예제 #1
    def lookup(self, dataset_id, key_pbs,
               eventual=False, transaction_id=None):
        """Lookup keys from a dataset in the Cloud Datastore.

        Maps the ``DatastoreService.Lookup`` protobuf RPC.

        This method deals only with protobufs
        (:class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key` and
        :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Entity`) and is used
        under the hood in :func:`gcloud.datastore.get`:

        >>> from gcloud import datastore
        >>> datastore.set_defaults()
        >>> key = datastore.Key('MyKind', 1234, dataset_id='dataset-id')
        >>> datastore.get([key])
        [<Entity object>]

        Using the ``connection`` class directly:

        >>> connection.lookup('dataset-id', [key.to_protobuf()])
        [<Entity protobuf>]

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The ID of the dataset to look up the keys.

        :type key_pbs: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
        :param key_pbs: The keys to retrieve from the datastore.

        :type eventual: boolean
        :param eventual: If False (the default), request ``STRONG`` read
                        consistency.  If True, request ``EVENTUAL`` read

        :type transaction_id: string
        :param transaction_id: If passed, make the request in the scope of
                               the given transaction.  Incompatible with

        :rtype: tuple
        :returns: A triple of (``results``, ``missing``, ``deferred``) where
                  both ``results`` and ``missing`` are lists of
                  :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Entity` and
                  ``deferred`` is a list of
        lookup_request = datastore_pb.LookupRequest()
        _set_read_options(lookup_request, eventual, transaction_id)
        helpers._add_keys_to_request(lookup_request.key, key_pbs)

        lookup_response = self._rpc(dataset_id, 'lookup', lookup_request,

        results = [result.entity for result in lookup_response.found]
        missing = [result.entity for result in lookup_response.missing]

        return results, missing, list(lookup_response.deferred)
예제 #2
    def delete(self, key):
        """Remember a key to be deleted durring ``commit``.

        :type key: :class:`gcloud.datastore.key.Key`
        :param key: the key to be deleted.

        :raises: ValueError if key is not complete.
        if key.is_partial:
            raise ValueError("Key must be complete")

        key_pb = key.to_protobuf()
        helpers._add_keys_to_request(self.mutation.delete, [key_pb])
예제 #3
    def delete(self, key):
        """Remember a key to be deleted durring ``commit``.

        :type key: :class:`gcloud.datastore.key.Key`
        :param key: the key to be deleted.

        :raises: ValueError if key is not complete, or if the key's
                 ``dataset_id`` does not match ours.
        if key.is_partial:
            raise ValueError("Key must be complete")

        if not _dataset_ids_equal(self._dataset_id, key.dataset_id):
            raise ValueError("Key must be from same dataset as batch")

        key_pb = key.to_protobuf()
        helpers._add_keys_to_request(self.mutation.delete, [key_pb])
예제 #4
    def delete(self, key):
        """Remember a key to be deleted durring ``commit``.

        :type key: :class:`gcloud.datastore.key.Key`
        :param key: the key to be deleted.

        :raises: ValueError if key is not complete, or if the key's
                 ``dataset_id`` does not match ours.
        if key.is_partial:
            raise ValueError("Key must be complete")

        if not _dataset_ids_equal(self._dataset_id, key.dataset_id):
            raise ValueError("Key must be from same dataset as batch")

        key_pb = key.to_protobuf()
        helpers._add_keys_to_request(self.mutation.delete, [key_pb])
예제 #5
    def allocate_ids(self, dataset_id, key_pbs):
        """Obtain backend-generated IDs for a set of keys.

        Maps the ``DatastoreService.AllocateIds`` protobuf RPC.

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The ID of the dataset to which the transaction

        :type key_pbs: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
        :param key_pbs: The keys for which the backend should allocate IDs.

        :rtype: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
        :returns: An equal number of keys,  with IDs filled in by the backend.
        request = datastore_pb.AllocateIdsRequest()
        helpers._add_keys_to_request(request.key, key_pbs)
        # Nothing to do with this response, so just execute the method.
        response = self._rpc(dataset_id, 'allocateIds', request,
        return list(response.key)
예제 #6
    def lookup(self,
        """Lookup keys from a dataset in the Cloud Datastore.

        Maps the ``DatastoreService.Lookup`` protobuf RPC.

        This method deals only with protobufs
        (:class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key` and
        :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Entity`) and is used
        under the hood in :func:`gcloud.datastore.get`:

        >>> from gcloud import datastore
        >>> datastore.set_defaults()
        >>> key = datastore.Key('MyKind', 1234, dataset_id='dataset-id')
        >>> datastore.get(key)
        <Entity object>

        Using the ``connection`` class directly:

        >>> connection.lookup('dataset-id', key.to_protobuf())
        <Entity protobuf>

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The ID of the dataset to look up the keys.

        :type key_pbs: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
                       (or a single Key)
        :param key_pbs: The key (or keys) to retrieve from the datastore.

        :type missing: an empty list or None.
        :param missing: If a list is passed, the key-only entity protobufs
                        returned by the backend as "missing" will be copied
                        into it.  Use only as a keyword param.

        :type deferred: an empty list or None.
        :param deferred: If a list is passed, the key protobufs returned
                        by the backend as "deferred" will be copied into it.
                        Use only as a keyword param.

        :type eventual: boolean
        :param eventual: If False (the default), request ``STRONG`` read
                        consistency.  If True, request ``EVENTUAL`` read

        :type transaction_id: string
        :param transaction_id: If passed, make the request in the scope of
                               the given transaction.  Incompatible with

        :rtype: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Entity`
                (or a single Entity)
        :returns: The entities corresponding to the keys provided.
                  If a single key was provided and no results matched,
                  this will return None.
                  If multiple keys were provided and no results matched,
                  this will return an empty list.
        :raises: ValueError if ``eventual`` is True
        if missing is not None and missing != []:
            raise ValueError('missing must be None or an empty list')

        if deferred is not None and deferred != []:
            raise ValueError('deferred must be None or an empty list')

        lookup_request = datastore_pb.LookupRequest()
        _set_read_options(lookup_request, eventual, transaction_id)

        single_key = isinstance(key_pbs, datastore_pb.Key)

        if single_key:
            key_pbs = [key_pbs]

        helpers._add_keys_to_request(lookup_request.key, key_pbs)

        results, missing_found, deferred_found = self._lookup(
            lookup_request, dataset_id, deferred is not None)

        if missing is not None:

        if deferred is not None:

        if single_key:
            if results:
                return results[0]
                return None

        return results