Unknown protobuf attr type %s" % type(val))

    return name + '_value', value
예제 #2
def _pb_attr_value(val):
    """Given a value, return the protobuf attribute name and proper value.

    The Protobuf API uses different attribute names based on value types
    rather than inferring the type.  This function simply determines the
    proper attribute name based on the type of the value provided and
    returns the attribute name as well as a properly formatted value.

    Certain value types need to be coerced into a different type (such
    as a `datetime.datetime` into an integer timestamp, or a
    `gcloud.datastore.key.Key` into a Protobuf representation.  This
    function handles that for you.

    .. note::
       Values which are "text" ('unicode' in Python2, 'str' in Python3) map
       to 'string_value' in the datastore;  values which are "bytes"
       ('str' in Python2, 'bytes' in Python3) map to 'blob_value'.

    For example:

    >>> _pb_attr_value(1234)
    ('integer_value', 1234)
    >>> _pb_attr_value('my_string')
    ('string_value', 'my_string')

    :type val: `datetime.datetime`, :class:`gcloud.datastore.key.Key`,
               bool, float, integer, string
    :param val: The value to be scrutinized.

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: A tuple of the attribute name and proper value type.

    if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
        name = 'timestamp'
        value = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(val)
    elif isinstance(val, Key):
        name, value = 'key', val.to_protobuf()
    elif isinstance(val, bool):
        name, value = 'boolean', val
    elif isinstance(val, float):
        name, value = 'double', val
    elif isinstance(val, six.integer_types):
        name, value = 'integer', val
    elif isinstance(val, six.text_type):
        name, value = 'string', val
    elif isinstance(val, (bytes, str)):
        name, value = 'blob', val
    elif isinstance(val, Entity):
        name, value = 'entity', val
    elif isinstance(val, list):
        name, value = 'array', val
    elif isinstance(val, GeoPoint):
        name, value = 'geo_point', val.to_protobuf()
    elif val is None:
        name, value = 'null', struct_pb2.NULL_VALUE
        raise ValueError("Unknown protobuf attr type %s" % type(val))

    return name + '_value', value
예제 #3
    def test_create(self):
        import datetime
        from google.longrunning import operations_pb2
        from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_instance_admin_pb2 as messages_v2_pb2)
        from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.operation import Operation
        from gcloud.bigtable.cluster import DEFAULT_SERVE_NODES
        from gcloud.bigtable.instance import _CREATE_INSTANCE_METADATA_URL

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        NOW_PB = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(NOW)
        client = _Client(self.PROJECT)
        instance = self._makeOne(self.INSTANCE_ID, client, self.LOCATION_ID,

        # Create response_pb
        metadata = messages_v2_pb2.CreateInstanceMetadata(request_time=NOW_PB)
        response_pb = operations_pb2.Operation(

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._instance_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        result = instance.create()

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, Operation))
        self.assertEqual(result.name, self.OP_NAME)
        self.assertTrue(result.target is instance)
        self.assertTrue(result.client is client)
        self.assertEqual(result.pb_metadata.request_time, NOW_PB)
        self.assertEqual(result.metadata, {'request_type': 'CreateInstance'})

        self.assertEqual(len(stub.method_calls), 1)
        api_name, args, kwargs = stub.method_calls[0]
        self.assertEqual(api_name, 'CreateInstance')
        request_pb, = args
            isinstance(request_pb, messages_v2_pb2.CreateInstanceRequest))
        self.assertEqual(request_pb.parent, 'projects/%s' % (self.PROJECT,))
        self.assertEqual(request_pb.instance_id, self.INSTANCE_ID)
        self.assertEqual(request_pb.instance.display_name, self.DISPLAY_NAME)
        cluster = request_pb.clusters[self.INSTANCE_ID]
        self.assertEqual(cluster.serve_nodes, DEFAULT_SERVE_NODES)
        self.assertEqual(kwargs, {})
예제 #4
파일: _gax.py 프로젝트: 2019hripp/CompSciIA
def _log_entry_mapping_to_pb(mapping):
    """Helper for :meth:`write_entries`, et aliae

