def pull(self, return_immediately=False, max_messages=1, connection=None): """API call: retrieve messages for the subscription. See: :type return_immediately: boolean :param return_immediately: if True, the back-end returns even if no messages are available; if False, the API call blocks until one or more messages are available. :type max_messages: int :param max_messages: the maximum number of messages to return. :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. :rtype: list of (ack_id, message) tuples :returns: sequence of tuples: ``ack_id`` is the ID to be used in a subsequent call to :meth:`acknowledge`, and ``message`` is an instance of :class:`gcloud.pubsub.message.Message`. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) data = { 'returnImmediately': return_immediately, 'maxMessages': max_messages } response = connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:pull' % self.path, data=data) return [(info['ackId'], Message.from_api_repr(info['message'])) for info in response['receivedMessages']]
def publish(self, message, connection=None, **attrs): """API call: publish a message to a topic via a POST request See: :type message: bytes :param message: the message payload :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``connection`` attribute. :type attrs: dict (string -> string) :message attrs: key-value pairs to send as message attributes :rtype: str :returns: message ID assigned by the server to the published message """ connection = _require_connection(connection) self._timestamp_message(attrs) message_b = base64.b64encode(message).decode('ascii') message_data = {'data': message_b, 'attributes': attrs} data = {'messages': [message_data]} response = connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:publish' % self.path, data=data) return response['messageIds'][0]
def list_subscriptions(page_size=None, page_token=None, topic_name=None, project=None, connection=None): """List subscriptions for a given project. See: and (where ``topic_name`` is passed): :type page_size: int :param page_size: maximum number of topics to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :type page_token: string :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of topics. If not passed, the API will return the first page of topics. :type topic_name: string :param topic_name: limit results to subscriptions bound to the given topic. :type project: string :param project: project ID to query. If not passed, defaults to the project ID inferred from the environment. :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` :param connection: connection to use for the query. If not passed, defaults to the connection inferred from the environment. :rtype: tuple, (list, str) :returns: list of :class:`gcloud.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`, plus a "next page token" string: if not None, indicates that more topics can be retrieved with another call (pass that value as ``page_token``). """ if project is None: project = get_default_project() connection = _require_connection(connection) params = {} if page_size is not None: params['pageSize'] = page_size if page_token is not None: params['pageToken'] = page_token if topic_name is None: path = '/projects/%s/subscriptions' % project else: path = '/projects/%s/topics/%s/subscriptions' % (project, topic_name) resp = connection.api_request(method='GET', path=path, query_params=params) topics = {} subscriptions = [Subscription.from_api_repr(resource, topics=topics) for resource in resp['subscriptions']] return subscriptions, resp.get('nextPageToken')
def delete(self, connection=None): """API call: delete the subscription via a DELETE request. See: :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) connection.api_request(method='DELETE', path=self.path)
def create(self, connection=None): """API call: create the topic via a PUT request See: :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``connection`` attribute. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) connection.api_request(method='PUT', path=self.path)
def reload(self, connection=None): """API call: sync local subscription configuration via a GET request See :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) data = connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path) self.ack_deadline = data.get('ackDeadline') push_config = data.get('pushConfig', {}) self.push_endpoint = push_config.get('pushEndpoint')
def commit(self, connection=None): """Send saved messages as a single API call. :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``connection`` attribute. """ if connection is None and self.connection is not None: connection = self.connection connection = _require_connection(connection) response = connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:publish' % self.topic.path, data={'messages': self.messages[:]}) self.message_ids.extend(response['messageIds']) del self.messages[:]
def exists(self, connection=None): """API call: test existence of the subscription via a GET request See :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) try: connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path) except NotFound: return False else: return True
def acknowledge(self, ack_ids, connection=None): """API call: acknowledge retrieved messages for the subscription. See: :type ack_ids: list of string :param ack_ids: ack IDs of messages being acknowledged :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) data = {'ackIds': ack_ids} connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:acknowledge' % self.path, data=data)
def exists(self, connection=None): """API call: test for the existence of the topic via a GET request See :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``connection`` attribute. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) try: connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path) except NotFound: return False else: return True
def create(self, connection=None): """API call: create the subscription via a PUT request See: :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ data = {'topic': self.topic.full_name} if self.ack_deadline is not None: data['ackDeadline'] = self.ack_deadline if self.push_endpoint is not None: data['pushConfig'] = {'pushEndpoint': self.push_endpoint} connection = _require_connection(connection) connection.api_request(method='PUT', path=self.path, data=data)
def modify_ack_deadline(self, ack_id, ack_deadline, connection=None): """API call: update acknowledgement deadline for a retrieved message. See: :type ack_id: string :param ack_id: ack ID of message being updated :type ack_deadline: int :param ack_deadline: new deadline for the message, in seconds :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) data = {'ackId': ack_id, 'ackDeadlineSeconds': ack_deadline} connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:modifyAckDeadline' % self.path, data=data)
def modify_push_configuration(self, push_endpoint, connection=None): """API call: update the push endpoint for the subscription. See: :type push_endpoint: string :param push_endpoint: URL to which messages will be pushed by the back-end. If None, the application must pull messages. :type connection: :class:`gcloud.pubsub.connection.Connection` or None :param connection: the connection to use. If not passed, falls back to the topic's connection. """ connection = _require_connection(connection) data = {} config = data['pushConfig'] = {} if push_endpoint is not None: config['pushEndpoint'] = push_endpoint connection.api_request(method='POST', path='%s:modifyPushConfig' % self.path, data=data) self.push_endpoint = push_endpoint
def _callFUT(self, connection=None): from gcloud.pubsub._implicit_environ import _require_connection return _require_connection(connection=connection)