    Ideally, would use a function from :mod:`protobuf.json_format`, but
    the right one isn't public.  See:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    entry_pb = LogEntry()

    optional_scalar_keys = {
        'logName': 'log_name',
        'insertId': 'insert_id',
        'textPayload': 'text_payload',

    for key, pb_name in optional_scalar_keys.items():
        if key in mapping:
            setattr(entry_pb, pb_name, mapping[key])

    if 'resource' in mapping:
        entry_pb.resource.type = mapping['resource']['type']

    if 'severity' in mapping:
        severity = mapping['severity']
        if isinstance(severity, str):
            severity = LogSeverity.Value(severity)
        entry_pb.severity = severity

    if 'timestamp' in mapping:
        timestamp = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(mapping['timestamp'])

    if 'labels' in mapping:
        for key, value in mapping['labels'].items():
            entry_pb.labels[key] = value

    if 'jsonPayload' in mapping:
        for key, value in mapping['jsonPayload'].items():
            entry_pb.json_payload[key] = value

    if 'protoPayload' in mapping:
        Parse(json.dumps(mapping['protoPayload']), entry_pb.proto_payload)

    if 'httpRequest' in mapping:
            mapping['httpRequest'], entry_pb.http_request)

    if 'operation' in mapping:
            mapping['operation'], entry_pb.operation)

    return entry_pb
예제 #5
def _log_entry_mapping_to_pb(mapping):
    """Helper for :meth:`write_entries`, et aliae

    Performs "impedance matching" between the protobuf attrs and the keys
    expected in the JSON API.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    entry_pb = LogEntry()

    optional_scalar_keys = {
        'logName': 'log_name',
        'insertId': 'insert_id',
        'textPayload': 'text_payload',

    for key, pb_name in optional_scalar_keys.items():
        if key in mapping:
            setattr(entry_pb, pb_name, mapping[key])

    if 'resource' in mapping:
        entry_pb.resource.type = mapping['resource']['type']

    if 'severity' in mapping:
        severity = mapping['severity']
        if isinstance(severity, str):
            severity = LogSeverity.Value(severity)
        entry_pb.severity = severity

    if 'timestamp' in mapping:
        timestamp = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(mapping['timestamp'])

    if 'labels' in mapping:
        for key, value in mapping['labels'].items():
            entry_pb.labels[key] = value

    if 'jsonPayload' in mapping:
        for key, value in mapping['jsonPayload'].items():
            entry_pb.json_payload[key] = value

    if 'protoPayload' in mapping:
        Parse(json.dumps(mapping['protoPayload']), entry_pb.proto_payload)

    if 'httpRequest' in mapping:

    if 'operation' in mapping:
        _log_operation_mapping_to_pb(mapping['operation'], entry_pb.operation)

    return entry_pb
예제 #6
 def _callFUT(self, when):
     from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
     return _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(when)
예제 #7
    def test_list_entries_with_extra_properties(self):
        from datetime import datetime
        from google.logging.type.log_severity_pb2 import WARNING
        from gcloud._testing import _GAXPageIterator
        from gcloud._helpers import UTC
        from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_rfc3339
        from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
        NOW = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        SIZE = 23
        TOKEN = 'TOKEN'
        PAYLOAD = {'message': 'MESSAGE', 'weather': 'sunny'}
        LABELS = {
            'foo': 'bar',
        IID = 'IID'
        request = _HTTPRequestPB()
        operation = _LogEntryOperationPB()
        EXTRAS = {
            'severity': WARNING,
            'labels': LABELS,
            'insert_id': IID,
            'http_request': request,
            'operation': operation,
        ENTRY = _LogEntryPB(self.LOG_NAME, proto_payload=PAYLOAD, **EXTRAS)
        ENTRY.resource.labels['foo'] = 'bar'
        ENTRY.timestamp = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(NOW)
        response = _GAXPageIterator([ENTRY], NEW_TOKEN)
        gax_api = _GAXLoggingAPI(_list_log_entries_response=response)
        api = self._makeOne(gax_api)

        entries, next_token = api.list_entries(
            [self.PROJECT], page_size=SIZE, page_token=TOKEN)

        self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1)
        entry = entries[0]
        self.assertIsInstance(entry, dict)
        self.assertEqual(entry['logName'], self.LOG_NAME)
                         {'type': 'global', 'labels': {'foo': 'bar'}})
        self.assertEqual(entry['protoPayload'], PAYLOAD)
        self.assertEqual(entry['severity'], SEVERITY)
        self.assertEqual(entry['labels'], LABELS)
        self.assertEqual(entry['insertId'], IID)
        self.assertEqual(entry['timestamp'], _datetime_to_rfc3339(NOW))
            'requestMethod': request.request_method,
            'requestUrl': request.request_url,
            'status': request.status,
            'requestSize': request.request_size,
            'responseSize': request.response_size,
            'referer': request.referer,
            'userAgent': request.user_agent,
            'remoteIp': request.remote_ip,
            'cacheHit': request.cache_hit,
        self.assertEqual(entry['httpRequest'], EXPECTED_REQUEST)
            'producer': operation.producer,
            'id': operation.id,
            'first': operation.first,
            'last': operation.last,
        self.assertEqual(entry['operation'], EXPECTED_OPERATION)
        self.assertEqual(next_token, NEW_TOKEN)

        projects, filter_, order_by, page_size, options = (
        self.assertEqual(projects, [self.PROJECT])
        self.assertEqual(filter_, '')
        self.assertEqual(order_by, '')
        self.assertEqual(page_size, SIZE)
        self.assertEqual(options.page_token, TOKEN)
예제 #8
 def _make_timestamp():
     from datetime import datetime
     from gcloud._helpers import UTC
     from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
     NOW = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
     return _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(NOW)
예제 #9
 def _callFUT(self, when):
     from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
     return _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(when)
예제 #10
    def test_update(self):
        import datetime
        from google.longrunning import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.operation import Operation
        from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any
        from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (instance_pb2 as data_v2_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (bigtable_instance_admin_pb2 as
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable.cluster import _UPDATE_CLUSTER_METADATA_URL

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        NOW_PB = _datetime_to_pb_timestamp(NOW)

        SERVE_NODES = 81

        client = _Client(self.PROJECT)
        instance = _Instance(self.INSTANCE_ID, client)
        cluster = self._makeOne(self.CLUSTER_ID,

        # Create request_pb
        request_pb = _ClusterPB(

        # Create response_pb
        OP_ID = 5678
        OP_NAME = (
            'operations/projects/%s/instances/%s/clusters/%s/operations/%d' %
            (self.PROJECT, self.INSTANCE_ID, self.CLUSTER_ID, OP_ID))
        metadata = messages_v2_pb2.UpdateClusterMetadata(request_time=NOW_PB)
        response_pb = operations_pb2.Operation(

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._instance_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        result = cluster.update()

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, Operation))
        self.assertEqual(result.name, OP_NAME)
        self.assertTrue(result.target is cluster)
        self.assertTrue(result.client is client)
        self.assertEqual(result.pb_metadata.request_time, NOW_PB)
        self.assertEqual(result.metadata, {'request_type': 'UpdateCluster'})

        self.assertEqual(len(stub.method_calls), 1)
        api_name, args, kwargs = stub.method_calls[0]
        self.assertEqual(api_name, 'UpdateCluster')
        request_pb, = args
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(request_pb, data_v2_pb2.Cluster))
        self.assertEqual(request_pb.name, self.CLUSTER_NAME)
        self.assertEqual(request_pb.serve_nodes, SERVE_NODES)
        self.assertEqual(kwargs, {})